Chapter 43: The Golden Hope

Chapter 43: The Golden Hope

Peace City became a city of war in one second. There were fights everywhere. Innocent people were suffering. They got hurt. Many mothers lost their children. People were crying for peace.

But the ruthless Zuch didn't stop their attack. In order to stop that the Kings and their crews had to start a war unwillingly. They were trying their best to defeat the Zuchs.

Unfortunately the Zuchs easily outnumbered them as Toffer invaded the city with twenty thousand Zuch soldiers. On the other hand the Kings had only a few strong companions to defeat the Zuchs.

There was only one exception. It was the King of the Gold Clan named Henry. Henry K Gold had five thousand strong soldiers in his crew and they were divided in five sectors. Each sector was led by Sect Commander and the Sect Commanders were led by Henry himself.

But when CBF15 surrounded Henry, he was all alone. He ordered the five sects to defend the city and save the people. He wasn't worried about himself as he had much confidence.

CBF15 was made of six members. It was led by Blham Rozak. The other five members were Gratty, Cozwaki, Vurina, Yoshikojo and Ferfeim. CBF15 took a formation to defeat Henry on that very spot where he was standing.

"Henry K Gold, you sure have a lot of courage," Rozak said with a serious voice.

"What did you think? A King can't be a King without courage and honor," Henry said with a smile spreading his hands. CBF15 was waiting for Rozak's order to attack Henry.

"You sent all your soldiers just to defend mere human beings," Rozak said, smirking.

"I think you are wrong. They are not just mere humans. They are the ones who give me courage," Henry said with a deep voice.

"That's funny," Rozak said looking at Henry.

"Your humor has problems, I guess then," Henry said and laughed.

"Don't cross your limits," Rozak angrily said.

"Oh! Am I the one crossing limits or are you the one?" Henry said, smirking.

"Today shall be your last day," Rozak said and rushed to Henry. Henry took a position to defend himself. But the other CBF15 members were attacking him at the same time.

"So it will be a handicap in the end, huh?" Henry said and jumped back. CBF15 members gathered at a spot and changed their formation.

"Formation Ryback Front," Rozak screamed.

"Roger!" CBF15 members said as they were taking their formation.

Formation Ryback Front, a formation where the strikers of CBF15 strike at first and then the defenders backed the strikers making an opportunity for their leader to launch the final attack.

Gratty and Vurina played the role of strikers. They immediately rushed to Henry with their weapons. Gratty used a special kind of spear made of honey. Vurina used blue coloured round mace.

They both striked Henry at the same time. Henry summoned golden walls to defend himself. At the same time, Yoshikojo, Ferfeim and Cozwaki playing the role of defenders attacked Henry.

Henry was surprised. Cozwaki attacked Henry from behind with his giant red colored sword. Ferfeim striked Henry with a spear and Yoshikojo using his dark magic tied Henry's body with dark magical ropes.

Henry was able to jump despite attacks from every place. He was kind of cornered. But he noticed that Rozak was getting ready. He was targeting his hands on Henry. Henry broke the dark magical ropes but it was too late.

Rozak sent him with multiple blasts. Henry was blasted but he wasn't defeated.

"This formation is quite interesting," Henry said while landing on the ground. CBF15 was kinda surprised to see that Henry survived their attack.

"Looks like it's my turn now," Henry said and smirked.

"Get ready CBF15," Rozak shouted.

On a different spot, Broddy K Metal was fighting against CBF13 leader named Reno.

"You guys have improved more than my expectation," Broddy said excitingly.

"You should have been more careful King Broddy," said Reno with a calm voice looking down on the ground.

"Thanks for the warning. Say, how many have you killed until now?" Broddy said smirking.

"Probably one or two."


"Yeah, those were the senior former CBF leaders who were accused if treason. More specifically, I killed the former leader of CBF5 and CBF7 in a two versus one fight."

"That's admirable."

"I guess so."

"Let's see how well you can do against me."

"That's a question I would not like to answer rather I would like to prove."

"You have enough confidence mister."

"Go on."

Broddy immediately hardened his body with metal and rushed to Reno. He made to blades of metal and swung them in order to strike Reno down. Reno jumped off dodging Broddy's attacks.

Usually, in a battle, Broddy gave his opponents a chance to strike first which was not exciting for him. But this time, Broddy was very excited as he found a strong enemy after a long time cornering him to make the first move.

Reno kept dodging until Broddy striked his hands. Reno stood still for a moment. Broddy used that moment and backed off. He knew Reno was going to do something about Broddy and that made him more excited.

"What happened?"

"It's just that I felt that you are strong."

"Was I weak before?"

"Your presence doesn't scare me or surprise me."

"That's your parameter to decide who is strong and who is weak?"

"You are correct."

"Seems lame."

"Fine with me."

"Then let me scare you."

Broddy sat down. Clossed his eyes and chanted something. Suddenly his body became heavier than before. He stood up and the ground was broken. He kept walking and the ground was breaking. It was like that his weight was so much that he could make a hole through Earth. He stood in front of Reno.

"Do you feel my presence now?"

"More than before I guess but not powerful enough to scare me."

"I shall take that as a compliment."

"Let me show you my aura."

"Fine with me."

Reno backed off a little bit and looked directly at Broddy's eyes. Broddy felt cold. He backed off.

"What….are you?"

"Let the true battle begin. Nithius First Form Crystal Hoyane Sheathing."

To be continued~