A new feature?!

*A few minutes ago*

Even further down the river where Li Pingjun washed himself. in a secluded part of the river, there is a white silhouette inside the river.

If you were to look closer you would notice that it is actually a person. And if you were to really look closer, you would notice that it is a woman

The woman's body is submerged inside the river from the waist down, her body is the epitome of perfection. Snow white skin, bountiful chest, good posture, everything is in the right place, there is no excess nor is anything insufficient.

Below the water you are able to faintly see her amazing child bearing hips. she had such large and beautiful eyes, a beautiful face, along with long straight black hair that's covering her back. if someone were to see her, they would think that they are looking at a goddess.

She had a cold demeanor, she gives you the feeling that you are in a snowstorm. You would feel infinitely distant from her, it's as if for her, there is nothing interesting in this world.

she cleansed herself with the river water. she put her hair in front of her to wash it, exposing her smooth and perfect back in the process. As she was doing this, a thoughtful expression appeared on her face. She is currently on a mission appointed by her master.

The mission, specifies that she experience the woes of mortals. For as long as she had remembered, she had lived on the confines of her sect, her master said that this journey would open up new horizon's for her. And that it would also help her become stronger.

She had seen a sizeable amount of mortal villages and towns, even towns and cities where mortals and cultivators coexist with each other. She had experienced and learned a lot from the lives of mortals. even the lives of low levelled cultivators had given her new perspective in life.

A small smile emerged on her face, she thought about the village kids she had played with in the afternoon. The reason she is currently washing herself in this river when there is a chance that someone would see her naked, was because she had gotten a little dirty after playing with the village kids.

And she specifically chose a secluded spot after looking at the surroundings, so it should be safe. Although she had seen a little house a bit of ways upstream, she made sure to go far away enough from it.

As she thought this, she heard the sound of a dog barking at her from the river side. she looked over and saw a snow white puppy at the river side barking at her, as if trying to tell her something.

A small smile appeared on the woman's face. "what's wrong little white?" she said as she looked at the dog. She currently had her back facing the river current, so she wouldn't be able to see if anything is coming from upstream. Little white had been with her since she was a child. she had found her injured just outside the sect when she was taking a walk with her master.

She begged her master to let her bring her in. and she agreed after seeing the cute look of her disciple.

The dog barked even louder at her, the woman frowned at this. she couldn't understand what it was trying to say to her. She had noticed a long time ago that little white seem too smart to just be a dog, her master even found faint spiritual energy inside little white's body. Her master had predicted that little white might be a spiritual beast, but the records on the sect never explained a spiritual beast like little white. it is unfortunate that little white couldn't speak.

As she was thinking about that. The woman felt something touch her back. it gave her a feeling like mud. She was bewildered, she didn't feel any hostility so she hadn't noticed it.

She looked back to see what it was, and she was stunned. her eyes reflected a small black blob, her back stopped it from flowing further down the stream. A bit of the black blob splattered onto her exposed back. The goddess's body had been defiled.

As she realized what it was, her face paled, her heart stopped and she was rooted in place, frozen. She screamed as loud as she can, as if she just saw her family killed in front of her. Immediately after a powerful shock wave spread with her as the epicenter, a storm of spiritual energy appeared, stopping the flow of the river for a second. After everything settled the woman had already appeared on the river side. her face somehow became even colder than it already is.

veins appeared on her head, she was in extreme anger. the **** on her back had also disappeared. She took out a fresh pair of robes from her storage ring.

"*$*^#*&" she cursed silently under her breath. she wanted to kill the person the **** belonged to, but where would she find them?. she had nothing to let out her anger onto.

Suddenly she remembered the tiny house she had found on her way here. the house had been close enough with the river. It wouldn't be weird if the owner took a **** in the river.

"little white let's go" she called out and little white followed her. it seemed to know that she is in extreme anger and stayed silent as if it was scared. her was face like a demon ready to kill, she took out a flying magic tool and flew over to the tiny house with little white.


Li Pingjun's house was silent, inside, he sat crossed legged on his bed. He circulated his spiritual energy as his life force flowed strongly inside his body. his breath is calm. He plans to cultivate for a few hours before going to bed, since he is just a low levelled cultivator, he still needed sleep.

But just as he was fully focused on cultivating, he felt something crawl up his body, a chill ran down his spine as he opened his eye to look, stopping his cultivation. And as he expected a cockroach had climbed his body. he panicked and slapped the cockroach off his body. the cockroach fell down to the floor. As Li Pingjun readied himself to kill it, he heard a menacing buzzing sound from the cockroach.

'F*CK' he felt an ominous premonition.

A scream sounded inside his house for a moment before Li Pingjun managed to leave his house and trap the cockroach inside. his heart thumped, Li Pingjun had never been great at dealing with bugs, he even forgot to use his cultivation and acted like a mortal that's also afraid of bugs.

After that was done he didn't feel like cultivating anymore, he even put the thought of how he is going to get rid of the flying cockroach inside his house to the back of his head. Li Pingjun sat on a rock, his mind blank before a window appeared in front of his eyes.



One way or another make a connection with a protagonist.



This mission had appeared after he used his ability for the first time, but Li Pingjun hadn't a single clue on how to finish it. In the first place how would he know if someone is a protagonist?, not to mention protagonists are probably way above him. He had a sneaky suspicion that Cui Yan woman, is a protagonist, but why would she care about a low levelled cultivator with no background like him?. other protagonist probably also wouldn't give someone like him the time of day.

Li Pingjun was thinking about how he should go about completing this quest. maybe he should become a tourist guide for new cultivators coming into town?. There ought to be a protagonist he would meet right?. But would that even count as making a connection with them?.

Suddenly a window popped up in front of him as he was thinking this.


Quest complete

One way or another make a connection with a protagonist.

Reward: Bloodline investigation


Li Pingjun was surprised, there was no sound or anything indicating success, a window just popped up saying he completed it. he was confused why the quest was suddenly finished. But just as he was thinking this, another windows popped up. he felt a sinister foreboding as he read it.




Reward: Ability Borrowing


Soon after he noticed a silhouette in the distant sky.