Chapter 16of16 Five years later

Back in England Zeke stayed back in Alex' Villa and looked over the Grey business while Alex was away he managed everything perfectly he would come back home late but Mira would always wait for him this time he finished work early and came home at nine O'clock Mira served dinner and the three eat in silence she helped Lydia clean up before going back to her room Zeke was busy handling some work on his laptop Mira put baby Iven to sleep before going to take a shower Zeke stared at the closed door he suddenly remembered what Alex said to him indeed he was hurting Mira's feelings every woman would what to feel wanted especially to her husband Mira is his wife she had nothing to do with what happened back then he stood up and approached the baby's crib he stared at his son for a long time the heir to his wealth and business he looked exactly like him and his mother he took Iven in his arms and left the room to Zoey's room

" What's up?" Zoey asked

" let Iven sleep in your room tonight. " Zeke said

" Why? what are you planning to do? don't tell you and your so called wife are planning to-.

" I don't like noise so let him spend a night in your room. " Zeke said calmly Zoey sighed taking Iven and went back inside Zeke went back to his room and opened the door to the bathroom he saw Mira taking a shower her perfect shaped body was dripping wet from the warm water when Mira saw him standing there looking at her she got shy and took a towel wrapping it around her body

" you need something? " she asked shyly getting out of the shower

" Yes you gonna have to help me shower am to tired to do it myself. " Zeke said unbuttoning his shirt Mira was surprised Zeke took off the rest of his cloths and dipped his body inside the tub

" Will you help me or not?" he raised a brow Mira nodded and approached the tub she poured some liquid soap on a soft sponge and washed his body she was so gentle each move she made made Zeke have a strange reaction her touch was amazing and arousing Mira was also enjoying touching his body he had a perfect well built body Zeke's eyes was glued to her face the entire time after a while he said

" Ain't you feeling cold?" Mira was once again surprised did he just ask if she was cold was he worried about her that she might get sick? Mira thought before answering

" I will be alright. "

" Come inside that way you will do your job easier and you won't catch a cold." Zeke said Mira hesitated for a while before agreeing to his suggestion she removed her towel and went inside she took the sponge to continue washing his body but instead he took it from her hand and started washing her back and arms Mira leaned into his chest closing her eyes enjoying the service Zeke removed the wet strains of her hair around her neck he leaned in brushing his warm lips on her neck Mira quivered feeling a type of reaction her body began to tickle the last time she felt like this was when she had her first night with Zeke even though she was dragged she could feel the heat and desire, Zeke lifted her chin making her to look into his dark chocolate eyes this time Mira was the one who kissed him first slowly and warmly Zeke kissed her back more passionately and deep he was so aroused by her he gathered her in his arms and went back to their room he pinned her down on the bed kissing her lips to her neck down to her chest Mira moaned softly Zeke nipped and sucked on her soft milky breasts to her flat stomach down to her abdomen Mira was losing her senses she liked it and nervous at the same time after all their first time wasn't that present they were both drugged and Zeke was so brutal he couldn't control himself his desire was on another level, seeing her nervousness Zeke cupped her cheek gently" I promise I will be gentle" he assured her Mira finally losened her muscles to calm down Zeke kissed her once more before he went inside her he groaned feeling the pleasure she was so warm inside and sweet he increased a little speed but was still gentle and careful

" Ah.." Mira moaned also enjoying it and the fact that her husband was considering her made her feel warmth and special at the same time, the couple made love for half an hour and took a shower together once more before going to sleep in each other's arms.

The next morning Zeke woke up very early to leave for the office he had a lot of meetings to attend to as he entered the building all eyes turned to him he was admired by many women working there just by their stare you could tell that they had naughty fantasy's about him but Zeke didn't even throw a glance at them he walked straight so high and proud like nothing could ever bring him down not only was he charming and good looking he was a proud focused business man when he was close enough to the receptionist desk she stood up excitedly to greet him," Good morning Mr Carl." she smiled sweetly Zeke only gave a slight nod passing by. Rossy came rushing to Zeke holding a white file in her hands as she told him about the meetings later on," Good morning Mr Carl, you have a meeting with the shareholders later today at 2pm, then a meeting with Miss Brenda at 3pm and a lunch meeting with Mr Edward Chan at 4pm and lastly a conference meeting with Miss Smith." she said as Zeke went into his office taking a sit going through some documents Rossy just stood there watching him she couldn't believe how godly charming this man was how serious cold and calm he was intimidating but drawing every woman close to him as he passes by first it there is Alex the most charming man ever existed that she falls for him every time she looks at him but he's married now so she made it her aim to get Zeke instead. Zeke finally looked up from his documents and saw that Alex' secretary was still standing there and it seems she's lost in her thoughts. Zeke tapped on the glass table with his two fingers making a sound that brought Rossy back to reality," hmm do you need anything else Sir?" she asked sweetly," no you may leave." Zeke said coldly but in a calm voice Rossy nodded and left his office. at 2pm he attended the meeting with the shareholders which lasted for an hour when the meeting was over he attended another meeting with Miss Brenda in his office when she saw Zeke sitting there she gave a slight smile forwarding her hand to greet him," Mr Carl it's a pleasure meeting with such a great influential business man like yourself."

" please have a sit." Zeke said miss Brenda was a woman in her 60s she has been in the business world for a long time since she was thirty and worked with the Grey company for quite some time now," Mr Carl first of all I would like to thank Mr Grey and Grey cooperation for helping my company overcome the crisis it overcame and being the shareholder. for that please accept this cheque of 20,000 million." she slide the cheque towards him Zeke handed the cheque to Rossy to withdraw and deposit the money into the company's private account. Rossy took the cheque and left for the bank," it was nice doing business with you miss Brenda." Zeke shook her hand miss Brenda gave a slight smile and left. At 4pm Zeke and Rossy went to meet up Mr Chan at a Chinese restaurant downtown when Zeke stepped inside the waitress that was serving the food to a couple almost stumbled to the ground upon seeing such a gorgeous charming man enter their restaurant luckily she kept her balance and did not drop the tray of food all eyes were on Zeke especially women even those who were married and those young couples could not help but stare this made the men angry and jealous that they wanted to storm out of the restaurant. but Zeke did not even throw an eye to any of them he went straight to the table at a far end of the restaurant when Mr Chan saw him he stood up to greet him," Mr Carl what a pleasure." Zeke nodded sitting down a waiter served them some cold drinks and white wine. Rossy handed him the blue file. Zeke opened the file and slide it over to Mr Chan," as you can see the construction site is quite huge in Tokyo and the the hotel being built there will benefit the people since it's quite populated and many people go to Tokyo for vacations. when this hotel is finished it will be a great deal to you and mostly Grey company will benefit from this." Zeke explained Mr Chan nodded knowingly he took out his black pen and signed the contract," it was nice doing with you Mr Carl." Zeke nodded giving the file to Rossy and left for the office later on he had a conference meeting with Miss Smith. it was a long day at the office he had to look through in every documents and make sure all the transactions were going smoothly. leaning back in his seat he pitched the skin between his brows and cursed in a flat voice," Damn you Alex.." sighing he continued with his work. at 9 o'clock he went back home Mira was waiting for him in the living room as soon as he heard the door open she rushed to the door to welcome him she took his jacket and shoes handing his a pair of slippers Zeke went straight to dinning room Mira served him some rice with chopsticks and juice with cold water at the side," Did eat?" Zeke asked

" No.. I was waiting for you." Mira responded Zeke stood up taking a plate about to dish her when Mira held his hand," What are you doing?" she blinked a few times a little surprised," Dishing you.. what else." Zeke answered simply," No.. you're not supposed to do this I will dish myself give it here." Mira was about to take the plate away from him but Zeke stepped back with a frown and said," you're my wife and I want to dish you.. now don't disobey me or I will have to punish you." Mira froze hearing such words come out from this man he was not acting like himself he no longer looked cold and brutal in front of her anymore like before was it because of the night they shared Last night cause he has changed so much in one day. Mira could only sit back and let him dish her after all she was beginning to like this new side of him and wanted to experience more of his good side. after dinner Mira cleaned the dishes while Zeke stood at the door leaning against the door with his hands crossed over his hard built chest watching his little wife intensely from behind Mira could only give a slight smile watching her husband wait for her. after finishing up they went to their room before she knew it Zeke was pinning her to the wall before his warm lips blushed on her giving her a hot kiss Mira wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him deeply before she knew it she was now pinned down on the bed he kissed her neck down to her chest to her stomach and feather down Mira could not help a moan from escaping. Zeke pleasured her a little more before going inside her and they made love three times in a roll.


The sun was shining brightly it was summer and everything has been going smoothly for the past years. inside the Grey Villa Mira was dressed in a hand made black leather skirt and a tucked in pure white long sleeve shirt with black high heels her long dark hair was tied into a ponytail she wore simple but expensive jewelry. looking at her reflection in the mirror she was content with her look," Are you ready?" a deep sexy voice spoke from behind Mira turned around and saw the most handsome man she has ever met, yes it was non other than her Zeke her charming husband even though he was now 30 he still looked like he was 26 so young and youthful. he wore a black hand made suit with a white pure shirt inside with black leather shoes his dark hair was perfect combed back creating small waves he looked damn hot. Mira gave a slight smile and said," I'm a little nervous.. I don't know anything about office work." Zeke offered Mira to work with him at Grey cooperation as the executive manager and Alex thought it was a great idea. since the two began to stay in Alex' Villa Alex and Lara told them to move in with them at first Zeke was against it but Lara insisted even Mira got attached to this family and didn't want to separate from them she finally found a real loving family and didn't want to separate from it seeing her desperate sad pleading face Zeke could only sigh and agreed to it as long as his wife was happy he was also happy so he told Zoey to go back home and take over the family business and handle everything Zoey didn't like the idea but could not argue with his big brother. Zeke stepped closer to Mira and held her shoulders and said," I will teach you everything you need to know." he nodded at her Mira gave a slight nod before the two left the room to have breakfast," Good morning you two?" Lara greeted the couple when she saw them approaching the dinning table," Good morning? Mira smiled," morning." Zeke gave a slight nod," you must be excited for today Mira." Lara smiled," actually a bit nervous but exciting as well."

" you will do great." Lara assured her," thank you Lara.. today is your signing right?" Mira asked

" Yes and tomorrow I will be launching my book I'm so excited and happy. so many love it they won't stop sending me emails and letters my Twitter account is full of comments that I'm sure if it was possible the internet could blow up it would have a long time ago." Lara said before the two giggled. Lara decided to become a writer she has been writing a particular novel called SELF WORTH. it talks about how a woman can be lots more apart from being a Wife, a mother or a good daughter in-law. she can find employment empower the country and of course live a good life as possible. this book made a lot of women to dedicate their lives as wives, mothers and good daughter in-laws but also live their lives as fun and spend to look also talked about men and everything about marriage, family and health she wrote it for three years and it went popular and viral within a year now it has been five years and she will be launching it tomorrow. Alex is so proud of his little wife and has always supported her Lara was 27 now but still looked younger like before she didn't change at all same goes for Mira she was 26 but looked young and pretty as always.

" Ah..let go of me are you crazy?" a loud cry came out from the back garden Lara quickly stood up rushing there Mira also followed behind," What's going on over here?" Lara pulled a little girl away from a little boy who was now fixing up his hair," She's a little beast I tell you.. punish her mommy." Max said

" I will show you what a beast can do." Mariana was about to rush over to Max but Lara stepped in between," stop.. what's going on here Mariana? you always fight with your brother what did he do this time?" Lara asked a little stressed out now," I will tell you what he did, he ate all of my snacks I left on the garden table."

" well why leave food out in the open especially know I don't control myself when I see snacks." Max butted in Mariana glared at him her big blue round eyes looking like they are about to shoot daggers if eyes could kill that were her definition of her eyes. Lara turned to Max and said," Max that wasn't nice you know how your sister is and you get beaten up by her every time.. apologize to her now."

" But mommy I -

" no if and buts apologize to her." Lara cut him off Max stepped forward and apologized to her," I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten your snacks forgive me."

" You.. are..such an idiot." Mariana said and ran away," see mommy I apologized and an insult is what I get. Max sighed before adding. I didn't mean it anyway." he said and left. Lara could only take in a deep breath and out with a sigh Mira held her shoulder with a smile and said," those are kids for you."

" Are you sure cause sometimes I wonder." Lara admitted Mira chuckled leading her back inside. after breakfast Zeke and Mira left for the office while Lara went upstairs to get ready she took a shower and got dressed in a pair of blue jeans with a blue long sleeve shirt with black high heels her long smooth brown hair was tied up into a ponytail when everything was ready she went to say goodbye to the kids and left the Villa with Will. within 30minutes the car pulled over a large building Lara loved this place so much after all Alex was the one who got it build up for her to accomplish her dreams it was huge and beautiful outside was painted Gray and inside was Gray and white and a little pitch inside the space inside was huge and was arranged like it was an office plus a lobby when this building was built social media boomed with comments and reactions some comments were good some very insulting and shaming but Lara already got used to this terrible world and the people. taking a deep breath Lara proceeded inside the people surrounding the building were all over Lara taking her pictures and trying to get her autograph if it wasn't for the security guards stopping them Lara was sure to fall down," Ahhh I love you Lara you're my idol." a teenage girl shouted out," please be my wife instead I promise to love you forever." A young man shouted as well. Lara could only give a slight smile as she entered the building. the crowd was told to make a straight line going inside to get their book signed Lara sat on her rolling chair as she took out her black pen written GREY it was her favorite pen cause Alex gave it to her as a simple gift and she cherished it a lot. it has been a month since Alex left for Briton for some work she misses him so much and wished he was here for her signing mostly tomorrow is the most important day for her and she so wishes Alex to be there," Mrs Grey.. I'm your biggest fan of your book I must say I'm addicted to it and never stop reading it." a teenager smiled squealed happily which pulled Lara from her thoughts Lara gave a warming smile as she asked," And who I'm I signing this to?"

" name is Britt." the girl smiled widely Lara signed her book adding her name as well," Thank you so much." she said and left before she continued signing more books Lara signed half of the people's books and felt a little exhausted and tired but kept a cheerful energetic self. Will brought her a glass of cold water to help her cool," Thank you will I really needed it." Lara took the glass to drink the water when another fan came to get his book signed he was dressed in a fine black suit and had the prettiest of eyes Lara put down her glass aside getting the book from him without looking up and asked," And who I'm I dedicating this to Sir?"

" Mr and Mrs Grey.. don't forget to put I love you." Lara was a little confused but she recognized that voice at first she thought it was all in her head but as she looked up she met those beautiful shinning blue eyes oh how she missed this man a lot," Alex you - you're here." Lara felt like crying and she couldn't help but let tears roll down her cheeks Alex leaned in his face close to hers before he stretched his hand to wipe her tears

" Why do you cry? tears don't suit you baby." he smirked Lara stood up getting away from her glass table to embrace her husband in a tight hug she didn't feel like letting go on that moment," I missed you so much, I couldn't sleep at night because you weren't there by my side do you know how lonely I felt." she sobbed," I'm sorry I took so long but I'm here now and I will do everything to make it up to you wife." Alex rubbed her hair Lara remembered they were in a public place she gently pulled back with a nod and sat back down she took the book and signed both their names with a I love you with hearts and handed it back to him," enjoy your book Mr Grey."

" thanks.. I will see you back home Mrs Grey." Alex kissed her knuckles and left with Jackson

" How romantic and wonderful they are such a beautiful couple." Lara heard a young woman tell her friend," indeed they are I wish my husband was like Mr Grey."

" oh please don't be dramatic it's not like it's the first couple to love each other you guys are being dramatic." another woman said," I smell jealousy.. and it doesn't suit you." the first woman said Lara was a bit relived that they supported her and didn't insult her or mock her. after the signing Lara decided to go back home as she stepped out of the building she saw a familiar face leaning on a white BMW Lara was so happy to see her she quickly ran to embrace her best friend," Maya glad you came even though you're late." Lara gave her a teasing slap on the cheek," I'm sorry Pageant wouldn't stop insisting I take her to the park." Maya said looking sorry Lara smiled and looked over to the car she could see a little girl sleeping soundly in the back seat pageant was such an adorable little girl she resembled Maya a lot quite foreign but had james' personality she had slightly short curly hair that reached her neck she had dark charcoal eyes like both her parents and had a slightly pale skin she was only three years old but her thinking and actions were of an adult," Any way I'm here now how about we go grab something to eat I'm starving." Maya said," sure now that you've mentioned it I do feel hungry." Lara rubbed her belly," great.. let's go Mrs Grey." Maya got into the car and Lara sat on the opposite and they drove off while WILL followed them behind later on they arrived at a restaurant since Lara was quite popular now it was hard for her to go anywhere without people trying not to take pictures of her and sign things for them they were just so crazy for her," Mrs Grey please come with us your husband recommended a private room for you." the manager said," Alex is back from Briton?" Maya asked," Yes he arrived today for my signing.. Will must have told him we were here." Lara said," aww how sweet of him.." they three of them followed the manager inside the private room only a few people were there about four and they were couples they only came up to Lara with her permission and Lara gladly accepted to take a picture with them and sign whatever item they offered. Lara.. Maya and pageant went to sit on a corner were it was quiet and had a beautiful view. a waiter came up to them and handed them the Manuel," I will have a cocktail and fish sticks." Maya ordered

" And I will have Ice tea and fruit salad." How about you sweety what will you have?" Maya asked," Can I have an ice cream Sunday?" pageant you always have junk foods eat something warm and healthy." Maya said," No I want ice cream now mommy." pageant was determined but Maya wasn't going to listen to her this time she turned to the waiter and said," bring her warm Noddles with juice please."

" Yes ma'am your food will be ready in five minutes." he said and left," you're no fun if Daddy was here he would have let me have the ice cream Sunday." pageant crossed her little arms over her small chest," well I'm not your daddy I'm your mommy." Lara couldn't help but laugh in a low voice seeing them argue in a cute way. five minutes later the food was served to them," So did you talk to James about you trying to leave and go back to New York?" Lara finally asked taking a sip of her ice tea," Yes.. I talked to him about it." Maya said calmly," and what did he say?" Maya paused for a moment before looking up at Lara and said," he - he doesn't like the idea of me leaving for me to go back to my art work he rather wants me to join him in his company but I'm an artist Lara painting means a lot to me I just can't give it up just because I'm married and have a kid. I also have responsibilities outside my marriage."

" I'm sure he will come around he loves you right so don't worry." Lara tried to comfort her," if he really loves me he will let me go and continue my work." Maya took a sip of her cocktail. after lunch Lara said her goodbye to Maya and pageant before going to pickup the kids from school," how was school today?" Lara asked," Annoying there was this little girl and she wouldn't stop talking me." Mariana said crossing her hands over her chest," is that so. maybe she just wants to be friends with you did you think about that?" Lara said Mariana rolled her eyes and said," she speaks to much and ask dumb questions she's so dumb and I don't like associating myself with dumb people I'm to smart." Lara was out of words she could only blink at this kid of her and wondered were she got such an attitude because definitely she didn't get it from her maybe Alex but again he was always quiet calm and never told anyone how dumb and stupid they were. he only praises his good looks which of course Max got that from because this son of hers really cares about his hair a lot," are you really my biological kid." Lara murmured in a flat voice," did you say something?" Mariana looked up at Lara with her big blue round eyes they looked beautiful and innocent at the moment Lara only shook her head and said," nothing let's go home." Will started the engine and the car accelerated off

Back at Grey cooperation everyone was wowed upon seeing the power couple everyone was told to gather around as Mira and Zeke stood in the middle of the lobby Zeke took Mira's hand in his as he introduced her to everyone gathered around," Everyone meet Mrs Carl. she will be our executive manager I expect your full cooperation with her and if their are matters that need to be addressed you can pass through her and she will pass it to me, I won't tolerate any abusive language towards her or else." everyone nodded respectively Zeke mentioned Mira to say something but she had no words to say to them she was so nervous that she felt her palms starting to sweat. taking in a deep breath she finally opened her mouth to say something," I'm very pleased to work with all of you don't feel intimidated speaking to me about anything thank you." Mira said looking up at Zeke. he gave her a slight smile before leading the way to show her. her new office it was on the opposite side of his office it was quite big and breathtakingly beautiful it had a beautiful view out looking outside of the city it was warm and welcoming. Mira stepped forward scanning each part of the room she walked towards the glass marble table touching it with her fingertips to the black leather rolling chair feeling each texture," this is gorgeous Zeke. is this really my office?" Mira spoke still looking around," of course. this is your new office do you like it?" Zeke asked looking at her slender figure," I love it..thank you." Mira smiled Zeke stepped forward their bodies so close they could feel each other's breaths that awakened something in them within a split second their lips collided inflaming a heat of desire between them Zeke stepped back controlling himself. this wasn't the right place. he told himself inside his head just then a knock echoed inside jolted Mira stepped back creating some space between them," my apologies Mrs Carl I'm page Yan your new assistant if you need anything you can call my department and I will be here. and yes these are the documents and papers to get started on. Page laid the documents on her table before excusing herself and left," Well I will let you work now if you need anything you can let me know or Page alright." Zeke spoke," alright." Mira nodded taking a sit Zeke gave a nod and left