Chapter 7of7 The Stranger

at 8am Alex got up took a shower and prepared a warm bath for Lara he also arranged her cloths Lara got up brushed her teeth and took a shower she got dressed in a blue dress that Alex prepared for her then went downstairs for breakfast they family ate in silence after breakfast Alex and Lara went to see the church for their wedding then the venue." Do you like it?" Alex asked Lara smiled looking around and said, " I love's gorgeous. " she kissed Alex on the cheek this little act warmed his heart he held her in his arms and kissed her hair his phone rang seeing the name on the screen he frowned and said, " I have to take this.... you can look around if you want to change anything. " Alex gave a slight smile and left to take the call.

Lara walked around the church it was huge and pretty nun dressed in white while the priest in black and white their was a beautiful piano playing the sound sounded really pleasing to the ear Lara turned to look at the person playing the piano it was a tall man he wore a fine handmade expensive black suit he had dark hair and a pale smooth skin Lara couldn't see his face Lara approached him slowly when she got close enough the music stopped the strange man stood up slowly turning to her Lara almost stumbled back those eyes she recognized those green eyes it was the stranger in the club that night she was sure it was the same man the man took a step closer to her he had a warm smile on his gorgeous face as he greeted her.

" Gorgeous good to see again...hi am Norman Anderson.... And you are? the man introduced himself Lara frowned and said, " Are you following me? Lara sounded really annoyed at the moment Norman smirked and said.

" It's a church everyone is free to come in and out...I was just paying my visit." he said calmly

" you don't seem like a type of person who would pray." Lara titled her head Norman chuckled," you're right am not a type to pray...I guess I just had a feeling I'll meet you here today if you may please excuse me am sure we'll meet again soon enough. " Norman smiled and left Lara watched his back he was so straight and proud that Lara didn't like it she sat down losing herself in thought.

... While outside Alexah called Alex when he saw her name appear on his screen he left to answer the call.

" Hello Dad am in Briton can you come see me I miss you." Alexah said excitedly.

" What are you doing here?" Alex sounded depressed he didn't no why he felt uneasy he was worried about Lara what if they meet what if Adriana or this daughter of his say something to Lara when they meet he was so worried he had never thought that he would feel depressed like this.

" Dad mummy had an emergency call at work so that's why we're here." she replied

" Emergency call.. " Alex repeated

" yes she's a Doctor a very well known surgeon." Alexah said Alex now understood why they were here but he still need someone to keep an eye on them.

" Dad are you still there will you come see me?

" Where are you?" Alex asked.

" we're leaving in the eastern side away from the city." Alexah said excitedly

" I'll see you this evening... bye." Alex hang up the call and went to find Lara on his way in he saw a familiar face stepping out the two men stopped in front facing each other the atmosphere around them was so weird and strong Alex was so cold at the moment he looked like the devil about to kill everyone around him Norman smirked raising a brow and said, " What a pleasant surprise to bump into Alex it's been quite a long time." he chuckled Alex narrowed his eyes at him.

" oh come don't be so cold we're family after all...I presume you have known you have a daughter quite pretty isn't she... she resembles you and my dear sister... I wonder what Lara would react if she found out that...-

before Norman could finish his words Alex grabbed his collars in a tight grip and said in a cold Scarry voice.

" Stay away from Lara or I'll make you pay get that." Alex said with grit teeth Norman removed raised his hands in the air a slight smile forming on the corner of his gorgeous face and said, " don't worry I won't tell but remember one thing Alex the truth won't stay hidden away from Lara forever and when she finds out I'll be here waiting to comfort her."

Alex was ragging with anger he wanted to kill him right here right now but he held back his rage he pushed Norman away and said.

" If you come close to my woman I won't hesitate to kill you remember this." Alex said and left Norman straightened his suit a naughty smile forming on his mouth and left.


Back In England

Rossy was busy walking back and fourth in her office she looked stressed and angry at the moment, " Will you keep parsing up and down shouldn't you be on your way home packing. " Jack said sitting on the edge of the table Rossy turned to him and said annoyingly

" I can't believe Alex is getting married and he didn't bother to let me know am his personal secretary. "

" you said it you're his personal secretary not his personal secretary in his personal life only business. " Jack said calmly.

" I will pretend I didn't hear that...but tell me something do you know the woman his marrying what she's like her status and background? " Rossy asked Jack smirked playing with a glass marble in his hand and said," I don't know her but I heard she's very beautiful and about her status and background I heard she's an ordinary girl but Mr CEO really cares about her...don't try to do something stupid Rossy I don't want drama on Mr CEO'S wedding. " Rossy sneered hearing his words.

" Jack you know how I feel about Alex I love him and I won't let an ordinary girl snatch him away okay. "

" oh Rossy will you try to compete with the CEO'S wife... imagine Competing with the CEO'S wife that would be a best selling Novel don't you think." jack chuckled.

" oh shut up have heard enough from can leave now." Rossy said Jack stood heading to the door before leaving he said," you should go home pack up and I'll pick you up later." he told her and left Rossy clenched her fist falling on the sofa closing her eyes when everything was done at the company the two of them left for Briton.


Alex took Lara back home he placed a soft kiss on her lips and said.

" I have some work to do don't wait up for me alright. "

" will you come back late? Lara asked nervously

" I might...Lara i.. I ." Alex struggled saying the words out Lara waited patiently that's when she realized that she didn't know Alex's feelings she didn't know how he felt about her she stretched her hand to touch his face and smiled slightly, " Alex tell me.... what do you want to tell me?"

" I will try come back early but if I don't... don't wait up ." he cupped her cheeks

" you love me?" Lara asked in a flat voice these two words like a thunder striking his heart he stared at the little woman seated beside him he didn't know what to say to her would she understand if he told her he doesn't believe in love Lara stared into his bright eyes with expectations in her eyes when Lara saw he wasn't sure of his feelings for she felt broken she gave a bitter smile and opened the car door and went inside the house Alex didn't stop her he leaned back hitting the weal," Damn it...what the heck are you doing Alex." he scolded himself he stared at the mansion pressing his temples before driving off in half an hour he arrived at the countryside away from the city he parked in front of a beautiful pitch house it wasn't small nor huge but quite beautiful he saw a little girl sitting in the garden on a white swing when she saw Alex's car she ran towards him

" Dad you're finally here." Alexah gave him a hug Alex rubbed her hair gently and said," How are you doing... who are you with? he asked.

" Am alright... am with Susan mommy is still working she will be home late." Alexah said.

" I see." was all Alex said they two of them went inside seeing Alex there Susan raised a brow at Alexah before turning to Alex and greeted, " Mr Grey welcome... I wasn't aware you would be visiting us today." Susan gave a slight smile.

" Alexah told me she was in Briton and wished to see me.. couldn't let her down." Alex said simply Susan led them to the dinning room it was already lunch time steak and fried potatoes was served that was Alexah's favorite meal Alex only asked for a cup of black coffee ." after lunch Alexah spent time with her father they went out for ice cream and a walk in the park at noon Alex took Alexah back home Adriana already arrived she was waiting outside for her daughter to come back she also wanted to see Alex for a minute because she knew he wouldn't come in after dropping Alexah off when the black sport's car drove in Adriana walked towards it Alexah got out of the car giving her mother a hug Alex also got out .

" Hey?

" Hi." Adriana gave a slight smile they treated each other like strangers like they didn't have a daughter together the atmosphere was so weird.

" Alexah go inside it's quite cold out here I don't want you to catch a cold." Adriana said Alexah hugged Alex goodbye and ran inside only the two of them were left.

" you're a Doctor now?" Alex broke the weird silence

" yes... when I left England five years ago I trained as a doctor as time went by I became a qualified doctor and went to work in Africa. " Adriana explained..

" I see.." was all Alex said they stared at each other for a long time.

" you haven't changed a lot Alex... " Adriana gave a weak smile. Alex titled his head and said," that's where you're wrong am no longer the same Alex you knew back then Adrien ."

" yet you still cut my name short like before. " she gave a helpless smile Alex didn't say a word for a long time the cold wind blow along his face he suddenly turned around got into his car and started the engine.

" Good night." he said before driving off Adriana had a bitter smile she felt so helpless and defeated outside was so cold but she couldn't feel the coldness she felt numb

" Miss Adriana it's cold out here let's go inside or you'll catch a cold." Susan spoke from behind but Adriana didn't make a single sound or movement." he has left Adriana his gone." the last words managed to get through her she didn't even realize tears on her face she wiped them away and went inside Susan just followed behind silently.

When Alex arrived home it was already quite late the maid helped him take a his coat the light in his room was still on he frowned, was she still awake didn't he tell her not to wait for him opening the door he saw a little figure sleeping on the sofa Alex gathered her in his arms to the bed he covered her with the quilt and went to take a shower when he went back to the room he saw her lying on the sofa again he raised his brow approaching her he was about to carry her to bed but Lara bit his hand Alex pulled away his hand but didn't make any sound his hand began to bleed

" You should come to bed it's not comfortable here." he said in a flat voice.

" I don't want to sleep on the same bed as you I will sleep right here." Lara insisted.

" Am sorry." Alex apologized sincerely this made Lara even more angry she was deeply hurt he didn't know what he wanted at the moment Lara couldn't help bursting into tears

" Don't apologize to me Alex I don't need your apology... what...what do you want you're not even sure of your feelings for me." Lara leaned on his chest Alex could feel her warm tears on his skin he hugged her comforting her gently and said in a low soft voice.

" Don't cry it's not good for the baby."

" Then tell me Alex what are your feelings for me? " Lara looked into his deep blue eyes Alex held her cheek cupping it.

" How can I say I love you when I myself don't believe in it." Alex said calmly Lara got really angry his words where really heartbreaking she pushed him away and said.

" I don't feel like sleeping in the same room with you...I will be in Maya's room." Lara said calmly walking to the door before Alex could process what just happened Lara was already gone she knocked at Maya's door after a while the door opened.

" Lara...what are you still doing up." Maya asked confusingly.

" Is Bethany still awake?" Lara asked in a flat voice.

" she's sound asleep...come in." Maya made way Lara went inside sitting on the sofa.

" Lara what's wrong did you have an argument with Alex... you can tell me anything am here for you. " Maya coaxed her

" Can I...spend a night here please." Lara said.

" of course you don't need to ask...come here." Maya led her to the bed the bed was big enough for the three of them Lara fell asleep immediately Maya covered her with the quilt turning off the lights and went to bed.

when Lara opened her eyes she creased her brows cause the room looked familiar to her that sweet smell the scent of warmth and security she was in Alex's room but how did she get here she remembered sleeping in Maya's room right... she thought the other side was empty Alex wasn't there Lara got up took a shower and got dressed she didn't feel like leaving the room today she sat on the sofa starring outside the window the sun was out shinning wonderfully outside she just sat there lost in thought that she didn't even hear the door open behind her seeing her sitting there alone deep in thought made Alex frown and heartache he put the tray down on the side table and approached Lara.

" Good morning. " he held her into his arms Lara almost jumped up but when she felt Alex's warm body around her she suddenly felt safe this time she didn't push him away in fact she leaned into his arms inhaling his fresh sweet scent when Lara sat there alone she had a lot to think actually she didn't blame Alex if he didn't believe in love or if he couldn't tell her he loved her deep inside Lara knew Alex cared about her so much and loved her he didn't need to say it to prove it she could tell by looking into his beautiful eyes she took a deep breath and said.

" Alex."

" Umm." Alex answered.

" am sorry for my behavior last night I was just so angry with you but now I have realized it was stupid of me to act like that...I don't blame you I shouldn't force you to say you love me in fact I know you love me so much but you haven't realized it you're stupid when it comes to these type of words I understand... but i...I love you I liked you ever since I saw you on the Internet, TV,magazines even newspapers but I fell in love you when I met you for the first time in your office...isn't fate funny I thought you will always remain a crush but now you will be my husband. " Lara said in a flat voice but loud enough for Alex to hear she had a faint smile on her lips as she expressed her true feelings and emotions Alex was in a trace he never knew what she felt about him but now he knew he knew how much she loved him how she felt for him his heart completely melted with warmth and sorrow no one as ever said such touching words to him not even Adriana but this little woman expressed her love to him and here he was hurting her feelings because he couldn't say it back to her. Alex just held her tight into his arms he kissed her soft hair and said warmly, " you don't know how it pleases me to hear you say that baby and here I am hurting you because am not able to say it back."

" I know you're such an asshole ." Lara pulled away Alex lifted his brow a charming smile forming on the corner of his lips.

" asshole... no one as ever dared to call me going have to punish you." Alex gave a mischievous smile.

" no way am pregnant remember. " Lara stood up Alex pulled her small waist caressing her face and said in low husky sexy voice, " I will make it quick and satisfying. " he kissed her earlobe caressing it with his tongue Lara clenched his cloths tightly biting her lower lip.

" Ah" she moaned

" you arouse me every time I touch you and every time I look at you I want you." he said against her ear he kissed her neck carrying her bed he pinned her down kissing every inch of her body.

" Ah...Alex ." Lara pleaded she was so desirable at the moment she wanted him Alex wanted her now he wanted to be inside her he unbuckled his trouser about to make her his when a knock echoed inside their room.

" Brother are you still asleep it's already 10am O'clock join me and James for a cup of coffee. " Jason said Alex didn't answer him he continued kissing Lara passionately..

" Brother am still waiting for you outside am not going anywhere...Lara isn't going anywhere you will find her and continue whatever you're doing. " Jason continued talking Lara felt embarrassed and shy her cheeks flushed a bright pink.

" you should go he won't leave unless you go." Lara said in soft voice Alex was really annoyed he got up going to the door and said

" I need to shower be right there."

" alright don't take to long otherwise I will be back." Jason said and left his voice sounded teasing he was playing with him Alex was still full of desire Lara looked at him helplessly Alex went to the bathroom to take a cold bath to cool himself down after a bath he got dressed fed Lara her breakfast placed a kiss on her forehead and left...Jason and James where waiting in the living Alex didn't smile nor looked friendly in fact he looked so cold and indifferent he only became warm and gentle towards Lara and his daughter.

" hey don't look at me like that... I told him not to disturb you but you know your brother he never listens to anything. " James said sipping his tea Alex sat down a maid brought him a cup of black coffee.

" you know what brother we never see each other eye to eye it's been three years at least you can spend some time with me." Jason said calmly.

" is that so...fine then about the factory in New York did you gain back the 20% and add 50% profit." Alex narrowed his eyes Jason almost chocked at his cup of tea he scratched his back of his head and said.

" don't worry about it I have everything under control there was just a few errors but it's cleared now....let's not talk about business shall we instead let's talk about your wedding." Jason said excitedly.

" yeah Alex you're getting married in two days time but you don't look excited. " James smirked.

" I am happy." was all Alex said Jason and James glanced at each other .

" do you have your suit ready?" Jason asked.

" No." was all Alex answered the two men shared a quick glance again.

" Well neither do we I will call up Peter to have them ready by tomorrow and deliver them."

Jason smiled after a few minutes the girls came downstairs.

" Good morning?" they greeted

" Good morning?'' the men greeted back

Kelly was quiet girl she just sat there beside Jason....Jason would hold her in his arms showering her with his love and attention they looked so sweet together Lara smiled wondering why Madame Grey doesn't like Kelly cause she seems to be a nice polite calm girl....Maya and James would glance at each other time to time Maya found James really calm and charming he was sweet and considerate not to mention a good listener...James also found Maya really gorgeous she was smart independent hard working and caring she was bold spirit free and says her mind.

when the entire family was awake they had breakfast together.

" Uhm Alex ever since I arrived I didn't see your father around..." Emma asked


Alex paused with his breakfast including Madame Grey, Stacey and Jason.

Lara glanced at her mother then Alex no one as ever dared to ask the whereabouts of Mr Grey not even her but her mother had to open her mouth and ask a forbidden question Alex clenched the folk in his hand.

" Uhm mom please." Lara said in a flat voice Madame Grey gave a slight smile she didn't look angry or anything instead she looked so calm and gentle.

" Well Alex's father went on a business trip but he will be back to attend his Son's wedding." Madame Grey said Alex stood up and left to his room Lara watched his back disappearing through the door.

" Excuse me. " Lara also stood up going after Alex upstairs in their room Alex looked so cold he was so angry that blue veins popped out of his arms Lara approached him slowly his straight back was facing her she couldn't see his face but she could tell he was angry.

" sorry for what mom said earlier. " Lara apologized looking down hearing her soft sweet voice calmed him down she was like an antidote whenever he was hurt some times he wondered what he would do without her suddenly he felt a small soft warm body surrounding his back she hugged him tightly this act completely calmed him down the anger and coldness inside him completely disappeared Alex turned around pressing her soft sweet lips with his he kissed her passionately sucking all air out Lara was left breathless Alex pulled away letting her to catch some air Lara panted for air she looked into his eyes they were flaming with desire she held his face kissing him slowly tenderly and more passionately Alex carried her to bed pinning her small hands he kissed her whole body and entering her body they made love for a short time as the doctor said even if he wasn't satisfied he had to hold back after their passionate love making Lara slept in his arms they didn't talk about the topic earlier neither did they want to bring it up if he was ready to talk about it then he will surely tell her Lara kissed his chest his neck to his jawline Alex was wondering what his little woman was trying to do he struggled so had to control himself now she trying to awaken his already sleeping demon Lara trailed her little hand down to his abdomen Alex shivered holding her little wrist and said.

" Are you trying to awaken the already sleeping demon huh little lamb...I struggled hard to let you go I won't be able to stop myself if you continue. " his voice was sexy husky and tempting it was like a lullaby in Lara's ears.

" i...I want you Alex I still want more please make love to me." Lara said calmly she didn't know she was left unsatisfied she still wanted him maybe it was because of her pregnancy that was causing all this but at the moment she didn't care nor feel shy or embarrassed all she wanted was him Alex pressed his temples and said.

" Lara... " Alex groaned

" Alex please." his little lamb pleaded with her big round eyes Alex finally gave up he let go of her wrist Lara got excited this time Alex let her get control of him Lara pushed him so he was lying on his back she got on top of him tracing his body she touched his hard broad chest to his sexy abs each touch felt like an electric shook to Alex Lara pressed her soft lips over his body kissing every inch Alex closed his eyes feeling the torture feeling her warm body on his Lara moved to his lips kissing him slowly passionately she slid her tongue inside his warm mouth teasing and caressing his lips Alex groaned in pleasure he wanted to pin her down and take over but Lara's words stopped him.

" Don't touch me.... am in control here." she said next to his ears in a low sexy voice Alex smirked putting down his hands on the sides Lara grabbed him down there caressing it up and down Alex swallowed hard looking at his little woman with pleading eyes she kissed him hard and hungrily seeing Alex's tortured and pleading face she let him take over she has tortured him enough Alex was full of excitement he pinned her down kissing her neck down to her jaw and chest he sucked her breast biting them gently caressing and teasing them

" Ah ." Lara moaned biting her lip Alex moved to her stomach kissing each part to her thighs and legs he was teasing her Lara thought she shouldn't have let him have his way it was really bad torture to her.

" Alex....please." she pleaded Alex smiled kissing her lips with that he entered her body stroking inch per inch deep inside her body she was so warm and sweet he was gentle and careful but this time they both of them were satisfied he kissed her forehead and eyes and said," Thank you."

Lara leaned into his arms falling asleep. no one dared to disturb the couple until noon Alex fed Lara her soup then prepared a warm bath for her and went to bed.