Chapter 45: Death and Cruelty

Chapter 45: Blizzard Armor and Hawkins

At a certain spot in Peace City, Frederica was fighting against Donald. Frederica had activated Nithius. Donald was worried since he knew that defeating a Nithius user is a difficult task.

Moreover, he had suffered from a lot of damages while fighting Frederica. He was not confident at that moment at all. He knew this fight could end his life.

"Why have you stopped now?" Frederica said with a cold voice while a cold wind was blowing around her body. She had armor on her body made of ice. Her hair was half frozen. Her body looked white. She had a sword in her right hand also made of ice.

"Nothing. Just surprised to see a daddy's girl grow into a big girl," Donald said smiling.

"That's certainly correct," Frederica continued in a cold voice.

"Tell me princess, why did you leave the Zero Point?" Donald said with a serious face.

"From the moment I started understanding, I did not wish to be like my father. But if I were to stay at Zero Point, I would have become like him very soon," Frederica said, closing her eyes.

"Si you have already realized his influence,huh?!" Donald said smiling.

"I guess so," Frederica continued.

"What do you dream to become now?" Donald said, looking at Frederica. She was silent for a moment. Again she opened her mouth.

"I just…..wish to live a happy life. A life where I am happy, where my surroundings are peaceful. A life where I can smile. A life where I am not depressed. A life where I can live the way I want to. That's what I dream to achieve now," Frederica said with a calm voice.

"You are a big girl now, princess. My apologies, I should call you a Queen now," Donald said smiling.

"Let's finish the business," Frederica said while swinging her sword.

"My pleasure, Queen," Donald said and rushed to Frederica moving his sword. Their swords clashed causing casualties.

Frederica on the other hand was not having a hard time. She had Nithius on and Donald couldn't use Nithius. Donald's only way to fight was with his swords since he had no elemental and magical powers.

Frederica continued the domination. She was striking Donald again and again causing Donald's sword to freeze on some parts.

Donald didn't give up and kept defending himself. He was looking for a chance to strike down Frederica. But Frederica didn't give him any chance.

From her childhood, Frederica was excellent at using swords. At the age of twelve, she found out that her body was compatible with the ice element and she soon started learning to control the ice element. She was personally trained by the Hand of the King of Kings.

She had eventually found out the weak point of Donald. As Donald's body had heavy armor, he couldn't move fast. He was very slow yet giving his best. Frederica took the chance and summoned her ice wings.

Two wings made of ice came out from her back. They were really beautiful to see. They were white colored. Donald was shocked to see the wings. He could see his reflection on the wings.

But he was not a man to give up so easily. Even with a damaged sword, he had hit Frederica twice. Frederica didn't bear much damage. She continued putting down Donald. He was overpressured.

"What? You are not that strong," Frederica said with an angry face.

"Looks like you are too strong," Donald said smiling.

"Don't you realize you have already lost?" Frederica said, looking at Donald down. Donald smiled.

"I don't regret being defeated by you, Queen," Donald said as he was trying his best to push Frederica away.

"If that's the case, I am fine with defeating you," Frederica said smirking.

"Looks like it's the end," Donald said while being pushed down. The ground under him was collapsing. He was going under the ground as Frederica was pushing him deeper. Donald's sword was totally frozen. His hands were also frozen.

Frederica took her sword up and again striked Donald with full might. Donald's sword was broken. His right frozen hand also shattered into pieces. Donald's half body was under the ground. And the upper half was above the ground. He was unconscious and no longer moved.

"So long," Frederica said and rushed to the spot where Tigrio was fighting with other Charwell members.

On the other hand, William was marching towards Toffer with his three shadow soldiers. He was interfered by CBF50 which was considered the second weakest CBF unit.

CBF50 had two elemental users and three magicians. Their leader was Uiko who had the elemental power of sound. He was followed by Gremia, beast elemental user. The other three were Bravi, Conas and Roru.

Uiko and Gremia were the main forces of CBF50. Bravi,Conas and Roru were to back them up.

Uiko rushed to William but Rudolf stopped him. Rudolf started punching Uiko. Uiko used his sound powers but it was all useless against Rudolf. Rudolf crushed Uiko on the ground.

Gremia didn't lose hope but ordered Bravi,Conas and Roru to retreat as soon as possible. Gremia rushed to William with full force. But she was stopped by Jorion.

Jorion held Gremia's two hands to sides straight. Gremia was getting hurt. She was crying and wanted to scream. But she couldn't due to her pride. Jorion started pulling her two hands from two sides. He used his full strength and tore the body of Gremia in two parts.

Uiko was screaming loudly for his helplessness. He couldn't do a single thing. He was regretting coming here to fight. But Rudolf tore his head apart from his body and threw it like it was a ball.

The rest of the members were shocked to see the cruelty of William. They wanted to run but Quinca stopped them from behind. Rudolf and Jorion joined him. Three of the men of CBF50 were killed by the three shadow soldiers.

William again started his march but he was stopped from behind.

"What's up, William K Shadow?" a voice came from William's behind. He knew the voice and immediately turned around to attack. But he realized that his right hand was already cut!

To be continued~