Chapter 18of18 The Secret

it was already Dawn the sun was going down and the preparation was coming near Designers and hair dressers were already at the Villa a designer brought Lara the dress it was still sealed in the bag when her hair and makeup was done she took off her white Rob and wore her dress. this dress was specifically hand made by the famous designer in England it was a strype less dress that was tight on her chest till waist line and loose all the way down it had small beautiful pure diamonds around it with red leather high heels. her long brown hair was left loose behind her all curled up she looked quite elegant and breath taking Lara admired her own reflection in the mirror she looked like she was staring at a different person," You look absolutely gorgeous my love." Alex whispered beneath her ear Lara turned around to face him as usual he looked magnificent he wore a black suit with a black shirt inside and a black tie with black leather shoes his perfect smooth brown hair was combed back elegantly," thank you husband. and you look magnificent as always." Lara commented," we should leave before I change my mind and make you mine right now." Alex took one step back not knowing if he can handle the temptation of not wanting to make love to her right here right now. Lara blushed nodding he took her hand in his before leaving the room.

in a old dim building stood a woman staring outside the dark space while twirling a glass of wine in her hand, she wore a long black coat hiding most part of her bruised body. the door behind her opened and shut closed," Do you have your team ready?" Tina spoke without looking back," Tell me woman, if there is someone I wouldn't want to mess with is Alexander, let's face the fact we are talking about his beloved wife here." the man spoke, he was tall charming and had dark chocolate eyes, dark hair and a pale smooth skin, Tina turned around to face him," remember you owe me, I saved your life from death you were barely alive when I found you on the highway that night, you almost drained my blood almost putting me to death so don't you even think about turning your back on me, Julian." I remember perfectly well, you don't have to remind me I will do my part, after that I will owe you.. nothing." Julian said. it was a year ago on a stormy night when Tina was driving back home, suddenly her eyes caught a man's figure from a distance, he looked so weak and unsteady, she got out of her car to help him but as soon as she reached him he grabbed her wrist pulling her closer to him before his sharp fangs sank deep into her neck, she struggled to pull away she felt her entire strength was being drained out of her body her vision was blurry she felt as though her end has come and she was actually dying, after a long time the man pulled away wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before staring at the woman lying motionless in his arms before a charming smirk made it's way on those tempting lips stained with her blood," such a brave little woman you are, if I didn't have my daily dose I would have lost it." she heard him say that was when the realization hit her," you - you're a vamp -... before she could finish her words she faded out.

Tina clearly remembered every detail about that accident and in return she asked Julian to do her a favor.. and that was to kidnap Lara just for a few minutes and that day was today," The party will start soon, I can't wait to meet her." Julian smiled before leaving the room, Tina took in a deep breath shutting her eyes.

at Zen's hotel a long red carpet was laid the press was anxiously waiting to see the arrival of the Couples, after a while a white BMW arrived at the seen, the door to the car opened and a tall handsome man stepped out holding a woman's hand in his, he wore a black suit and black leather shoes his smooth black hair was perfectly combed back, Mira wore a black mermaid dress with a long slit that reached her thigh, her long dark hair was left lose behind her she didn't wear to much make-up but she looked magnificent, the press went crazy upon seeing them, they all wanted to ask them questions for their daily news on their blog but to their disappointment Zeke's men didn't even give them a chance to get near the couple. Zeke held Mira's waist going inside.

Another Gray sports car arrived in minutes, a tall charming man stepped out, his gray silver hair was combed back perfectly his gray eyes shinned like the bright moon itself tonight he looks caught everyone's attention, they couldn't look away it was like they were spellbound by him there mouths dropped open it was like they were looking at one of the Devil's fallen angels who rebelled against God so charming and dangerous, he wore an expensive hand made white suit and a pure white shirt inside with black leather shoes, the reporters took the opportunity to interview Kay but the security guards stopped them," Mr Zen just a few questions please." a woman reporter begged forwarded her recorder towards Kay.. Kay nodded slightly allowing the reporter, the woman was so happy pressing the record button," Mr Zen you look absolutely charming tonight, but I don't see you having a date tonight, Did anything happen between you and Nia Fox?" Kay smirked and tilted his head slightly," Would you rather be my date.. Pumpkin." a mischievous smile made it's way to his gorgeous face the reporter didn't expect such a response from him her face flushed a bright red with a cold fresh breeze blowing in the air she still felt really hot, by the time she shook her head getting back to reality Kay was already walking away almost disappearing through the entrance, taking a few breaths she snapped out of her daze getting back to her work she was sure she was going to dream about him tonight.

not to long after a black limo arrived, WILL stepped out of the car opening the door for the couple, Alex stepped out first forwarding his hand for Lara to take, the cameras began to flash towards them everyone wanted to get a picture of the couple many wanted to interview them but Alex wouldn't even allow them to get closer to them the security guards made sure of it," Mrs Grey just a few questions please." the reporter said," step back ma'am." one of Alex' men said," Let's go inside, it's cold out here." Alex led Lara inside," Lara! you look gorgeous tonight." Maya gave Lara a hug," Thank you.. you look beautiful yourself Maya.. you too Mira, your dress looks perfect though not as perfect as you look." Lara giggled," don't tease me now, not to mention you look absolutely gorgeous." Mira smiled," thank you."

Alex introduced Lara to his business partners, Lara smiled politely giving them a warm sweet welcoming, after greeting everybody Alex led her to the table to grab something to eat," what would you like to have?" Alex asked her," You." Lara gave a mischievous smile Alex stared at her pink pumped lips and swallowed hard she was clearly trying to seduce him," we are in a public place Mrs Grey, you shouldn't say such things.. otherwise I might just lose control and have you right here." Alex said calmly but his voice was damn serious and desirable, Lara blushed thinking she might have awakened his sleeping desires" Damn it... Lara." Alex cursed looking at her intensely his eyes were lustful at the moment Lara's eyes suddenly shifted to his trousers her eyes widened slightly noticing that he was hard Lara almost choked blaming herself in widely that she caused this just because of her little tease, she looked back up at Alex and said," you - wha- what should I do?" she asked in a low voice not knowing what she can do to help him calm down his desire, she can't satisfy him here there are a lot of people and Again they can't leave it would be to embarrassing for Alex if anyone saw him like this," Get me something cold and strong." Alex told her seeing her panicked expression, Lara called out to the waiter," please get me a glass of whiskey with ice in it, the strongest you have." she said the waiter nodded and left after a some minutes he brought a glass of iced whiskey giving it to her, Lara took the glass handing it over to Alex to take, Alex gulped everything down in a minute even though the drink was quite bitter and strong he easily drank it all like having a cup of coffee after a few minutes he finally calmed down and was back to his normal controlling self, Lara took a relived breath," Don't ever do that again Mrs Grey, remember your words can easily turn me on." Alex said calmly his face calm and collected like nothing happened to him just now, Lara could only nod and apologize," Sorry." it was time for the launching everyone gathered around as Lara cut the the red ribbon for the opening of the Book second addition, the guest clapped their hands together taking a copy, Zeke, James and Alex offered their respectable partners to the dance floor," Alex." Lara called out," Hmm." Alex responded," Thank you, for everything I truly appreciate it." Lara leaned on his chest Alex gave a slight smile holding her closer to him as they dazzled the crowd, the music ended James and Maya went to grab something to eat Zeke and Mira also joined them, Lara saw a familiar face in the crowd that she hasn't seen in five years and her heart felt happy and warmth upon seeing her, Bethany smiled walking towards Lara taking her into her embrace," I missed you so much big Sis." Bethany how - how have you been? are you alright? are you eating well, taking care of yourself? you've grown so much I missed you very much, are you here alone? Where is Evan?" Lara asked question after question not waiting for a response Bethany chuckled shaking her head," you haven't changed I see, still worried and ask to questions at once." Lara frowned slightly," Of course I was so worried about you, you're my only family left besides I promised mom and Dad before they died that I'll look after you and Evan."

" Well if you must know my adorable sister I'm alright and I was taking good care of myself and Evan couldn't be here tonight because of his studies, but he gave me this as a gift to you." Bethany took out a purple made of silk small box, Lara took it opening it up. there was a beautiful diamond necklace inside it looked expensive and breath taking, Lara looked up at Bethany with warmth and shinny eyes," you - you mean Evan bought this for me?" Bethany nodded," he was saving up some money from his part time job for five months just for this day, he wanted to surprise you." Bethany said Lara teared up, Bethany pulled her weightless body into her arms for a hug and said in a flat voice," do you want to ruin your make-up, Alex will surely get scared when he sees your all your eye liner melt off." Lara chuckled softly," alright let me head to the restroom real quick to fix myself up alright." Bethany nodded when Lara disappeared from her sight she went to bar to order a drink," Excuse me bar tender, a glass of red wine please." sure ma'am right away." within a second a drink was brought to her, she took the glass about to leave when she bumped into a tall figure the red liquid landed on the man's pure white suit, Bethany's eyes widened seeing the red stain ," oh no." she said beneath her breath anxiously reaching out for her handcaff wanting to wipe the stain away even though she knew it still won't come out she still wanted to help, but her wrist was grabbed firmly," Are you blind Miss, do you know this suit costs more than any salary you get paid huh." his voice was deep and scary but it some how sounded familiar to Bethany slowly lifting her head she saw that familiar face she hasn't seen for so many years that charming handsome face those beautiful moon light eyes those tempting sweet lips Bethany found herself drowning in his beauty it was like he didn't age a single bit for the past five years now that she's thought about it Alex also didn't change a single bit he still looked young and Godly beautiful, Bethany couldn't bring out any words to say she just stood there looking at Kay dazed, when the woman didn't say a word Kay's eyes shifted from his stained suit to look at the woman who ruined his jacket just then their eyes locked Bethany's heart skipped a beat as soon as Kay's eyes met hers, Kay's eyes widened slightly but just for a split second before his calm expressionless face masked itself back, without a word Kay pulled her hand dragging her away with him till they reached the hotel room upstairs Bethany didn't say a word she just let him drag her away quietly, Kay closed the door behind him it took him a long time before turning around to face her once again their eyes locked the room was silent the atmosphere around them was intense no one spoke a word, the silence continued and was getting suffocating to Bethany taking a deep breath she broke the awkward silence first," I have ruined your shirt I'm sorry, if you let me I will get it cleaned for you." Bethany lowered her voice Kay just stared back at her after a long time of a staring contest he spoke," When did you get back?" he asked his voice deep and sexy it was like music to ears so sweet and toxic at the same time," I arrived last night." Is that so.." Kay stepped forward causing Bethany to take a step back Kay took another step each step made Bethany's heart pound inside her chest his leather shoes making those slow danger sounds on the marbled floor was making her sweat, finally her back hit the cold wall jolting her once again their eyes locked their face were close to each other feeling each other's warm sweet breath Kay lifted his hands to remove his jacket throwing it on the sofa before he reached out for his buttons on his shirt unbuttoning them one by one, Bethany's eyes widened slightly looking at his half unbuttoned shirt she could see his bare well built strong chest coming to view he reached for the last button when Bethany shut her eyes closed tightly," Wha - what do you think you're doing?" she managed to say her eyes still shut Kay smirked," Why? didn't you say you want to get it cleaned, change your mind?" he spoke calmly Bethany opened her mouth but no words came out indeed she did offer to get his clothes cleaned but she didn't mean he goes half naked in front of her. she thought to herself while she was still lost in her confused thoughts she heard an bulking of a belt," wait was - was he removing his pants as well." in panic she opened her eyes and her eyes landed on his full half naked upper body just like that she couldn't take her eyes off him it was like she was spelled by him she couldn't move nor look away, his body was just amazingly beautiful so breath taking," you look so beautiful when you act like you do not know anything what's going on Bethany." Kay gave a slight smile Bethany's eyes finally shifted to his handsome face and said," you - you're not playing fair, trying to trap me is this your way of revenge? just because I ruined your clothes." Kay's expression suddenly changed his playful smile disappeared in a second he became serious and expressionless," I'll go take a shower now wait for me here." Kay said and left closing the door to the bathroom, Bethany took a breath of relief holding her chest her heart was racing even though she spoke calmly and brave inside she was shaking and trembling like a drained little puppy, she stared at the stained clothes picking them up and took them to the dry cleaner in twenty minutes his clothes were cleaned and back to their pure white stainless self, she hurried back to the room and was glad he was still in the bathroom, after a while the door opened Bethany faced on the other side not wanting to see his wet enticing tempting body, Kay saw that his clothes were already cleaned he dried himself up dried his hair moisturized himself and got dressed and sat on the sofa with his one leg crossed on the other leaning back comfortably," you may look now Miss Bella." Bethany hesitated for a while before turning around slowly when she saw that he was fully dressed she felt relaxed," Seat." he told her Bethany sat on the opposite side to his left," Tell me, where are you staying and who is staying with you?" Kay asked," I'm staying in the apartment down town to the west on my own." Bethany answered Kay nodded standing up arranging his jacket nicely," Make sure to arrange where I'll be sleeping, I will stay with you in your apartment from now on, and don't worry about the rent I'll contribute my part." Kay said calmly," wait what!" Bethany widened her eyes, did he just say he will move in with her, what will people think? they ain't a married couple they are not dating so why? how? she was questioning herself question after question," is there a problem?" Kay asked seeing her being a little distant in thoughts Bethany looked up to meet his gaze," but what will people think and say? that I let in a man who is not my boyfriend or husband to live in with me." when Bethany realized what she just said she clapped her mouth shut a little embarrassed, Kay understood what she meant indeed people will talk and shame a woman who takes in a strange man who is not her boyfriend or husband but he wouldn't have suggested it if he didn't have any plans for her, Kay sighed softly and said," people will always talk Bethany, it's getting late we should leave now, I will drop you off."

" Wait just a moment I have to say goodbye to Lara." Bethany said but Kay stopped her," We have no time." Wait but -. before Bethany could finish her words Kay took her along with him and left.

Downstairs everything was a mess the tables and chairs were facing down some broken, the guest were told to leave the reporters were also sent away and the place was secured by Alex' men a few minutes later the troop also arrived," Sir we have searched the entire hotel but we couldn't find her." one of his men said Alex grabbed the collar of his shirt firmly," search it again, search the entire city if you can till you find my wife, understood?" Alex said with grit teeth the man dropped a cold sweat," yes Boss." Alex let go of collar in search of Lara, an hour ago Lara went to restroom to fix her make-up thirty minutes went by and hadn't returned Alex was getting worried and asked Maya to check on her, when Maya returned she only had Lara's cell phone which she found lying on the bathroom floor, Alex lost his control and ended the party the guards showed everyone out he searched the entire hotel alone when he couldn't find Lara he told his men to search for her again and again till he was convinced that she was no longer inside the hotel, he just sat there as if waiting for someone or something that would lead him to Lara, it didn't take long when his phone rang seeing an unknown number he swiped the screen to answer he didn't say a word but through his expression you could tell it wasn't good news his expression darkened Maya and Mira had never seen him look so scary and dangerous he was like the devil himself handsomely dangerous he hang up the call before storming out of hotel," you two should drive back to the Villa now, no questions asked." Zeke told Mira," But we -.

" I said no questions asked Mira." Zeke cut her off giving her the keys to his sports car, Zeke and James followed Alex behind," Mira you should go back to the Villa, I will follow after them Lara is my best friend I have to be there." Maya said firmly Mira nodded in agreement," I will come with you." then the two got into the car and drove off, on the abandoned highway bridge near the forest lined up two men and one woman, Alex, Zeke and James were standing not to far away from them. their was tension surrounding the air around them Alex was being surrounded by a weird strange energy that Zeke wasn't familiar with James could also feel it, Julian gave a side ways smile," Long time no see Alexander, or should I call you Lucifer instead." Julian smiled," My wife, return her to me at once." Alex said calmly but there was some kind of warning to it, it was threatening in all ways you could think of," Don't worry about it Alexander, your dear little wife is safe. I must admit she's very beautiful more beautiful than any woman I have seen in my generation of existence, she has a soft delicate skin I was imagining how my sharp fangs would sank easily in her flesh I -. before Julian could finish his last words like a flash of lightning Alex was standing in front of Julian his hand gripping onto Julian's neck tightly," My wife." Alex repeated one of Julian's comrade leapt over to Alex but Zeke moved knocking him away and went hitting the thick tree in the forest," STOP! let him go and I will return your wife to unharmed." the woman said, Alex took a while before loosening his grip around Julian's neck throwing him to the ground, Julian took in deep breaths he got up letting out soft chuckles," why get so serious Alexander, I was simply curious about the woman who Lucifer married, Gina bring Mrs Kin out here." The woman nodded and leapt away within seconds she returned back with Lara," Alex! Lara screamed out Alex scanned her body she looked unharmed but her face was filled with confusion and she looked scared, Alex just hoped that they didn't tell her anything if she needs to find out the truth he wanted to be the one to spill it out to her, Alex did not like seeing tears in her eyes. Gina loosened her hold on Lara's arm Lara immediately started running towards Alex and embraced herself in his arms yes the arms that always makes her feel safe, the arms that she knows that nothing could ever harm her if she stays there forever," How romantic, well till we meet again, Lucifer." Julian gave a sly smile before they disappeared, Lara's eyes widened hearing that name, that one name sent goosebumps all over her body. Back when she was being held captive she couldn't believe it at first that those people were actually vampires she thought to think those people only existed in fairy tale stories, she thought that in real life they would be scary and ugly but they were so beautiful and were a bit different from humans, back in the cabin that vampire woman told her something that she couldn't quite understand, that there was a male child that was born in the Royal family an old vampire prophetess had prophecy about, that he will grow up to be a powerful race that he would rule many kingdoms and the world shall bow before him, he would destroy anything and anyone who tries to get in his way, that night the Queen of vampires gave birth to a male child by then the prophecy already spread throughout the kingdom, the people didn't want the child to live they said they couldn't let the devil rule them and destroy the world, they planned to kill the child but the Queen didn't want her first born child to be slayed into million pieces, so she called upon a Witch the Queen of the witches herself to take the child and raise him as her own, by the time the people arrived at the castle they found that the child was already gone, from that day they knew him to exist as Lucifer the devil himself.

the story, the name it was all pointing to Alex Lara didn't want to come to any conclusions but it was just so hard to ignore all the signs, taking a step back she looked at Alex in the eyes," Who are you? what are you?" she asked in low voice, Zeke sighed heavily tilting his head and leapt away James also followed behind and stood in front of Maya and Mira behind the thick tree jolting them, Maya and Mira stared at each other before they passed out," wake me up from this nightmare." Zeke mumbled gathering Mira in his arms," well the truth was going to be revealed some day and that day is today." James said also gathering Maya in his arms, Zeke stared one last time at Alex from afar before leaping away, James also leapt away.

" Answer me Alex, what are you? are you like them are you one of them, stop standing there like a statue for once put your pride aside and answer me damn it." Lara clenched her fists, the wind was blowing across their face each minute that went by became more cold after a while Alex opened his mouth to speak," we should head back, other wise you will freeze out here." Lara was dumbstruck he ignored her questions completely, but if he will be stubborn today Lara will be more stubborn even if she freezes to death out here," I will not go anywhere with you Alex not until you tell me what I want to know." Lara said with determination, it was getting more cold each second she could only use her hands to try to keep herself warm, Alex knew she will be stubborn and won't barge he could easily carry her and take her back home without struggle but he didn't want to make her more angry, sighing he gave in," fine I will tell you everything you want to know but not here, you freeze to death before I'm even done telling you." Lara scanned his face trying to see a hint if he was lying or telling the truth but as always he gave nothing away his face was expressionless," Fine, but you better not lie to me or - or else I will leave you." she threatened what she said seemed to have gotten a through to Alex, Alex moved closer to Lara gathering her in his arms," better hold on tightly." Lara held onto his neck closing her eyes she could only feel the cold air blush across her face," go a little slower please." Lara said beneath her breath but loud enough for Alex to hear in fact this was the slowest he could master within minutes they arrived at the Villa and got in using their bedroom window, Alex put her down getting a coat and wore it around her body keeping her warm," well I'm listening." Lara sat on the sofa looking back at Alex, with a bored sigh he spoke," as you have already figured, I'm not human. hundreds years ago long before humans came into existence this world was ruled by different species but the vampires were the main rulers, the Queen gave birth to a son which is me, but people believed I was a cursed child that didn't Deserve to live that I would only bring harm to the world, by that vampires and witches were enemies well still are, but the Queen still asked help from the witch in order for me to live, but of course a trade was to be made." A trade? Lara repeated a little confused" in order for me to live a blood covenant was to be made between the Queen and the witch back then it was considered to be an unbroken deal between two or more people, a lot of lives were lost innocent kids slatted to death, by the time the people entered the castle we were already gone far away from the kingdom and lived in the dark forest along with the other witches, she raised me as her own, when the human race came to existence the world changed technology came to existence buildings and many more were built, we moved to England and bladed in with the humans, Lara I so wanted to tell you the truth so many times but I was afraid you might get scared freaked out and leave me, but right now whatever decision you make I will accept it." after listening to everything Alex just said hurt her deeply this man standing in front of her went through so much he suffered a lot, what type of wife will she be if she was to leave him, and what surprised her most was that she wasn't afraid of him in fact she felt more safe and wanted to pull his tall figure into her arms to comfort him, standing up she approached Alex putting her arms around her neck and stared into his deep blue eyes," Vampire or not you're still my husband Alex, I will never leave you, I love you husband." Lara gave a slight smile before her warm crashed on his Alex opened his mouth kissing her more deeply and passionately in a flash Alex pinned her down on the bed kissing her entire body leaving no part of her skin untouched, Lara moaned kissing him back with the same intensely energy just then Alex entered her and made love to her