Chapter 6of6 Home sweet home

At the airport of Briton a tall blond young man just got out of his private plane he had blond hair and blue eyes he wore casual cloths a white T-shirt with a pair of black trouser and white Snickers he breathed in the fresh air around him as a charming smile formed on his handsome face," finally home sweet home. " he said turning around to look at the woman approaching him she was quite pretty she had slightly long brown hair with brown shinny eyes she wore a soft light pink dress with a white coat Jason took her hand in his and left In a red sports car they soon arrived at the Grey mansion Jason helped Kelly out of the car and went inside the maids bowed respectively welcoming them," Welcome home young Master, Miss Gomez ." they took their bags to their room Stacey came running downstairs giving her brother a tight hug, " you're finally here have missed you so much. " Stacey smiled," missed you too...tell me where is mom, Alex and am very much looking forward on meeting my sister in-law." Jason smiled the smile that was on Stacey's face instantly faded away she felt guilty about what happened to Lara it was her fault she failed to protect Lara and the waste part is that her best friend was behind Lara's kidnapping she was so disappointed that she slapped Tina four times across the face she tried talking to Alex but he didn't even throw an eye on her he just left she worried about Tina but couldn't stop Alex from punishing Tina, Jason snapped his fingers bringing her back to reality, " are you alright what are you thinking about? " he asked Stacey shook her head slightly and said," well nothing... it's just that Lara won't be able to see you now she's resting... actually she was kidnapped last night and was badly injured Alex went out this morning to take care of the matter." Stacey said calmly Jason frowned and said," who would dare do such a thing don't they know who they're messing with?"

" well it's... it was Tina."

" Tina..that silly friend of yours." Jason creased his brows Stacey nodded looking sorry Jason sighed turning to Kelly and said, " you must be tired go freshen up and take rest...I will join you in a minute." Kelly nodded and went upstairs without question she was a quiet person only spoke when needed Jason turned to Stacey and spoke seriously, " And mom where is she? "

" she went to New York for some work...Uhm brother please look after Lara for me I have something to do." before Jason could retort Stacey left in a hurry Jason shook his head falling on the sofa.

it was one O'clock when Lara opened her eyes she has been sleeping for 3hours her throat felt dry she turned to the side table beside her bed but the jar was empty she got up taking the jar and left the room she still felt weak and dizzy she took slow steady steps downstairs when she was five steps down her vision became dark she was falling she shut her eyes tightly thinking this was going to hurt but the ground never came the pain never hit her body instead she felt warm hands surrounding her his scent didn't feel familiar she could feel his warm breath and heartbeat Lara tried her best to open her eyes she met two blue eyes his face looked quite charming and warm he had a slight smile on his gorgeous face but his eyes looked worried, " who... are you? " Lara whispered before fading out completely Jason took Lara back to her room he ordered a maid to bring water in her room when he laid Lara on the bed he left quietly closing the door behind him and went to his room.


In the city in the underground pub Alex was seated on the white sofa twirling a glass of red wine it was a private lobby Tina was on her knees with two men standing on each side two men guarding the door from inside and outside four men standing beside Alex on each side they all looked serious and Scarry but Alex was more dangerous and Scarry out of all of them Tina was badly beaten up her pretty face was sore and bruised her whole body was trembling in pain and fear she looked up to meet Alex's sharp gaze and said," A...Alex please have mercy on me remember I was the one you where supposed to marry." Tina sobbed Alex sneered and said," you're right I was supposed to marry you but am glad I didn't cause you're a say I should have mercy on you did you have mercy on Lara you had her kidnapped and even ordered these men to rape my would you feel if I told all my men here to have some fun with you?" Alex's voice became cold and firm Tina's eyes widened tears falling down her cheeks uncontrollably," Alex I love you so much please don't do this to me." she begged Alex stood approaching Tina each step he took sounded like death in her ears she didn't want to die she still wanted to live to win over Alex she couldn't die now Alex squatted in front of her holding her chin tightly almost crashing it he looked into her eyes and said, " my little lamp is lying in bed weak you hurt her you almost even got her killed now it depends on whether she wants to forgive you or not." Tina felt her chin was going to fall off she kept on crying Alex let go of her chin standing up he sat back down on the sofa there was a commotion outside someone was shouting at the guards to let them in Alex frowned he knew who that voice belonged to Tina's face also lighted up hearing the voice outside it was Stacey she came to save her after a while of struggling she entered the lobby seeing Tina tied up kneeing on the floor and badly beaten up she frowned," Alex please let her go don't kill her she's my best friend please have mercy on her. " Stacey pleaded with her brother.

" what are you doing here? you are supposed to keep an eye on Lara. " Alex said coldly.

" Jason is around he will look after Lara. " Stacey hesitated saying the words out Alex got annoyed and angry," you left her with Jason when I specifically told you to look after her." he said before Stacey could say another word Alex stood up he told his men to keep a close eye on Tina and make sure she doesn't leave the country after placing the order he threw a cold eye on her and left Stacey helped her up and took her back home before she too drove back to the mansion.

Alex hurried upstairs to check up on Lara she was still asleep he approached her quietly not to disturb her he touched her cheeks gently she was burning up Alex frowned touching her forehead, neck and body she was heating up her whole body was burning her face looked pale.

" Damn it."

Alex cursed taking Lara into his arms he took a coat wrapping it around her body and rushed downstairs seeing Alex rushing downstairs with Lara in his arms Jason rushed to him immediately and asked, " Hey what happened?"

" Get the car now." Alex said coldly Jason rushed to the car bring it to the front Alex put Lara to the passengers seat making her head rest on his strong chest Jason drove the car as fast as he could within 10min they arrived at the city hospital Lara was rushed into the ward they were told to wait outside Twenty minutes already past by still no sign of the doctor Alex was so worried about Lara that he kept moving back and fourth.

" Relax will you she'll be fine." Jason tried to calm him down.

" if anything bad happens to her I won't be able to forgive myself." Alex said helplessly starring at the closed door Jason has never seen this side of Alex he looked like a helpless little cat so fragile he really cared about Lara Jason didn't say any other words to comfort him he just sat there starring at the closed door after twenty five minutes later the door was opened and the doctor stepped out.

" Who is her family?" he asked Alex stepped forward and said," am her fiance...tell me how she's doing. " Alex sounded to anxious at the moment the doctor was also surprised seeing him like this he knew who he was everybody knew the great Alexander Grey the CEO of Grey cooperation Enterprise people say he is so cold and indifferent a powerful man who cares about no one but seeing him right now he looked as fragile as a puppy he seems to care so much about his fiancée even though the doctor was afraid of Alex he was pleased and as a doctor it's his job to look after his patients gathering courage he said," Mr Grey as a man it's your responsibility to look after your woman especially if she's in this condition otherwise the mother and child could die if not well taken care of. " he said Alex was confused and repeated the last word.

" Child?!

" Yes she's two weeks pregnant and if you didn't bring her here on time the baby could have died and the mother could have been in great danger.... they will transfer her to another room for some more tests you can take her back home by tomorrow, please excuse me. " the doctor said and left Alex was left shocked by the news he couldn't describe his feelings at the moment he is already a father to a four year old he never say her grow up or hold her in his arms but now he will be able to hold his second baby in his arms his first child with the woman he cares so much about he would take good care of both of them he will protect them with his life, Alex was lost in his thoughts when Jason tapped his shoulder and said, " Congratulations brother you're finally going to be a father and I an Uncle." he smiled when Lara was transferred into a big luxurious room Alex went to her immediately...she was lying on the bed peacefully Alex approached her slowly sitting on the edge of the hospital bed holding her small soft hand in his feeling a familiar touch Lara opened her eyes looking at her handsome charming man.

" Did I wake you? Alex asked in a gentle voice.

" No...where am I? " Lara asked looking around it didn't look like their room and this room was luxurious and huge.

" you're in the hospital you had a fever so I brought you here." Alex said Lara wanted to get up but Alex stopped her," get some rest you and our baby need to rest I will take care of you." Lara creased her brows confusingly.

" Baby...what baby." she asked Alex smiled rubbing her flat stomach and said proudly, " you're two weeks pregnant we are going to be parents. " Alex kissed her hands Lara was shocked she didn't feel anything in her stomach maybe because it was to early her eyes became watery.

" so when..I was..kidnapped I was pregnant the entire time I... I put our baby in danger Alex I...I." words got stuck in her throat she couldn't help crying out Alex hugged her wiping her tears and said comforting words to her," it's not your fault baby it's mine I shouldn't have left you alone I failed to protect you but I promise I won't let you out of my sight I will protect you and our baby. " he told her kissing her hair, forehead , cheeks and lastly her lips the kiss lasted for a while it was warm tender and comforting Lara pulled away catching a breath she felt so shy and embarrassed cause this was a public place anyone could come in at any time Alex chuckled seeing her expression and decided to tease her a little bit," want to make love to me... it's okay to have desire for me after all am a charming man. " he smiled Lara opened her mouth in astonishment but no words came out.

" how could he say such words he had no shame...he was really full of himself. " Lara thought Alex held Lara into his arms and whispered beneath her ear," we need to have sex at leat twice a day before your belly gets bigger I won't have a chance then." Alex kissed her ear nub down to her neck Lara felt her cheeks burning up she couldn't lose herself at least not in a public place like this she pushed always escaping his arms and said," we're in the hospital anyone could come in let's not do it here." Lara tried to be rational Alex pulled her back into his warm strong arms and said," no one will dare disturb us without my permission plus I still have to punish you remember. "

" Punish me but am pregnant." Lara said innocently Alex smirked and said," not that kind of punishment you're thinking baby...let me show." he said pinning her body on the bed he kissed her passionately from her lips to her neck Lara grabbed Alex's collars moaning sweetly Alex was to careful at the moment he made love to Lara so passionately and carefully Lara really enjoyed it she felt warmth and loved that Alex was so considerate of her she could feel his deep desire for her how badly he wanted her and wanted more but he held back he only made love to her for ten minutes and left her body even though their love making didn't last long Lara felt sleepy and tired Alex covered her with the quilt kissing her forehead and stepped out when he closed the door behind him he saw Madame Grey and Stacey waiting outside the ward Alex walked up to them he no longer became soft and warm in front of them he suddenly became cold and indifferent Madame Grey stood in front of Alex they both stared into each other's eyes like they were competing a satisfying smile appeared on Madame Grey's thin lips and said," Congratulations the Grey's will finally have an heir...once again you have made me proud hope it's a boy." Alex frowned he knew what his mother meant she wanted it to be a boy as the heir of Grey's Alex didn't want his child to grow up like him he didn't want it to be cold and indifferent like him his childhood was rough and painful it was lonely that's why he doesn't like socializing with people that's why he is cold and indifferent to others he was sent to the training base at the age of five to be trained as the heir of the family at sixteen years he went back home that's when he met Adriana they stayed together till he turned eighteen she disappeared on him then he went back home to work in the company that's why he didn't want a son he didn't want him to live the life he once lived, Alex stared into his mother's eyes and said," Do you know Adriana is in England? did you have anything to do with her leaving me five years ago? did you know she was pregnant and gave birth to my daughter. " Alex said word by word Madame Grey's reaction didn't change she still looked straight into his eyes she wasn't surprised at all she was waiting for him to ask her this so she was ready to answer his questions a slight smile formed on the corner of her mouth and said," Yes I don't know why she decided to come back with her busted daughter I made sure she disappeared from your life for good but she came back... anyway it doesn't matter you will get married to Lara she will give you a son the heir to our family forget about that woman Lara is priority now she and her baby." Alex was so angry at the moment while on the side Jason and Stacey where left shocked by such News they never imagined Alex had a daughter and they have already met with each other what about Lara what will happen if she finds out....they thought.

" And what if it's a girl? Alex said calmly.

" then you will get intimate with some other woman who will give you a son and will pay her." Madame Grey said calmly Alex sneered and said," Never....I would never betray Lara. " Alex said coldly and left Madame Grey watched his strong high back as he disappeared through the corridors she sighed helplessly and went to see Lara she knocked gently before going in Lara was sitting on the bed starring outside the window when she heard the door open she turned to look," are you feeling? I heard the good news congratulations. " Madame Grey smiled sitting on the sofa even her sitting looked elegant and noble like the Queen of Queens.

" thank you mom... ain't you upset that I...I got pregnant before getting married?" Lara said with embarrassment Madame Grey raised a brow and said," you will get married in a few days you shouldn't worry am happy for you." she smiled standing up and said her good byes and left after she left Jason and Stacey came in to congratulate her.

" I haven't introduced myself to you yet right... hi am Jason Grey the second son to the Grey's. " he smiled Lara remembered those eyes before she fainted he saved her from falling down the stairs if it wasn't for him she could have lost her baby.

" where the one who saved me thank you if it wasn't for you my baby would be dead by now." Lara said with a trembling voice

" you don't need to thank me Lara am just glad you and your baby are safe.

" Jason is right Lara don't worry about anything will leave you to rest now." Stacey said and left with Jason after a while Alex came back with a tray of food in his hands he sat beside her and fed her some soup and fruits when she was done eating Alex covered her with the quilt kissing her forehead and said," get some rest. "he told her about to seat on the sofa but Lara held his hand and said," the bed is big sleep next to me I want to sleep in your arms." Lara said in a low sleepy voice Alex slept beside her holding her into his warm arms when Lara felt secured in his arms she fell asleep.


In New York city James was standing in front of Lara's house the house was small but beautiful it had beautiful flowers surrounding the house you could feel love and warmth around the house James thought was indeed a simple girl and he liked that about her he knocked on the gently when the door opened a pretty young lady stood in front of him as soon as she saw who it was she almost fell backward but James caught her hand and gave a slight smile, " be careful or you might hurt yourself. " Bethany was Lara's younger sister she was eighteen she had short dark hair that reached her shoulders with dark green eyes she was a young beautiful lady that James thought it runs in the family Bethany stepped back and said," Mr Lan... you." Bethany knew James he was known in the business world she has seen him on TV, magazines, News papers and on the internet everyone knew him who wouldn't know him he was Alex's best friend after all, what Bethany didn't understand was why he was here standing at her door was she dreaming no! she shook her head seeing her reaction James couldn't help smiling he found this little girl cute," can I come in?" he asked

" Uhm of course please come in. " she stepped a side James men remained outside guarding the house.

" Mom...Dad...we have a guest." Bethany called out," would you like anything Sir? "

" Green tea will do." James said... Emma and Thomas entered the living room and saw a man seated on the sofa they recognized him immediately, " Mr Lan what a pleasure to have at our humble home...Am Thomas Gen and this is my wife Emma Bella. " Thomas said

" Hi am James Lan it's a pleasure meeting you I must say Lara is very lucky to have such a beautiful family." James smiled

" Sorry but how do you know our daughter? Emma asked a little confused Thomas was also curious James figured they still didn't know who Lara's husband to be was so said," oh right am Alex's childhood friend Alexander Grey the man who your daughter is getting married to." he said simply Thomas and Emma couldn't believe what he just said did he say Alexander Grey the heir to Grey cooperation enterprise they had no idea the contract they signed was to the grey family the family didn't say their son's name and they showed them different pictures not Alex's photos Bethany brought a cup of tea handing it to him James took it with a polite smile.

" hope you don't mind coming with me Alex and Lara's wedding is in a weeks time Alex personally asked me to bring you to Briton with me. "

" Uhm of course sure thing... will just pack up Bethany tell her brother to get ready now. " Emma said.

" Uhm does Lara have any friends she would like to be present on her wedding? " James asked

" Yes Maya Young she's Lara's childhood best friend she stays down the street." Bethany said James nodded excusing himself and left to get Maya.

he arrived at a small gray house it had a beautiful garden James knocked on the door but no one answered he knocked again still no response the third knock made Maya really annoyed she opened the door abruptly and shouted out," what the heck is your problem do you want to break down my door are you crazy." she kept on speaking without even seeing the person behind that door she had a green facemask on her eyes where covered with a sleeping mask on when she removed her mask covering her eyes she almost choked on her saliva she closed the door in panic closing her eyes and said," Am sorry I didn't know it was you." Maya hit her head

" if you let me in I will consider forgiving you." James said calmly Maya hesitated for a while taking a deep breath she opened the door James entered the house to the living room Maya offered him a seat and said," I will be right back let me freshen up." James nodded and waited patiently Maya went to her room she took off her robe took a shower removing her facemask she wore a blue Jean with a summer yellow shirt with short black boots her long dark hair was tied up when she was satisfied with her look she went back to living room James was stunned upon seeing her she looked gorgeous Maya was a mixed race young woman she had dark eyes and tempting thin lips she had a well carved body bring out her sexy shape she smiled slightly sitting on the other end of the room and said, " am sorry I was quite rude back there thought it was my annoying neighbor...I wasn't expecting it would be someone as yourself sorry." Maya apologized sincerely.

" it's fine am James Lan by the way. " he introduced.

" I know who you are everybody knows who you are you're Alexander's friend right Lara told me everything... well good things only." Maya smiled James nodded and said.

" The wedding is in a weeks time Alex told me to bring you and her family to Briton are you ready?" he asked.

" Well I still need to pack and take permission from work."

" what type of work do you do?" James asked he suddenly got interested.

" Am an Artist I had held few exhibition in different countries I also own an Art Gallery here and in England including California and China. " Maya said proudly James was amused he could tell she wasn't American so he asked," you're not American are you? "

" not quite my Dad is Korean and my Mom Italian am a mixed race...when my Dad died my mom and I moved here when I was four it didn't take a month before my mom also passed away due to depression and stress my Aunt was the one who took care of me she took me to school that's where I met Lara we became best friends and graduated together ." Maya gave a bitter smile James didn't know why but he felt sorry for her he wanted to comfort her but didn't know how he could only say," Am must have been hard for you." he said in a flat voice Maya waved her hand in the air and said," anyway look at me now am doing great for myself I own a job I have my own house and one day I'll have a good husband but not now I still want to enjoy life." James chuckled after few minutes of chatting Maya called her work place saying she'll be attending a friends wedding then packed up and left with James Lara's family where already at the airport when James and Maya arrived they all took off an hour later they arrived in Briton it was already dark the family was wowed upon seeing the mansion it was huge and beautiful it looked more like an ancient luxurious hotel than a house there were guards everywhere on each corner and door the servants welcomed them taking their bags and showing them their rooms Bethany preferred to stay with Maya in one room Evan went to his room to settle in Emma and Thomas asked where their daughter was.

" Lara and will be back tomorrow morning you can see her then." James answered simply.

" Where did they go?" Emma suddenly became anxious.

" Don't you worry Mrs Gen Lara is fine you can see her tomorrow please get some rest." James smiled the couple nodded and left Maya glanced at James once more before saying goodnight and left with Bethany, he was about to go to bed when his phone rang he answered and waited for the person to speak.

" Mr Lan Miss Adriana and her daughter just left for Briton... should we stop them?" the man on the other end said James pressed the skin between his brows and said.

" No I will take care of it.... just keep a close eye on them." he ordered before hanging up he didn't call Alex because he knew he wouldn't pick up when Lara was around so he just texted him, at the hospital Alex received a text he frowned reading the text Lara was sleeping in his arms whenever he looked at her little face he felt warm inside he kissed her forehead closing his eyes.


at 8am Alex helped Lara get ready and fed her some food the doctor came in to check up on her and said, " everything is alright she's perfectly healthy as well as the can come back in two weeks to check the baby's condition. " he told them Alex nodded and said, " Doctor is it okay to still have sex in her condition? " Alex asked seriously Lara wanted to chock she was so embarrassed at the moment she wished the ground could open up and swallow her

" did he have to be so straight forward. " Lara thought the doctor smiled slightly and said, " Of course it's good for the baby but only a limited of time." he explained Alex nodded the doctor smiled and left Lara's cheeks were still a bright red she was so shy Alex cupped her cheeks and said

" What...why do you look like a red tomato? " Alex teased Lara slapped his hand away and said, " Did you have to be so straight forward... it was so embarrassing. " she said Alex hugged her and said.

" it's a normal thing baby don't be let's go home your family must be looking forward on seeing you."

" they're here?" Lara asked Alex nodded carrying her in his arms.

" what...what are you doing...Alex put me down everyone is looking at us it's so embarrassing. " Lara buried her little face on his chest.

" you're my wife and you're still weak let me take care of you baby." Alex smiled everyone in the hospital looked at them they thought they where such a cute couple they couldn't help smiling.

when they arrived at the mansion an excited voice called out.

" Lara.... oh my gosh I missed you." Bethany ran towards Lara giving her a hug Lara smiled rubbing her head," How are you little sis...I missed you so much where is mom, Dad and Evan."

" they're inside Maya really wants to see you."

" Maya is also here...where is she I want to see her." Lara said excitedly.

" didn't you just say you want to see mom and Dad ."

"well yes... Lara turned to Alex who was standing there silently she took his hand turning to her sister and said," Bethany this is Alex your soon to be brother in-law. " Lara introduced.

" Mr Alexander's a pleasure meeting you I can't believe we'll be family soon." Bethany smiled brightly Alex rubbed her hair

" you can call me Alex." he said calmly Bethany smiled they three of them went to the dinning room the room was so full of people it felt so warm and beautiful it felt like a complete family everyone was happy upon seeing Lara they gave her a hug and showed their respect towards Alex when they finished breakfast Emma took Lara aside to talk to her.

" How are you my dear? are you happy? is everyone here treating you good? do you enjoy it here?" Emma asked word by word Lara smiled holding her mother's hand and said. " Mom am perfectly fine everyone is so nice to me here especially Alex he cares so much about me."

" Is that look thinner and weak are you okay?" Emma asked.

" yes's because of the pregnancy. " Lara said calmly.

" pregnancy..! Emma repeated confused

" Yes mom am pregnant. " Lara smiled rubbing her belly

" am going to be a grandmother .... so you and Alex got intimate before marriage Lara what where you thinking. " Emma said

" am sorry I know it wasn't right but I couldn't resist him plus we are getting married in a weeks time." Lara coaxed her mother.

" well I guess you're happy for you my love congratulations. " Emma kissed her forehead

" Aunt if you're done embracing your daughter I would like to steal her from you now." Maya smiled Emma laughed out leaving them alone Maya threw herself on the sofa and said.

" Come on spill the beans tell me everything and don't leave a single detail out." Maya said excitedly Lara took her to the veranda upstairs out looking the courtyard it had a beautiful view Lara turned to her best friend and said.

" well first of " Maya's eyes sparked with excitement.

" wait a minute you mean you slept with was it?" she asked Lara felt a little shy about it her friend was also straight forward with such words Lara smiled and said

" back in England well he was drunk when he came to my hotel room I helped him lay down on the sofa when he suddenly kissed me and I couldn't resist him I was so lost in his hot kiss that I let myself go since then we did it often.

" and when did you find out you were pregnant? " Maya asked.

" the day before yesterday... I was kidnapped two days ago if..."

" Kidnapped.... " Maya repeated looking worried, " you kidnapped you? are you okay? who would dare do such a thing." Maya checked Lara's body

" Maya am fine...I don't know who and why they kidnapped me but Alex saved me on time and took care of those do not worry." Lara assured her Maya hesitated for a while before nodded they two of continued chatting and laughing till sun down at dinner they ate in silent and went to bed.