Chapter 4of4 She was here

it was 8am when Lara opened her eyes Alex was still a sleep holding her body tightly into his arms she could feel his warm breath caressing her neck she remembered the crazy night they had last night Lara felt embarrassed thinking why she let herself go sleeping with a man she barley knew was it because she was going to marry him any time soon, she was about to leave bed when Alex spoke," stay in bed for a while don't leave I still want to hold you in my arms." He spoke his voice was deep and husky from sleep it made Lara's heart start beating fast but that smell his smell made her relax and feel safe in his arms she too wanted to stay in his arms they only knew each other for a day but they didn't want to separate from each other Lara didn't say a word instead she stayed in his arms for an hour more, it 9am Alex opened his deep beautiful blue eyes starring at the little woman in his arms she was still naked beneath the sheets her body was warm and soft he couldn't help smiling pulling her close to him and whispered next to her ear," good morning? Alex greeted," good morning." Lara smiled turning to look at him," how did you sleep?" Alex asked Lara remembered everything from last night and how she was still naked under the sheets she felt really shy and answered in a flat voice," i...I slept good, how about you?" Alex kissed her forehead and said," I slept better than before, wanna take a shower with me?" he asked seriously Lara was shocked she immediately shook her head," no no I can take a shower myself you go ahead first." she said wrapping herself around in one of the sheets getting out of bed her body was so sore and painful that she almost fell down but Alex held her on time and asked worriedly," Are you okay?

" yes am fine am just a little sore." Lara admitted Alex looked into her shinny gray eyes and said," Am sorry." he apologized Lara was shocked to hear such a powerful man apologize especially to an ordinary poor woman like her actually Alex was also surprised by his own words he had never apologized to anyone in his entire life before not even to his own family in everybody's eyes he was a cold brutal man who had no emotion or heart hearing Alex apologize warmed Lara's heart she suddenly hugged him and said," thank you for caring about me, go take a shower first I will prepare your cloths." Alex nodded and went to the bathroom Lara gave the dry cleaner Alex's cloths to be cleaned after 5min the dry cleaner came back handing Lara the cloths she placed them carefully on the sofa in the room when Alex was done showering Lara went to take a shower as well Alex got dressed he noticed something on the bed there was stains of blood on the white sheets he frowned holding the sheet tightly in his hand he felt really bad that he hurt her he gave the dry cleaner to wash them and bring new sheets in after Lara was done with her bath she got dressed in a simple white dress with a pair of slippers she made breakfast for the two of them and ate in silence when she heard a bark Lara turned around and saw little Paris in the living room Alex creased his brows and asked," You have a dog?" Lara nodded simply Alex followed her sight of line and saw a familiar dog his eyes widened slightly and frowned Lara stood up picking up Paris," hey are you hungry, but I don't have dog food will you have milk in the mean while?" she smiled pouring some warm milk in a bow Paris began to drink the warm milk," that dog, where did you get it? who gave it to you?" Alex asked coldly Lara felt a little chilly by his cold voice, why did he become cold and serious all of a sudden it's just a dog, oh no doesn't he like dogs what if he hates dogs I just can't send this little puppy away plus I promised myself to take care of it." Lara thought she hesitated for a long time before answering," well I don't know someone left it outside my room door and left there was a note around it's neck, wait a moment." Lara took the note and gave it to him Alex read the note and frowned hard he knew this dog cause it stayed with him for over 3years with that woman when she left she took Paris with her and disappeared now this dog found itself on Lara's door this only meant one thing and that is that she's back in town what Alex couldn't understand is why now when she left for so many years and why did she leave Paris to Lara does she know she's the woman he is supposed to marry that's why she came back. Alex thought he put the note in his pocket and said," You will have to pack your things you will be staying with me at my house." Alex told her Lara was about to refute him but a knock disturbed her words she went to open the door and saw a familiar handsome face it was James," Good morning, hope am not disturbing anything." he smiled," of course not come in." Lara smiled closing the door James approached Alex and greeted," Good morning?"

" morning. Alex greeted back and asked coldly," what brings you here?" James sat on sofa when he saw a familiar dog he frowned raising his brow at Alex but didn't ask anything since Lara was present but he had a way of asking without being suspicious," Cute puppy, I didn't know you had a dog." James smiled," well it's not my dog someone left it at my room door and left they only requested to take care of it but since they abandoned the little girl I guess it makes it mine." Lara said excitedly James nodded and said," anyway I came here per Aunt's orders she wants you two to in Briton today, to talk about the wedding and preparation she wants the wedding to take place as soon as possible." Lara was so anxious to meet the people who choose her to marry their son what if they see her in person and change their mind what if they don't like her, all these thoughts started passing through Lara's mind Alex so how depressed she looked, he held her shoulders giving her a reassuring nod he turned back to James and said," what about work I just can't leave the company without supervision?" Alex said coldly," don't worry about that I have everything under control, jack will look after the company while you are away." James knew Alex would use his company not to go to Briton so he arranged everything in advance he glared at James sharply like sharp daggers he finally told Lara to pack her things Lara nodded and left when she disappeared into the bedroom door Alex said," She's here in England I know for a fact that she was also the one who sent Paris to Lara, tell Will to investigate search every city every corner every severance camera in the city, shops, hotels,coffee shops,super market, road side, everywhere I want the information to get to me before dark is it understood." he said firmly his eyes showing a deadly kind of light James nodded before calling Will and ordered him firmly Alex waited for Lara patiently she didn't have a lot of cloths so she had one small bag only she took Paris into her arms and said," All ready, shall we?" Alex nodded and they three of them left the hotel into a black limo there was a black sports car parked on the other side of the road there was a man dressed in black sitting on the driver's seat and a tall woman sitting on the back seat she was gorgeous slender and serious she wore black sunglasses and a sexy brown leather dress when Alex's car disappeared from their site she spoke," Let's go back home." the driver turned on the engine and drove away, the drive was 3hrs and a half when they reached Briton the sun was setting Lara admired the place it was a very beautiful breathtaking city so gorgeous and warm she smiled starring through the car window seeing her smile Alex felt warm inside that he to didn't realize his mouth carved up slightly James smirked witnessing such a scene Alex frowned seeing that naughty smirk on his face he narrowed his eyes at him and looked outside the car window, they car drove through an iron gold gate the car drove for another 5min to the house Lara's eyes widened upon seeing the mansion it was a castle like made from old bricks it was really huge and beautiful like Royal people lived in it she was excited and nervous at the same time Alex saw how bright her face looked she looked excited upon seeing the house he was born in it but to him it only brings back bad memories he didn't have a normal childhood like any other children or his younger siblings I guess that's the curse for being a first born male heir of the Grey's the black limo parked in the garage Alex stepped out to open the car door for Lara she stepped out holding Paris in her arms and the three of them went inside the house," Welcome home Mr Grey, Mr Lan , and Miss Bella." the maids bowed respectively Alex just walked past through them like he didn't hear a thing he was so cold at the moment that the maids began to tremble Lara and James gave a slight nod and followed behind to the living room, there was a tall woman standing on the stairs she was beautiful and proud she was confident in her power status, looks and position, she hand silky curly brown hair with ocean blue eyes just like Alex her thin pink lips carved up into a smile she had an elegant pale skin so smooth and young she wore an elegant long silver mermaid dress with gray high heels with an expensive diamond necklace and earrings she was 48 but she looked like she 30 years old she was youthful and elegant she had a proud smile on her beautiful face as she spoke in a powerful voice loud enough to hear," My dear son, welcome home." she smiled brightly descending the stairs step by step she stood in front of Alex face to face they looked into each other's eyes like competing with one another she was about to touch his cheek but Alex held her wrist firmly and said coldly," don't you dare touch me or I will break your little hand, get that." Lara was so shocked she didn't understand anything that was going on, why would Alex say that to his own mother that was so brutal. Lara thought she looked at his charming face he showed no emotion he was so cold and indifferent at the moment she looked towards James but he looked calm and noble at the moment like he was used to them treating each other like this on the other hand Madame Grey pulled back her hand and chuckled amusingly and said," it's been three years since I last saw you yet you don't want to give your mother a hug, she pretended to be sad and continued," you know you are the only child I consider as my Son cause you are the heir of Grey Cooperation Enterprise you are hard working and take good care of the company while your younger brother his useless good for nothing he only thinks about that girl that will never take him anywhere he chose love over business such a fool, and your younger sister she's nothing but a coward a worthless girl she knows nothing but to party go out with her friends and have fun sometimes I even wonder whether they are my flesh and blood they are not worthy to be called my children, but you my dear son you are perfect so perfect." she smiled what she said made Alex become even colder the atmosphere around them became chilly, Lara was shocked by what Madame Grey just said, why would a mother speak about her children like that it is so brutal and mean what would her children think or feel if they heard this? is this what goes on in wealthy families no love no emotion no care or warmth only power, status and position if this is what it's like then she is so lucky to be born in a poor family at least she knows her family loves and cares about her but she pitted Alex a lot is this why he is so cold and indifferent." Lara thought Madame Grey looked over to Lara it was like her eyes could see right through you just like Alex they were so much a like Lara felt uneasy by her stare she grabbed Alex's suit in a tight grip Alex looked at her pale face she looked frightened and uneasy he held her waist tightly pulling her close to him as if protecting a little baby lamp Madame Grey smiled and spoke," you must be Lara Bella, I must say you look more beautiful in person I must say I made a great choice, she paused for a while as if thinking about something and continued," Am Bianca Grey since my son doesn't call me mother but Madame Grey, you can call me mother after all you will soon be my daughter in law." she said word by word, Lara was shocked once again she didn't understand anything that was going on to much information in one day she felt dizzy and weak before she knew it she faded out Alex was quick to catch her and told James," bring Paris upstairs." he said gathering Lara into his strong arms he glared at Madame Grey before going upstairs.

he made her lay down on his bed he hasn't been in this room for over 3years it was so clean and warm everything was placed in order it seems they used to clean this room everyday this room only had two colours white and gray like back in his Villa in England he looked at the sleeping woman on his bed she looked peaceful and pretty he stretched his long slender hand to touch her soft face and said some words," my world is dark and am pulling you towards it am letting you come into my dark world, it's painful so painful and dangerous it's full of secrets but I only ask for one thing be strong in this journey that you are about to take with me I want you to be by my side okay." Alex pressed a soft kiss on Lara's forehead looking at her face after a while his phone rang he answered immediately," Sir I have sent the file to your Email." Will said Alex hang up the call and went to his study he switched on his laptop to his E-mail the information was all there, there was a tall woman dressed in black with dark sunglasses she was standing at a far corner that was where Lara was staying and that was yesterday, there was also a video from the severance camera when they left the hotel there was a black sports car on the other side of the road it stayed there for a long Time when they left it also left Alex frowned he couldn't see the person inside the car but that woman in the hotel looked familiar he closed his eyes leaning back in his chair, while in the other room Lara already opened her eyes she looked around the room it only had two colours she immediately figured that this was Alex's room it smelt like him and everything was arranged in perfect order she lifted her body up she wanted to get out of bed and find Alex as soon as she was about to get up the door opened and saw a familiar face," You are awake, are you hungry? let's go downstairs we can have dinner. " Alex said approaching Lara he sat down beside her cupping her cheeks he couldn't get enough of her he really wanted her so bad his desire for her grew each moment he looks at her Lara also felt desire for Alex they both needed each other this time she was the one that kissed him she kissed him deeply and passionately before she knew it she was pinned down on the bed Alex kissed her neck biting her playfully sucking and nipping on her soft skin Lara bit her lower lip pressing her slender body against his Alex slide his hand under her dress caressing her thighs taking off her under wear he pulled her dress up taking it off and kissed her lips he kissed her white breast like eating the sweetest fruit in the world Lara moaned shyly she wanted him now she wanted him inside her she couldn't take the torture anymore, " A...Alex." she whispered his name desperately Alex thought he has teased her enough without a second thought he gave her what she wanted he entered her and made love to her they entangled in each other's arms under the sheets Lara was to tired after that she fell asleep in his warm arms Alex thought he should have waited till she had dinner but it was to late to regret it he kissed her hair and got out of bed carefully not to wake her up he got dressed before leaving the room James was seated in the living room twirling a glass of red wine his one leg folded on the other Alex sat on the opposite side poured a glass of wine and drank quietly he no longer looked kind nor soft like he was when he was with Lara he was serious, cold and super calm the atmosphere was inferno so James broke the hot atmosphere before it explored, " Soon you will get married, you must be happy." James smirked twirling his glass Alex raised a brow and said," what makes you think am happy?"

" well you can hide it to anyone Alex but I know you very well, you care about her so much more than anything. " James said.

" it's more than care." Alex said seriously James smiled and said, " are you saying you have fallen in love with her? " Alex didn't say a word he has never used the word love he never believed in love but what he felt for Lara was more than care he didn't know what this feeling was but he didn't want to believe it was love he took a sip of his wine and said," No you know I don't believe in that shit, I'll be getting married to Lara soon and I want to ensure her protection and safety. " James hesitated for a while before blurting out some words," what if she comes back in your life again, what would you do? would you leave Lara? " James asked he was both worried for Alex and Lara he didn't want anything going wrong It has been 5years since that woman disappeared and now all of a sudden she's back just when Alex is about to get married he knew how Alex felt about that woman she was his first lover after all they both loved each other deeply after she disappeared and left him he never fell for another girl he completely forgot the meaning of love nor did he like using it till Lara came along his heart felt alive again even if he didn't want to admit that he has fallen in love with her James knew what he felt, Alex didn't say a word for a long time they stared at one another for quite a while Alex stood up without a word and went to his room James sighed taking the last sip and he to left for his room, in Alex's room he saw that Lara was still sound a sleep he took off his shirt getting in bed Lara buried her little body in his strong chest and asked in a sleepy voice, " Where did you go I was so scared. " hearing these words made Alex frown and said," I just stepped out for a while, what happened? " he asked Lara shook her head hugging Alex, " in my dream you left me I was so lonely I cried to you to come back but you turned your back to me and never looked back. " she said Alex suddenly felt pain in his chest he didn't like seeing her cry he held her tightly in his arms comforting her," it was just a dream I promise I will always be there for you." Alex kissed her forehead, " Alex i...i .." Alex waited patiently for her to speak but the girl in his arms already fell asleep he watched her for a long time before he too fell asleep.


it was 9am when Lara opened her eyes the sun hit her face she closed her eyes covering herself with the quilt Alex came out of the bathroom seeing his little woman covering her face he went and closed the curtains," you can open your eyes now." he said in a deep charming voice that sounded like music to the ears Lara peaked through the quilt and saw Alex he just came out of the shower there was drops of water over his body he looked so hot at the moment Lara swallowed hard before speaking, " Good morning? " she greeted in low soft voice, " Morning, how did you sleep?" Alex asked getting his cloths, " good and you?" she asked him Alex smiled pressing a soft kiss on her forehead and answered, " I had a great night sleep thanks to you, now go get ready and we can have breakfast together. " he said Lara nodded getting out of bed and went to take a shower she got dressed into a simple beautiful dress it was yellow and attractive it lighted up her radiant skin, Alex wore a black shirt and black trouser even though they looked casual on him he still looked breathtaking like he was going for a business meeting even casual cloths looked serious when he wore them when they were both admiring each other in secret they left the room Madame Grey, James and another woman that Lara didn't recognize were seated on the dinning table when the woman saw Alex approaching the dinning room she jumped out of her seat with a big smile running towards Alex and gave him a tight hug," Brother you're finally here after so many years, have missed you so much. " She said stepping back she knew Alex never liked long hugs she had a limit of time Alex rubbed her head gently and said," how are you?"

" am alright, how are you? she replied and asked," Am good." The woman turned to Lara and smiled before introducing herself, " you must be my soon to be sister in - law right, hi am Stacey Grey."

" Lara, Lara Bella nice to meet you." Lara smiled back Stacey was a tall woman beautiful and had a warm smile she was full of life she had long dark purple hair her eyes were a golden brown she wore a short black dress with black high heels as if she was waiting for a party to pop out at any moment now, Madame Grey was right after all she really enjoys parting, Lara thought Alex led Lara to the table and sat down beside, " Good morning Madame... I mean mom." Miss Bianca only smiled and replied, " Good morning, how are you feeling now?" she asked, " much better thank you. " Lara gave a polite smile," Stacey I want you to take Lara to Britt's wedding dress store in the city, I want her to look the most beautiful bride in the whole country get that! Madame Grey said Lara didn't say a word she glanced at Alex he gave her a slight nod," yes mom, Lara you and I are going to have fun looks like you're stuck with me the entire day. " Stacey smiled after breakfast Stacey and Lara left the mansion to down town they arrived at Britt's store this store was the most expensive wedding store in Briton only the rich could afford the dresses in this store and Lara knew that very well this store is found mostly in magazines and all over the internet, when they entered the store a tall woman approached them she had a warm welcoming smile, " Miss Grey such an honor to have you in our store please have a seat." she offered them to seat on the white comfortable sofa," miss Britt please show me your most latest gorgeous expensive wedding dress you have in your store. " Stacey said Lara was shocked did she just say most expensive dress in the store some people would say your most cheapest dress in the store. " Lara thought she wanted to protest but held back she knew Stacey wouldn't listen to her after all it was madam's order.

" oh yes you will love the dress we have in it just came in today and am sure it will fit you perfectly. " Miss Britt smiled she totally misunderstood she thought it was Stacey looking for a wedding dress and not Lara Stacey immediately corrected her," Sorry but it's not for me it's for this gorgeous woman right here Lara Bella, she's the one getting married to my brother and you know the women in the Greys must look outstanding."

" oh nice meeting you miss Bella just looking at your perfect slender body it will fit you perfectly, please come with me." Miss Britt took Lara away she went to the fitting room a sales lady brought the dress and gave it to her, " here you go miss Bella please let me know if you need any help, am right outside. " she smiled and left, Lara looked at the dress in front of her it was really beautiful yet it was not on her body yet she was so excited to try it on she took off her summer yellow dress and tried on the wedding dress Miss Britt was right it fit her perfectly it was a off shoulder mermaid dress there was little diamond stones everywhere it was a gorgeous breathtaking dress Lara felt like a princess at the moment it was like a dream that she didn't want to wake up she admired herself at the moment after feeling satisfied with her look she stepped out to see Stacey, when the dressing room door opened everyone turned to it's direction Stacey and Miss Britt had a big bright smile while others were in shock of her beauty and how gorgeous she looked Stacey stood up approaching Lara and said," wow this is perfect I love it, Britt we'll take it. " she smiled Miss Britt also complimented, " the dress really looks gorgeous on you Miss Bella it's like it was made for you all eyes will be on you." she smiled Lara also loved the dress but she was scared of the price won't it cost thousands, she thought after hesitation she finally asked the price," much does it cost?"

" it's only 1milion. " she said simply Lara on the other hand wanted to choke on her own saliva, did she just say 1milion dollars, I can buy a beautiful house and a car in such money it's just a dress for goodness sake I can't buy such an expensive dress to wear on one day no no." while Lara was busy complaining in her heart Stacey already gave Britt the credit card and paid for the dress she also chose few beautiful sexy dresses for herself and Lara and left the store when Lara realized what just happened they were already in the car Lara stared at Stacey in disapproval and said," the dress is so expensive why did you take it we could have bought a cheaper dress than that." Lara complained Stacey laughed softly, " what's so exciting buying a cheap dress you are marrying into the Grey's Lara you will be shown on TV,Internet , magazines and newspapers as Alex's wife what would the say if the see a cheap dress on you, this is the new life you'll live now so try to get used to it OK." Stacey tried to explain Lara understood she couldn't embarrass Alex and his family just because she wasn't used to such a life at 11am the arrived at another store the choose beautiful high heels then to another store the bought some jewelry at 1pm the went to have lunch at a expensive restaurant in town then did more shopping it was already noon when they went back home," take this to Miss Bella's room and be careful not to drop anything. " Stacey gave the maids to put Lara's wedding dress and dresses in her room Alex was waiting for Lara to come back it was already 6pm he was worried about her as soon as he heard the car arrive he rushed down stairs Stacey saw how worried Alex looked she had never seen him like that before she thought he must really care about Lara a lot she just hoped that he already forgot about his past and ready to move on she said good night to Lara and left even though it was only 6pm she had to say good night cause she knew she won't see her again." Are you okay?" Alex asked scanning her body, " Yes am alright, why do you ask." Lara replied she was a little confused to why he was asking her this question, " I was worried about you that's all. " Alex said simply he took her hand in his and led her to dinning room the maids served them food Lara saw the dinning was empty and asked," Where are the others?"

" James has a lot to do so he went back to England, Madame Grey isn't home and Stacey she'll eat when she feels like it. " Alex said calmly, " Oh I see." was all Lara replied Lara wondered where Alex's Father was she never saw him around ever since she came here neither did anyone talk about him but of course she didn't dare ask Alex she just ate in silence after dinner they went to there room," you must be tired take a warm bath and rest, I'll be back I need to make a phone call." Alex said and left the room Lara took a shower brushed her teeth wore her white silk nightdress and got into bed waiting for Alex while in the study Alex called James the call was answered immediately, " what's going on there?" Alex asked starring at the dark space outside, " Alex you need to get here as soon as possible. " James said he sounded stressed and anxious on the other side Alex frowned he didn't say anything for a long time, " I'll be there tomorrow." he said and hung up the call he was in a trance he stayed there for a long time after 30 min he went back to his room Lara already fell asleep she must have been really tired he went and took a shower got dressed and slept beside his little woman he pulled her into his arms and fell asleep.