The First Fuckups

Feeling myself waking up, I decided to push my head further into my arms, as I usually did… Well, that usual situation also included some small amount of a groan before lifting my head and facing the situation around me instead. Yet… A sudden and powerful dread filled me. I had fallen asleep!? That was bad—

…why was that bad?

...looking around myself, I saw a classroom. It struggled against my mind like scraping against some wall or other obstacle. I knew this place yet I could not place why. The harder I strained my memories, the harder they pushed back, telling me the simple fact that "This is my classroom."

...…everything seemed proper, yet that only made it more mad, more insane. I did not see anyone around me. The sun was setting, shining the room with a soft and somehow… Romantic… Light. Looking down, I noted that everything was very realistic, meaning it was rather unlikely for this to just be a dream. Though the main basis by which I was going by was the quality of my uniform. The uniform I was in. This was not mine. No, it was, wasn't it?

Biting down on nothing yet hard enough my mouth started to hurt from my teeth struggling against each other, I quickly moved out of the classroom, forcing myself through the far too realistic struggle of suddenly going from a relaxed, napping, position to a quick jog. I knew what this was. [This is my classroom.] No, it wasn't. My pace quickly picked up until I was running in the short stretch of hallway and grabbing on to a handrail, having failed to properly slow down enough before reaching the stairs I nearly fell down from.

This was wrong and something was trying to tell me it wasn't. Refusing to listen to the voice telling me it was fine, I rushed to the left, down another hallway, slamming into the wall at the turn and losing all of my momentum, only to rush and reclaim it, my hand stretched out toward a nearby distant wall. It was just a wall, yet I was not bracing myself against it. As my hand made contact, for a short moment I saw a line appear vertically along a certain length of the wall… And my vision went white.


I woke up with a start and breathing rather heavily. The exhaustion from dreams shouldn't carry over to the waking world, should it?! Then again, it wasn't quite a dream.

…And this was not my room. Even then, I had most certainly escaped, as simply looking out the window told me. In retrogression, I realized the lack of… Numbers in the sky that had seemed so natural before. I looked around, finding none of the things I usually expected to find, instead seeing… A lot of thin books… An erotic posters. The room itself was nothing to really… Well, write home about, I was pretty sure the expression went even if it felt comedic for this situation. What it did have was a lot of… Depravity in terms of direction. Whoever lived here was certainly shameless.

…I lived here, didn't I…

[—Start, confirmed.]

I nearly jumped when a sudden bright blue rectangle appeared. It was highly stylized in a strange three dimensional way, having strange lines of ones and zeroes flowing behind it in spite of the fact the rectangle itself was completely flat. The numbers returned and that fact alone filled me with a starting worry and fear that surpassed the implications beyond.

[Welcome back. A pleasure to see you. Hello. Welcome. Good morning. Oppaigozaimasu. It's nice to meet you.]

…I think it was glitching out… Strangely, that was almost relaxing.

[As always, I've kept you waiting for a while, Player.

Establishing Parameters…

Data Value Scan Complete.

Proof of Existence Established.

'Heart' Established.

Best of luck. Have a safe trip.]

The window vanished on its own and I was left confused, sitting on the bed for a few moments as the… Oh. Oh fuck. Oh no. No, no, no, no, no!

[Daily Quest: Ascension and Survival

Push-Ups 0/100

Curl-Ups 0/100

Sit-Ups 0/100

Squats 0/100

Running 0/10km

Shadow Boxing 0/5 Minutes

Reward #1: Status Recovery

Reward #2: +3 Stat Points

Reward #3: Random Box

Time Remaining: 18 Hours]

That had… More or less confirmed what had swiftly become my… Second greatest fear. No, this just might be worse. I caught a glance at my own reflection in the off screen of a computer… "Sta… Tus…?" The words carefully left my mouth, yet I did not recognize my voice.

[Name: Issei Hyoudou

Job: None

Title: Enemy of All Women

Level: 1

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100

Fatigue: 0

Strength: 10

Vitality: 10

Dexterity: 10

Quickness: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10

Magic: 10

Luck: 10

Remaining Points: 0

Sexual Stats: [Expand]]

Shelving my panic for a moment, I focused on the [Expand] option, just to get a distraction from the further implications I would have to face in a few moments anyway.

[Eros: 0

LP: 0

Status: Virgin

Orientation: Monster Fucker / Straight(?)

Dick Size: C

Cum Production: E

Sexual Stamina: E

Dick Quality: E

Pheromones: E

Edging: E

Sensitivity: A

Fertility: C]

Well now I'm just offended. No, there's the fear… Fuck. Fuck! Fuck!? The Demon code prevents me~ No. Not the time for singing, especially not something that may become so annoyingly fitting. This was most certainly worse. If I had just stayed in the Moon Cell, I might have been able to at least be erased rather than facing everything in front of the me as I was now. I would have been erased and then eliminated. This was…

No, maybe there was still a chance… Yet that was the problem anyway, wasn't it? Having the chance dangled in front of me instead of just forcing me to confront my death. Like I was a fear turkey being basted for fucking… I had to get myself back to proper thoughts. The next thing should be… "Skills?"

[[Gamer's Body] – The ability to live life as if you were in a game. Your HP, MP and Stamina are restored when you sleep, less so if you sleep in an inappropriate place. Your body is nearly immune to all non-magical sickness and disease, making you immune to things such as the common cold, fevers, pneumonia and the like, but still open to magically cast sickness unless you gain a skill to resist them as well. Lost limbs will gradually return as your HP recovers. All wounds will eventually heal. You will still feel the pain and effects of not sleeping, drinking or eating, however you do not explicitly need food, drink nor sleep to survive. You do not require the proper time nor nourishment to improve your body as a normal person training would, instead only needing to put in time and effort to increase your stats without needing the proper rest or diet.

[Instant Dungeon] – The ability to create and leave from Instant Dungeons. Available Instant Dungeons: [None]. Instant Dungeons unlock as you encounter, fight and beat certain enemy types or otherwise unlock particular awareness of systems.

[Skill Shop]]

"Onii—" Shut up Alarm Clock! I don't need your shit right now!

…There was a particular lack of [Gamer's Mind] which worried me, but that certainly made sense, all things considered. Without the Mind to keep me balanced mentally, I was susceptible to all of the mental and emotional turmoil that is fear and so on. Just like almost everyone in this world. Maybe I should be happy that I truly had my full mental capacities, but I just couldn't see a silver lining in the current state.

At least I still had [Gamer's Body] and [Instant Dungeon] even if I did not currently know how to fight. Then again, I did not have a dungeon to enter either so it doesn't matter. While they were skills, they were not particularly useful… No, the lack of need for food and whatnot was probably useful. I had a skill shop as well, so that was nice.

…all things considered, the lack of a need to sleep was probably to my benefit as well. I was Issei Hyoudou, after all. Spending a number of sleepless nights just struggling to reach a point where I can be safe against everything was probably to my greater benefit or something like that. How many nights would I have to spend grinding away however…

With a realization that the alarm clock meant something, I started to actually put my thoughts to the move. For today, I could skip breakfast and just avoid outing myself to… Issei's parents… This early on. They would eventually find out, but… Well, I did not want to face that fact just yet, not when I had this much on my mind already.

Issei Fucking Hyoudou… No, he was infamously a virgin, wasn't he? Unable to make use of the opportunities presented to him, though it probably had a lot to do with general trauma rather than him being a failure. Well, it was not like I expected much better for myself in those situations; I was a failure after all so I'd probably be even worse in those situations than he would. Even then, calling him a 'Fucking' just did not sit fully right.

What else was the situation… The daily workout was… Solo Leveling, wasn't it? Which meant that there was a chance that I would be sent into a vast desert to face off against stupidly powerful and large sand worms if I failed the Daily Quest. Or it could be something else. I had no intention of finding out anyway. Hopefully I would be able to put aside enough time to do the Workout every day and if not, then I would just sacrifice sleep instead. The sheer amount of danger ahead of me more or less guaranteed I would have to do even better, even more, than the daily amount if I wanted to survive for sure.

An honestly excessive amount of interest in DxD let me know more or less what was ahead of me for the next few months, unless I fuck things up so much that they all change. It was possible, yet unlikely. Issei reacted, it was who he was. The sorts of plans and manipulations he ran into are both loosely related and ultimately had been planned for years. Even if one or a few of them are negated, I would not really fuck everything up. Probably.

At the same time however, I was Issei, but I was not Issei. I was not the lovable pervert, I was an introvert with too much time on my hands who shitposted at every chance I got. I wasn't someone who could save the World! In spite of what so many anime, manga and novels would imply. Hell, the entire Isekai genre was more or less focused on the sorts that I was. Except that they usually find a way to grow some genuine balls.

Usually with overpowered and cheat skills… Speaking of…

[Skill Points: 0

LP: 0

Conversion: 3 LP = 1 SP]

…so they really are those… More or less… What was the anime called? The Hidden Dungeon only I Can Enter? The power to covert hedonism into points… As well as Eros, which may or may not be the power to convert lust, erotic power, into actual power? In DxD?! The power to use Erotic Energy in the body of Issei Virgin Hyoudou, one of the horniest perverts in anime?!

…okay, yeah, that makes sense. He probably had that power in canon. Rias shot beams from her breasts and he kept powering up by way of breasts and pursuing breasts… In other words, as long as I place myself into situations that feel good and give me erotic energy, I could become greatly powerful and probably continue to become so. Bit of a shame that it was me who ended up with this though. How powerful would have the canon Issei been with this sort of thing…

Well, ultimately, powering up through some hedonism was a better option than… What other ways were there? I did not particularly want to become one of those 'Revenge' type Isekai protagonists, but it was more or less open to me in terms of path possibility, especially with Raynare ahead. Getting betrayed and then swearing vengeance against the Fallen Angels and everyone else, pursuing power by whatever means and generally being edgy and no longer trusting anyone…

One way or another, I couldn't bring myself not to trust. I wanted to believe. Introverted as I was before, I wanted to believe in the base goodness of people rather than fearing betrayal at every turn. Which also likely meant I would have to become strong enough to protect them. I had a lot of reasons to become strong anyway. I could worry about their safety later, when I actually get someone I want to protect.

All things considered however, it was likely better for me to start now instead of later. Checking my pockets, I found that I did have a phone… A flip phone… Fuck, I missed those. Maybe I could get the proper skills to make a modern-like touchscreen smartphone or some kind of hologram display type that is also a flip phone. Fidgety as I always was, the chance to open and close a flip phone repeatedly was just about calming.

…what was I thinking about again? Oh, right. Hm. There wasn't a GPS app after all. Maybe I should get a skill for that. For now however, I would have to face the fact I was likely to get lost. Maybe just skipping school today in some way or another would be for the better. I could call in sick, but then what would my parents think and say…

I was hardly athletic but even before all of this, I could do ten kilometers in about half an hour and apparently I started heading out way too early. I should be able to do all of it before classes start and who would miss Issei of all people if he was gone for the first class of the day…

Right now, survival took precedent over school. There should have been a track field, but it was likely in use and might actually bring more questions than just running around town would. Storing the phone away, I started running forward instead. Hopefully I would learn how to breathe athletically while doing all of this, or else I was going to get very exhausted very fast…


Fear is, was and will continue to be quite a motivator. It also gave me time to think as I went through the exercises and did my best to pretend like my arms and legs were not on the verge of breaking off in some dramatic anime fashion. The Status Recovery reward however at last removed the accumulated sweat, which included the clothes I had foolishly forgotten to take off before sweating all over and in them.

[+100 LP]

The sheer combination of the sense of accomplishment, and the relief from the pains of exercise and working out harder than I had in… Months or years, felt almost euphoric on its own, so I did not particularly interest myself in the further implication of the Hedonism Points. Instead, I opened the Random Box.

[Dimension Slicer (NEXT)

Type: Sword

Quality: EX

Durability: Infinite/Infinite

A divine construct that originally belonging to a certain goddess. The sword is weightless to the User and those they allow to use the sword while being extremely heavy to the unpermitted, which only seems to increase the sheer impossible edge it possesses that allows it to cut through almost anything. The sword's power grows with the user's power, as well as possessing a certain multiplication effect. At the height of its power, this sword is capable of severing concepts, though at all levels it is capable of cutting and blocking even the non-physical

Base Damage equals ([MGI + STR] x 1.2)

Speed of use is determined by a combination of QCK and DEX which exceeds the actual sum of the two stats, allowing for faster cuts than are possible with other weapons

This is an Evolving Weapon that can grow along with the user, becoming stronger as the user grows, even gaining additional abilities after the defeat of certain enemies or reaching certain accomplishments

Additional Powers:


[Daily Workout Updated

+100 Sword Swings

+100 Sword Sweeps]

A quick check confirmed that I did not suddenly have to do those additional ones today.

I must have spent all of my luck for the next few days, if not the month, just on this one weapon. The base amount of luck, yet getting an EX Ranked item on the very first spin? Ah… My luck went up by one… So had my Strength and Vitality already.

I had actually been planning on trying more of a Lancer build and direction, maybe an Archer. Fighting hand to hand was certainly an option, greatly supported by canon, yet it was also dangerous. Why take the chance? Weapons existed for a reason and it was only a matter of finding a way to fuse them into the Boosted Gear and using them like that, like canon did with Ascalon.

Swords were certainly popular and badass. Everyone and their grandmother used a sword for that reason. At the same time however, I would rather be an exceptional Lancer than an average Saber. When the comparisons could include the likes of Musashi, Sasaki, Okita, Yagyū, Arthur and Artoria… Even Kiba in a local example, I knew I would not really stand out as a shining swordsman, unlikely to ever reach Nothingness, Zero, Infinity, whatever they wanted to call the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

On the other hand, skilled polearm users were considerably more far and few between, even if my entire basis was from the Fate series. On top of that, the same line of logic lead to the conclusion that swords were very good at cutting and maybe had beams while famous spears had various powers attached to them. Gáe Bolg and Gungnir defied fate and reversed causality. Most of the particular bows, such as Shiva's bow, Arjuna's Bow… Hell, projectiles in general. Pashupatastra, Brahmastra and so on… According to legend, they had supreme destructive power, capable of destroying the world.

Even looking forward, Cao Cao had the True Longinus, but almost everyone else threw hands. Kiba had the power to make endless swords, Xenovia had Durandal and eventually the Excalibur… Arthur had Caliburn… Were there more weapons? None that I could actually think of.

At the same time however… Unlimited Blade Works… Right now, my only reliable source of power were skills to be bought, as well as the Random Boxes. If I do become a Devil, I could Shirou my way to victory. Projection magic combined with Devil magic? A match made in heaven. Of course, they did not have to be swords, in theory… A part of why Shirou was so powerful was that he could replicate the experiences of the wielders of the Swords he projected, letting him fight as if he had trained for a lot longer than he actually had; yet I was not sure if I was going to be able to replicate that part of his power as well, if any.

Had I been given a choice, I likely would have tried to become a Lancer or an Archer as such. I was further pretty sure that lances, polearms, were given to the general unskilled, or was it levied? Army due to the lower requirement to be skilled with them, even if they had a learning curve after that initial ease of use. Now however I had a sword… And what a sword it was.

Well, physically it did not really look like much. It looked like a thick futuristic katana with a slight curve to it, likely to make slashing a little more effective, a deep purple color with the blade itself having a pink middle, white tip and blue bottom. It was of a considerable size however, or was the length, which was just longer than my arm, normal? It did not feel unwieldly however in spite of the size that it was.

Above all else however, it had… A sort of presence which elevated it above the physical appearance. It was a Divine Construct and it certainly felt like one even if I had nothing to compare it to. No, maybe it was because I had nothing to compare it to that it was so much greater in my mind, or perhaps I was not appreciating it enough in the moment. It was better than normal swords from what I had encountered, yet I was not yet sure by how much…

On top of everything, it had powerful effects and was likely all purpose. I assumed that they it was capable of fighting things like ghosts and whatnot, maybe even cut through magic and whatnot. I had to store it away however, sending it back to my inventory before I get questioned about having a sword that looked more like a cosplay item than a practical weapon.

I had done a lot more than just run, which meant that it took me a lot more than half an hour for sure, but what was the time…

[Quest Generated: Better Late than Never

Get to the Academy before the school day is over

Rewards: +1 Charisma

Failure: -10 Reputation with the [Student Council]]

Ah… Fuck. Time to continue running, I suppose…


I arrived one class before lunch break and paid no attention to the class itself. Not only was I very tired from the second bout of running to avoid Failure, as small as it seemed in the moment, which nearly made me fall asleep when the exhaustion was allowed to hit me upon the end of the run, I had bigger things on my mind… A bit of a strange statement for me considering the excuse I gave the rest of my class was that I had gotten 'distracted by boobs'. It seemed like more of an Issei answer than sleeping in and they accepted it pretty easily. The teacher on the other hand did not question me for my reasons. How neat.

I did not invest any of the status points obtained yet and just went over the stats again. Well, they were mostly self-explanatory. Strength was physical power, determining how much I could lift, how hard I could punch and so on. Vitality determined my health and the related things that would require 'natural energy'; strangely, it did not affect my overall HP but even that made a little sense considering that people did not just tank attacks because they were simply healthy. Dexterity determined how quickly and skillfully I could move as well as general bendiness, making me more athletic the higher the stat became.

Quickness was more metaphysical, an RPG-like stat that would have determined how many times it would be my turn if this was a turn-based RPG while otherwise just determining how fast I could move from one task to another. Intelligence was the processing of physical information while Wisdom was the processing of metaphysical information; one makes achievements in the scientific world and the other in the magical.

Charisma was… A lot of things, actually. Speech, how I carry myself, what impression I leave and so on but even then, I wouldn't have to put in any more effort than I normally do and could just continue as I was. The good impressions I try to leave would naturally become better and the bad impressions would become worse.

Magic determined the power of magic while Wisdom altered and modified the actual rate of learning spells and whatnot. I could have a super high Magic stat but fail to understand the spells themselves or get a true grasp on magic if I had too little Wisdom. Yet a super high Wisdom did not mean my spells would be powerful and a super high Magic stat did not mean that the spells I do know wouldn't be extremely powerful.

Luck was… Probability manipulation, on some level. Drops, boxes, events and so on. Otherwise impossible events could be drawn out and made a reality simply by having an extreme amount of luck. I could not actually control probability personally, from what I understood, but I would certainly become more lucky as things go along.

And I most certainly needed to be lucky to survive everything ahead of me. My life was being targeted by at least Raynare without even having done anything yet and as I become more and more established, more and more individuals will have a reason to go after my life… Assuming I can even get the proper string of events to survive having a spear of light sticking out of my gut, giving me a rather violent and large piercing. I knew it was going to be painful, but I obviously did not actually know how much, so I could only assume the worst…

I did not want to die, even if I knew I would not completely die. Rias would… Probably save me? Did I want that? No, not particularly, but the decision was not exactly in my control. Becoming her Pawn would be beneficial anyway. I would get protection and all that, including Devil Magic. I would probably lose some freedoms in doing so, but just how free could I actually stay going forward with a future like mine?

There were other options, other Devils, but Rias was more or less the best option in my actual reach that could work. There was also Ophis as a choice, but that might put me too close to the Khaos Brigade and cause some powerful domino effects, leading to a situation where no one was my actual ally.

Ophis, Valerie, Kokabiel, Loki and Rizevim were generally decisive factors, with Kokabiel being the ultimate one who set the world on a true path of destruction by being defeated. The peace between the Three Factions would still probably happen even if he had not done so, but he was a convenient target to be angry at.

Kokabiel gets defeated, peace is established, Loki is upset, Issei contacts another world, Rizevim finds out through Euclid, they use Valerie to find Trihexa, the world gets fucked, Trihexa gets sealed away at great costs, ExE eventually declares war and the world still gets destroyed. Which means… Defeating Loki without contacting the Boob Goddess would remove the other half of the story and hopefully remove ExE from the equation entirely. Removing Valerie was also a must as to prevent Rizevim from getting ideas anyway in case time cannot be fixed that easily…

This however meant antagonizing the Vampires and breaking into the home of their King, stealing his daughter. The political problems that could cause would ruin Rias and cause me much worse results than if I do it as an independent individual. But if I am not at Rias's side, she'd probably end up married to Riser. Or dead in one of the conflicts of the plot afterwards. And then I would die anyway by association because of all the threats the Occult Research Club took care of which will now destroy the world. Like Loki or Rizevim or even the 'Hero' Faction.

The best option, then, is to bribe Ophis and skip ahead to becoming a True Dragon by convincing her to carve out Great Red's flesh and making me a new body to inhabit. That… Should not be all that difficult. She'd probably do it for the fun of it and to make Great Red angry, but it is still a challenge to get to that point. And find Ophis. If Ophis is not befriended, then the world ends.

Therefore… Sticking close to canon and trying for as few deviations as possible up until the Loki fight is probably for the best? Join Rias, save Asia, beat up Riser, beat up Kokabiel, unleash DIO, punch Dora… Would that even work? If Asia is saved, then she probably wouldn't become a Devil… Which might actually be for the best for her.

The bell ringing reminded me that it was time to proceed to the next part of the plan. This very poorly thought out plan. Finding an area I considered private enough, I stuck my arm forward and visualized, tensing my whole body. A small benefit of being one of the most unpopular popular kids in school, absolutely no one wanted to follow me when I snuck out during lunch time. Now, I was using all of the anime knowledge I had to power through a Sacred Gear activation.

It was always visualization. Just about every time someone tried to teach someone a system of power, they either sent them through training from hell, or simply told them to visualize what they wanted. To give up control while being in control. To do a Kamehameha pose if necessary or just throw them on top of a mountain, or worse yet, off of a mountain to have them learn to fly or simply die.

Therefore, I stood there in concentration and imagined the power flowing through me, gathering into a single point at my palm, trying to do something, anything. I was even trying to visualize a rod being inserted into my spine. Fate magecraft was weird. Magic Circuits had to be activated somehow, like a burning rod being inserted, a hammer hitting… Was it a bullet or an anvil? Whatever it was, it was something that had to be visualized, and with my rants to myself, trying to justify the use of various weapons, I decided to follow the line of thinking.

This was a school with at least a dozen devils. There should have been enough magic in the air to manifest it easily, more easily than at home, at least. And if I couldn't even do that, I would most certainly die, sooner or later. Maybe trying after I've become a Devil would be easier… But I had given up on too many things half way through. I needed this for the sake of survival. If I fail now, I was not sure if I could forgive myself, especially if I end up dying because of it.

…There was also the fact I had some communication issues. I couldn't just walk up to Rias and ask her to recruit me. Well, I probably could, but it would be awkward and I would have to explain far too much if she actually starts asking me further questions about the whole situation.. If she comes to me, then everything will end up better. The less I need to talk and provide context, the more things are explained to me by others, the better! Therefore, I needed to be strong enough to catch her attention, to make her come to me.

After what felt like too long of a stretch of time of nothing happening, I ended up changing tactics. I changed the point at which the power was visualized, went down to a knee, hand over my heart with the other one on the ground. I imagined a few particular symbols as best as I could remember them, called on whatever knowledge I could to try and force an activation.

"I… Who am to awaken. Ask the world for assistance. Allow me to decipher the laws of nature and call forth ancient powers, allow it to vacate the thrones of power. Raise the cardinal walls against the wind. Let me laugh with the infinite and pursue the dream."

Somehow… It worked. It was a soft wind that started around me, moving through my hair and fluttering my uniform a little, followed by the feeling of dirt rising around me and 'licking' parts of my skin. It was followed by a sensation in my very body like being electrocuted, yet closer to a strong static shock than actually like… Sticking a fork into a power outlet, not that I had ever done the second one.

It stopped and I opened my arms, ready to witness failure. My arms were still empty, yet… There was something on my back which moved to the corners of my vision at my want. A pair of beautiful, unnaturally so, white wings.

[Divine Dividing: Ray Horizon

An alternative form of the Mid-Tear Longinus, Divine Dividing. Rather than containing the spirit of the White Dragon Emperor Albion, it contains the spirit of the Fairy Knight Lancelot, Melusine, of a history and world that no longer exists except in the mind and memories of the observers.

The original functions of Divine Dividing are maintained, but some lost functions remain lost and are replaced by others]

They were not crystalline, but considering the change, that was… Probably to be expected. I felt my body tense, stuck somewhere between laughing out at the sheer ridiculous nature of the situation and curling up into a fetal position and just crying, either out or genuinely crying, at the developments I was faced with. I did not have the Boosted Gear, but I did not quite have Divine Dividing either.

Melusine. Lostbelt. Born from the decaying flesh of the Albion of that world. She was Albion, in a sense, even being able to take the form of Albion. But she was not this world's Albion. Albion became an adorable girl. More importantly… I had escaped, I had hoped and thought I had escaped, the Moon Cell and its Holy Grail War. Yet here and now, I was more or less with a Heroic Spirit to call my own.

My body finally gave out and I just fell and rolled until I was looking up at the sky here under these trees I had chosen. The rest of the world did not matter in this moment. It was just me and my dreading. What… The fuck was I going to do…