Mysterious Rock

The figure jumped down from the tree, at the same time using the branch as leverage, shoot towards the spiritual beast with exceptional speed. Spiritual energy condensed in the figure's fist, before the spiritual beast could even react the figure had already arrived in front of it.

The figure's fist hit the spiritual beast's head straight to the ground. The ground cracked under the force of the fist and the spiritual beast's skull was crushed into powder, instantly killing it.

The figure stood up after killing the spiritual beast, and promptly started cutting the antlers from the spiritual beast's head. Though, the antlers had basically already been detached from the head when the skull was crushed.

"that's another 5 spirit stones!" the figure said with glee.

The figure brought the antlers to a place not too far away, a bunch of other antlers from the same kind of spiritual beasts are tied together with ropes. If another person were to see this, they would be surprised, because usually if another person had been hunting for the same antlers, it would take them a whole day just to get one, you would be lucky if you managed to get 2 in the same day.

The reason for that is because in the forest, any trails the spiritual beasts make on the ground disappears not too long after, basically anything a hunter could use to find spiritual beast's disappears, so it would be hard to find the spiritual beast's roaming this forest if at all. The forest even masks the smell that the animals gave off, it's as if the forest is alive and are protecting the beast's in it.

The figure hauled his spoils and walked out of the forest. since this is the outskirts, it didn't take long for the figure to finally make it out of the forest. As sunlight shone on the figure, you are able to finally see who the figure is. It was a man that looked completely unremarkable, he had a plain face you can see everywhere.

Yes, it was Li Pingjun, he had gone into the forest in the morning in part to follow his normal routine of hunting and to test out his new ability. throughout his cultivation journey he had used his ability on a lot of people, though, only a fraction of them had a hidden ability, and most of them is not all that special.

For example, one person had a hidden ability to naturally feel danger, Li Pingjun already had that ability from hunting wild animals. Of course not all of them are useless. another person had the ability to make a small fire from his fingertips without any spiritual energy, but the flame is small enough that it could only be used to make campfires.

He of course tried borrowing the eye ability of the Cui Yan woman. and it was wondrous, the reason he is able to get this many antlers was because with her ability, he could see a red trail of energy that spiritual beasts left behind, the trail led him straight to the spiritual beast.

With it he could also see a green trail that leads toward spiritual herbs, but in the outskirts of the forest there are only low grade herbs, he had wanted to follow a particularly strong green trail but it led towards the inner part of the forest. Li Pingjun knew what dangers the core of the forest held, so he opted to abandon that trail.

He could even see through walls!, as Li Pingjun had that thought, a nasty grin emerged on his face. Li Pingjun walked back to the city to sell his spoils.

"there's no way an ability called the Eye of Doumu only had this much ability", Li Pingjun said to himself.

Although the ability that it had right now is already amazing, Li Pingjun felt that he wasn't able to use the full extent of this ability. He made a speculation that he is only able to borrow a fraction of the ability of others. With that thought Li Pingjun tensed his body.

A powerful aura emerged from him, his muscle became more toned, his nails grew a centimeter longer. Li Pingjun borrowed Zhan Hua's ability to transform, the ability made him faster, stronger, more resilient and he also had a better reaction speed along with a sharper eyesight. but the most it did was make him as strong as someone one stage above him.

Li Pingjun had a feeling that because he didn't have the proper bloodline, he wasn't able to use this ability fully. And he was right, normally the ability to transform your physique in this case, only existed because of the bloodline. The fact that Li Pingjun was able to somewhat have a physique transformation was already abnormal.

The other thing that Li Pingjun found out while testing his borrowing ability, was that he's only able to borrow at most 3 abilities at once. As li Pingjun was thinking about this, he started making plans to get stronger on the way back. This new ability that he acquired had set a ablaze his passion for cultivation yet again.


Menglong city is divided into four parts. the northern district, where noble families and wealthy merchants lived. The eastern district, where most of the citizens of Menglong city lived. The western district where the low grade area and slums exist. And finally the southern district which became the hub of commerce inside Menglong city.

after 2 hours of walking from the forest of yore, Li Pingjun arrived at the southern district of Menglong city, where he will sell all of his spoils. He entered a store called hundred fortune pavilion, this where he usually sells his stuff for spirit stones. In total Li Pingjun had managed to get 7 pairs of Antlers, and a batch of low grade spiritual herbs.

Li Pingjun sold them all at market price, the store keeper was a bit stunned by how many antlers Li Pingjun had managed to get and asked him how he did it, but he just said he was lucky today. The shopkeeper of course didn't believe that but Li Pingjung didn't bother to elaborate and left after getting 50 spirit stones for his spoils.

Next, Li Pingjun went to a store specialized in selling spiritual pills. inside the store pill bottles filled the shelves, the store keeper inside sat on a chair while reading a book behind the counter. when Li Pingjun walked in the shop keeper looked at him.

"do you need something?" the shop keeper asked.

"yes, I would like a qi strengthening pill, how much do they cost?"

"a bottle for 15 spirit stones" the shop keeper said without any emotion.

'So Expensive!' Li Pingjun was stunned, but soon he resolved himself.

"I'll buy 3!" Li Pingjun replied to the shopkeeper.

After giving the shop keeper his hard earned spirit stones he left the store with 3 pill bottles in hand, each bottle contained 3 pills, the same amount with the one he buys from Wang Jiaohua, but these pills are pure and it's efficiency is very high. the pills he used to use is just trash compared to this.

It is currently already in the afternoon, Li Pingjun walked toward his friend's place. it only took him a few minutes to get there since it's not far from where he was. Li Pingjun had a plan to get stronger, but he needed Wang Jiaohua's help.

As soon as he arrived, Li Pingjun immediately went inside. but there was a couple of customers arguing with Wang Jiaohua.

"I swear that this rock special!, me and my friend found this inside a spiritual beast's nest, the nest was even located at the core of the forest of yore!" one of the couple, a man said in a slightly loud voice.

"I'm sorry after appraising it, there really is nothing special about this rock. the magical tool workshop even said that this is not a mineral that can be used to make anything." Wang jiaohua said in a calm voice, he continued.

"And did you think I would believe that you guys, with your 4th stage water gathering stage cultivation base, found this at the core of yore forest?, you wouldn't even be standing here had you gone there!" Wang Jiaohua said in a slightly annoyed voice.

the two customer had an awkward look, as if they had just been found out. The other customer, a woman, said with a bitter look.

"But this rock is seriously hard though, like. none of our attacks are even giving it a scratch!"

The couple of course didn't find it at the core of Yore Forest, the had just accidentally found a weird looking rock at the outskirts of the Forest of Yore. When they investigated it, it was unusually hard, they had thought that they had hit jackpot, the couple brought the rock to every appraiser in town but everybody said it's just a really hard rock!.

"well, if the rock could be used as materials to make a defensive magical tool, then yeah, but it can't even be used for that" Wang Jiaohua replied with a wry smile.

Since the three of them had not noticed Li Pingjun coming in, He just sat at a nearby chair to wait, while they finish their business. Li Pingjun overheard their conversation and was curious about the rock, he unconsciously used cui yan's ability to check the rock out. immediately his eyes widened

'what?' Li Pingjun was bewildered as he saw a strange energy contained within the rock, when he saw that energy, Li Pingjun felt a chill down his spine. When he looked at that energy he felt a slight tingle in his abdomen, within his dantian.

Li Pingjun stood up and approached the party with a relaxed face. when he got closer, they immediately noticed his presence.

"Pingjun? I didn't notice you there, since when did you get here?" Wang Jiaohua said first

"You were so absorbed in your conversation, so you didn't notice me" Li Pingjun replied, and he continued.

"I overheard a little bit of your conversation, what exactly is that rock?" Li Pingjun said with a curious look at the rock.

The couple, having their conversation interrupted, felt annoyed but immediately felt like this would be a great way to at least get some money. Everywhere they go nobody wanted to buy this weirdly hard rock, so this would be akin to an opportunity of a lifetime!.

"Ahahaha!, I see that you have great eyes brother!" The man started a sudden sales pitch, he started listing off the greatness of the rock in anyway he can to Li Pingjun, but he wasn't impressed.

"I overheard that although the rock is super hard, it couldn't be used for anything" Li Pingjun said with an expressionless face.

The man felt embarrassed.

Wang Jiaohua was just about to prevent his friend from getting scammed but realized that he didn't need to do anything to help. but immediately after, he was dumbfounded.

"But, I am interested about that rock, considering that it couldn't be used for anything else, best I can do is 8 spirit stones" said with an uninterested tone, it seems, if the couple were to decline him he would just not buy the weird rock at all, but inside his heart were aching. To other cultivators 8 spirit stones were not anything special, but to him it was precious cultivation resource



The couple immediately agreed and traded the useless rock to Li Pingjun for 8 spirit stones. They promptly left the store afterward, they were afraid that Li Pingjun would take back his words.

Li Pingjun put the stone inside his sleeves with a hidden smile on his face.