Chapter 15of15 Rape

it was on a Saturday morning this two weekends Alex only wanted to spend time with Lara looking at the woman sleeping soundly her little hand was lying on his chest Alex found her really beautiful each day that goes by Lara had a feeling that Alex was looking at her opening her eyes slowly she saw his deep blue eyes

" Good morning. " Alex cupped her cheek

" Good morning. " Lara smiled slightly

" how did you sleep?"

" I always sleep well when you're around. " Lara touched his lips and added" I missed you so much Alex. " without a word Alex kissed her lips passionately Lara pushed him down getting on top of him kissing him hard this time she didn't feel shy or embarrassed she took full control and they made love for half an hour after their intense love making they took a shower got dressed and went downstairs

Mira flattered her eyes open lifting her body up she stared at the left side of the bed Zeke was not in bed she uncovered her body heading for the bathroom when the door opened it was Zeke he just got out of the shower a White towel was wrapped around his slender waist drops of water slide down on his perfect body Mira was dazed not knowing where to look Zeke simply passed by her getting his cloths Mira finally got out of her daze

" Good morning. " she finally greeted

" Morning. " Zeke answered calmly

" How did you sleep?"

" Okay." Zeke didn't sound like he wanted to keep on talking so Mira gave a slight nod before going to the bathroom and took a shower when she went back to the room Zeke was already gone she quickly got dressed and went downstairs Alex and Zeke were seated on the dinning table while Lara served them breakfast when she saw Mira standing there she gave a slight smile and said

" Good morning Mira come take a sit and have breakfast. " Mira gave a nod sitting next to Zeke

" Good morning. " she greeted Alex and Lara Alex gave her a slight nod the four sat for breakfast enjoying the warm breakfast

" Did Zoey come home last night? " Alex asked his eyes still on his plate

" I don't know, you know how she is she never gets permission on anything. " Zeke simply said Lara wondered who this Zoey was and why Alex was asking about her in such a gentle caring manner she was getting jealous of her husband asking about another woman Zeke took a quick glance at Lara seeing her confused jealous expression on her face he could not help being amused by her Alex was about to speak when a voice murmured to it's self

" Oh no I should take it easy on those drinks." a tall woman said in French everyone looked at her direction Lara frowned seeing what she was dressed in she wore a white shirt and a blue jean short her purple hair was tied into a ponytail Lara admitted Zoey was so beautiful and proud when she saw Alex her dizziness disappeared she rushed to him with a smile

" Alexander. " she gave Alex a hug placing a kiss on his cheek seeing this Lara stood up or of a sudden she was angry Alex removed Zoey' s arms around him Lara lifted her head up high as if nothing could ever bring her down looking at the woman standing beside Alex she slightly smiled and introduced herself

" Hi am Lara Bella Mrs Grey nice to meet you miss Zoey. "

" so you're Mrs Grey huh I admit you're very beautiful no wonder Alex fell deeply for you." Zoey said in French Lara did not understand any word of it she could not understand nor speak French

" Zoey Lara can not understand nor speak French use English." Zeke said

" Really you do not speak French Alex didn't care teaching you?" Zoey raised a brow

" I don't think it is necessary if she learns French or not I don't care about that I like it that way." Alex spoke out for Lara

" I see anyway am hungry hope you told your people what type of food I take." Zoey said Alex nodded Lydia brought Zoey a cup of green tea with hubs and fruit salad after breakfast Alex and Zeke sat in living room near the fire place while having a glass of wine Lara and Mira sat on veranda out looking the courtyard when Zoey came up to them and said in French

" I will pick up Iven now."

" Alright thank you. " Mira thanked her

" it's not for you am simply doing it for my nephew and brother I haven't accepted you Mira I don't like you even if you're my brother's wife and he supports can never win his heart he will never love you it was only a mistake that shouldn't have happen remember that." each word like sharp knives piecing into Mira's chest hurt deeply Lara could not understand any word but seeing Mira's face she knew Zoey must have said something bad to her when Zoey left Lara turned to Mira and asked

"' Are you alright?"

" yes am alright. " Mira replied

" I know I do not understand French but seeing your face right now I can tell Zoey said something that made you sad, do you want to talk about it?" Lara asked

" No am alright you do not worry." Mira gave a slight smile

" Mrs Grey the twins are awake." Candy said

"' Twin...Mira repeated" you have kids?"

" of course a boy and a girl they get really noisy when they are hungry I better feed them."

" it's amazing you don't look like you have kids your body is perfectly in shape, may I see them?" Mira said Lara smiled and nodded the two went upstairs to the twins room Mira was amazed by the design and colours in the room it was really beautiful approaching the baby's crib Mariana and max had their little eyes wide open Mira smiled seeing such adorable babies and said

" they are so adorable they reminds me of my son I really miss him. "

" You have a son?" Lara was surprised because Mira had a perfect body like she never gave birth it was amazing Mira sighed and said

" Yes but mother in-law took him with her to stay with him for a while Zoey is picking him up today I will be able to see him after such a long time. "

" How old is he?"

" one year just like your twins."

" you mean you got pregnant before getting married to Zeke just like I got pregnant before getting married to Alex. " Lara was amused Mira went to the window looking at the beautiful view as her mind drifted back when she first met Ezekiel and started telling Lara

" everything was a misunderstanding I met Zeke in Los Angeles my friend was hosting an engagement party her fiancé was a wealthy man he knew wealthy influential people and Zeke was one of them he attended the party with Zoey and other few people when I first saw him I didn't want to look away he stole my heart completely I guess I was attracted to him but he never even threw an eye on me no woman tried to talk nor get near him no matter how much they tried knowing it was impossible I just left and went to get a drink when I over heard Zoey talking to a man to put some pills in Zeke's drink and another woman's drink but I don't know how things got mixed up and I ended up having the drink I got so dizzy and my body began to burn up a man grabbed my wrist taking me to a room before closing the door and left the room was dim I could not see anything clearly I took few steps forward when I bumped into something lifting my head I saw a tall figure standing in front of me I lifted my hand to touch his face but he grabbed my wrist pushing me on the bed that's when everything happened the next morning he woke up he saw me lying next to him we were both naked under the sheets he got out of bed asking who I was I failed to answer him I was scared he told me to dress up and leave I quickly got up took my cloths and left, he did his investigation on me and what happened that night two weeks later I found out I was pregnant I was so depressed and wanted to get rid of it when I got a visit from Mrs Carl his mother she proposed to get married to her son, till now yes we are married but he never touched me since then we never shared a room when we got married. " Mira teared up resiting what happened Lara also felt sad for her she approached Mira holding her shoulders in comfort and said

" am sorry you had to go through that but look at the bright side you are married to a charming man who cares about you I know he does and you have a son with him not all women get such luck you know. "

" You're right thank you Lara, can I hold them?" Mira smiled

" Yes." Mira went to the crib picking up a little girl first then a little boy

while downstairs Alex had a disapproving face starring at Zeke

" Even though it was all a misunderstanding Zeke you shouldn't punish her she's still your wife legally she was also a victim by Zoey's foolishness. " Alex said

" So what are you trying to say Alex?" Zeke narrowed his eyes

" you've been married for two years you still haven't touched her you think it's fair to her think about every woman needs her husband's attention and feel wanted." Alex explained Zeke said nothing he was lost in thought sighing heavily he gulped down his wine leaning back in his seat.


At the foot of the Airport Kay arrived in New York city he had a business meeting with the shareholders driving off in his red sports car he went straight to his hotel

" Welcome back Mr Zen. " the receptionist greeted

" Thank you. " Kay gave a slight smile taking his card to his room when he opened it he saw a woman half naked on his bed she wore a sexy black lingering

" Nia what are you doing here?" Kay asked Nia stood up approaching him she wrapped her arms around his neck and said

" Well I called Lucas and he told me you're leaving for New York so I took my private plane here to surprise you I missed you. "

" you shouldn't be here am here for business not to play around. " Kay said

" Really would you deny me baby am always at your service. " Nia whispered near his ear kissing the nip of his ear

" Damn it." Kay cursed failing to control his desires he held Nia's waist pinning her on the bed and kissed her lips and slept with her at five O'clock he went to attend the meeting everything went smoothly he decided to pass by a coffee house as he entered all eyes turned to him everyone knew him he is a famous business man after all and attractive at that point Bethany was also inside the coffee house when she Kay she immediately recognized him Kay also recognized her from Alex' wedding pictures he approached her and said

" you're Lara's little sister right? "

" Mr Zen it's such an honor to meet you in person. " Bethany smiled

" You can call me Kay." he gave a slight smile

" Oh am Bethany Bella."

" Nice to meet you Bethany. " all eyes were on them Bethany felt a little uncomfortable by their stare but Kay cared less" so Bethany do you mind having coffee with me?"

" is it a date..I mean sure I wouldn't mind." she corrected quickly Kay chuckled he found her really interesting to interact with they sat on corner having coffee

" Are you going somewhere?" Kay asked seeing her bag

" Am from college thought of getting some coffee before heading home." Bethany answered

" And what are you studying?" he asked

" Accounts and management. "

" how interesting." the two talked for a longer time before leaving the coffee house Kay dropped Bethany home she turned to him and thanked him

" thank you for dropping me off Mr Zen.. I mean Kay."

" have a great day." he smiled and left

the next two days Kay would pick up and drop off Bethany everyday they would hung out and have coffee together they became really good friends some boys at her college would threaten her to stay away from the man she has been going out with but she would ignore their words and run away from them but she never told Kay anything the following day Kay went to pick up Bethany but could not see her one Lady came up to him and asked

" hey handsome are you here to pick up Bethany? "

" Where is she? " Kay asked

" Not really sure she didn't attend class today which is rare cause she has never missed class before without her being unwell." she said Kay got a little bit worried he dropped her off today himself and this woman is saying she never attended any classes, usually when Kay dropped Bethany off someone blocked her nose with a white cloth in the lonely hall way she tried to struggle but faded out

when Bethany opened her eyes she was in a small room tied to the bed

" You're awake finally." a voice spoke from a far corner Bethany looked straight ahead but he could not see the man's face her vision was still Blair

" Who..who are you and why do you have me here?" she asked the man smirked coming to her side when he was close enough Bethany was shocked she recognized him it was the guy who threatened her at school seeing her reaction he was satisfied and said

" Remember me now beth how I wish we could have been a thing I loved you and cared for you I would have made you happy but you rejected me and embarrassed me in front of everyone I forgave you for that, but what I can't forgive you for is going out with another man behind my back it's an insult right to my face."

" please let me go Tyler I haven't done anything to you my family will get worried about me." Bethany sobbed

" don't cry baby save it when I finally get my way with you." Tyler gave a mischievous smirk Bethany widened her eyes her heart beating rapidly she was now scared gathering strength she said

" don't you dare touch me you bustard or I will kill you with my own two hands." she threatened Tyler laughed out loud like a person who has completely lost it he held Bethany's chin and slapped her across the face Bethany groaned painfully he hit her face again and again and said

" Do you know where we are right now beth it's a little port house near the sea no matter how much you scream for help no one will hear you or try to save you it's useless so this will be a lot of fun Tyler smiled ripping her dress Bethany struggled but it was useless seeing her perfect body Tyler could not hold back any longer Bethany cried so hard and begged but it was no use Tyler already got his way with her he kept on going and going till Bethany could not feel her body any more Tyler touched her cheek and said

" you were amazing baby now you only belong to me I have left a memorable mark on you that you will never forget remember this day for the rest of your life." he whispered to her ear kissing her lips and left Bethany was like a life less soul she couldn't speak nor move tears could only roll down from her eyes but no sound left her mouth.

While back in the city Kay searched everywhere for Bethany he went to her house but she wasn't there her parents also got worried about her Kay had no other choice but to dial a number

" Lucas I need you to use the satellite to track someone send me the location ASAP. "

" Yes Sir." after a few minutes Kay got the location seeing the location Kay frowned wondering what Bethany could be doing there he got into his car and drove East within an hour he arrived at the place he followed Bethany's location to a small port house he went inside but no one was in he saw her phone on the ground and stains of blood on the bed he suddenly got worried about her he went outside looking around it was already dawn

" Damn it where are you Bethany. " Kay cursed looking straight ahead and saw a familiar figure she couldn't walk steadily and she was heading towards the sea

" Bethany! " Kay widened his eyes slightly running towards her Bethany reached the sea side looking at her reflection on the water she felt dirty she wanted to end it all thinking about her Sister, mother, father and brother she whispered beneath her breath

" Am sorry. " she closed her eyes and jumped in Kay was so far away from her but as soon as he reached the sea he jumped in without thinking about it he managed to get hold of Bethany and saved her he immediately called 911 the ambulance came within an hour and took Bethany to the hospital the doctors attended to her immediately Kay informed Bethany's parents when they got the news they rushed to the hospital

" Mr Zen what..what happened to my daughter? " Emma asked

" I don't know I found her at the seashore before I could reach her she jumped in the sea." Emma tapped her mouth in shock tears forming in her eyes

" Bethany would never try to commit suicide what happened to her to do such a thing?" Thomas frowned just then the doctor came out with a piety face and said

" The patient is alright now."

" But doctor what really happened to my daughter why did she try to kill herself? " Emma asked desperately the doctor hesitated for a while before saying

" Am sorry but your daughter was raped due to that she was traumatized that led her to want to kill herself. "

" What!" Emma widened her eyes tears rolling down Thomas was also shocked Kay clenched his fists he was burning with rage and anger

" Your daughter is still traumatized you need to be there when she wakes up or she might try to hurt herself again please excuse me." the doctor excused himself and left

" I will let Alex and Lara know excuse me. " Kay said and left he dialled Alex' phone the call was answered

" Get to New York as soon as possible it's about your wife's sister she was raped plus I want you to help me find the bustard I will punish him my self. " he said with grit teeth and hang up when Bethany was transferred to another room her mom and Dad went to see her they stayed with her through out the night in the morning Kay came up to them and said

" I think you should go home freshen up and eat something I will stay with Bethany here." Thomas nodded and took Emma with him and left Kay sat beside her he held her face gently not only was she raped she was also beaten up and bruised

" I promise I will find who did this to you and make them pay." he stood up and stepped out for a while after a few minutes Bethany opened her eyes she didn't recognize the place lifting her body up she saw that she was in the hospital she remembered what happened to her how she jumped into the sea and Kay saved her she was really embarrassed and ashamed she couldn't face him getting out of bed she wanted to run away go far away and never come back as soon as she opened the door she bumped into Kay seeing her so weak and vulnerable Bethany was so weak that she couldn't stand up for a long time Kay held her waist and said

" And where do you think you're going? you're still weak and need rest." he took her back to the bed

" Why did you save me you should have let me die." Bethany whispered Kay kept quiet for a while he too didn't know why he only knew her for some days he connected with her he didn't have romantic feelings towards her but he knew he had a special connection with her and he did not want to afford to lose her looking into her brown eyes he said

" Because your parents couldn't afford to lose you and your sister would be heart broken would you want them to mourn for you for the rest of their lives?"

" They would have forgotten me at some point. " Bethany said

" Before you try to do anything reckless think about them." Kay said after a while food was brought to her room Kay took a bow of soup and feed it to her just then the door opened again Bethany turned to the and saw Lara standing there her eyes were red and swollen like she has been crying for a long time

" Bethany! " she ran towards her bed and embraced her in a hug" oh Bethany am so sorry am a horrible big sister I should have been there to protect you I failed you am sorry. "

" why apologize it's not your fault Lara you're a married woman you have your own family to look after and protect you can't possibly always be around in fact I should be the one to apologize for trying to do such a stupid thing am sorry. " Bethany teared up

" it's alright don't ever try to scare me like that alright I would never forgive myself if anything happens to you." Lara said

" Tell me Bethany who did this?" Alex said Bethany remembered what happened again and it hurt her she just wished to forget everything but maybe she would get some peace if the man that did this to her pays with his life

" was Tyler Rob he is a student from my school." Bethany sobbed Lara pulled her into her arms and comforted her Alex gave a slight nod at Lara and left with Kay Alex already got the information about Tyler from Will

Tyler Rob

Age: Twenty three it said he comes from a wealthy family there was an article about him which said he harassed and abused many more girls in terms of rape and got away with it this made Alex angry he was surely going to make this young man pay but he was going to leave it all to Kay to make him pay his job was to find the man in half an hour they arrived at the man's flat they knocked on the door and a maid opened the door she recognized them immediately

" You're Mr Grey and Mr Zen. " she smiled

" Is Tyler in?"

" yes Mr Tyler is in please come in. " she led them towards the living room and went to inform Tyler when Tyler came downstairs he recognized Kay and he recognized Alex the famous business man who is known to be cold indifferent and powerful also known to be Bethany's sister's husband he suddenly got nervous forcing a smile on his face he welcomed them

" Mr Grey right and Mr Zen welcome to my humble home please have a seat." Tyler sat beside them

" Do you know Bethany Bella?" Kay asked

" Of course we go to the same school." Tyler said simply

" You raped her which led her to want to commit suicide didn't you care once about her reputation." Kay narrowed his eyes

" I have great respect for both of you but I won't sit here and insult me in my own house I have nothing to do with Beth's case." Tyler said

" you dare lie to me little boy. "

" I want you to leave my house. " Tyler said Kay got up grabbing the collar of his shirt and said

" you're coming with us."

" Hey don't you dare touch me my father won't be happy if he finds out." Tyler threatened Kay dragged out Tyler

" Uhm Sir Tyler what's going on?" the house help asked worriedly

" Juliet tell father am in trouble ." Kay dragged Tyler inside the car and drove off to the police station the chief officer stood up to greet Alex and Kay

" Mr Grey Mr Zen. " he looked forward and saw Tyler being held by a guard many people and families came to report cases about him of rape and sexual abuse but since his father was a wealthy man he got away with anything

" I see Mr Rob is here did he do anything wrong?" the chief asked even though he knew the answer already

" yes a case of rape he raped my little sister in-law and that can't be forgiven chief and you know that." Alex said firmly

" I understand Mr Grey Mr Tyler will be locked up and given proper punishment for all his deeds I promise you that." the chief said a police man took Tyler away he screamed and begged but it was of no use

" Thank you Chief. " Kay said and left with Alex

" I have to pass by the hotel and freshen up ." Kay said Alex dropped him off and went back to the hospital Kay went inside to his room his door was open he could hear drops of water someone was in his shower he knew it was Nia sighing he sat on his bed closing his eyes when two hands touched his chest from behind

" Welcome back you've been gone for such a long time I missed you. "

" What are you doing back here again Nia?" Kay frowned

" What do you mean it's because I missed you and want to spend time with you Kay " Nia said simply standing in front of him and said " you look stressed let me help you relax." she lifted his chin kissing him Kay closed his eyes kissing her back but in his mind he could see Bethany's face pushing Nia away he pressed the skin between his brows

" Are you alright?" Nia asked wondering why he pulled away Kay stared at her face he could still see Bethany's beautiful face shaking his head he pulled Nia towards him and kissed her hard trying to get rid of Bethany's image but it was useless he pulled back and said

" get dressed and leave."

" Wait what..why?" Nia was confused

" Get dressed and leave my room Nia I want to be alone." Kay was getting irritated Nia took her cloths got dressed and left Kay got a bottle of wine poured some in a glass drinking it

" Damn it what is going on with me. " Kay cursed he kept on drinking and drinking till the bottle was empty and he past out.