Cool Moms

Chapter starts with Sunny and Stella at the park. Sunny is sitting on a bench and Sylvanna is standing in her exercise outfit.

Sunny: Mom! I don't see why I needed to go with you to the park!

Stella: Because Mija, you need to get out of that house! All you do is play that video game all day! Plus, some fresh air and exercise never hurt anyone. Look, all I'm saying is I'm glad you paused your game and decided to come out with me! Mommy appreciates it!

Sunny: *Sighs*You can't pause MMOs, Mom! *Sighs* But if it makes you happy, then it makes me happy. heheh.

Stellq: That's my girl, heheh. So, what do you think of your mom's new jogging outfit?

Sunny: I-It's a little revealing, heheh. But it looks great on you!

Stella: Thanks! It's pretty tight, yo.

Sunny: Mom! Where did you learn to talk like that?

Stella: From an old friend of mine. Speaking of which, she should be here any minute.

Sunny: W-wait, you invited another adult to join us? Ugh. Mom!

Stella: Haha! Of course I did! I didn't want to be seen alone with my daughter! She's so embarrassing.

Sunny: Heh, don't sass me, Mom. Ugh! Wait, I should be saying that about you!

Stella: Haha! Calm down, Mija! This "other adult" is cool. I just reconnected with her this week. In fact, she's bringing her kids, too, so while we're jogging and catching up, you can play with them!

Sunny: Oh, so I'm just a free babysitter.

Stella: Hahahaha!

Sunny: *Sighs* Fine, but you owe me. *Sighs* So, am I watching some five-year-old brat again?

Stella: Hm? Well,-

Sylvanna's friend (Zianna): *Walking over* Hey Gurlfriend!

Stella: AH! Wassup gurl!

Zianna: Oh Sylvanna, it's been years! You're still lookin' fine!

Stella: You're one to talk! I just had one kid, you had three and look at you! I'm so jealous, Zianna!

Zianna: Oh, and you must be Sunny! Look at how beautiful you are! You're all going to have so much fun together!

Sunny: It's nice to meet you! W-wait. You said "all'? Great. So I'm babysitting multiple brats.

Vaele: *Appearing with Zane and Vylad* Well, I wouldn't exactly call us brats.

Sunny: Ah, what the-! V-Vaele! W-What are you doing here?!

Vaele: Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing. But I think I figured it out.

Sunny: Wait, you're- Zianna's-

Zane: *Sighs* So, this is the brat we have to babysit?

Vylad: Hey, not-alone buddy!

Sunny: Mom, are you kidding me! These guys go to my school!

Stella: *Gasps* Zianna! I didn't realize that your boys went to the same school as my daughter!

Zianna: Oh same-zies! That's so adorable!

Stella: Oh, we have so much to catch up on. Ready to start our jog?

Zianna: Right. Ok, kids, have fun together! Remember, Zuzu, I want you to try at least one sport with your brothers and new friend while you're here at the park! We need to toughen you up, but not so much that you aren't so tough for mommy kisses!

Zane: Uh- Mom! Stop embarrassing me!

Zianna: I love you too, Zuzu! You kids play nice!

Stella: Oh Zianna, do you still listen to our lady, Beyonce?

Zianna: Are you kidding me?! I brought those portable speakers so we could listen to her while we run! This is going to be the bo-omb!

Sylvanna: Word, yo!

They start playing music and yell in excitement as they run off.

Vylad: Oh my Irene.

Zane: Can Mom get any more embarrassing?

Sunny: Mmmm... So, that's where my Mom learned to talk like that. I see.

Vaele: Um, I'm pretty sure your mom influenced our mom.

Sunny: Heheh, no, My mom was a nice mom before your mom got involved.

Vylad: They both seem like they rub off on each other and it just started escalating.

Sunny: Uh, true. Uh-

Zane: Whatever. We're stuck in this stupid park in the stupid sun. *He begins to walk off*

Vaele: Hey baby brother, where are you going?

Zane: I'm going to sit under a tree, on my phone, and be as isolated from you three as possible.

Sunny: Huh?

Vaele: Nope! Come on now, you heard Mom, we need to get you into a sport.

Zane: I'm not doing it.

Vaele: Yes, you are.

Zane: Who should I?

Vaele: *Looks down, then up again* If you don't, I'll hug you in front of the whole school every chance I get, for the rest of the year.

Sunny: Hehehe!

Zane: (looks down) ...

Sunny: Hehehe!

Zane: I hate you, Garroth.

Sunny: Hehehehe! Aww, Zane, you should just tell your brother you love him. Hehe.

Zane: Shut up you girl- Snivy- thing!

Sunny: Uh...

Vaele: To be honest, I'd prefer it if you told me that instead, Sunny.

Sunny: *Weird nervous noise*

Zane: Could you be any more creepy, Garroth?

Vaele: Hahaha.

Sunny: Ee- S-so Vylad! Um *Clears throat* Pick a sport.

Vylad: Ha! Easy! *Zane walks over to a nearby light pole and sits under it* Soccer!

Sunny: Uh-

Garroth: Are you sure? I was thinking base-

Sunny: *Gasps* I love soccer, Vylad! Oh my gosh! Hehehehe!

Vaele: Really? You should have said something earlier when we were talking about it with Laurance. Y-You should try out for the soccer team.

Sunny: Mm- well, I was thinking about it, but, I played a lot of soccer in elementary school, so I was thinking about trying something new, like track or something, to increase my endurance. Haha.

Vaele: Dedicated girl, huh?

Sunny: Haha! YEAH! I just... Really, ahem, love soccer.

Vylad: Me too!

Sunny: Haha! Awesome!

Zane: Oh great.

Sunny: In fact, my mom has a soccer ball in her car. I'll go get it if you guys go find a spot we can play at.

Vylad: Deal! I know the perfect spot!

Sunny: Hehe! Alright, you guys go, and I'll *Vylad and Garroth start walking off* meet you there, ok? See you there! Uh, you too, Zane *Zane gets up and follows the other boys* . Heh. Uh- wait. I should really text FC. Uh- ugh, my battery's dead. Oh well, I'll message him later. Hehe!

Screen fades and comes u on the soccer field, where everyone is standing around Zane, who is standing behind the ball.

Zane: ... I can't believe I'm doing this...

Vylad: Okay Zane... so we're going to introduce you to the sport slowly. Nothing too intense for you, since we know that running is out of the question.

Zane: Oh, I can run.

Vylad: R-really?

Zane: Yep. Away from you.

Vylad: ... Okay! You're going to be preventing me from scoring a goal. Now, you can touch the ball with your hands if you need to, but-

Vaele: I hope Zane isn't killing the mood for you. I know you were excited to play soccer.

Sunny: Mm, oh, I'm actually alright with this. It's nice to see Zane at least... Humoring the idea. He seems so alone in class.

Vaele: He prefers to be like that. Which is why I try to respect... But, heh, he's my brother. I can't help but love the little guy, heh.

Sunny: Heheh. That's really sweet of you, Vaele.

Vaele: Thanks. You know, you were the very last person I imagined spending the day with. Our mom dragged us to this park to meet her friend and told us about her daughter, but, it's weird that it turned out to be you.

Sunny: Heh, I was actually thinking the same thing, hm.

Vaele: ... I'm actually really happy about this.

Sunny: Uh...

Vaele: You're blushing.

Sunny: Uh, well, I just...

Zane: I don't want to play with you, Vylad!

Vylad: *Sighs* Fine, then Vaele will kick the ball to you.

Zane: No!

Vaele: What's going on?

Vylad: Zane's being emo again and saying that he doesn't want me or you to kick the ball to him.

Zane: It's stupid!

Vylad: You just don't want Vaele or I to show you up.

Zane: S-Shut up, Vylad.

Sunny: I-I'll play with you, Zane. Heh.

Zane: ...You? Hahahaha! I bet you can't even kick a ball far enough to reach me!

Sunny: What?

Vaele: Zane, that's not very nice to say.


Sunny: What did you just call me?

Zane: Heh, I've heard your nickname going through the school. *Sunny walks over to Vylad and where the ball is* I'm not exactly scared of you.

Sunny: Ugh. *She kicks the ball into the net* Hahahaha! You know the point of me doing this is for you to actually block it, you know.

Zane: That was a practice run! I'm ready this time.

Sunny: Fine! *She steps back, and gives it a running kick. It goes into the air hand hits Zane in the face*

The screen blacks out and a hitting sound is heard, then the screen comes up on Zane sitting on a bench with a purple-ish eye.

Vaele: I have to say, I wasn't expecting you to catch the ball with your face! Hahaha.


Sunny: Oh my Irene! Zane, I'm so so so so so so sorry!

Zane: You did that on purpose!

Sunny: I swear! I didn't mean to! I'm not exactly great with aiming!

Zane: Well, you could have told me that sooner!

Sunny: I'm so sorry, Zane! Is your eye okay?

Zane: Ugh, I'm fine. Just stings a bit.

Vylad: Zane's always had his other eye messed up a bit because-

Zane: Shut up, Vylad!

Vaele: In any case, I think we're going to take a break with this. I'm glad you tried, Zane.

Zane: Whatever.

Zianna: *Running in with Stella* Oh Zuzu! What happened to you?!

Sunny: I'm so sorry, Mrs. Zianna. We were playing soccer, and I accidentally kicked the ball into his face, I didn't mean to, I just-

Zianna: Haha! Oh, is that all? Oh, He'll be fine. I have three boys, and Zane's been through worse.

Sunny: I'm sorry!

Stella: *Sighs* Did you tell Zane, "sorry"?

Sunny: I've been saying that this entire time, of course I have Mom! I'm sorry!

Stella: You better have.

Zianna: Oh Stella, this is totes deja vu! Remember when Sunny did this exact same thing to Zane when the kids were playing dodgeball way back in the old neighborhood?

Sunny: Huh?

Stella: That's totes right! I remember that!

Vaele: Wait what? What do you mean, Mom?

Zianna: Oh, this happened before!

Vylad: When? We just met Sunny.

Zianna and Stella: Hahahaha! Oh no, don't tell me you don't remember each other?! Hahahahaha!

Stella: We all used to live in the same neighborhood when you were all so tiny. Remember? You all used to play together almost every week.

Zianna: Oh girl, I was so devastated when your family moved.

Sunny, Vaele, Zane, and Vylad: WHAT?!

Vaele: So you're that little girl that wore that red dress way back then.

Sunny: And those three boys, I vaguely remember-

Zianna: Oh, this is so cute! I didn't realize they didn't remember! We need to catch up more. Stella, how about you and Sunny come over for dinner tonight?

Stella: Sure! That sounds wonderful! We have to head home and wash up, but maybe I'll grab a dish or something.

Zianna: Oh, bring those quesa -dillas- as you used to make!

Stella: They're called quesadillas (que sa di as), Zianna.

Zianna: They're called delicious to me! Haha!

Stella: All right, then. We'll see you later tonight, then.

Zianna: For sure! Come on, boys. Let's go!

Vaele: This- is crazy. Sunny...

Sunny: Vaele, um, we'll talk more later tonight?

Vaele: S-sure. *Sunny walks away* No wonder I feel this way about her.

Zianna and Vylad standing around Zane, who is sitting on a bench, and Vaele is staring down the path where Sunny left.