Chapter 19of19 Country G

the next morning Mira woke up with a spinning headache she scanned her surrounding and saw that she was inside her room, the images from last night began to flood back inside her head what she just witnessed, she removed the quilt running towards the door opening it when she bumped into someone and stumbled back, Zeke was quick to hold her waist stopping her from falling back," you should be more careful or you will hurt yourself, where were you rushing to huh?" Zeke asked letting go of her waist when she regained her balance," last night you moved so fast like the wind, what are you?" Mira asked instead Zeke stepped one step closer to her she was tall but when she was in front of him she could only stand in his shadow she was so little in front of him, Zeke lifted her chin so that she was facing him," Why? are you scared?" he asked Mira shook her head," No, I'm just curious to know what you are." she said curiosity written all over her face," would you leave me if I was not human?" he asked his other free hand caressing her waist Mira closed her eyes enjoying his touch on her," No." she answered in a flat tone Zeke blushed his lips on hers teasing her to no end," Ezekiel." Mira whispered she wanted him to kiss her so bad not only that she wanted him all of him, her body was burning inside the desire he was inflicting on her was to much, she lifted her hands to unbutton his shirt her single touch on his bare stomach awakened his desire, in a split second Mira was pinned down on the bed with Zeke roaming on top of her and captured her lips he nipped and sucked them like he has been craving it for a long time he kissed her chin down to her collarbone and her neck he kissed and sucked her chest and her white smooth breast, Mira moaned pulling him back to her lips while devouring her lips he used his free hand to touch her there using his two fingers to pleasure her, he stroked in and out Mira bit on her lower lip moaning louder and louder when she was wet enough he unzipped his trousers entering her body and made love to her for half an hour, Mira fell asleep immediately after their love making. Zeke stared at the woman sleeping relaxed and soundly he kissed her forehead standing up and headed to the bathroom.


Alex was in his study when he heard a knock on the door," Come in." he answered Mr Antonio went in and bowed," Sir you have a visitor." Who is it?" Alex asked camly," Lady kasadra." Alex paused for while," let her in." he finally said Mr Antonio bowed and left going downstairs," this way Lady Kasadra." he led her upstairs, Lara was coming from her room going downstairs using the stairs on the left when she spotted Mr Antonio and a beautiful woman going towards Alex'study she wore an elegant long Rob made of pure silk her long brown hair was left lose behind her she wore ashcent jewelry around her neck and hands, she had a pale smooth skin that could be seen a mile away she was indeed gorgeous and Lara figured she was also a vampire, when Mr Antonio showed kasadra Alex' study he left, Lara approached Alex'study and hid behind the door to hear what they were talking about," I don't like coming to my uninvited." Alex spoke first," is that so, mind you I sent you a lot of messages but you never replied to any of them, you left me no choice Alexander." kasadra said Lara wondered if it was her normal of speaking or she was trying to seduce her husband, her voice was so smooth and sexy like a smooth lullaby, Alex leaned back in his seat," you are not welcome here you may leave." Alex said coldly Lara was stunned by his reply she thought he might be taken away by her smooth sexy seductive voice but he became even more cold towards her," the Queen will be expecting you Alexander, excuse me." kasadra said and turned around to leave, Lara quickly hid inside a room close to the study and closed the door silently, kasadra paused on her way out before looking at the closed door she could still hear a humans heartbeat behind that closed door staring back at Alex one more time she left, Lara opened the door and rushed back to her room approaching the window, outside in the courtyard kasadra could feel someone was looking at her from above and figured it was the same person hiding in that room, lifting her head slowly she could only see a figure of shadow being pulled away from the window she couldn't see her face, she smirked before getting into the car and drove away. Alex pulled Lara into his arms with a raised brow," and what are you looking at huh?" he gave a slight smile," Alex who - who was that woman? and what was she doing here?" Lara asked pretending to know nothing she wanted to see if Alex would tell her the truth or not," she's the Queen's chief adviser, kasadra she was sent here by the Queen." Alex said calmly," she wants you to go back home." Lara said in a low voice Alex cupped her cheek caressing her lips," this is my home, here with you, Lara." Alex said," I think we should go, think of it as our honeymoon plus I want to see the place where you were born and meet your family, please let us go there." Lara blinked a few times revealing her innocent pity face Alex raised his brow in amusement," fine, we will leave for country G tomorrow morning, but first I'm gonna have to punish you for ease dropping on your husband."

"Ah Alex I wasn't, I was just passing by and I got a little curious that's all." Lara defended herself Alex pulled her waist capturing her lips he kissed her neck before pinning her down," If you let me I'll show you both pleasure and satisfication, Mrs Grey." Alex gave a mischievous smirk putting his hand inside Lara's pants, Lara moaned closing her eyes in pleasure Alex stroked in and out at a first rate," Alex plea - please I want you now." Lara gave shallow breaths," not yet." Alex smiled kissing her lips passionately," Alex now." Alex pulled his fingers out entering her body and made love to her," Cum for me love." he whispered kissing her earnob Lara quivered seeing fireworks in the sky, they were both breathless and satisfied after resting in each other's arms they got up and took a shower together, Alex took the drier to dry Lara's hair, Lara stared at Alex'reflection in the mirror and wondered how just lucky she got to meet someone as powerful, charming and dangerous as the great Alexander Grey, to top it all who is not even human. it was like she was stuck in this fantasy world where she was afraid to wake up and realize this was just a big long fantasy dream, the thought of losing her husband and kids just frightened her the most, Alex could see that she was lost in thought he switched off the drier tying her hair into a ponytail," Lara! are you alright?" he asked," Hmm yes, I was just thinking about something." she replied," which is?" Alex turned her around so she was facing him," I was just thinking that what if this is all a dream that I might wake up anytime soon and you are not by my side or the kids, that maybe you are even married to another human and you're making her Happy and not me." Alex chuckled softly holding her chin," you have a big wild imagination my little pumpkin, if I were to choose I would choose you over and over again. satisfied?" Yes." Lara nodded getting the drier away from Alex and sat him down on the chair she sat on his lapse forgetting she had no undergarments inside her robe," it's my turn to dry your hair now." she said excitedly Alex closed his eyes with a groan damn she was moving around so much and tempting him," Alex! are you okay?" Lara asked when she noticed him shutting his eyes tightly, Alex opened his eyes staring at her innocent naive little face as if she was absolutely blank of what she was doing to him right, which of course she had no clue, with a heavy sigh he tilted his head slightly," Lara do you want me to punish you again huh?" Alex said Lara frowned slightly," why do you defye me Mr Grey? when I did nothing wrong." Lara said," you are the one who is trying to seduce me without wearing undergarments and moving around to much." hearing his words Lara blushed her cheeks turning a bright pink indeed she was the one at fault here, before Lara could open her mouth to speak Alex already collided his lips with hers," I can't get enough of you Lara, I want you every second, minute, hour, everyday and night, breakfast, lunch and dinner." Alex whispered holding her waist he kissed every inch of her skin before entering her body and made love for the second time, after taking a shower again they dressed up and went downstairs," Good morning?" Mira greeted upon seeing the couple approaching the dinning room," Good morning." Lara smiled once again there was that awkward silence and atmosphere in the room after the truth came out of Alex, Zeke and James not being human things just became weird again. silence followed the room when Alex broke the silence," we're leaving for Country G tomorrow morning so pack up tonight."

" you do know it's not safe for them to come with us. right?" Zeke said calmly referring to Lara and Mira," that's why they will be with us at all times, leaving them here is more dangerous than taking them with us, plus my little pumpkin wants a second honeymoon I can't decline it." Alex said with boredom all over his face. Mira just listened quietly," inform James and Kay about the Trip." he added," James might come but I doubt Kay will tag along." Zeke said," why is that?" Alex raised a questioning brow," his busy trying to figure out his love life. at least we can give him that." Alex nodded knowingly," Alex, Bethany." don't worry about her, Kay will take care of her." Alex assured her Lara nodded she did trust Kay a lot and she knew he would never let Bethany get into trouble or get hurt, she could see something in his eyes whenever he looked at Bethany five years ago. she just hoped that some day they will be together and be happy for years to come, everyone was busy enjoying their breakfast when they heard little footsteps," Mommy! Daddy!" Alex heard little Mariana's excited voice," Welcome back princess." Alex pinched Mariana's little cheek playfully," I missed you so much, especially Aunty Mira she always gives me snacks." Mariana smiled sweetly," Is that so, and what about mommy?" Alex smiled slightly," a little." she replied Lara rolled her eyes and clutched down on Max' level," Was she giving you a hard time?" she asked a little concerned," no, I mean not when grandma was around." Max said Lara sighed not knowing what to do with her daughter anymore, she always bosses Max around and hit him at times, but Max would never fight back he would just let her torture him and forget the next minute, he was a good boy, Brie took Mariana and Max upstairs to freshen up