Chapter 17of 17 The Launching

it was already Dawn the sun was setting and the darkness was coming replacing the light when Lara entered the house a sweet delicious smell met her pointy pretty nose and wondered who could be preparing sure amazing food. she was approaching the kitchen when she saw Brie standing there looking anxious and worried Lara approached her slowly," Brie what are you doing standing here and who's in the kitchen?" Lara asked," I'm sorry madam but Sir didn't want to listen to me I told him I will prepare dinner but he insisted going into the kitchen and prepare dinner himself." she explained briefly Lara creased her brows and said," go help Mariana and Max get changed and bring them down."

" Yes ma'am." Brie bowed and left. Lara slowly approached the kitchen and peaked inside her eyes widened slightly upon seeing what she just witnessed she rubbed her eyes trying to see if she was just imagining it but to her surprise it wasn't. a tall figure was washing some vegetables wearing a pink apron his smooth brown hair covered half of his beautiful face Lara couldn't clearly see his face but he looked focused and serious as if handling a business meeting. Lara slowly entered the kitchen and stood at a distance watching him in silence. when Alex turned around to check the steak in the grill he saw Lara standing there watching his every move," you're back." Alex said grilling the meat," since when did you learn how to cook?" Lara asked instead," when I was in Briton I wanted to learn so I could cook for you it was such a pain in the ass but I had to learn, it took me two weeks but I learned with time." Alex explained," you did all this for me? just so.- so you could cook for me?" Lara got emotional tears began to form in her shinning gray eyes Alex frowned approaching her and wiped the tear that was threatening to fall from her cheeks," I don't like seeing tears in your eyes it affects me more." he told her Lara nodded wiping her tears" plus I would advise you save those tears for later you will need it." Alex whispered close to her ear with a naughty smirk playing on his gorgeous pinkish lips. Lara was a little confused and creased her brows confusingly seeing her confused innocent face Alex chuckled lightly jolting her," Dinner will be ready in five minutes." Alex said," I will help you serve it." Lara helped prepare the table and plates and the dishes. after a short while Zeke and Mira returned back home," Alexander. you're back." Mira smiled," yes, how have you been?" Alex asked," I'm alright thank you and yourself?" fine." Alex answered Zeke only nodded at him that was a full greeting between these two powerful proud good looking men after a few minutes Max and Mariana came running downstairs when Mariana saw Alex standing there her big blue eyes lit up with excitement," Daddy! Alex turned around and saw a pretty little girl who resembled Lara quite a lot it was looking at little Lara in her young version except she had his eyes, nose and cheeks her brown long hair was tied into a ponytail she wore a pretty blue summer dress that matched her eyes with blue slippers. Alex smiled seeing his daughter after a month he missed her so much he knelt on one knee opening his long arms for her Mariana giggled sweetly running to him and enveloped herself into his arms wrapping her little short arms around his strong well built neck. Alex kissed her little cheek," how is my little princess? Daddy missed you so much." Put me down now! Mariana commanded puffing her cheeks angrily Alex raised a brow but didn't put her down," someone is fired up if I remember correctly you were thrilled to see me or did my eyes deceive me?" Alex lifted his brows Mariana swallowed looking elsewhere apart from his eyes," Well I - you are not being fair. Alexander Grey I stared at my phone day and night but you never called me once you only called mommy. how selfish." Mariana complained even called his full name by that Alex couldn't help a chuckle escaping this daughter of his was something else pinching her little cheek playfully he said," She's my wife I have to call her and check how she's doing." Mariana opened her mouth but no words came out she was left speechless. does he mean she cares more about her mother and not her? but she's his daughter she should come first before anything else." Mariana said to herself in her mind she wanted to face palm her little forehead but held back," leave it you will have to make it up to me tomorrow and get me whatever I ask of you deal?" Mariana forwarded her hand to get his handshake for their deal to be finalized. Alex smiled shaking her little hand that swallowed it all into his hand," Deal." he finally put her down before looking forward again he saw Max standing there looking back at him Max was a little version of Alex he resembled him in many ways he was a cute little boy he had gray Bright eyes like Lara short brown hair like his and had a smooth pale skin like Lara's he wore a white T-shirt with a pair of brown shorts with brown slippers. Alex approached him and crouched down on his level," Ain't you happy to see me buddy?" Alex gave a slight smile Max gave a slight bow and greeted politely," Evening father? Glad you're back home." Max always acts formal and is always obedient to Alex he was more close and comfortable to Lara than Alex maybe all sons are like this they intend to be more close to their mothers than father's. Alex stood up and led him to the dinner table they all sat down to have dinner," hope all of you are hungry I took my time preparing this." he smiled as he dished Lara then Mariana and Max. Zeke dished Mira then himself," you mean you prepared this Alex?" Mira asked surprisingly," of course have a taste." Mira stared at the food on her plate indeed it looked really good and appetizing but did it taste as good? she thought picking up the folk and knife cutting the red meat and took a taste her eyes widened slightly in disbelief looking at Alex," Alex did you really prepare this or was it Lara." Mira asked," I may have hands for business but I assure you these same hands can prepare good foods -- and can do lots more." he added the last part staring at Lara with a naughty grin on his charming face Lara felt her cheeks burn a bright red knowing exactly what he meant," well I must hand it to you this is really good." Mira praised him," indeed this is nice thank you." Lara added Mariana finished her dinner really quickly and asked for more and Alex gladly dished her plate again. after dinner Lara and Mira helped Brie clean up. Brie was a kind sweet young lady she was only twenty-three and she was Max and Mariana's nanny she was tall with dark hair and eyes. after everything was cleared up Lara put Mariana and Max to bed before going back to her room Alex was sat on a small black sofa in the corner of their room Lara could see that he had grown taller in this one month he looked more charming more beautiful and threatening. he stood up approaching her each step he took made Lara's heart skip a beat she didn't know why but suddenly she got a little nervous she could hear danger bells ringing in her head. why -- why was she suddenly feeling this way? it's only Alex her husband but why does she feel threatened all of a sudden? is it because they have been apart from each other for a month or was it something else. questions began to flowed in Lara's mind without noticing it she found herself stepping back as Alex approached her slowly till she found herself hitting the wall which made her gasp. Alex stood in front of her his beautiful face was so close to hers she could feel his warm sweet minty breath caressing her skin Lara stared into his deep blue she creased her brows while looking into them. they some how looked different there was something in them that Lara couldn't quite put her finger to it she was about to speak when Alex beat her to it," Come with me." he grabbed her slim wrist dragging her out of their room and led her to a closed room which was at the far end of the house upstairs. she finally looked up at Alex and spoke," Alex. what are we doing here?" Alex didn't say a word instead he pushed the doubled doors open signing Lara to go inside. Lara hesitated for a while before stepping inside Alex switched on the lights giving the room a dim bright light Lara looked around and was left speechless. it was-- Lara turned to Alex," This... is this the RED ROOM?" Alex caressed Lara's hair and tied it into a ponytail he leaned in brushing his warm lips on her neck Lara closed her eyes biting on her lower lip the more Alex got close to her the more those danger bells rang louder and louder inside her head her heart was racing rapidly inside her chest," lay down." Alex whispered his voice deep and husky even his voice sounded different and alert but Lara did as he said she approached the bed laying down her heart was beating crazily. what was happening to her? why was she feeling this way? she asked herself. Alex hovered over her tracing her face with his long slim fingertips," You're afraid." Alex whispered Lara looked into his eyes indeed she was afraid but she didn't know the reason but again she couldn't admit it," I'm not... I'm just a little nervous." she answered which of course she did not lie she was both afraid and nervous. Alex took out a leg lingerie tying it over her legs and leather handcuffs seizing her left hand to the left side of the bed poll another handcuff seizing her right hand to the right side of the bed poll," I'll show you pleasure tonight, I want you to cry out for me little lamb." Alex smirked Lara felt her cheeks burning up she was acting as though this was their first time Alex ripped off her shirt which made Lara gasp he tore off all her clothes like a Savage beast before Lara could react and retort Alex devoured her lips kissing her hungrily he moved to her jaw down to her neck. when Lara moaned loudly by the pleasure Alex stayed there and kissed her more he used his two fingers to play and pleasure her little cherry down there Lara bit down her lower lip moaning crying out to him the worst part was that she couldn't even touch him because she was tied up this was a pleasurable torture for her," Alex...plea -- please." she gasp begging him to make her his now she wanted more...more of it more of him all of him with a swift move Alex entered her body this time he wasn't gentle nor considerate he made sure she was breathless and satisfied till she cried out in satisfaction. Lara was torn out she felt weak that she felt like his well built body was crashing her Alex stared at the little woman beneath him his blue eyes were no longer blue but a bright red his eyes shifted from her eyes to her neck he could see her pulse and felt a strong reaction something telling him to just do it to sank his fangs into her neck. her flesh the voice inside his head kept on repeating it over and over again and he hated it. looking away he untied her hands and legs wrapping her with the sheets before taking her back to their room and left the Villa this time he didn't use his car he leapt in the dark woods. Zeke sighed when he saw Alex left the Villa through the veranda and decided to go after him. within a minute Zeke arrived in the dark woods but could not see Alex anywhere lifting his head up he saw a tall figure high up the tree leaning against the tree trunk his head was hanging down resting on his folded knee," you've tried to keep this secret for hundreds of years Alex if Lara finds out we are all exposed then the secret you've kept for so many years will be all for nothing." Zeke spoke calmly. Alex didn't move nor speak the fact that he was about to bite Lara disgust him. why bite his wife all this while he was able to control his hunger he never wished nor desired to bite her. so why now? why today? he thought to himself," if Lara or anybody else finds out about our existence many lives will be in danger especially her's and you know that. we are not supposed to exist in this world Alex if they humans finds out about our existence it will be really bad." Zeke explained," She saw my eyes. before fading out... she's my wife Zeke I can't keep her in the dark forever." Alex said with grit teeth Zeke remained silent for a long time as if thinking about something before opening his mouth," the only mistake I did was being mixed up with a human and fell in love with her.. Mira is also my wife I also don't feel it's right to keep her in the dark, but if it's for her own safety. then let it remain so." after those words left Zeke's mouth Alex finally lifted his head and leapt down to the ground before staring at Zeke one k last time and leapt away. Zeke could only sigh looking at the bright full moon after what felt like a long time he too leapt away. back in the room Lara found herself in a dark room she couldn't see or detect anything so she walked a little bit further till she saw a light in the middle of room everywhere was dark apart from the middle walking further she saw a tall figure on his knees wearing a white shirt and black trousers his back was facing her Lara couldn't see his face but that well built figure those strong arms she could never fail to recognize she was certain it was Alex, but what was he doing sitting there? Lara continued approaching him when she stopped in her tracks he was holding a woman in his arms closely to his body now that she's noticed it he looked like he was in total anguish like and his shirt was covered in blood a lot of blood but it wasn't his blood but the woman's blood. Lara wanted to see the woman's face as her heart began to race within her chest before she could get any closer Alex turned around to face her. his eyes were blazing red Lara widened her eyes no voice came out she tried to scream but nothing came out," Alex! she finally screamed out from her sleep her face was dripping wet due to sweat her heart was pounding crazily within a second Alex emerged from the door and rushed over to the bed holding her little face in his hands," Lara are you okay? what's wrong?"

" Alex... I'm afraid I'm so afraid." Lara leaned into his chest clinging onto his shirt tightly," It was just a nightmare nothing more wife... I will never let anything happen to you I will always protect you. that I promise." Alex caressed her hair Lara finally calmed down Alex carried her to the bathroom to help her shower but Lara suggested the fill in the tub so Alex did as she suggested. when the tub was filled with warm water he undressed himself getting in Lara couldn't help but wonder how his body was so good looking and young he never seemed to gain nor lose weight he was constant well built and magnificent. Alex led her his hand to take Lara loosened the sheet covering her body fall down to the marble floor and dipped herself inside leaning against his strong sexy chest. Alex washed her hair then her body helping her relaxing," Mm.." a quiet moan left Lara's lips which was heard by Alex loud and clear," How does it feel?" he asked in a low husky voice which sent a chill down her spine," Good... I haven't felt relaxed like this since you left for Briton." Lara gave a slight smile Alex paused he did say he was going to Briton but he didn't he got a message from his home kingdom for an agent matter that he needed to take care of so he could only tell her that he was going to Briton for some work," are you alright?" Lara looked up to meet his gaze Alex looked down and placed a soft kiss on her lips," let's get you ready you have a lot to do today." Alex said," oh yes I almost forgot about my launching." Lara face palmed her forehead Alex smiled helping her out of the tub to their room he took the drier and dried her hair then his Lara got into her black summer dress and slippers waiting for Alex to finish up dressing. he wore dark blue suit looking elegant as always," are you going out today?" he asked her," yes I want to go see Maya before the event."

" Alright... Jackson will take you and be back on time so the designers could help you get ready." he told her Lara nodded before the two of them want downstairs," Good morning?" Mira smiled dressed in her office attire," Good morning?" Lara greeted back," Today is your big day. how are you feeling?"

" a little bit nervous but happy I just hope you and Zeke will be able to make it on time to my event." Lara picked up a mug of coffee," will never miss it for anything." Mira smiled when Alex, Zeke and Mira left for the office Lara also left to see Maya just then her cell rang seeing the name on the screen she swiped it up to answer," Look who finally called. thought you forgot all about your big sister." Lara complained," I can forget you darling sorry for not been calling much. I was busy signing some paperwork for my new job." Bethany said on the other line," is that so. where will you be working from?" Lara asked," In England I have been assigned there as a journalist. I'm at the airport right now."

" Really so you're on your way. Bethany I'm so happy for you." Lara smiled happily," thank you plus I wouldn't miss your event it's your big day and since Mom and Dad ain't here anymore Evan and I are the only family you have left."

" Thank you I wish Mom and Dad were here I miss them so much." they're happy and proud of you Lara and they never stop looking after us in heaven." Bethany said," Hey don't shade any tears be here soon if you want I can tell Will to pick you up." No need I already got a ride. I will see you alright take care of yourself bye." Bethany hang up the phone.


In a far Secretive small country G located in an Island far from the city there was a huge castle near the sea. this was a secret location for the vampires it was a beautiful country not only vampires lived in this paradise country but also humans those who know their existence and serve their blood only to the Royal family but in conditions that they are not allowed to leave country G if one is to leave the country they are under strict super version by the vampires so they wouldn't pill out anything if so they are to be killed. inside the Royal castle the thick doubled doors opened and an elegant tall woman dressed in a beautiful black elegant dress her black eyes were bright as the dark night her long brown hair was left lose covering her shoulders she was so beautiful and exquisite," your majesty her majesty. you sent for me?"

" Kasadra till now I haven't heard a word from him. are you sure he got your message?" The Queen asked," Yes my Queen I have sent so many messages to him but I never got a response from him." kasadra said," I have given him a lot of time to report to me but his so stubborn. he leaves me no choice, you will go to that country today and tell him to be here." the Queen said," Yes your majesty. I will take my leave now please excuse me." Kasadra bowed slightly and left.