Chapter 9of9 Baby's shopping

8months already passed by quickly Lara's belly grew big Alex stayed away from work focusing on taking care of his little wife.

" Are you ready?" Alex smiled

" Ready for what?" Lara asked.

" for the baby's shopping we need to get her cloths and other needed things. " Alex said.

" Alex how can we get cloth's for them...what if it's a girl and a boy and we decide to get girl's cloths only." Lara raised her brows.

" am sure their only girls our twin girls." Alex said he took out his cellphone and dialed a number.

" Hello doctor wife and I would like to know our twin's gender..will be there in ten minutes. " he hang up the call Lara was amused he took her hand and left in the gray car when they arrived at the hospital Doctor Ken was already waiting for them he already prepared everything.

" Mr and Mrs Grey...please come with me right this way." he led them in the ward he did some tests on her when everything was done he told them to wait after five minutes the doctor brought the reports. Alex was anxious so Lara took the reports opening them her eyes lit up seeing the genders of her baby's.

" Alex it's a girl and a boy...I will give you and our family an heir you should let mom Bianca and Dad know about this great news." Lara hugged Alex happily Alex gave a slight smile he was also very happy that he will a son but not the fact that he will have to suffer the same fate as him, when they left the hospital they went shopping for their twins they bought pink and yellow cloths for their baby girl and blue, gray and white cloths for their baby boy then they bought diapers toys, and story books and two sleeping cradles after shopping Lara was tired they went back home Alex prepared a warm bath for her he helped her take a bath and got her dressed then fed her some food and got her into bed she fell asleep immediately Alex cupped her face gently before leaving the room he took out his and dialed a number.

" Get here now inform Kay to get here as well."

he then hang up the call James sighed getting out of bed.

" Are you going somewhere? " Maya asked.

" Alex called he needs me to be at his Villa. " James said.

" Can I come with you I also want to see Lara. " she said happily James nodded slightly

they two of them have been staying together for 8months as girlfriend and boyfriend Maya would travel a month to go to work and get new paintings done then come back some times James would pay a surprising visit to her but he was also busy with work everyone had their own life outside their relationship handling work... they took a shower together got dressed and left the flat Kay was waiting for them outside Alex' Villa.

" finally you're here...well hello beautiful I must say you look pretty each day that goes by." he flashed a mischievous smile at Maya James frowned holding Maya's waist pulling her closer to him.

" find your own woman Kay." James said coldly Kay chuckled tapping James' shoulder.

" relax I would never dare touch your woman." Kay smirked.

" If you two are done playing let's get to work." Alex said standing at the door the three of them turned to him.

" Maya Lara is asleep be by her side when she wakes up and try to distract her while me and the guys finish with the work." Alex said Maya nodded and went upstairs while the guys talked out their plan.

" So Mr perfect husband what do you want us to do for you." Kay smirked Alex rolled his eyes turning to James and said.

" there three rooms that needs to painted room one will be cut in half for my little twins the right will be painted bubblegum pink and the left will be painted blue."

" A girl and a boy...congrats. " Kay smiled.

" Congratulations. " James gave a slight smile.

"Thanks...Now room number two will be painted pink everywhere hot pink everything in her room should be pink of a five to a ten year old her wardrobe her desk table couch and curtains.... Room three should be painted blue of a five to a ten year old and everything in it should be blue." Alex said.

" Wait why do we have to do it...why can't you hire the decorators men." Kay complained.

" because I want you too and because they're your nephew and niece ." He said simply James stood up folding his sleeves showing a slight smile.

" well the walls won't paint themselves let's begin." he went upstairs Kay sighed going upstairs Alex gave a satisfied slight smile standing up...they started with the first room to the second then the third room when everything was done they cleaned up letting it to dry up it was 5 O'clock when Alex went back to his room Lara was happily chatting with Maya when he entered the room.

" Am I disturbing? " he smiled.

" No we where just recalling some old memories that's all. " Lara said happily Alex nodded turning to Maya and said.

" Thank you for keeping her company... James wants you downstairs we'll be there shortly. " Maya nodded and left. Alex sat beside his little wife pulling her into his arms and said close to her ear.

" I have a surprise for you after dinner. "

" A surprise...what is it. " Lara asked excitedly.

" You'll come on they must be waiting for us." He took her hand leaving the room the four of them sat beside the fireplace enjoying the warmth while having a glass of red wine apart from Lara of course she had her orange juice.

" it's not fair that you two have your women with you and I have non you know. " Kay said taking a sip.

" Did we say you shouldn't have one it's your choice being a Playboy you're found with different women everyday. " James said.

" Am not surprised. " Alex commented.

" Don't tease him...Kay don't mind them." Lara said.

" Yeah they're just jealous because you're a man and they're not." Maya smirked.

" Are you taking his gonna have to punish you." James said everyone at pleasant knew what type of punishment he meant Maya blushed.

" If you weren't pregnant I would have punished you to for taking his side." Alex said calmly Lara felt her face turning a bright pink Kay just sighed gaping his wine down.

At 8 O'clock they had dinner after dinner Kay and the couple said their goodbyes Alex and Lara escorted them to the door when they left Alex turned to his little wife and said.

"Now for my surprise to you baby." He smiled leading her upstairs he stopped in front of a closed door holding the handle.

" Are you ready?" he asked.

" What are we doing here?" Lara was a little confused... Alex opened the door leading her inside when Lara saw the room she teared up with joy she was so happy she walked inside scanning each part of the room.

" Alex it's so did this?" Lara smiled .

" Well I got some help from James and Kay. " he rubbed his hair making him look damn hot Lara turned away she thought he was trying to seduce him.

" Why do you turn's fine to admire my handsome fact. " he teased. Lara rolled her eyes and said.

" you're so full of yourself Mr Grey....hope our kids won't get your boldness. "

" they will have to otherwise how will people know they're really my kids." Alex chuckled taking her hand and took her to their baby girl's room. Lara's eyes widened slightly turning to Alex

" And this..." she asked.

" it's our baby girl's room when she turns five till ten years." Alex said simply Lara touched the bed curtains desk, table and wardrobe everything in this room was a hot pink with dolls of Barbie and other princesses. then he took her to the last room their son's room this room was painted blue and everything in it was dark and light blue with dolls of spiderman Batman, Superman and small Cars. Lara hugged her sweet husband barring her little face in his arms Alex could feel her warm tears soaking his shirt.

" This is so beautiful Alex... thank you...I love you my handsome husband. " Lara smiled Alex robbed her back gently and said in sweet soft voice.

" Anything for you my little wife. " he smiled leading her back to their room they took a shower together got her into her night dress and covered her with the quilt and went to sleep.


Morning came and the night went to rest in the middle city of England Dead bodies where lying on the floor in a club in the private lobby Adrianna's showed no mercy nor emotion she killed five men on the spot everyone was frightened by her Norman had a satisfied smirk on the corner of his lips as he stood up approaching the other five left men and said.

" If you don't tell me where the rest of my money is Miss Anderson here won't take mercy upon you...I transported 200 packs of drags and cargoes to Portland only 100 reached Portland where is the remaining 100 you know how much money I have lost or because of your carelessness. " Norman grit his teeth pouching one in the face.

" Boss we made sure the cargo was all inside we are not sure how a hundred of them got stolen." The man said with a trembling voice Norman laughed out getting a pointing at the man and said.

" Don't worry I will make sure to take care of your wife and daughter. "

" boss plea.-

before he could finish his words Norman fired the gun leaving for men.

" if you four don't get back my money you will end up like these Six dead men...understood. "

" Yes...yes boss." they said dragging out the dead bodies and cleaning the place Adriana sat on the sofa cleaning her gun.

" Where is my little niece... I haven't seen her in quite a while. " Norman said pouring a glass of liquor.

" Am not stupid to let Alexah visit you on her own Norman... I don't want my daughter to be a killer." Adriana said not throwing an eye on him.

" But it's a family business and ain't you a killer it's in our blood it's in our family ever since Dad and mom died I promised Dad to protect you and continue our family trade...I became the family's Mafia tycoon and one day when I die you will become the Mafia then it will be passed on to Alexah just like that." he said word by word. Adriana paused putting down her gun and starring into his deep green eyes and said.

" I won't take over neither would my daughter... I gave up that years ago Brother am a doctor now I save innocent people that wants to live."

" You can save a life but also take one...think about and I are the same no one can take us down dear sister. " Norman smiled Adriana stood up and said.

" I have to drop off Alexah to school..." she said and left.

After dropping Alexah off Adriana went to the hospital she had an operation going on.

" Good morning Doctor?"

" Morning... "

" The patient is already in the operating room she has a heart failure, the heart is already donated to our hospital...we where only waiting for you. " The other doctor said. Adriana went to her office put on her doctor coat and got her tools the operation lasted for three five hours she did everything professional the operation was a success and the patient was transferred into the other room for rest.

" Thank you so much Doctor Adriana the operation was a success because of you...please celebrate with us." the other doctor suggested.

" Thank but maybe next time I have to pick up my daughter from school." the doctors nodded she took off her white coat and left the hospital.

While a private school Alexah had frown on her small cute face she was standing at the roadside waiting for her busy mother.

" Alexah dear let's wait for your mother inside she might take a little longer to arrive ." Miss brown said .

" Teacher please don't act stupid I will wait for my mommy right here if you're tired go inside. " She said Miss brown sighed and decided to wait for Alexah's mother thirty minutes past by still no sign of her mother.

" Alexah dear ain't you tired?" her teacher asked looking down on her little head. she just shook her head an hour later a black sports car stopped in front of them they couldn't see who was inside but Alexah knew it wasn't her mother cause she knew all her mother's cars.

" I guess your mother is here." Miss brown said.

" No that's not my Mommy's car." she frowned

When the car door opened a tall man stepped out everything about him looked serious and charming his suit was on point so expensive and good looking Alexah's eyes immediately lit up with excitement Alex walked them with a slight smile... Miss Brown immediately recognized him who wouldn't know him what she couldn't understand was what he was doing at this school because he did have a child his wife is still pregnant. Alexah ran to Alex giving him a hug.

" Daddy...are you here to pick me up?" she smiled. Alex robbed her head gently and said.

" Yes who else will I pick are you ready?" Alexah nodded.

" Uhm Hi am Miss Brown Alexah's teacher and you are?" she asked.

" Am her father. " Alex said simply.

" have seen you on TV and newspapers you're Mr Grey right?" Alex nodded.

" Teacher you ask to many questions can we leave now?" Alexah said pulling her Dad towards the car and drove off Alex texted Adriana saying his with Alexah and will drop her off home when he spends some time with her, they went to have some ice cream in a ice cream shop.

" Dad do you love your wife? " Alexah asked licking her chocolate ice cream.

" She's my wife...I care about her and soon we will have twins." Alex smiled.

" I will soon have two siblings. " Alexah smiled brightly.

" yes a little brother and a little sister. "

" Can your wife. " she asked.

" Soon...not now." Alex said Alexah nodded...the two of them didn't spend time together for a long time cause Alex had to go back home or his little wife will get worried he dropped his daughter off and left without seeing Adriana.

When he arrived home Lara was resting feeling his presence she opened her beautiful eyes.

" Did i wake you? " Alex said in gentle voice.

" No....where did you go?" Lara asked.

" i went to the office to take care of some business. " he said actually before picking up Alexah from school he did pass through the office for a brief meeting so he wasn't lying to her he just didn't add the part where he went to see his daughter.

" Are you hungry?" he asked.

" Now that you've mentioned it i do feel hungry." she smiled Alex took her by hand going downstairs he fed her noodles and poured a glass of apple juice for her Lara was so happy she felt like she was the happiest woman on earth cause her dearest husband cared about her so much.

A month past by so fast Alex didn't go to work cause he was busy taking care of his little wife Maya, James and Kay would visit them and spend special time charting and enjoying themselves.... Madame Grey would also visit time to time Stacey would video call them everyday Jason would want to visit but Alex always says no with a little jealousy in his voice Lara would just roll her eyes telling Jason to visit anytime.

Lara's belly got bigger and swollen she would get cramps but Alex was always there to help her out she would get morning sickness and moody sometimes but Alex never got annoyed or angry in fact when she shouts at him and hit his chest he would just smile hugging her but that only pissed Lara off even more her pregnancy was surely going to make her go was 9 O'clock when Lara felt sharp pains cold sweat oozed down on her forehead.

"Ah..." she screamed Alex woke up immediately holding her hand.

" Lara...what's wrong?" he asked.

" Ah...Alex my water just going into labor." she clenched his hand screaming. Alex has never felt so nervous and helpless before.

" Ahhhh.." Lara screamed out Alex helped her up carrying her downstairs Mr Antony already prepared the car for them.

" Mr Antony inform Madame Grey and Lara's family." Alex said before driving off.

" hurts please help me...Ahhh." Lara cried out Alex stared at his little wife on the review mirror she was in so much pain the car was filled with her painful crying and screams within 10 minutes the arrived at the hospital Lara was immediately taken in the ICU Alex was told to remain outside he took out his phone calling James when James got the news he called Kay and rushed to the hospital with Maya, when they arrived they saw a tall figure with his head hanging down his long slender fingers ran through his smooth brown hair he looked so humble like a little kitten James sat beside him on the sofa Lara's screaming inside the closed door was like torture in Alex's ears he wanted to burg in and hug her so tight he was scared...scared of losing her scared that she might die to childbirth his heart was racing thinking about it if anything happens to his little wife he would never forgive his children he will hate them for taking away his wife.

" She'll be fine Alex. " James said.

" Yeah why don't you try to relax bro." Kay said from afar approaching them Alex narrowed his sharp eyes at him at the moment his eyes looked like they could kill you just by starring at you, Kay held his breath raising his hands in surrender he leaned against the wall crossing his hands over his chest.

Lara couldn't take the pain she kept screaming Alex' name begging to get them out so she could end the torture the first baby boy was delivered after 3 minute the second baby girl was delivered successfully Lara's screaming stopped all she wanted was to hold her two beauties she didn't care about the pain.

" Congratulations Mrs Grey." the Doctor and everyone in the room congratulated her they placed her two bundle of joy in her arms the doctor went outside with a smile.

" Congratulations Mr Grey the delivery was a success." When Alex heard the doctor's words he stood up immediately.

" Is my wife alright?" he was more concerned about Lara.

" Of course ." the doctor replied Alex immediately rushed in when Lara saw him standing there like a lost puppy she gave a slight smile and said.

" Alex...come here look...they're so cute." Alex approached her bed indeed their babies were really cute two nurses came in and said.

" please may i have the twins for cleaning i bring them back." she said with pleading eyes Lara nodded they took the twins and left. Alex touched Lara's face gently and said.

" Are you alright... i thought i was going to lose you i was so scared...i didn't know what i was going to do without you Lara i even vowed to hate our kids if they killed you to childbirth. " Lara's eyes widened slightly she couldn't believe her ears would he really hate their twins if she died she lifted her hand touching his face in the most gentle way and said.

" Don't ever hate our children because am not around Alex i want you to always be there for them and love them like a good Dad." Lara smiled slightly Alex kissed her hand and said.

" You've given me the best gift any man could ask for....I love you. " he smiled Lara teared up hearing those three words leave his mouth.

" What...what did you just say....say it again."

" I love you wife i love you so much. " Alex repeated Lara broke into tears embracing her husband and said.

" you don't know how i have longed to hear those three words from you...i love you so much. " Alex pulled away wiping her tears giving her a soft gentle kiss on her lips a while later the nurses came back with the twins Alex sat on the sofa while the nurse put the little baby girl in his arms while Lara held their baby boy.

" She's so tiny that am afraid i might crash her." Alex was so nervous Lara laughed out softly.

" It's surprising seeing the great Alexander Grey nervous what would people think if they saw you like this?" she raised a brow.

" i don't Care about them when am around you and our two Angels the entire worlds disappears i don't see anybody when you're around me." Alex smiled, after a while Madame Grey knocked on the door and went in.

" Twins...what are their genders?" she asked anxiously Lara nodded to Alex she wanted him to be the one to tell the good news to his mother Alex looked at his mother and said.

" you wanted an heir right...congrats your dying wish came true today." his voice was calm with a little coldness to it Madame Grey just smiled slightly.

" Mom come your grandson. " Lara smiled Madame Grey slowly approached Lara's bed Lara gave her little boy to his grandmother .

" Awwr his so cute...he resembles Alex when he was just a baby it's like going back to the day I became a mother for the first time....i was the happiest woman alive and now am a grandmother... thank you my dear." Madame Grey teared up Alex turned away as if he didn't care about anything, when madame was done playing with her grandson she held her pretty granddaughter she resembled Lara a lot with little features of her father.

" I must leave now you need to take a rest good night." she handed the baby back to Alex.

" good night Mom. " Lara said.

when Madame Grey left Lara fed her twins and Alex helped her take them to sleep.

" Alex...sleep beside me and just hold me till i fall asleep. " Lara said starring at her charming husband Alex nodded getting in bed he covered them both with the sheets holding her close in his arms his body was warm and comfortable that smell that always makes Lara feel safe surrounded her.

" Good night." Alex kissed her hair.

" Good night." Lara whispered before falling asleep, the twins would wake up in mid morning crying but Alex would wake up first to put them back to sleep Lara would smile slightly she thought he cared and loved her so much she didn't stay up for a long time cause she was so tired.

Morning came the morning sun peaked through the curtains Alex woke up a long time ago he already prepared a warm bath for her Lara woke with a slight smile.

" Good morning? " she greeted.

" Morning... how did you sleep." Alex asked kissing her hair.

" I slept like a baby." she smiled she was still weak Alex carried her to the bathroom he helped her shower and got her dressed the nurse already brought warm soup for her then she took the twins to be cleaned Alex fed Lara her breakfast when they heard a knock on the door.

" Good morning. " Maya smiled with James and Kay trailing behind her.

" Maya..." Lara smiled excitedly they both hugged.

" Congratulations so happy for you." Maya said.

" Thank you. "

" Congratulations Lara. " James smiled slightly.

" Congrats beautiful. " Kay smirked.

" Thank you. " Lara showed her gratitude after a while the two nurses brought the twins back putting them in their cradles and left.

" Awwr they're so cute and adorable. " Maya carried a baby girl.

" Don't you want to hold one?" Alex raised a brow at James.

" it's tiny and fragile. " James said looking at the baby boy in the cradle.

" Alex said the same thing at first...just try it." Lara teased Alex frowned but said nothing James stared at the little baby leaning down and carefully gathered him in his arms a slight warm smile carved on the corner of his mouth as he stared at little baby she suddenly had a wired feeling he looked at Maya who was busy playing and smiling at the little baby girl in her arms he also wished one day to have a baby of their own with this beautiful woman standing beside him, Kay frowned and said.

" hey it's my turn i also want to hold one...James give him here." James creased his brows and said.

" Am not done i will give him to you when i feel like it." he said Lara giggled Maya laughed slightly turning to him.

" You can have this little Angel right here Kay... don't mind him." Maya said handing her in Kay's arms carefully Kay smiled holding the little girl in his arms.

" So have you decided their names yet?" Maya asked.

" Not yet we'll name them when we get home... we are still deciding between two names." Lara said.

" You should give your son my name. " Kay teased Alex rolled his eyes and said.

" he ends up like you."

" Why not am charming.. cool and wealthy.

" Kay said proudly.

" Not to mention a womanizer. " James added.

" well what can i say...i do enjoy my women."

they five of them chatted for a while before leaving the hospital and went home the house keepers and Mr Antony welcomed them and congratulated them they felt happy that the house will feel alive again with crying of little voices and as years goes by the laughter and talking of cute little voices Lydia and Candy prepared lunch and served it in the dinning room Lara already put the twins in their room she put a little monitor on the table Alex bought two she carried one everywhere she went so she could keep track if the twins woke up or crying the monitor in the twin's room would record each sound and Lara would know everything what goes on.

after lunch they chatted enjoying a glass of red wine at 8 o'clock the three left the couple to rest.

When James and Maya reached home they had dinner and went to there room they took a shower and got in bed Maya stared at James in the corner of her eyes biting the corner of her lip James noticed her hesitation and asked.

" Do you want to say something? " he said arranging his pillow Maya hesitated she didn't know how to say cause she felt sorry for him she didn't want to leave him after a long time of hesitation she spoke.

" Uhm well... i have to travil to California tomorrow morning i have to take care of something at the gallery and get new paintings done." She said simply James didn't say a word for a long time after a while he said.

" How long will you be gone?" he asked calmly.

" Three weeks." she answered James nodded knowingly.

" i see....i will drop you off at the airport ." he said kissing her lips gently since she was leaving for three weeks he made love to her three times every hour.

Maya woke up early in the morning she took a shower got dressed and went downstairs James was still asleep so she didn't want to disturb him she told the maids she'll prepare breakfast for James she prepared toast with fried eyes and fruit salads and his favorite cup of green tea she laid it on the table after 30min James came downstairs he already got prepared.

" Good morning? " he kissed her lips

" Morning... breakfast? " maya smiled.

" you prepared this?" James smiled.

" yes...have some. " she fed him a fruit salad James closed his eyes slightly and sighed.

" This is so good...thank you." he said Maya smiled they had breakfast together after breakfast they past through Alex' villa Maya said her goodbyes to Lara.

" Come back soon alright.." Lara said.

" I will...greet my little one's for me." Maya said Lara nodded waving her hand.

James took Maya to the airport kissed her lips, forehead and hair.

" i will miss you." he said.

" I'll miss you too...take care of yourself alright. " Maya said.

" You too." James watched her slender body disappear from the entrance door when she completely disappeared he got into his car and drove to work.