
The next morning Li Pingjun continued walking around the city, looking for special people to use his ability on. First things first, he would go to the tea house, because a lot of special people go to tea houses to gather information too. But he didn't find anybody special there, nothing eventful happened in the morning, he walked the streets looking for protagonists, but found nothing.

Since he wanted to use his ability again in the after noon, he had to use his ability so that he could recover in time to use it again later. He used his ability on a passerby, it was a man, he was so thin, that he looked a bit creepy. He got an ability that increased his flexibility from the man, he reckoned it would be useful for fighting.

Li Pingjun kept walking around the city looking for special people, he not only watched the streets but also went into stores of all kinds. The sun slowly disappeared into the horizon, blanketing the world in an orange colored hue. Li Pingjun was bit disappointed that he didn't find any protagonists, or he possibly missed one.

Just when Li Pingjun was about to use his ability on a man with two swords on his hips, he found an unusual couple.

'A child? here?' Li Pingjun murmured to himself.

In his vision there is a young man currently negotiating a price with a stall owner over talisman papers, with him, was a young girl that looked to be around 10 years old. Although this place seemed like a normal city, it is merely a temporary place for cultivators going to the competition, it is not place where children are commonly seen.

'Definitely not normal, not to mention' Li Pingjun thought, he inspected at the young man.

He looked super plain!, yet, he looked super heroic, with his back straight. It's as if he were looking down on everybody. The more Li Pingjun looked at the man, the more he felt like he had seen him before. An unpleasant memory surfaced in his mind.

'It's him!?'

Li Pingjun remembered that stupid face, he hated it. It was the man that wanted him to become a witness to their love, Li Pingjun ground his teeth, but he remembered the purpose of him being here. With the drama that the couple played up back at the village, there's no way that he's not a protagonist.

Without Hesitation Li Pingjun used his ability on the young man.


Name : Wu Suo

Cultivation Base : 10th stage water gathering

Hidden Ability : Super Fortune

Ability Awakening : Innately Acquired

Bloodline : None

Estimated Cultivation Achievement : ***********************


Li Pingjun's mind went blank as he read the information presented to him.

'There's a 10th Stage!?' Li Pingjun was flabbergasted.

For a moment he thought that it's just information he didn't know about, but he immediately purged that thought. There definitely isn't a 10th stage of water gathering.

'He's definitely a protagonist'

As if agreeing with him, a window appeared in front of him.



Investigate at least 5 protagonist level characters

Reward : ???

Progress: 3/5


Li Pingjun felt happy looking at the progress that he made.

'Only two more'.

Li Pingjun looked at the little girl, he had a thought that she could also be a protagonist level character. Protagonists tend to be interconnected with each other, just like how birds of the same feather flock together.

But he couldn't use his ability again, he wouldn't want to pass out in the middle of the road. He would definitely get taken advantage of. With a heavy heart, he decided to finish his investigation for the day.

"He's definitely here for that lover of his, since she was taken in by a top sect. there indeed is a chance that she will be in the competition" Li Pingjun murmured to himself as he walked back tot he inn.

Li Pingjun was sure of his speculation, that Wu Suo will definitely stay here for the competition. That means that he will have time to investigate that little girl with him. With that thought Li Pingjun looked at Wu Suo's information again.

"super fortune? and he got this ability innately. That's so protagonist like." Li Pingjun said to himself, at the same time he tried to use the super fortune ability.

As soon as he used the ability, his neck felt stiff, he stretched his neck looking to the left in the process. there, to his left was an old man sitting on the ground, nobody seem to notice him at all, and he also just noticed the old man. The old man wore a simple robe that looked worn out, his hair and long beard was white and unkempt.

Li Pingjun met the old man's gaze, noticing this, the old man called out to him.

"young man, it is fate that we have met". the old man took out a pill and threw it at him.

Li Pingjun caught it reflexively, the pill was thrown right at his face blocking his view of the old man as he caught it. when he looked at the old mana gain, he was already gone.

Li Pingjun just stood in place frozen. An incense stick of time later, He bowed to the ground where the old man sat before, he continued walking back to his inn as if nothing happened. He looked at the pill, as he walked. A stupid grin surfaced on his face.

"This ability is awesome"

Back at his inn room, Li Pingjun observed the pill that the old man gave him. The pill looked unremarkable, and it looked worthless. But he knew this pill is probably precious. Li Pingjun scraped the pill with a small knife he had in his pocket, procuring a small dust of the pill. Although he trusted the super fortune ability, he just wanted to be sure this pill won't kill him.

Li Pingjun licked the pill dust and felt overbearing spiritual energy coursing through his body. His eyes widened in surprise, his cultivation base increased a little bit.

"A small dust of the pill did this?" Li Pingjun was a bit scared, will this pill make him explode?, he even thought stupidly about taking the pill bit by bit.

'no, it would definitely be more beneficial to take it in one go'

Li Pingjun calmed his mind, he made sure that the super fortune ability is turned on, before swallowing the pill in one go, Spiritual energy went on a rampage inside his body, it feels like his meridians was about to burst. Li Pingjun was in extreme pain, but he felt his cultivation base raising, so he held on. but then, not even a minute later his meridians was actually ripped apart.

'Is this where my cultivation journey ends?' Li Pingjun thought so while in extreme pain, he barely managed to contain his scream. tears were pouring out of his eyes, he thought that he just destroyed his body because of his recklessness.

Every inch of his meridians inside his body continued to be ripped apart, Li Pingjun was helpless, he could not control the spiritual energy in his body. Soon after his meridians are completely destroyed.

'I've been crippled' Just as Li Pingjun thought that.

The rampant spiritual energy in his body began repairing his meridians. Making them anew, wider and stronger than before. His cultivation base rose like never before, his dantian grew larger as this happened. His body is undergoing a qualitative change.

After Li Pingjun noticed this, he finally realized what that pill was. He wanted to cry out in joy, but if he opened his mouth what would come out would instead, be screams of pain.

The Spiritual energy continued nurturing his body, it even cleansed his marrows. This change happened for a long time, three hours later his cultivation base had reached the peak of 3rd stage of water gathering. However the spiritual energy in his body is still in a rampant state.

When Li Pingjun realized this, Determination filled his eyes. He's going to try to breakthrough to the 4th stage of water gathering stage in one go! . Li Pingjun closed his eyes, and tried his best to control the spiritual energy and breakthrough the bottleneck.

After some time had passed, a small muffled explosion sounded inside Li Pingjun's body. He had broken through to the 4th stage of water gathering, only then did the spiritual energy inside his body calmed down. Li Pingjun opened his eyes, he was excited, but then he realized although the spiritual energy in his body was not rampant anymore, there was still a lot of spiritual energy he could use to cultivate.

If he does not refine this spiritual energy then they would just disperse overtime. Li Pingjun focused on cultivation again, his cultivation speed had increased, now he could cultivate for one hour and get the same amount result as four hours of cultivation before his transformation.

As Li Pingjun was excited, he cultivated all throughout the night till morning. Only when he heard the birds chirping did he realize that it was already morning, Li Pingjun stood up and opened the window, he felt the cold morning mist. He inhaled expecting the fresh morning air, but his nose only sucked in the pungent smell of his body.

'F*ck, that smells' he forgot that when his body was undergoing the transformation his marrow was cleansed of impurities, and now his body smelled super bad. Without waiting another second, Li Pingjun took a bath with the well at the back of the inn.

After freshening himself up, Li Pingjun checked his cultivation base, he had reached the peak of early 4th stage of water gathering. He could not believe it, he had achieved this in a single night.

Li Pingjun eager to search for protagonists again, with this super fortune, he would definitely meet more protagonists, he left the inn with huge expectations. After a whole day, he didn't find anything, not even Wu Suo and the young girl he wanted to use his ability on.

But he did found out what it feels like to step on all kinds of animal poo. That's right, it's as if his luck was used up after using that ability, in total, he had stepped on 12 kinds of animal poop, 5 kinds of birds pooped on his head, and he had near misses with falling face first onto poop. It's as if the world was punishing him for the poop crimes he had done back at home.

Li Pingjun speculated that the super fortune ability uses up all the luck that he had, he was glad that he didn't die immediately crack his head and die because he tripped. Although the ability uses up a lot of his luck, it didn't squeeze him dry of luck. He decided to not use this ability too much, he needed to build up luck for it to be useful.

With that thought he decided to just continue the search tomorrow, he had heard that Tomorrow the top sects would arrive and the competition will start four days later. Li Pingjun slipped and fell because of a particularly slippery animal poop on the way back.