Sword Communication

Morning came, one by one the cultivators from the top sects came into the city, the disciples are given free roam in the city, while the elders went up the mountain to prepare the upcoming competition.

In the second floor of the tea house across the road from Cat's sleep inn. at the corner of the room a group of sect disciples grouped together, each of them had a sword strapped to their back. In the middle of the group a beautiful woman with sharp eyes, sat with her legs crossed, she held her sword in her hands. The other disciples was excitedly talking with each other, but the woman seemed to not care.

"Senior Sister Yan Yuan, what do you think about senior brother Qing Shan's sword move?" One of the disciple moved the conversation to the woman.

"It's full of openings and only focuses on beauty, it's worthless" The woman, senior sister Yan Yuan said without a care.

"Ahahaha!" one male disciple laughed loudly, he seemed to be at odds with senior brother Qing Shan.

"... ahaha... haha" the other disciple laughed awkwardly.

"haha, If senior sister Yan Yuan said so, then it must be true, It seems I must better myself" Senior brother Qing Shan said with a red face. He glared at the male that just laughed.

The disciples continued their conversation, senior sister Yan Yuan seemed bored and just wanted to leave, but then.

"To me, don't talk," a voice with it's sentence structured incorrectly said curtly. but the voice didn't come from the disciples nor the patrons in the tea house, The woman frowned and looked at the sword in her hand.

"Is there something wrong, senior sister Yan?" one of the disciples said to her, the disciples doesn't seem to have heard the voice.

"It's nothing" The woman said curtly.

"is that so" The disciples went back to talking with each other.

'what's wrong' the woman said in her head.

'man, talk, want, refused' the sword replied to her.

Indeed, the woman was talking with the sword!, She had the rare ability to talk with swords. The woman was surprised, in her whole sect only she had the natural ability to talk with swords, the others are elders of the sect who had made a connection with their swords through endless cultivation.

The woman looked around the tea house, but nothing seems to catch her eye.

'where is he?'

'man, left'

'what did he look like?, is he young?' the woman asked the sword again.

'plain, young'

The woman had a wry smile, the sword spirit in her sword is not intelligent enough to give detailed descriptions yet. To have the innate ability to talk to swords, meant that, the man had unparalleled talent for the sword. She stood up to look for the man, the fact that someone else had the same ability as her interests her.

"Senior sister Yan where are you going?" The disciples asked her.

"I'm going to cultivate"


"don't follow me" before the other disciples could reply she had already left.

The disciples looked at each other with awkward smiles.

Outside of the tea house the woman looked left and right, the streets are bustling with people, with the competition just four days away, the city had become even more crowded than before.

'tell me if you se the man from before okay' The woman said to her sword in her mind.


With that, she expanded her senses in all direction and started her search.


Inside the inn room, Li Pingjun overlooked the street from window, he made sure to hide his presence as much as possible. A beautiful woman with sharp eyes came out of the tea house, she looked around for a moment before closing her eyes. Li Pingjun immediately closed the window.

He sat on his bed and observed a new window in front of him.


Name: Yan Yuan

Cultivation Base : 1st stage of Seed Creation

Hidden Ability : Sword Communication

Ability Awakening : Innately Acquired

Bloodline : None

Estimated Cultivation Achievement : Peak of Wood Consolidation


In the morning Li Pingjun came to the tea house across the road again,but this time, he finally found a protagonist level character. Once again, as if agreeing with him, the quest window appeared.



Investigate at least 5 protagonist level characters

Reward : ???

Progress : 4/5


With this he just needed to find that little girl that was with Wu Suo, and the quest could possibly be finished. Li Pingjun was excited, the rewards he got from this ability was amazing. His cultivation base had even reached 4th stage, it only took a fraction of the time he used to reach 2nd stage of water gathering before.

As he thought about this, he recalled the events that just took place, the moment he investigated that woman, he tried using the ability on her sword. And boy was that a mistake, although he couldn't hear what the woman was thinking, he could hear the sword talking and infer what the conversation is like.

Li Pingjun bolted out of that place immediately, Yan Yuan would never have thought that he stayed just across the road, not to mention, the in room is equipped with a formation that ensures privacy. Although, with her cultivation base she would be able to forcefully breakthrough the formation with her senses, that would not be ethical.

Although he didn't know why the woman wanted to find him, he didn't want to risk it, especially since she is strong enough to squash him like a bug.

"But how did she get the ability to communicate with swords innately?" Li Pingjun murmured to himself, he was confused, usually, someone would only get this ability after years of sword training or-.

Realization hit him, the woman Yan Yuan didn't have a bloodline related to swords, and she clearly looks way too young to have been training with the sword for years. Of course, she could also just be an old grandma in disguise ,or a genius, but even for geniuses this ability still takes a long time to acquire, which leaves one other thing he knew of. Physique, Yan Yuan is either a super genius or she had a physique related to swords.

Li Pingjun's ability could not investigate the physique of other's, with that, he put this thought at the back of his mind.

Li Pingjun decided to lay low in the inn room for a while to shake off the heat. While waiting excitement overcame him, Sword Communication!, this an ability that only experts of the sword have. He could finally become an unparalleled sword immortal!.

In the afternoon, he left the inn in a discreet manner, Li Pingjun walked the street in an inconspicuous manner, he began his search for protagonist characters once again, especially that little girl. In the process, he beelined toward a certain store.

30 minutes later Li Pingjun stood in front of a store, the store sign says 'Sword Pavilion'. He smiled broadly and entered the store, inside, swords of all kinds hanged on the walls, a rough looking man with scars on his face, sat at the counter. The man looked like a battle veteran, the moment Li Pingjun came in, he looked at him.

The man scrutinized Li Pingjun, a moment later he said to him.

"feel free to look around"


Li Pingjun walked around the store, a moment later he found a beautiful sword like no other, he thought that this is a good sword.

"hmph" the man made an audible snort as if he knew what Li Pingjun was thinking.

Li Pingjun ignored the man and picked up the sword, he used the sword communication ability at once, but no sound came out of the sword. He was puzzled, but then he noticed a sign bellow where the sword was placed.


Ornamental Sword

20000 Spirit Stone


Li Pingjun quietly put down the sword, no wonder it couldn't talk, and it's super expensive too. He looked at another sword close to him, the sign says it's a sword made with cold silver, it costs 6000 spirit stones. Although he could not pay for it, he nevertheless picked it up to test the ability, immediately after Li Pingjun is overwhelmed with the feeling of disgust, he wondered for a bit before realizing that it was coming from the sword.

The sword couldn't talk and only gave him a feeling, he thought that this sword was trash so he tried the other swords, an incense stick of time later he realized all of the gave the same feeling. Why is that?, he turned to the store keeper.

"Uncle are these swords defective?"

The man didn't reply but a he gave him a cold glare, It was very scary.

"uh...uhm, never mind" Li Pingjun backed down.

Although, he didn't know why the swords are giving him a disgusting feeling, he still wanted to buy a sword. Without a doubt, he could communicate with swords, he will definitely reach far in the way of the sword with this ability.

Li Pingjun looked at all the sign for the swords, they were all very expensive!, he could not afford it. He looked around the store once again, this time he noticed a bucket full of swords, they were in the corner and covered in dust.

"Uncle how much are those swords over there cost?" Li Pingjun asked the man.

"100 spirit stones each"

"what?, uncle are you sure? how about swords for 50 spirit stones?"

"Lad, do you want to die because your sword broke mid battle?, although those swords are not the best, I can guarantee them to last you quite a few battles, if you use them correctly that is"

"makes sense" Li Pingjun accepted the words of the man.

He approached the dusty swords and began checking them one by one using the sword communication ability, he hoped that he could at least find a sword that doesn't give him that disgusting feeling.

After going through 8 swords, they all gave him the same feeling, just as he was going to give up, the ninth sword gave a different reaction.

'Hands off.... swine'

Li Pingjun was surprised, he mind went blank.

'It Talked!' he said in his mind, the sword seemed to be able to hear him.

'You're a.... buffoon'

Li Pingjun was surprised, this sword could talk. And it seems to talk even more fluently that the sword Yan Yuan used, although it's still a little slow.

'Nice to meet you!' Li Pingjun said in his mind, but the sword stayed silent.

After that no matter how much he talked, it stayed silent. Nevertheless it indeed is a talking sword so he immediately went to the counter to purchase it. Before actually going to the counter he checked the other sword but only this one talked.

"Uncle, I'm buying this" Li Pingjun said while handing over 100 spirit stones, his heart hurt.

'Cease!, No, you're..... Shit!' the sword seem to panic.

Li Pingjun ignored the sword and left the store with it in hand. He found a secluded place to talk to the sword

'Why do you not want to be bought by me?' Li Pingjun was curious

'you don't..... know anything..... about swords!'

Li Pingjun realized why the other swords gave him that feeling. he tried to reassure the sword.

'Don't worry!, I will become an unparalleled sword immor tal in the future!. I'll show you a couple of my moves!' saying that inside his head, Li Pingjun began to swing the sword. He looked like a kid playing with a stick.

'I want..... to puke' The sword said, despite not being able to physically puke.

'free me'

'free me!'


The sword started screaming like crazy inside his mind.

"Ugh, I'll let you calm down for a bit" Li Pingjun turned off his ability, immediately after he couldn't hear the sword anymore. Normally, a person who had gained this ability would not be able to turn it off. Li Pingjun was a special case.

After that fiasco with the sword, Li Pingjun promptly went to a general goods store to sell his materials. When he got lost in the forest on the way here, he always used Cui Yan's ability to search for spiritual herbs he could use, although he also hunted spiritual beasts, he could only bring a small amount of the materials, since he couldn't carry all of them.

Li Pingjun went to several places to sell his materials, at the same time he bought a few chicken flavored fasting pills, what? you didn't know these existed?, well, The More You Know.

It was near the evening after he finished, he got around 125 spirit stones, with this he had around 70 spirit stones he could use for emergency and for lodgings. the whole day he didn't find the little girl nor Wu Suo so he wanted to go back to the inn, but before that.

Li Pingjun went back to the place where he bought the sword he bought a cheap book about sword techniques and at the same time he used his ability on the man. He got an ability that helps him understand sword techniques more easily, indeed there's a reason the man has a sword store. he was an expert at the sword.

"Now then"

Back at the inn, Li Pingjun sat crossed legged on his bed with a book in hand, the book had no title but the man said it was book about sword techniques. it was time for his sword journey to start!, he opened the book.

Sword Techniques : even an idiot would understand