Chapter 3of3 Unknown country

the black sports car was already parked on the road side waiting it was already dark when Lara arrived in London she could not see anyone around nor did she know anybody in this country, " oh Lara how could you just get into the plane to an Unknown country, do you really trust the man you are contracted to marry." she scolded herself she sat on the bench waiting, a tall man walked up to her dressed in a fine black suit he had slightly long black hair he was good looking and serious Lara couldn't help feeling frightened and tremble, " Miss Bella, am Will my boss sent me to pick up up." he smiled slightly Lara shook his hand looking around, " didn't he come along?" Lara asked after hesitation, " He has a lot of work to take care of but am here to accompany you where you'll be staying. " Lara was puzzled but didn't ask as if reading her mind he added," don't worry miss Bella it's only temporary. " will said and led her towards the car Lara got into the car and they strolled off soon the car arrived at a fancy expensive hotel that only wealthy people can afford to spend a night here Will gave the receptionist a black card and led Lara towards the elevator they arrived at the V.I.P suit where wealthy people could manage paying for it," here your key to your hotel room Miss Bella, have a good night rest and I'll see you tomorrow. " Will gave her the keys and left as soon as Lara opened the door her mouth dropped open the room was so big bigger than their house back in New York city it had a huge living room and a big TV the first thing that Lara did was open the fridge her eyes lit up immediately there was cake, yogurt, ice cream, fruits, soft and energy drinks and on the other side different types of wine was lined up perfectly, she took a piece of cake adding yogurt to it and poured some juice in a glass turned on the TV watching her favorite Korean series at 12am she brushed her teeth took a shower got into a white silky nightgown and went to sleep the bed was big and comfortable so warm that she immediately fell into a deep sleep, it was 10am when Lara opened her eyes luckily she didn't have to worry about anything she was not working neither did she have to clean up like back home, she got up brushed her teeth took a shower and wore a bathrobe and went to the kitchen prepared toast and eggs with coffee turned on the TV while enjoying her breakfast the hotel room was already cleaned up by room service when she was done having breakfast she cleaned the dishes got dressed in a pair of blue jeans with a long sleeve white shirt tied her hair into a ponytail and sat on the sofa reading a magazine when she turned the page the first thing she saw was the title headline, " The handsome charming Alexander Grey did it again in the business world. " Lara looked at his picture he was really handsome his ocean blue eyes looked pure and shinny even though he didn't smile he looked noble and dignified he wore a gray handmade suit and this picture was taken yesterday, Lara breathed in and out she didn't know how the man she was contracted to marry looked like but seeing the man in the photo she wished he is handsome as Mr Grey she closed her eyes and prayed silently, " please let the man am contracted to marry be as handsome as this man in the picture. " she begged to the heavens a knock on the door pulled her back to reality she thought it might be Will so she hurried to open the door, a tall handsome young man about 1.80 stood in front of her he smiled sweetly at her, " Uhm can I help you?" Lara asked looking at the tall young man he had slightly short black hair with dark eyes his skin smooth and slightly pale he wore an expensive black suit a black shirt inside with leather black shoes and a black tie he looked rich and strong," Hi am James, you must be Miss Bella right." Lara hesitated for a while before nodding, " Uhm yes that's me, can I help you. " she said James smiled," I was told to pick you up Will is handling with some other work so I will be leading you to his boss." he said simply Lara was a bit puzzled and asked," you mean the man am supposed to marry, are you one of his workers." James chuckled hearing her last words and said," I am my own boss miss Bella let's just say am doing him a favor so shall we. "

" let me get my bag and phone I'll be right back." Lara grabbed her bag phone and left the hotel it was a 30min drive when the car stopped in front of a big building Lara stared through the car window her mouth dropped slightly looking at James and said," This... this is Grey Cooperation Enterprise, he works here? " Lara asked with shock in her eyes she has never seen Mr Alexander Grey in person only in magazines and newspaper but her arranged husband works in this company she might get a chance to meet the great Alexander Grey in person James knew Lara was not aware the fact that the man arranged to marry her was Alex himself and he didn't want to tell her otherwise she might be frightened and pass out Lara also thought the man she is supposed to marry is not an ordinary person for him to work in this company people who work for this company must be qualified and at least come from a rich background Lara was so lost in thought that James had to clear his throat bring her back to her senses," Aham... Miss Bella shall we. " he led the way and Lara followed behind quietly as soon as she entered the building she was dazed it was so huge inside and beautiful the pretty chandeliers were shinning brightly lighting up the ceiling people moving up and down taking calls and ordering documents they all looked busy with their work they all greeted them and showed James respect while they passed by James pressed the elevator button and Lara stepped in the elevator stopped on the fifth floor this section was fancy and luxurious this section was a the presidential suit only a few people worked here those qualified enough on each floor in this building had a different receptionist a tall woman was walking up to James and Lara she wore a black tight dress with red high heels her blond hair was tied up into a bun making her brown eyes stand out she had a sexy body which Lara couldn't help but wonder that every man in this company must admire her body and beauty including Mr Grey himself, " Mr Lan what a present surprise." she smiled even her voice sounded seductive Lara looked at James she wanted to see his facial expressed but he didn't seem to be attracted to her he remained serious at all times Lara was amused even in front of this sexy beautiful woman he still showed no interest," is he in?" James said calmly Rossy ignored him starring at the beautiful young woman beside him and raised a questioning brow," he was in the meeting right now. " Rossy said still looking at the woman James narrowed his eyes and said coldly, " you being his personal secretary should know his expecting us or do you want to get fired." James retorted Rossy only knew Alex was expecting James no one else but suddenly sees a woman show up with him she couldn't help but wonder she looked at the woman beside James she was tall slender and very beautiful more beautiful than any woman in this company including her Rossy didn't like that she hoped and prayed that this woman wasn't looking for a job here she couldn't compete with her and she definitely didn't want her to meet Alex turning back to James she said," you can go in, alone." James raised a brow and said calmly, " She's with me and she's coming with come Lara. " James led Lara to Alex's office Rossy knew she couldn't stop him so followed behind quietly they walked through the long hall way his office was far away from the V.I.P section it took them 10min to reach his office Rossy knocked on the door and went inside after hearing a cold response with James and Lara behind, " Mr - ."

" leave us." Alex cut her off Rossy hesitated for a long time before nodding and left Lara couldn't see his face he was sitting on his rolling chair his back facing her he was holding a file in his hands James gave her a reassuring smile and left she wanted to stop him but it was to late he already left her with this strange man Lara felt her heart beating crazily she stared at him trying to see his face but it was useless she could only see his brown hair nothing else," Seat down." Alex said coldly Lara felt her whole body freeze she was trembling but respected his order and sat down she didn't dare to speak cause her throat felt dry she suddenly felt scared and failed to calm down her throat felt dry suddenly a deep cold voice rang into her ears and knocking on her heart," Miss Lara Bella aged 23 graduated this years in business class and management no job profession lives with her two parents and siblings in New York city." the man in front of her said almost everything about her Lara was shocked she didn't say a word she kept quiet the man finally turned around his chair Lara's eyes widened she thought her eyes was playing tricks on her," Alexander Grey am contracted to marry? no this must be a dream a stressing dream." Lara thought and shook her head slightly but she could still see him sitting there and looking at her his deep cold ocean blue eyes shinned brightly like stars his thin reddish lips looked soft and tempting his skin was so smooth and delicate his brown silky hair was perfectly combed back making small smooth waves he wore a heavy blue suit with a light blue shirt and a blue tie he looked breathtaking, Lara stood up stepping back, " Mr....Grey." she said his name but no other words came out she didn't know what to say in front of this noble King she never thought she would be contracted to marry such an important wealthy unapproachable man they were two different people from two different worlds it was impossible for them Lara thought while she was busy lost in thought Alex stared at the woman in front of him she was simple tall about 1.80 slender and beautiful way beautiful than other women he has came across with she looked innocent and naive had a slim waist but had carves her long smooth soft brown hair was tied into a ponytail making her facial features clear to see her eyes were big and round shinning brightly like the moon her nose was sharp and pretty her thin lips were pink soft and tempting she had beautiful gray eyes like the bright moon she wore simple cloths but looked beautifully breathtaking, " not bad." Alex thought smiling inside, Lara was so nervous her palms were sweating her heart was beating crazily inside her chest if she wasn't going to calm herself down anytime soon she will defiantly pass out Alex eyes were fixed on her he could see through her how nervous she was he was scaring her so he decided to break the awkward atmosphere, " have a seat." he said in a calm voice Lara hesitated before agreeing to seat down her head kept looking down she didn't dare to meet his eyes but Alex didn't like it he knew if she kept on like this she would hurt her neck and be in a lot of pain," if you keep starring down like that your neck will be sore." Alex said in a low deep voice after hearing his words Lara lifted her head slightly and gathered a lot of courage to speak," you... are you my contracted husband to be. " Lara asked anxiously Alex didn't answer her question instead he spoke," I never agreed to this marriage but since it's about my company's reputation and family I am Wiling to marry." Alex was straight foreword with her Lara felt pain but gave a bitter smile and said," I also didn't want to agree to this marriage am helpless we are both doing this for the sake of our family. " Lara avoided his eyes Alex had his eyes fixed on her he could see pain in her eyes he was about to open his mouth but the door suddenly opened behind Lara Rossy stepped inside and whispered into Alex's ears Alex face changed immediately he turned serious cold and indifferent Lara got a little frightened it seemed like he received some bad," alright tell Jack to handle everything while am away." he said coldly Rossy nodded and left he turned to Lara and said," go back to the hotel will continue this conversation later. " Alex said while he talked to Lara his voice became a little gentle Lara stood up and left James was already gone Will was waiting for her inside the car she jumped in and sat there quietly, " How are you Miss Bella hope you are enjoying your stay here. " he smiled Lara looked at the man on the mirror view and smiled sweetly, " yes thank you." she said," there is still time England is really big would you like to explore it?" Will asked Lara wasn't in mood to explore England yet so she refused politely, " Thank you for your kind offer but am tired now maybe next time." Lara said in a flat voice Will nodded and took her back to the hotel when she arrived in her hotel room she took off her shoes tied her hair into a bun and took out her phone she was about to call home when her phone rang it was from Maya she completely forgot to tell her best friend that she was leaving for London she must be so upset with her Maya and her have been best friends from Fifth grade they grew up together and went to the same college and graduated university together, Lara took a deep breath she was going to get a scolding today she tapped the screen and answered, " Lara Bella how dare you leave me without telling me anything now that you have found a husband for yourself in London you don't even want to call me are you crazy, we have been best friends for 20years since we were 4years is our friendship that weak now." Maya complained Lara felt bad and tried to explain to her friend, " please relax am sorry it happened so suddenly my parents wanted me to leave immediately I wanted to see you before leaving but I didn't have time and when I got here my phone went off but I swear I was going to call you." Lara explained Maya believed her cause she knew Lara was the last person to lie to her," I believe you anyway tell me how is London did you meet the man you're arranged to marry? is he handsome? is he rich ? does he have a kind heart?" Maya asked excitedly Lara rolled her eyes if only her best friend knew Lara didn't have to answer all her questions just telling her his name was enough to answer all her questions, " His...his Alexander Grey." Lara said simply Maya on the other side squirted excitedly and said word after word, " Oh my gosh Lara seriously thee Alexander Grey, the President CEO of Grey Cooperation Enterprise the handsome charming man every woman dies to have, am so jealous am so happy for you Lara, when are you getting married I want to be at your wedding don't forget to invite me okay." Lara shook her head this friend of hers was really talkative she didn't even give her a chance to speak Lara was about to speak when a knock echoed inside her room," Maya someone is at the door I will have to call you back okay. "

" okay don't forget to call me bye." Lara hung up the call and went to open the door but to her surprise no one was there but a small wooden basket there was a small cute white British puppy it was sleeping peacefully Lara was puzzled but couldn't resist the cuteness she picked it up there was a Diamond necklace around it's neck with a name tag Lara looked at the name and smiled, " Paris, such a cute name." Lara said the name in low flat voice there was also a small note around Paris necklace it said," please take care of her I know she'll be safe with you, it means a lot to him." Lara was confused reading the not why would someone leave an adorable little puppy on a strangers door and who did this little puppy mean a lot to, Lara thought she went to the first floor holding Paris in her arms," Uhm excuse me Miss." Lara called the receptionist, " yes Madame how can I be of service to you." the receptionist asked," did you see someone come in with a puppy, well someone left this little puppy on the door room. " Lara showed her the little puppy, " am sorry Miss but no such person came in with a puppy but don't worry I'll call someone and they will take the puppy to the pound." the receptionist said," No no it's alright I can take care of it, thank you for your help. " Lara was to quick to refuse," you're welcome. " Lara went back to her room when she got into the elevator a tall woman was standing at a far corner she was beautiful she wore dark sun glasses and a black tight dress with high heels after Lara left she also left.


Alex left the company as soon as he got the news he arrived in the East away from the city there was a small house near the sea James was already there with five other men in black when the car pulled over James approached him Alex got out of his black sports car he looked handsome and dignified his face was cold and emotionless, " where is he? " Alex asked coldly, " his inside his badly beaten up but he still insists not knowing where she is. " James said Alex walked to the small house with his men following behind he opened the door and went inside there was a man drenched in blood his face and body was badly ruined he looked half dead one of his men arranged a seat for him he sat down with one leg folded on thee other starring at the man the bruised man opened his eyes lifting his head up and looked at Alex even with the pain he was in he managed to laugh crazily and said," well well well if it isn't the great Alexander Grey are you so desperate on finding her, it's impossible for you to find her if she doesn't want to be found you know." the man said Alex remained calm showing no emotion this got the man pissed off," don't play bullshit with me Alex I know you want to find her after all she did mean something to you back then even till now." the man sneered Alex raised a brow and said, " You're right I do want to find her but not because I still have something for her but because she took away one thing that I treasure the most." Alex said calmly the man gave a sly smile and said, " I pity you but I will tell you the same thing I told your men and that is I don't know where the hell she is get that." the man laughed loudly Alex frown seriously and said," since you don't know where she is then it's useless keeping you alive. " the man got scared at this moment, Alex nodded at his men and left with James when they walked out the man was busy cursing Alex," fuck you Alex, you will never find her damn you." a shot was fired inside the small house and it went silent the men cleaned up the place and got rid of the body, Alex and James arrived at a bar they sat at a far corner while the drank beer," is it necessary to find her now I mean soon you will be getting married won't that bring trouble." James said seriously Alex frowned and said," I have been looking for her for 5 years now I will do anything to find her and as for Lara I won't let any harm come to her." Alex drank his beer they stayed in the bar for a long time James didn't have to much to drink cause he had to keep an eye on Alex and make sure no harm come to him Alex was already drunk he couldn't stand up straight James helped him up patting his chest and said," let's get you home buddy." and he led Alex to the car before he could start the car Alex spoke, " take me to her I want to see her. " James didn't have to ask who cause he knew Alex was talking about Lara he was a little worried Alex might do something stupid but again he couldn't say no after all they'll be getting married soon, James drove his car to the Intercontinental London hotel where Lara was staying to the fifth floor and knocked on her door Lara immediately opened the door seeing Alex in such a state made her worry and angry," Can we come in?" James asked Lara made way for them and closed the door," What happened? why is he so drunk? Lara asked looking at Alex James scrunched his back of the head and answered," well he was stressed and we went to a bar." James said looking down, " And you let him got drunk why couldn't you stop him. " Lara scolded ," Am sorry but I couldn't stop him, his wasted please take care of him." James said heading for the door," wait but I -." before Lara could finish her words James was already gone she turned around and saw Alex he took off his jacket and shirt letting his strong hard perfect body come into view his abs looked damn hot and sexy Lara couldn't turn away she was mesmerized by his charm she was lost in her daze when Alex pulled her into his arms before she realized what happened Alex's lips pressed hers his lips was so warm and sweet he tasted a little like alcohol which made Lara drunk into his taste she couldn't resist him so she kissed him back passionately she surrounded his neck as he held her waist in his arms tightly he kissed her neck jawline and collarbones he didn't leave any of her skin untouched Lara moaned biting her lower lip Alex unbuttoned her shirt throwing it to the floor he was so damn aroused by her he has never felt this desire for anyone but her one touch from her awoken his demon inside he even though he was drunk he managed to carry her to the room he was really careful like handling a new born baby he laid her on the bed kissing her lips so passionately she was so aroused by him she also felt the desire for him they both wanted each other so badly Alex unbuckled his belt while kissing her he unzipped her jeans taking them off Lara felt shy and embarrassed she has never been naked in front of a man before nor has she ever slept with anyone before she was nervous, anxious and scared at the same time she has never experienced sex before, Alex saw how nervous she was he stared at her innocent pure eyes he kissed her lips and bit her earlobe and whispered, " Are you a virgin?" he asked in a low sexy voice Lara's heart skipped a beat she nodded in embarrassment, " that pleases me, he caressed her cheek with a smile and said seriously, " it will hurt for your first time but I promise I will be gentle and careful. " Alex assured her before kissing her lips again down to her neck he sucked and kissed each part of her body before splitting her legs apart and went inside her slowly he was careful and gentle trying not to hurt her Lara felt pain underneath," AH." she screamed out painfully Alex her again trying again he was being really careful Lara grabbed the sheets tightly in her hands as if it will take her pain away," A..Alex." she cried out his name painfully Alex pushed himself in once again and finally he broke through her barriers he was in she was so warm inside that he got really excited inside he placed a soft kiss on her lips as he began to move the pain that Lara felt earlier disappeared she felt pleasure and sweetness they made love twice in roll it was already dark outside they enjoyed the good sex and fell a sleep in each other's arms.


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