Chapter 5of5 Little Girl

when Lara woke up Alex was not in bed she got up took a shower got dressed and went downstairs she only saw Stacey in the living room having breakfast," Good morning? " Lara greeted with a warm smile," Lara good morning come have breakfast with me" Stacey smiled Lara sat down beside her taking a cup of tea, " Uhm did you see Alex around when I woke up he wasn't there." Lara asked Stacey almost choked on her cup of tea Alex specifically told her to tell Lara that he had important work to take care of and that he'll be back in two day's time she looked at Lara with a relaxed face and said calmly, " Actually Alex left for some important work he will be back in two days he didn't want to disturb your sleep so he left me this message to let you know that you shouldn't worry."


" two days!" Lara repeated she didn't know why but she suddenly felt something wrong but she pushed the thought away," hey since my complicated mother and brother isn't home let's go out, my friend is having a party come with me. " Stacey said excitedly Lara raised a brow a smile forming on the corner of her mouth and said," Alex wouldn't like that if he where to find out plus I don't like wild parties." Come on Lara just this once let me introduce you to my friends please come with me. " Stacey pleaded with her Lara hesitated for a while then later on agreed to go with.


In England Alex walked into James's flat it was a beautiful house quite Fancy and elegant it was big and lonely because he stays here alone his family lives in California and him as the only male heir of Lan Cooperation has a lot of responsibilities to take care of, when Alex walked in one of James men respectively led Alex to his boss's sturdy James was seated on his chair there was a little girl seated on the white couch Alex couldn't see her face her small back was facing him when she felt someone was standing behind her she turned around slowly Alex frowned when he saw her small face she looked exactly like him she had his eyes facial features she had a little similar features of his Ex lover she had Adriana's thin lips and shape of eyes she had her sharp pretty cheeks and her brown hair was soft and silky like her, was this little girl his daughter? Alex thought starring at James confusingly but he only gave a helpless worried smile Alex approached the little girl crouched down before her and asked," what's your name?"

" Alexah Anderson. " she answered in a low soft voice Alex creased his brows she had the same last name as Adriana, " And your mother's name? " he asked as he waited for the answer he held his breath he didn't know why he had this weird feeling if this little girl is really his daughter how will he explain it to Lara how would she react? will she hate him, leave him. he didn't know the answer he didn't understand his feelings at the moment Alexah stared at the man in front of her she had a feeling he was her father she has been looking for him for so long she asked her mother so many times who her Dad was but all she got was that they don't need him in there life till one day she went through her mother's things she found a photo of her mother and him they looked happy and young in the photo she found many photos of him and knew that this was her father so she ran away from home in search of him when she saw a man having coffee in the cafe he was the same man she saw in the magazine with her father she approached him without fear and asked him to take her to her father, James was also shocked upon seeing the little girl cause she looked exactly like Alex he took her to his house and called Alex to get there as soon as possible, Alexah looked into Alex's eyes and answered, " Adriana Anderson. " she said Alex's doubt was cleared immediately this was his daughter his daughter with Adriana he couldn't believe it he had so many questions now that needed answers and only Adriana could answer them, why did she leave all of a sudden? why didn't she tell him she was pregnant and had his child? why did she disappear and return after so many years? all these questions where popping in Alex's head he looked at Alexah and asked, " how old her you."

" Am 4 , are you my father? I found lots of your pictures in mummy's room and I had to find you even if mummy doesn't say it I know she still loves you deeply and misses you a lot Dad. " Alexah said, Alex stood up without a word and stood at the window he seemed to be in deep thought.


While in the white mansion far from the city the shot of a gun was fired four times.

Bang, Bang, Bang ,Bang!

Four men dead on the spot Adriana was so angry that she killed four of her men without hesitation she was so worried about her daughter she was anxious she had no idea where she could be and these men failed to look after her they were supposed to be guarding her every move they were useless she didn't need such useless incapable men to protect her daughter, " Madame you being angry and killing them won't bring Alexah back to us safely please calm down." Susan said she was Adriana's assistant she was tall and calm she only wore a white shirt and a tight black skirt with black high heels she always advises Adriana to think rational what she said calmed Adriana she gave her gun to one of her men and said," look through the severance camera in the city she might have gone there if am not mistaken she went to look for her father, find her before she finds anything out." Adriana said firmly when the man nodded and left she turned to Susan helplessly and said," Susan am I a bad mother keeping a daughter away from her father keeping her in the dark, she so badly wants to find her father am just scared Alex won't accept her which will make Alexah heartbroken. " Adriana teared up Susan padded on her shoulders and said," you're not a bad mother you are only trying to protect your daughter, but a day will come when a daughter meets her father and there is nothing we can do about it." Susan said, " but Alex has moved on he will be getting married soon it was my decision to leave him now he has finally moved on he doesn't love me anymore he loves Lara now Susan I don't mean anything to him anymore. "

" you only left him cause you wanted to protect your unborn baby Madame Grey didn't give you another option did she. " Susan said coldly Adriana gave a bitter smile indeed Madame Grey never gave her another option she had to save one it was either Alex or her unborn baby she chose her baby over her love for him it has been 5years the worst years of her life she lived in pain and sorrow she disappeared without a word to Alex she never even told him she was pregnant with his baby she was only 16 when she got pregnant Alex was 18 they were both young but loved each other deeply she was lost in her painful thoughts when the man returned and said," Boss we found Alexah. " when she heard Alexah's name Adriana turned to the man and said," where is she?" the man hesitated for a while and said," She...she is with Mr Alexander Grey at Mr Lan's flat. " he said Adriana was shocked her eyes full of water her fear finally came true they have met each other Alex now knows the truth she thought he went to Briton why is he in England her heart was racing she knew he won't give Alexah back unless she goes to get her herself, in twenty minutes Adriana arrived at James Villa she took a deep breath and went inside some men came to her," Miss please hand over all your weapons before proceeding inside. " the guard said calmly Adriana raised a corner of her mouth she raised her dress took out a dagger and a gun and gave it to him her two men also handed over their guns Susan took out a dagger around her waist line and gave it to the guard when the guards where sure that they no longer had weapons they let them in Alex was seated on the couch with one leg crossed on the other Alexah was busy playing with her doll while smiling at her Dad when the door to the sturdy opened Alexah jumped up excitedly, " Mummy you're finally here, I missed you so much." Alexah hugged her mother Adriana pulled away and glared at her daughter, " why did you run away from home? do you know how worried I was about you, do you like making me suffer Alexah ain't I enough for you, why do you do this?"Adriana shouted she didn't care about anything else she didn't even throw an eye on Alex nor did Alex say a word he just sat there like nothing was happening Alexah frowned and said," Adriana Anderson you've been crying day in and out you cry yourself to sleep starring at Daddy's picture you miss him so much that's why I decided to find him for you, I don't like seeing you cry mummy." Alexah said firmly Adriana felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment she took a quick glance at Alex but he never even threw an eye on her she so badly wanted to escape from there and just disappear James finally stood up and walked to them he crouched down on Alexah's level and said," Come with me let's leave mummy and Daddy to talk okay."

" Okay." Alexah nodded and held James hand they left the sturdy leaving only the two of them there was silence no one spoke the atmosphere was weird and cold Adriana couldn't take it anymore she wanted to turn around and leave but Alex stood up suddenly he approached her slowly and steady each step made her heart race it's been five years his twenty six now he looked more handsome and charming he was so calm, noble and indifferent he was so cold and elegant at the same time he was no longer the young Alex she knew back then he has changed a lot each step felt like death like the devil crawling from hell even if she was twenty four she still felt so little in front of him he was like a majestic King and she felt like a little slave under his wings, Alex didn't stop moving towards her he kept his deep blue eyes glued on her face he didn't think she changed a lot she still looked beautiful and elegant her reddish brownish hair was left loose he remembered he loved this woman so deeply five years ago.

"why did she leave me without warning."

when he didn't stop walking towards her Adriana began to step back only their shoes where being heard in the quiet room she kept stepping back till she hit the wall Alex immediately stopped in front of her even if she was tall and wore high heels she still looked short in front of Alex he looked down on her Adriana still looked straight into his deep eyes Alex put his hands in his pockets and said in a deep tempting voice, " Am listening. " he said coldly Adriana frowned she didn't know what to say to him in fact she had nothing to say to him she didn't prepare herself for this, she took a deep breath to calm herself and said calmly, " What...what do I have to say to you." she said Alex raised his brows.

" was she playing dumb with him." he thought

" why... why did you leave me five years ago? why did you disappear without a word to me?why didn't you tell me you were pregnant and had my baby? why did you hide your whereabouts so I couldn't trace you? why didn't you let our daughter know her father huh." Adriana was at a lose of words she didn't know if she could answer all his questions she only had one reason why she decided to leave Alex and that was to save her baby she chose her baby over her love but she couldn't tell him this after all it was his mother's fault she threatened her with her unborn baby's life but would he believe her over his own mother she knew Alex and Madame Grey never had a good relationship to start with but she still couldn't ruin there still unstable relationship she had to lie to him to save Alexah and herself she looked deep into his eyes and said," you want to know why fine I'll tell you Alex, it's because I never loved you in the first place you weren't good enough for me staying with you in that period was like torture we were both young and naive non of us knew what we both wanted it was a mistake, Alexah is my daughter and I'll take care of her she's my responsibility not yours please stay away from us we don't need you, plus you're getting married soon right I don't want to be the cause of any problems in your life forget we crossed paths you and I or my daughter Alex that's my only request. " Adriana said firmly with determination in her voice Alex expression didn't change he still remained calm and emotionless Adriana couldn't tell what he was thinking anymore he has really changed a lot Alex held her wrist firmly pulling her closer to him and said," do you know how many years I searched for you day and night do you know how many sleepless nights I had because of you ever since you left me I never stopped searching for you Adriana that's how deeply in love I was with you."

"was!... so you no longer love me anymore right you gave up on us, you love her now I see it clearly in your eyes Alex you love Lara now and I want you to move on forget about me and Alexah we are not your responsibility." Adriana said angrily tears pouring down on her pretty face Alex held her face wiping her tears he hasn't seen her for so long he didn't like seeing tears in her eyes he wanted to hug her to comfort her to hold her but he couldn't he had to stay rational if he didn't have Lara he would have held Adriana in his arms to comfort her and make everything right but he had to think about Lara she was his present now and future Adriana is his past and he has to bury his long dead feelings for her he loved Lara now yes he loved her Alex never thought he would describe this word to another woman but he did now he really loved Lara and he will do anything to make her happy, Alex stepped back leaving a distance between them and said," you're right I no longer love you... I love Lara now she's my present and future she'll be my wife soon the only woman I'll hold dear in my heart but I will always care about you I also want to get to know Alexah don't separate her from me." each word Alex said felt like a stab in the chest to Adriana she really lost him but She'll never give up on him at least not now she'll fight for her family no matter what she looked at Alex and gave a bitter smile and said," sure can always visit Alexah it's your right." she said Alex nodded Adriana opened the door and stepped out, " Alexah we should leave now let's go home." Adriana called out.

" but mom I still want to spend time with Dad please let us stay for 20 more minutes. " Alexah pleaded

" you can come back tomorrow and spend the entire day here not today let's go. " Adriana said firmly, " but mummy I still want to stay."

" Alexah!

" don't worry about her Adriana let her spend time with Alex... I will personally drop her off at home." James smiled Adriana hesitated for a while and finally gave in she kissed her daughter on her forehead and said," be good don't make trouble okay."

" Okay. " Alexah smiled and ran to Alex, Alex rubbed her hair with a slight smile then Adriana left with Susan and her men.


it was 7o'clock when Stacey Lara left the Mansion the party was in the city at an expensive luxury Club in Briton when they arrived at the entrance the two guards bowed respectively opening the door for them Lara thought it was because of Stacey why they showed so much respect, the inside was so huge and luxurious blue,green and red lights lighting up the place people were dancing, drinking and having fun Lara has never been in such a place she was a bit uncomfortable Stacey made her wear a really tight black but it was really respective enough she didn't want men eyeing on Alex's woman so she did her best to make Lara breathtaking and respective at the same time her dress reached her knees matching with black high heels her hair was curled up gorgeously she was the star of the party tonight Stacey wore a sexy short red dress with black high heels her beautiful dark hair left loose she looked like a sexy devilness whose always ready to have a crazy night, " Stacey you're finally here. " a blond woman approached them she was beautiful and had pretty dark eyes she wore a seductive pitch short dress with pink high heels," Tina of course I made it you know I never any parties going on in the city." Stacey smiled turning to Lara, " Lara this is Tina Yuvi daughter of Leon Yuvi the mayor my best friend and party buddy, Tina this is Lara Bella our newest member of the Grey's my soon to be sister in-law." she introduced.

" Hi I have only seen you on TV it's such an honor to meet you in person. " Lara smiled polsmilebb," nice to meet you too, so Jason finally decided to get married huh thought he was dating Maria. " Tina asked confusingly Lara also creased her brows confusingly Stacey chuckled explaining immediately, " no no you gat it wrong she's not getting married to Jason she's getting married to Alex. " Stacey corrected Tina's smile immediately disappeared.


"Alex..." she repeated as if she misunderstood the concept Tina has always wanted to get close to Alex she liked him so much and wanted to be the one to marry him one day she didn't think he would choose such a simple poor woman like Lara she was nothing compared to her apart from beauty, Tina thought... she was so arrogant and rude at the moment but she managed to conceal her displeasure and hate for Lara she still kept a warm smile,'' well then let's go enjoy the party, Lara feel free and try to enjoy yourself alright. "

" Alright thank you. " Lara smiled Stacey led her to the dance floor they both dance enjoying the night after the dance Tina led them to a private booth they sat down drinking and charting Tina handed Lara a shot but Lara refused, " am sorry but I don't drink."

" come on it's just one drink it won't hurt." Tina said Lara hesitated she didn't want to be so lame in front of them but again she didn't want to drink she was stuck in between Stacey saw her dilemma and hesitation so she spoke," don't force her Tina Alex doesn't like it when she gets drunk am responsible for Lara so I'll take it. " Stacey took the small glass and poured the liquid in her mouth her face twitched slightly shots could be really bitter within a sec her face lit up they two of them drank some more while Lara drank her lemon juice it was already 8o'clock the three of them continued to have fun on the dance floor while far at a corner there was a tall handsome man seated on the corner he wore a fine expensive black suit drinking red wine he had short dark hair and beautiful green eyes his eyes were glued on Lara the entire time he didn't know how long he had been smiling while watching her till someone spoke beside him, " do you like her...I can get her for you just say the word." a man spoke drinking his wine the handsome man twirled his glass and said," No she doesn't seem like that type of women she's different that's what makes me attracted to her." he smiled looking at his friend, Lara was to tired to dance anymore she sat down having a glass of water when she got a text from Alex," Where are you? " Alex asked Lara got confused

" Was he here? does he know she's in a club." Lara thought she was sure Alex was going to punish her if he finds out after hesitation she typed some words," Am sorry I didn't ask you but Stacey insisted to go with her she didn't want to leave all alone at home." Lara sent the text.

" Get out of there it's not safe, Will is waiting outside.

" What about Stacey I can't leave her." Lara said.

" Stacey will be fine now leave from there now." Alex said Lara hesitated but did what Alex said she stood up and left before she could open the door she faded out. Will looked at his watch Lara was supposed to be out by now he got worried and got out of the car to the club he looked around but didn't see her," Damn it." he cursed he went through the back door and saw a black sports car speeding off," Fuck.... he dialled Alex's phone and the call was connected immediately, " What." Alex asked coldly Will swallowed hard and said," Mr CEO Miss Bella has been kidnapped in a black sports car. " when he finished the sentence Alex clenched the phone in his hand Will could feel the cold atmosphere on the other end he knew his Master was angry if he was in front of him right now he wouldn't hesitate in killing him.

" Check the severance camera in the club and garage even those in the streets, am on my way." Alex said and hung up the call he was supposed to leave tomorrow morning but Lara was in trouble Alexah was sleeping in his arms he told James to take her back home and he left he drove at a high speed with half an hour he arrived in Briton Will was leaning against the car when he saw Alex's car he straightened up Alex got out of the car and grabbed Will's collars in anger at the moment he looked so sharp and Scarry like an angry beast ready to kill it's pry," Where the hell is she huh." Alex roared Will trembled slightly if there was one thing he didn't like doing was making his Master angry he gathered all courage to speak," Mr...CEO they took Miss Bella to an abandoned warehouse away from the city it's located in the south, I have already told the troop to meet us there." he said Alex loosened his grip and got into his car driving like a crazy person Will was so worried about him that he followed behind him making sure he doesn't do anything stupid.


Deep in the woods inside the old warehouse Lara was tied up to a chair her eyes and mouth were covered with a piece of cloth Four men surrounded her they were starring at her attractive sexy body their eyes filled with lust Lara could do nothing but cry out she regretted stepping out of the house she should have stayed home does even Alex know that she was kidnapped even if he knew would he save her he was so far away from her what will she do now will anyone even try to save her. all these thoughts ran through Lara's head she was so helpless at the moment she didn't know what to do or what these people will do to her thinking about it she cried so much, the man walked towards her and took off the cloth covering her eyes and mouth she looked around frightened the place was dim light it looked so old and Scarry, " where...where am i? who are you people and what do you want from me? Lara cried out the man in front of her gave a sly smile he seemed to be the leader he held Lara's little chin and said," don't worry we'll go easy on you that our boss will be pleased, she told us to satisfy you till your last breath. " the four of them laughed loudly Lara got really scared and nervous were they planning on rapping her. she shook her head tears streaming down her pale face and said in a trembling voice, " plea...please let me go don't do this to me, I'll... I'll pay you what ever you want please let me go." Lara cried out the second man came towards her and ripped her dress exposing her white delicate back and shoulders he ripped another part of her dress exposing her waist," am not good at waiting let's get this job done and over with plus she's to attractive to save for later." he chuckled.

" Help help me somebody please help me... don't you dare touch me don't come close to me or I will make you pay." Lara sobbed threatening the man slapped her face so hard that blood fell down from her mouth," if you say another word I will chock you to death get that. " he said seriously Lara cried out and continued to beg for mercy, " please please let me go I haven't done anything to you people please let me go." Lara sobbed the men looked down on her she looked pitiful but their boss told them to do anything to her she told them to rape her and beat her up that Alex would feel disgusted to take her back this time Tina went to far to get what she wanted not thinking about the danger to come or what Alex would do to her if he were to find out, the leader started unzipping his zipper Lara's heart began beating crazily her eyes widening with tears he touched her pretty face and shoulders down to her chest and thighs Lara closed her eyes painfully and in disgust he was going to ripe off her entire dress when the door banged open, " What the..." before he could say the remaining words he saw a troop barging in with guns they four men got frightened they were surrounded no where to run Lara saw a familiar tall figure rushing to her it was Alex he came to rescue her he really found her. Lara was so happy Alex wanted to kill those men that dared to touch his woman but had no time he had to get Lara out of here he saw how pale and scared she was her dress was ripped apart she was half naked and beaten up Alex's eyes got colder and colder so Scarry like the devil in hell he took off his jacket covering her body Lara stared at her savior," A...Alex." she whispered his name before fading out Alex held Lara close to his body and took her away before leaving he placed an order," find out who ordered these men to kidnap my woman then kill them all." Alex said coldly and left.

when he arrived at the mansion he went straight upstairs and laid Lara on the bed he cleaned her wounds changed her cloths seeing her unconscious face Alex clenched his fists he stepped out and called Will," who was behind Lara's kidnapping?" he asked coldly, " Mr CEO... it's Miss Tina Yuvi. " Will said Alex clenched the phone in his hand and hung up he wanted to go after Tina and kill her but he didn't want to leave Lara alone he padded her head so gently like handling a new born baby it was ten O'clock Alex laid beside Lara pulling her into his warm hands," Am sorry...I failed to protect you I shouldn't have left you all alone, it's my fault please forgive me. " he said in a soft most gentle voice he kissed her hair closing his eyes.

When Lara opened her eyes it was 11am she didn't know how many hours she had been asleep the last thing she remembered was being kidnapped and almost got rapped she was hit badly by those men when a familiar man came to her rescue Alex saved her he was the one who saved her she turned in bed Alex was there she got immediately when she was about to the door she bumped into Alex's chest she almost fell back but Alex caught her in his arms on time," Where are you rushing to... you're still weak get some rest." he told her carrying her to bed Lara didn't protest she let him carry her to bed the maid came in with a bowl of soup she gave it to Alex and bowed respectively and left Alex helped Lara drink up no one said a word to each other Lara felt really uncomfortable so she spoke first," won't you have some?

" No." Alex said calmly

" are you upset with me?" Lara asked.

" Yes.." Alex answered without throwing an eye on her, Lara felt guilty and said, " am sorry... I won't go out without asking you next time. "

" Next time...! Alex repeated raising his brows," so you're planning on going out again?" he questioned.

" well no I didn't mean that..I just.

" am gonna have to punish you." Alex said in a sexy deep voice Lara's heart skipped a beat she thought she might have really angered Alex she really deserved to be punished whatever punishment it was she was ready to endure the pain if it's to lock her up and starve her for weeks she was ready what Lara didn't know was that Alex had a different type of punishment for her but he wasn't going to punish her right away he was going to punish her when she fully recovers," get some rest now... I have some work to take care of. " Alex said Lara nodded and laid back down before leaving he kissed her forehead and left Lara fell into a deep sleep immediately.