Chapter 1of 1 marriage contract

New York city a bright city with bright dreams to fulfill a beautiful young woman aged 23 graduates university in business class and management she had big dreams to work for a big famous well known company but all her dreams comes crashing down when her parents signs a marriage contract to a wealthy well known family in London and other parts of the countries and cities she was helpless and could not say no to her family but tried her very best to withdraw the marriage, " don't worry sweetheart they are a good family they are wealthy well known and respected people in London and their son will be lucky to have you as his wife, I also heard he is the president CEO of their company you will be respected and well taken care of Lara. " her mother said with a smile," mom I don't know this person, yes he might be rich and owns a company but did you look into other things if his kind loving what type of person he is you only looked on the positive side not the negative side and me marrying someone I don't know nothing about as never been on my bucket list. " Lara tried to convince her mother," we have already signed the contract Lara and you will get married to that man, tell me are you happy seeing your mother, sister, brother and I suffer accept the fact that we are poor do you know how hard it was to get that marriage contract signed just for them to accept you for their son huh." Her father scolded from behind Lara turned around to her father, " Dad I have graduated from business class I have good grades if you just me find a good job I can provide for all of you." Lara begged her father, Thomas frowned and said," your mother and I have already made this decision, you can start packing your things you're leaving for London within half an hour, I have your passport and plane ticket ready. " Thomas said putting the passport and plane ticket on the table and left," mom please talk to Dad don't send me away please am begging you. " Lara sobbed, Emma wiped her tears and gave a helpless faint smile, " you will be fine Lara your new family will love you so much, don't worry now go start packing your things I'll arrange some other things you will need there okay." Emma kissed her forehead and left Lara sat on the couch helplessly starring at her passport and plane ticket tears forming in her bright pretty eyes she looked at her watch it was 8:30am in London must be 1:30pm she took a breath and went to arrange everything.