Ability Borrowing

Li Pingjun looked at the silhouette getting closer, the silhouette was flying in the sky so it must be quite the high levelled cultivator or just a rich cultivator Li Pingjun thought.

Low levelled cultivators with no background would not be able to afford such a magic tool for flying, so if they're not high levelled cultivators, they must be someone rich with a great background.

Li Pingjun was confused, the silhouette seemed to be coming to him, he recalled the window that just popped up indicating a new quest, he hoped that the high levelled cultivator was just passing by.

They were moving quite fast so it didn't take a long time before Li Pingjun was able to see who it was. It was actually a woman!, he was dazed, she was the most beautiful woman he had laid his eyes upon, the moonlight enhanced her beauty. But immediately after he was taken back to reality, he noticed that she was looking straight at him. She was clearly not just passing by.

Li Pingjun could feel a trace of Murderous intent coming from her, and it was aimed directly at him. He was raised by a hunter and had gone along a few hunting trips, he had felt the primal murderous intent of wild animals all the time. Therefore he was quite adept at feeling the murderous intent of another person, not to mention the life threatening situations he had experienced before.

Li Pingjun became serious, he had always liked to joke around but when it involves life or death he was serious. Soon after the woman landed nearby and approached him, a white dog was beside her. She had a cold expression on her face.

"Is there anything i can do for you senior?" Li Pingjun cusped his hands as he bowed, she did not hide her cultivation base and Li Pingjun felt like the air is constricting around him, he could not see what her cultivation base is at all. The woman stayed silent and observed him, Li Pingjun stayed in his position not moving a muscle. he felt that the quest had something to do with her, considering it was telling him to survive, this could be a life and death situation for him.

The woman looked at Li Pingjun's face, she saw the seriousness that he had. She saw that he is a cultivator albeit a low levelled one, There's no way a serious person like this would take a **** inside the river, She thought. But she wouldn't want to miss the person that had defiled her body. So she asked him just in case.

"did you... ahem... did you **** in the river?" she said with a slight blush on her face, after saying that she focused on Li Pingjun's face, not wanting to miss a single movement on his face.

'huh?!' Li Pingjun was bewildered, why would she ask him that question?. He did indeed **** in the river but what would she get from getting that information?. Confused, Li Pingjun hesitated if he should answer that question.

The woman saw that Li Pingjun only had a confused expression on his face, he was hesitating on what he should say.

'Maybe he wasn't the person I'm looking for' She thought as her murderous intent dissipated.

"Is there a reason why you asked me that question senior?" Li Pingjun asked, although he did indeed poop in the river, he played it safe incase this information would kill him.

"Nevermind, forget what I just said." There's no way she would tell anybody else that her body had been defiled with ****. This is a secret that she would take to her grave, not even her master would know. as she thought this her mood fouled.

she had came empty handed searching for the perpetrator who had defiled her body. "i'm sorry for disturbing you, you can have this"

The woman tossed a pill bottle at him, Li Pingjun reflexively caught it. But before Li Pingjun was able to say anything the woman flew away on her magic tool along with the white dog.

"Thank you for your generosity senior!" Li Pingjun immediately said, although it remains to be seen whether the woman heard him or not. As Li Pingjun thought this a window appeared in front of him.


Name : Zhan Hua

Cultivation Base : 2nd stage of Seed Creation

Hidden Ability : White tiger physique transformation

Ability Awakening : innately acquired

Estimated Cultivation Achievement : *****************

Bloodline : Holy beast white tiger bloodline


That's right, right before she left Li Pingjun had used his ability on her, he had recovered enough energy since the last time he used his ability. Li Pingjun analyzed the window, looking at her cultivation base his back went damp with cold sweat. it seems he had escaped death this time.

After that he especially payed attention to the new feature his ability had. Bloodline investigation, Her bloodline sounds super special, A descendant from a holy beast?, she will reach great heights in the future. Not to mention her Estimated Cultivation Achievement is just a Jumble of words, Li Pingjun had a feeling that she will reach a higher cultivation than wood consolidation.

He wanted analyze the new feature a bit more but a wave of sleepiness had struck him. Li Pingjun didn't have the mind to think about anything else more, he reminded himself to check the pill bottle later on when morning comes. Li Pingjun walked back to his house to sleep, he had failed to notice that there was no prompt about the new quest he just got recently being finished.

And of course he also forgot about his nemesis inside his house. A bloody battle happened inside his house, he fought for survival as waves of sleepiness struck him. In the battle Li Pingjun slipped and almost bashed his head onto the ground hard, the threat of death woke him up from his stupor. He circulated his cultivation base, with his cultivation he would not have any problem dealing with a cockroach that can fly.

He evaded the cockroach flying straight at him and kicked it out the door with a roundhouse kick.

He closed the door, feeling extremely exhausted. Li Pingjun immediately fell asleep on the bed, not realizing the window that just popped up.


Quest Complete


Reward: Ability Borrowing


The next morning when he woke up he would lose his mind realizing the fact that he almost died because of a cockroach.

Unknown to Li Pingjun himself, Because of his ****, his fate had unknowingly been intertwined with the woman called Zhan Hua.


To the west of Menglong city, there exist a forest. Towering trees was everywhere as far as the eyes can see, their canopies obstruct any sunlight from coming in, thus the forest was dark. Many kinds of spiritual beasts call this place home, the outskirts of this forest contain low levelled spiritual beasts, while the core of the forest houses spiritual beasts powerful enough that true experts of the cultivation world fear them.

Many call this forest, Forest of yore, this forest had existed for as long civilization could remember. It is possible to trace back the history of this forest, all the way to the time when humans had no knowledge of cultivation. It was said that the forest was so large, that it spans over 1/3 of the entire continent.

The forest is rich with resources, it is filled with not only spiritual beasts, but also many kinds of precious spiritual herbs, from common ones al the way to legendary spiritual herbs that has only been heard of from tall tales. There is also a record of people finding precious minerals within the grounds of the forest.

Currently at the outskirts of the forest, a low levelled spiritual beast is drinking water from a small stream. The spiritual beasts looked like a deer. Although this animal is considered a spiritual beast, in truth the only thing special about this deer like animal, is that it's antlers contain a trace of spiritual energy and can be used as materials for making talismans, albeit low levelled ones.

The spiritual beasts drank from the stream while keeping watch it's surroundings, careful of any predators. but unknowingly a figure is currently perched above on one of the many branches of the trees. The figure looked at the beast as one would look at preys.

Because sunlight is not able to pierce through the canopy of trees, everything is dark.

As the spiritual beast lowered it's guard, bright blue light shone from the figure's eyes.