Chapter 8of8 Bachelor's night out

in the morning Alex prepared the usual routine he prepared Lara's bath and cloths when she was done preparing they went downstairs for breakfast when breakfast was eaten the three gents went to the living room Evan was not a social type when done with breakfast he would go back to his room no one forced him to socialize with anyone Alex sat on the chair near the fireplace while James and Jason sat on the sofa.

" Alex peter would be here later this evening to deliver the suits he had them made later last night and were done today." Jason said Alex didn't say a word so Jason continued.

" You're getting married tomorrow today is your last day of freedom let's go out while you're still a bachelor.... a bachelor's night out there is a cool club down town it would be fun." he said excitedly.

" No..." Alex refused immediately Jason frowned looking at James with pleading eyes at the moment only James could convince him seeing Jason looking at him with pleading eyes he sighed saying.

" Come on Alex it's not like you will have to touch another're getting married tomorrow at least spend this last night with us." James said calmly Alex glared at James sharply but James didn't mind he instead raised a brow.

" if anyone of them try to touch me I won't hesitated to kill them...their blood would be in your hands." Alex said coldly Jason smiled brightly and said.

" then it's settled then we're going clubbing. "

" Did you just say coming with. " Stacey said excitedly she's always up for a good time parties are her thing after all.

" No way you're not going anywhere... stay here and do your girly stuff." Jason said calmly.

" But..."

" no buts Stacey I don't like repeating myself. " Jason said coldly.

" It's a Guy's night Stacey last night of being a bachelor thought of taking Alex for a drink hope you understand. " James said calmly with a gentle smile Stacey finally nodded.

" alright then." she turned around and left she took Lara, Maya, Kelly and Bethany a side they sat on the veranda when Stacey began to speak.

" Since my brothers and James are having a bachelor's night out why don't we also host a bachelorattee party since it's your last day being a free woman Lara. "

" oww that sounds in." Maya said excitedly.

" well won't Jason be angry with me I mean will be the only girls and a lot of men." Kelly said in a gentle voice. Lara also knew these type of parties she also thought that Alex might get mad at her but again she thought he too was going out they will be a lot of sexy women what if he touches some of them even sleep with one of them after all he was still a bachelor a handsome charming sexy bachelor all women will be all over him.

" Don't worry Jason knows how loyal you are to him and Lara Alex would never betray you he wouldn't even throw an eye on those holes non of my brothers would so don't worry it's not good for your baby." she assured them Maya also nodded in approval but she wasn't sure about James he was a free man he didn't have a girlfriend to worry about he could get any woman his soul desires thinking about those women touching him made her want to throw up.

" Maya are you okay you look pale?" Lara asked.

" am alright don't worry. " Maya said calmly.

" Wow I have never been to such a party am so excited. " Bethany said happily.

" not're eighteen you're still young you can't come. " Lara said calmly.

" but sister I..."

" no Bethany and it's final get that. " Lara stood her ground Bethany got angry and ran towards her room.

" did you have to be so hard on her?" Stacey smirked

" Lara is right Bethany is still to young it's for her own good not to attend such parties." Maya butted in Stacey nodded.

at noon Alex and the the guys prepared for the night Lara pretended to know nothing and asked.

" Where are you going? "

" Jason and James want to have a drink so am accompanying them." Alex said calmly wearing his jacket.

" I see...and what time will you be back? " Lara looked into his deep ocean blue eyes.

" I might come back late...don't wait up for me." he said simply. Lara nodded Alex stared into her eyes trying to read her expression but Lara remained calm he kissed her hair and left when the gray Benz drove away the ladies began to prepare Stacey wore a sexy short tight blue dress with black high heels letting her purple hair loose, Maya wore a tight black seductive short dress with black high heels with her dark hair tied up into a ponytail, Kelly wore a pretty white and black jumpsuit that reached her thighs with white high heels her brown hair left hanging loose, Lara wore a wine dress it wasn't revealing but gorgeous with red high heels with a ponytail.

when everything was done and ready they left the mansion downtown at the biggest most expensive hotel in Briton the party was held in the private lobby it was huge and gorgeous there was a bar at a far corner of the lobby and a clubbing spot.

" Wow this is amazing. " Maya giggled excitedly.

" yeah it's quite gorgeous and huge." Lara smiled.

" not bad...this would be fun." Kelly went to the bar side.

" Lara have a seat here I'll have a waiter to bring a fruit pouch okay. " Stacey said Lara nodded.

after a while ten men walked in they where good looking they only wore black tight boxers with no shirts.

" well hello beautiful ladies." one man shouted out. Lara was shocked seeing them they were half naked Lara leaned in and whispered to Stacey.

" is this what they wear." she asked.

" yes it's their job to entertain us." Stacey smiled Lara nodded one good looking man came to Lara and gave a charming smile.

" so gorgeous.... may I entertain you beautiful. " he smiled.

" sorry handsome but she's taken." Stacey said.

" I you must be the bride to be." the man gave a mischievous smile.

" Correct. " Stacey said simply.

" then you're mine beautiful. " he took Stacey's hand to the dance floor each dance was intimate and sexy seeing this Lara suddenly got anxious thinking about what Alex must be doing.


Downtown in a club inside a private lobby sexy women were swinging their bodies seductively wearing only a bra and a G - strings two women were all over James touching and kissing him while the other women just danced from afar no one dared to touch Alex even Jason didn't want to touch them because he loved Kelly a lot one woman was eyeing Alex even though their boss gave strict instructions not to touch the other two especially Alex she still dared to try her charm swirling her body seductively like the demoness crawling from hell she approached Alex before her hand could even reach the collar of his shirt he grabbed her wrist in a tight grip.

" Ah it hurts." the woman shouted out Alex looked at her coldly at the moment he looked so Scarry and brutal he pushed her hard that she went falling on the hard ground her elbows began to bleed her knees were bruised and bleeding all eyes were on her the other ladies were shocked some had a wicked smile and sneered some looked frightened Alex glared at the woman lying on the floor and said coldly.

" don't you dare put your disgusting hands on me or I'll cut them off get that." Alex sneered the woman felt so embarrassed.

" I thought your boss made it clear I must say you gat some guts beautiful. " Jason chuckled James smirked... the woman stood up looking so pale seeing all eyes on her she ran out tears rolling down her face.

after a few minutes Alex' phone rang it was one of his men.

" Sir it's your woman she went out with miss Grey and the others."

" Send me the location ." Alex said seeing the location he clenched his phone and said.

" let's go my baby seems to be misbehaving. " he said Jason frowned but said nothing and stood up James also stood up and they both left the club to the hotel...they ladies were having fun Maya and Kelly were enjoying their wine and got drunk Stacey was busy with her men dancing Lara was seated watching everyone have fun apart from her a man was seated beside her keeping her company.

" so you're the bride to be huh...I must say you're gorgeous quite beautiful I like beautiful women especially if that woman is you." he showed his mischievous smile.

" well to bad am taken and if my baby's father were to see you so close to me you would be dead by now." Lara smiled

" oh good thing his not here...what luck." the man was about to touch Lara's ponytail when the door banged open seeing this Alex got so angry and jealous she rushed to the man pouching him on the face Lara's eyes widened.

" Alex...what are you doing here and why did you hit him?" she said nervously.

" What the heck are you doing here're pregnant remember. " Alex grabbed her wrist.

" am not doing anything wrong am I....he was just talking to keep me company that's all."

" Company... the only man to keep you company is me not another man." Alex said calmly but with a little coldness in his voice.

Lara was annoyed but they weren't the only couple arguing Jason saw his little baby drunk he rushed to her holding her into his arms.

" you're drunk surrounded by naked men am gonna have to teach you a lesson back home." he said..

" am sorry...I didn't do anything wrong I swear." Kelly said in a drunken state before fading out. James was affected but after seeing Maya drunk and looking so helpless with a man holding her close he suddenly got angry he rushed to her side pushing the man away.

" don't you ever dare to touch her or I will make you regret it." he said angrily the men got scared they all ran out of the lobby. Jason carried Kelly out to the car then James followed with Maya in his arms.

" and you...we're leaving now." Alex grabbed Lara's wrist dragging her out.

" don't pull you're hurting me." Lara said but Alex didn't listen neither did he let go.

Lad one of Alex' men was the one who helped Stacey leave.

when they arrived home Alex took Lara upstairs directly James took Maya to his room it was really late he thought Bethany must already be asleep and didn't want to disturb her he made her lay down but Maya didn't let go she still had her arms wrapped around his neck James stared at her beautiful face and smiled.

" what...why are you looking at me like that?" Maya asked in a flat voice.

" nothing get some rest." James said removing her arms around his neck but she didn't let go.

" am not sleepy I don't want to go to bed." Maya said like a stubborn little child. James raised a brow and said..

" then what do you want?" he asked.

" you...I want you. " Maya said James was at a lose of words he didn't know what to say nor do before he could say something Maya's lips were on his she kissed him passionately that he was lost in her warm kiss he was so aroused that he kissed her back she tasted different not like those other girls he kissed and took to bed for fun Maya was different she made him feel different she was different herself without thinking twice they both took off their cloths and made love a passionate love making.


in the other room Jason was also punishing his little baby he made to her again and again till she finally gave up and faded out he kissed her forehead covering her with the quilt and off to take a shower.

Alex also punished his little lamb but he was still careful for their baby.


the sun was peaking through the horizon Lara opened her eyes with a smile today was the day the special day in every woman's life her wedding day Lara was so excited she will finally get to wear her expensive gorgeous wedding dress... Alex wasn't in bed as usual be prepared her bath and cloths she got up went to the bathroom brushed her teeth and took a shower then got dressed Alex already brought breakfast for her he fed her like every day.

" within a few hours you will officially be my wife." Alex hugged her kissing her forehead Lara giggled biting off her toast.

" yes and I your eyes to be on me only always okay." Lara said.

" yes ma'am." Alex kissed her lips and smiled.


when Maya opened her eyes she didn't recognize the room but it smelt so familiar and breathtaking her body was pressed down by a hand she was still naked underneath she remembered everything that happened last night she suddenly got shy and blushed hard thinking she just slept with the heir of Lan cooperation the man many women want to have she removed his hand slowly got dressed and left his room James saw her leave but didn't dare to stop her he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable so he pretended to be asleep.

at ten O'clock they family had breakfast then started the preparation... the men were the first to leave Alex wore a black suit with a pure white shirt inside and a black tie with black leather shoes and an expensive wristwatch his soft smooth brown hair was combed back perfectly

James wore a dark blue suit with a dark blue shirt inside and black leather shoes he looked quite charming.

Jason wore all black he looked dignified and handsome.


upstairs Lara couldn't help the smile on her face as she looked herself in the mirror the dress fit her perfectly that she didn't even look like she was pregnant her high heels was made with pure diamonds her Jewry was gorgeous and shinny her beautiful brown hair was tied up into a bun leaving two strains of hair hanging on the sides her make up wasn't much but looked as pure and gorgeous as an Angel.

" will you keep dazing at yourself in the mirror or go to Church it's almost 1pm."

Maya held her shoulders Lara chuckled hugging her best friend.

" all this feels like a dream Maya I can't believe am getting married... to Alex for that matter." Lara gave a faint smile her eyes tearing up Maya pulled away wiping her tears and said.

" do want to ruin your make - up Alex will surely run away if he sees your ruined face... but either way he will still and forever love you." Maya smiled hearing such words Lara teared up even more hugging her .

" Ahem...Lara it's time stop sobbing and let's go. " Stacey said calmly Maya and Lara giggled leaving the room with Maya and Stacey when they arrived at the Church Alex was standing at the aisle waiting when he saw the most beautiful woman in the world that he forgot how to breath Lara walked hand in hand with her father not to many people attended the wedding only close family and friends but the wedding was live for everyone to witness many different countries were watching the marvelous wedding of Mr Alexander Grey get married when Rossy saw the door open she was so eager to see this so called woman Alex was marrying but when Lara walked in she was shocked angry and annoyed she couldn't believe her eyes it was that same ordinary woman that came to the company with James...why would Alex marry her of all women Rossy wanted to explored.

" relax and don't do anything stupid or Alex will have your head for it." Jack said calmly.

" why her what does he see in her." Rossy grit her teeth clenching her fist..

" firstly she's so gorgeous and beautiful she's smart and simple....that's enough reason for any man to fall in love with her I just never expected Alex would be one of those men am quite intrigued. " Jack smiled Rossy rolled her eyes frowning.

Lara walked towards Alex as her father handed her hand over to him and went to seat down.

" words can't describe how beautiful you look."

Alex smiled Lara blushed it was time for the vows.

" we gather here today to unite these two lovely couple here today as they say their following vow to one another ".... I Alexander Grey take you Lara Bella as my lawful wedded wife to love and to hold in good and bad times in sickness and in health to death do us part." Alex said holding his right side chest as he made those vows.

" I Lara Bella take you Alexander Grey as my lawful wedded husband to love and to hold in good and bad times in sickness and in health to death do us part. " Lara said her following vows.

" Alexander Grey do you take Lara Bella as your lawful wedded wife to love and to hold in sickness and in health to death do you part."

" I DO."

" and you Lara Bella do you take Alexander Grey as your lawful wedded husband to love and to hold in sickness and in health to death do you part."

" I DO."

" with the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride."

the priest said Alex held Lara's cheek giving her a soft tender kiss. everyone around the world witnessed the beautiful scene some of Lara's friends back in college where surprised to her get married to Alexander Grey at first they thought it was just a dream... Adriana watched the whole thing on TV she couldn't help giving a bitter smile as tears rolled down her face.

" don't cry mommy you're the best and Daddy doesn't know it he will regret leaving you and marrying another woman. " Alexah wiped her mother's tears.

" oh sweety am glad I have you but it's not your daddy's fault I was the one who left him it's my fault." Adriana smiled Alexah could only give her a comforting hug.


After church they went to the hotel where the party continued everyone was so happy for the couple only a few looked displeased and angry.

" Lara come here let me introduce to you Kara Lan James younger sister. " Stacey introduced.

" Hi nice to meet you. " Lara forwarded her hand but kara never took it instead she sneered rolling her eyes.

" I wonder what Alex saw in're wick stupid and annoying I would have made a better bride for Alex. " Kara was so straight forward she didn't hide her displeasure she never pretended to be kind and sweet Lara's smile gradually disappeared her heart sunk she didn't understand what she did wrong just now. Kara was a gorgeous woman she like Alex since forever she tried talking to her brother to talk to Alex about her but her brother's response was always a " No" looking at Lara just now she felt intimidated cause her beauty was on another level...Stacey frowned hearing Kara's words.

" Kara enough Lara is Alex' wife I won't let you insult her in front of me." Stacey said.

" Come on stace... I liked Alex since forever why did he have to marry such a simple poor girl like her I must say am very disappointed. " Kara rolled her eyes Lara wanted to burst into tears but held them back she wanted to speak but a proud sexy voice spoke behind her.

" Forgive my foolish sister Mrs Grey...she's blinded by her old love for Alex my apology." a tall woman stood at a distance she was beautiful and dressed elegantly she looked older than Kara." Hi am Kina Lan Second to the Lan family... it's a pleasure meeting you. " she introduced herself.

" Lara Bella... Nice meeting you. " Lara gave a faint smile kina turned to her sister and said.

" haven't you gotten over your silly obsession Kara we talked about this Alex is now a married won't be pleased if he finds out. "

" I don't what you, brother and everyone thinks to hell with it I will have Alex sooner or later." Kara smirked turning her high heels and walked away Kina could only sigh apologizing to Lara.

" don't mind what she's saying I will take care of it...please excuse me. " she smiled and walked away.

" don't take anything to heart what Kara said Lara remember you're pregnant. " Stacey smile Lara nodded.

" Mrs Grey." Lara turned around and saw a tall man walking towards her he had his hands in his pocket he looked to be in his 40s Lara recognized him immediately cause she has seen him in magazines and TV it was non other than Mr Grey Alex' father even though he was 46 he looked 40 like a young man he took slow steady steps each sound made Lara's heart skip a beat.

" Father..." Stacey bowed slightly he just nodded at her turning to Lara... Stacey gave a reassuring smile and left them alone. Lara didn't know what to do at the moment she could only slightly bow respectively.

" Mr's a pleasure to finally meet you. " Lara gave a slight smile.

" please call me Father... you are one of the Grey's after all especially that you are going to passive an heir...congratulations. " he smiled.

" Uhm thank you." Lara said when Alex saw his father talking to Lara at a distance he clenched his fist dashing to her Lara was so nervous she felt weak and anxious she wanted to fall and just go into a deep sleep when she felt a strong hand surrounding her slender waist that smell that always made her feel safe and strong surrounded her she looked up and saw Alex looking down on her.

" are you alright? " he asked Lara nodded..

" Of course she's alright Son...don't worry she's alright I wouldn't kill her she's different. " Carlos gave a sly smile.

" Mr Grey...quite surprising you made it to my wedding though it would have been better if you didn't show up like before. " Alex said calmly Lara couldn't take it why didn't Alex call his parents mom and Dad but Mr and Madame Grey what is it with this family. " Lara thought.

" your mother wanted me to be here on your big day...I couldn't say no. " he replied simply.

" since when did you do as Madame Grey say." Alex sneered Mr Grey just smiled turning to Lara.

" will see each other around Miss Lara allow me to find my wife." he said and left.

" Alex...why don't you call them mom and Dad? " Lara asked

" Do you want me to call them that?" Alex raised a brow.

" well I...I don't know." she lowered her head Alex held her chin so she was looking at him.

" Don't worry about trivial matters baby." he kissed her lips softly leading her to the dance floor

James couldn't understand why Maya was trying so hard to avoid him she kept running away from him this time he didn't allow her to run away he held her wrist firmly pulling her closer to him.

" Ah what are you doing let go of me." Maya said.

" are you running away from me...why are you avoiding me is it because of what happened between us last night?" James asked Maya wanted to vanish from the ends of the earth she was so shy thinking about what happened between them.

" please let go there are a lot of people here." Maya said in flat voice James took her hand and took her to a private room he pinned her against the wall leaving no space between them they could feel each other's breath whenever he was around this woman he was totally a different person he lifted his hand to touch her face.

" tell me why you're avoiding me is it because of last night....are you upset because I was the first man to have you?" James lowered his voice Maya didn't say a word she looked into his dark eyes for a while and said.

" am sorry I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing... was a mistake. " Maya said James felt broken her last words broke him completely he slowly loosened his grip around her waist seeing his face Maya felt bad she hurt him with her words but it was the right thing to do for her to stay away from him...Maya slowly got away from his hold and left in a hurry.

" Maya...where were you I was looking for you everywhere. " Lara said

" well I... I was just using the restroom... what's up." she said

" I see...come here... Lara made her seat down on the sofa she held her hands as she looked into Maya's eyes, " tell me honestly Maya what's going on I have been keeping an eye on seem to be running away from James you're avoiding him..did something happen between you two did you fight or something... Maya don't you dare lie to me am your best friend you can tell me anything. " Lara smiled Maya couldn't take it anymore she hugged Lara tightly and started sobbing.

" Lara I...I don't know what to do...I have never felt so helpless in my entire life." Maya sobbed Lara robbed her back comforting her.

" Tell me what happened Maya. " Lara said Maya pulled away wiping her tears and gave a faint smile.

" Lara it's your wedding don't worry about me okay." Maya smiled and opened her small big and took out something Lara couldn't see what it was exactly cause it was wrapped In a gift paper.

" what is it?" Lara asked.

" open it." Maya said excitedly Lara creased her brows taking the gift opening it slowly Lara could tell it was a book from the sweet new smell." a book...why are you giving me a book." she asked

" it's not just an ordinary book open it. " Lara continued unwrapping the gift and saw the two titles on the cover.

" THE BOOK OF SEDUCTION. " Lara's eyes widened looking at her best friend astonished.

" Are you crazy I can't take this am pregnant. " Lara said

" you won't be pregnant forever plus Alex would be pleased trying those styles and tips trust me." she winked before Lara could refute Alex came to them Lara quickly covered the book.

" there you are I have been looking for you everywhere. " Alex took her into his arms.

" well I was talking to Maya just now that's all. " she smiled Alex nodded and said.

" We need to leave now we're leaving for England today. "

" England can't we leave tomorrow morning. " Lara said.

" No...Maya you will come to England with James tonight we should leave now."

" Ah no need I will leave for New York tonight... I still have to report to work." Maya said.

" please come with us Maya you can go back to New York after a few days ." Lara said.

" Of course I will bring her back with me to England don't worry about it. " James said behind them Maya didn't move an inch when James stood beside her he didn't even throw an eye on her Maya thought he might be Upset with her.

'' alright then come on baby let's go. " Alex took Lara away leaving only the two of

them silence followed no one spoke to thee other the silence was suffocating Maya wanted to speak but James spoke first.

" Let's go it's getting late." he said and led the way Maya just followed behind quietly Alex and Lara said goodbye to the family and left.

it was Midnight when the two black cars arrived in England Alex' car parked in front of his Villa Lara already fell asleep he carried her to their room changed her into a comfortable night dress and covered her with the quilt he couldn't help a smile forming on the corner of his mouth he kissed her forehead softly and went to take a shower before sleeping beside her.

When James' car parked in front of his Villa he stepped out opening the door for Maya she stepped out and followed behind quietly when they entered the house he turned to her and said.

" it's late get some rest...your room is upstairs to the left." he told her and turned to leave but Maya held his hand stopping him he turned to look at her and raised a questioning brow. Maya hesitated for while before she spoke.

" Are...are you upset with me? " she asked in a flat voice.

"'s late get some rest. " he pulled away from her hold and left Maya was left standing there in the cold living room she sat on the sofa she stayed there for a while that she didn't realize she fell asleep when James went to check up on her in her room he saw no sign of her he went downstairs and saw a little woman curled up into a heap on the sofa she was sound asleep but looked really uncomfortable he frowned approaching her and gathered her into his arms and went upstairs to her room.


When Lara woke up she found herself in a huge room by the sweet smell and two colours in the room she immediately knew it was Alex' room she saw her cloths were already prepared she got up brushed her teeth took a warm bath and went downstairs she couldn't help admiring the house it was so big and beautiful even though it had two colours like back in Briton gray and white quite lonely and sad but this is their house she was going to bring happiness and life in this house and a lot of good memories they were a married couple now they will go through a lot together love , pain...sorrow and many more but will fight them together and solve everything together Lara smiled when descending the stairs she couldn't see Alex anywhere.

" Good morning Mrs Lydia and these two are Lisa and Cady we are the new maids here we don't know what the Miss likes and dislikes... what would you like to have for breakfast? " Lydia who looked much older than the two said in a polite manner.

" New here... " Lara creased her brows.

" Well Mrs Grey Mr Grey never hired women only men used to work here but now you're here he hired them for you. " The old man who looked to be in his 60s said he was the Butler of this house he looked kind noble and dignified he wore a black suit with a white shirt inside with a pair of white gloves.

" it's a pleasure meeting you am Antony the Butler. " he bowed slightly.

" Hi am Lara Bella....nice to meet you. " Lara smiled looking around seeing her curious face Mr Antony smiled slightly and said.

" Mr Grey had to leave for the office really early."

" oh did he have breakfast? " Lara asked.

" No he didn't have time." he replied. Lara frowned turning to house keepers.

" Please arrange me some ingredients I will cook." Lara said

" Mrs Grey it's our duty to serve you if Sir finds out you entered the kitchen we will get fired." Lydia said in a low voice.

" don't worry I will handle Alex please do as I say." Lara said calmly Lydia hesitated for a while before nodded and left to prepare everything Lara stepped into the kitchen it was big and neat everything was placed in order she turned on the stove putting a pot she cut the tomatoes and onions she prepared rice, fried potatoes and grilled beef packing it in two lunch box she had breakfast quickly and told the driver to drop her off at the Grey cooperation enterprise, when Lara entered the building everyone smiled at her showing her respect.

" Good morning Mrs Grey.

" how are you Mrs Grey?"

" it's a pleasure meeting you Mrs Grey."

the stuff greeted Lara only smiled giving a slight nod.

" Mrs Grey what a pleasant surprise... how may I assist you." Rossy came to her with a sweet smile but Lara thought there was something wrong like she was forcing herself to be nice because she was now Alex' wife.

" Am here to see Alex is he in?" Lara asked.

" Mr CEO is in the conference room the meeting has been going on for an hour and a half." Rossy said.

" I see I brought lunch for him... he didn't have breakfast in the morning. " Lara said.

" it's okay I can give it to him when his done with the meeting you can go home and rest." Rossy was about to take the lunch box out of Lara's hands but Lara stepped back and said.

" No need I will wait for him in his office... I want to hand this to him myself. " she turned around and left Rossy wanted to pull her hair off but controlled herself...Lara sat on the sofa waiting two hours already passed by Alex was still in the conference room Lara felt a little tired so she decided to take a nap on the was two hours and half when the meeting ended Alex returned to his office with Rossy trailing behind him when he entered the office he frowned seeing his little wife sleeping on the sofa.

" leave..." he said without throwing an eye on her Rossy nodded and left...Alex approached Lara cupping her cheek when she felt two cold fingers cupping her cheeks she opened her big gray eyes showing a slight smile.

" What are you doing here? " he asked gently Lara stood up walking to his desk and took the lunch box and said.

" Mr Antony said you didn't have breakfast in the morning so I decided to cook for you." Lara opened the food.

" you cooked're pregnant you're not supposed to do anything we have the maids for that." Alex said looking a little displeased.

" I know but I insisted on cooking for my husband is it wrong?" Lara frowned Alex knew he could not argue with his little wife.

" did you eat anything? " he asked

"I had toast and coffee." she said. Alex frowned. " so little.... here. " he fed her some steak Lara took it obediently the two of them ate happily after lunch Lara packed up Alex escorted her to the Elevator and kissed her goodbye.


While in James' flat he did not make it any easier for Maya he kept ignoring her on purpose to make her realize that she did feel something for him.

" Benjamin take care of Miss Young's needs I have to go to work." James said calmly standing up to leave when Maya held his suit puffing her cheeks frowning.

" We need to talk I won't let you go unless you talk to me." Maya said James looked at her slime hand raising a brow.

" Miss Young I have work to do....Benjamin and the rest of the house keepers are here to attend to can let go now." he said calmly removing her hand he turned to leave when he felt a soft warm body press on his back she hugged him tightly.

" I won't let you go I don't want to stay here alone please don't go James." Maya begged everyone was watching them as much as he wanted to stay with her he couldn't give in easily he slowly removed her arms around his body Maya was about to stop him again but he was already gone.

" Miss young what would you like to have for lunch ?" a maid asked .

" Am not hungry." Maya said leaving the flat she was about to step out when a tall man blocked her.

" is there anywhere you would like to go Miss Young I would accompany you." Benjamin said seriously.

" no need I will take a taxi.....step aside." she ordered.

" Am sorry but it's Sir's orders to look after you I will accompany you. " Benjamin said Maya got pissed off and shouted out.

" first your boss doesn't want to talk to me now he wants to protect me....I don't need protection I can protect myself get that." Maya teared up running upstairs Benjamin took out his cellphone and dialed a number the person one the other side answered immediately.

" don't let her out of your side keep a close eye on her...remember if anything bad happens to her you will deal with me. " James said.

" yes Sir. " Benjamin replied with a slight trembling voice.


at the airport of Europe a private plane landed in England a tall charming young got out of the plane with a mischievous smile playing on the corner of his tempting thin lips he was quite gorgeous everyone knew him as a charming Playboy he is wealthy and famous owns five most expensive hotels in New York four in California three in Atlanta and the other three in England in total fifteen hotels and is the CEO and the heir of Zen Enterprise.

" Sir flat is ready would you like to go home right away?" his assistant asked.

" Not now I have to pay a visit to an old friend take me there instead. " he said.

" but Sir Mr Grey is at his company by now... shall we go there instead you know he dislikes visiting his home without invitation. " Lucas said.

" since when have I ever followed his rules...I would like to see his gorgeous wife now take me there it's an order." Kay said seriously Lucas sighed nodding to the driver and drove off. The white Limo parked in front of Alex' Villa the two men walked to the door Lucas pressed the doorbell When Mr Antony opened the door he slightly bowed.

" Mr Kay what a pleasant surprise... please come in. " he made way for them leading them to the living room. "

Master is still working shall I inform him you're here?" he asked.

" No need let him Mrs Grey home? he asked instead before Mr Antony could speak Lara's voice came from upstairs.

" Mr Antony who is it. " she asked descending the stairs she saw a tall charming man with gray hair and blue eyes he had a beautiful tempting smile.

" how gorgeous I must say Alex has a great taste when it comes to women...allow me to introduce myself am Kay Zen heir of Zenith Enterprise. " he kissed her hand.

" Lara Bella... I have heard about you and seen you on screens and magazines it's a pleasure meeting you Mr Zen." Lara smiled.

" please call me Kay you are my sister in-law after all. " Kay smiled.

At the office Alex received a text from Mr Antony saying Kay's arrival he frowned putting away his phone and continued handling work.

at 9 O'clock Alex went back home Dinner was already served when Lara saw him she went to him taking his jacket and briefcase.

" Welcome honey." she kissed his lips giving Lisa the jacket and briefcase seeing Kay sitting there Alex raised a questioning brow.

" Uninvited. " he said.

" Is that how you welcome an old friend hurt." Kay showed a sad face.

" Now now let's have dinner before it gets cold." Lara led them to the dinning room they four of sat there enjoying the meal.

" Where is James?" Kay asked.

" Unlike you he has a lot of work to do... his more responsible. " Alex said without throwing an eye on him.

" Ouch....that hit the spot." Kay touched the spot where his heart is.. Lara couldn't help giggling. after dinner Kay said his goodbyes and left.

Alex carried Lara to their room.

" hey what are you doing... everyone is looking at us." Lara blushed.

"'re my wife let them see and know how much I..-

" you love me? " Lara cut him off Alex stared at her beautiful small face full of expectations.

" it's past your bed time... you need rest." he said he prepared warm water for her after her bath Alex also took a shower then went to bed.

James returned back home really late he took off his jacket unbuttoning two buttons on his shirt going upstairs he paused in the halls looking at the closed door to Maya's room he opened it slowly but no sign of her he frowned going downstairs.

" Benjamin. " James called out Benjamin came to him immediately.

" Yes Sir. "

" Maya is not in her room....where the hell is she? " James creased his brows.

" Sir Miss Young didn't come downstairs from morning food was served to her but she refused to eat anything... Sir did you check your room perhaps she might be in there." he said James dismissed him going to his room it was dark inside he switched on the lights and saw a little figure sleeping on his bed she was wearing his Shirt she looked damn sexy he felt his desire raising up he turned away pinching the skin between his brows he wanted to leave to cool himself off when two hands hugged him from behind.

" Am sorry I can't bare you being upset with me James don't leave my side. " Maya sobbed James didn't like seeing her tears he hated it he didn't want to hurt anymore he turned to her capturing her lips he kissed her desperately and passionately he kissed her neck and entire body he liked her so much ever since he met her in New York she is a woman who knows what she wants he took off her shirt and his lost in the moment he entered her body making love to her while they shared those passionate kisses Maya moaned biting her lip when they were satisfied they took a bath together and went to bed.
