Chapter 20of20 Country G

Bethany just got out of the shower when a knock echoed inside the room, she wrapped a small towel around her body and went to see who it was," You." she said in a low voice Kay raised a brow before his eyes traveled and scanned her entire body, seeing her perfect shaped wet body he swallowed hard staring back at her face," is it just me or you look surprised." he said passing through her going inside, Bethany rolled her eyes closing the door behind her," I will get dressed, wait here." she told him and went to get dressed, Kay sat on the couch crossing one leg on the other making himself comfortable, after a few minutes Bethany came out dressed in a pair of blue shorts and a white T-shirt her long dark hair was tied up into a ponytail, Kay thought she looked cute," Well, so we're doing this huh? you can take the bed and I will take the couch it's pretty comfortable for me." Bethany said Kay tilted his head," not to worry, I will sleep on the couch you can sleep on the bed. it is your apartment after all." Kay said," you left your wealthy comfortable warm house and decided to come and stay here with me, leaving your comfortable warm bed and end up sleeping on the couch, no sir." Bethany shook her head, Kay stood up and stood in front of Bethany, she was so little in front of this Angel like creature she could hear her heartbeat beating loudly inside her eardrums, she could feel heat burning her cheeks and body, Kay lifted his hand and touched her chin with his one finger, his touch was cold that it helped her cool down the burning flames that was building up inside of her," it looks like we won't come to an agreement," he sighed" since we both share the pay of the rent, we shall share the bed as well. no if and buts, it's final." Kay said, looking into his deep gray moonlight eyes Bethany was taken away and could only nod without realizing it," Good girl." Kay smiled," Kay! Bethany called his name in a whisper Kay stared right back into her dark shinny eyes waiting for her to continue with what she wanted to tell him," five years ago when I was being discharged from the hospital, why didn't you come? I waited for you for an hour, even when I went back home you never showed up nor did you call me or text me, when I went to study abroad I always had my phone close to me hoping you would call me, what happened? it's like you disappeared on me you just ghosted me." Bethany asked so many emotions in her voice Kay could feel the pain she was feeling at the moment, he hurt her so much and made her suffer, but how could he explain it to her when he himself could not understand what he was feeling back then, his feelings and thoughts were all in a mess he didn't know how to answer to her questions, Kay took a step back creating some space between them," I have no answer to your question Bethany." he answered Bethany blinked a few times she didn't know how to reply to his response, she bit her lower lip hard before a bitter smile made it's way on her mouth," I have to go to the supermarket to buy some glossaries, I'll be back."

" Dressed like that?" Kay frowned slightly disapproving of her clothes Bethany looked at her attire and didn't see any fault in it," what's wrong with it?" she asked," it's short revealing most of your skin, I do not want any man eyeing you let me come with you." Kay said heading to the door," hey wait, I agreed for you to stay here as a friend not to be my bodyguard, and as for my clothes it's still morning and the sun is shining brightly plus if I remember correctly I'm still single Mr Zen, excuse me." Bethany said a little annoyed before storming out of the room, Kay sighed taking out his phone and dialed a number," keep an eye on her." he said on the call before hanging up falling on the couch closing his eyes.


Back in the Villa Lara was seated on the left side of the couch in the living room while Madame Grey sat on the opposite side, Lydia served them tea and left. Lara picked up the glass and handed it over to Madame Grey," Tea, mother."

" Thank you dear." she took the cup from Lara taking a sip," How do you feel about the entire situation Lara?" Madame Grey spoke Lara looked up to meet Madame Grey's gaze," Situation." Lara repeated, Madame Grey gave a slight smile putting down the glass which created a tense sound," you now know about our existence, you know Lara. even though I didn't give birth to Alex I love and adore him, he makes me happy and gives me the courage to keep on living. Lara I chose you for Alex for a reason because he can only be with you no one else, even if I'm a witch my love for you is still the same my daughter in-law." Madame Grey touched Lara's cheek," Mother! how is the Queen like?" Lara asked wanting to know how her other mother in-law is like, Madame Grey leaned back in her seat sighing softly," Well as you know witches and vampires have been at war for hundreds of years they hate one another, if I tell you what she's like you might fear her. but not to worry I will always protect you as i am still existing." Lara nodded, the entire day was spent preparing for the coming journey the next day. night came and Alex wanted to spend the entire night holding Lara in his arms, Lara didn't waste time for immediately fell asleep in Alex' arms.


the next morning Lara woke up and was greeted by a terrifying scene the white sheets were covered in blood the scent of the blood was too strong, she lifted her hands and saw they were covered in blood as well. Lara threw the sheets off her getting out of bed," Alex!" she shouted Alex' name but no one answered," Alex!" she called out his name again and again but no one answered, the room began to shrink and darkness surrounded Lara, her heart began to race her forehead was sweating like she was being poured water, Lara clutched down in a corner breaking into tears. when Alex came inside the room and saw the white sheets on the marbled floor seeing Lara lying on the bed like a heap worried him he quickly rushed to her side holding her in his arms he could see drops of sweat on her forehead and neck, she was trembling and breathing heavily," Alex!" she whispered his voice in a shivery voice," Lara wake up, I'm here." Alex touched her cheeks after a few minutes Lara finally flattered her eyes open, seeing a familiar face looking down on her she felt safe again she immediately wrapped her arms around Alex burring her little face in Alex' chest," there was blood everywhere, I was so scared Alex." Lara sobbed Alex held her even more closer robbing her back gently," it was just a nightmare, I'm here now I will never let anything or anyone hurt you, I will always protect you from this world wife." Alex kissed her forehead then lips," take a bath with me." Alex said kissing her one last time before carrying her towards the bathroom, he filled the tub with warm water dipping Lara inside he washed her body gently massaging her shoulders," come in." Lara said putting her hands around Alex' neck pulling him in for a tender kiss Alex took off his clothes dipping himself inside he put Lara between his long legs kissing her neck while trailing his free hand on her chest caressing her two pitches Lara shivered bitting her lip avoiding a moan, Alex smirked moving his hand further down to the stomach down to her abdomen," Alex!" Lara stared at Alex with desire and want as if that was the only signal he was waiting for Alex gathered Lara in his arms going back to their room he carefully laid her down before colliding his lips with hers Alex didn't worst any time entering her body and made love to Lara, after taking a rest for half an hour Alex freshened up and brought Lara clothes he picked out a pair of blue jeans and a black T-shirt with black leather high boots and a black coat," Country G is pretty cold you will have to keep yourself warm." Alex said helping her dress up, Alex was dressed in a casual attire a pair of black trousers and a gray sweater with black leather shoes he looked damn hot Lara couldn't help but admire Alex every second that went by, the two left the room going downstairs where they met Zeke and Mira," are you two ready?" Alex asked Zeke nodded slightly," Madame Grey will join us there later on with the kids. we should leave now." Alex said to Lara, a black limo car was waiting outside for them after a few minutes they arrived at the airport and got into the private airplane. in half an hour they arrived at the airport of Country G a black sports car was packed on the road side Zeke sat on the driver's seat while Alex and Lara sat on the back seat, Lara was admiring the beautiful view of the tall trees on each side of the road it was quiet and peaceful the only sounds being heard was the singing birds and wind, when Alex saw that they were almost near the city he took out a black Clorck," Wear this and cover your head." Alex said. Lara took it from his hands putting it on and covered her head, they past through the city and drove for another thirty minutes away from the city, a huge ancient castle came into view Lara's eyes widened slightly just by the sight of it, it was beautiful and magnificent Lara has never seen a castle in real life it was amazing just like the ones she read in fairytale books, she was excited that she will be staying here. when the black sports car pulled over Alex got out opening the door for Lara taking her hand in his," keep your head down till we reach our room Lara, I do not want anyone to see your face at least not now." Alex said Lara nodded, Alex was only trying to protect her he didn't trust his family in fact he never trusted them in his entire existence. Zeke and Mira led the way, while walking in the long empty corridors a sharp small dagger was thrown towards Lara almost grazing her cheek Alex was quick to react and pulled Lara in his arms, Zeke also pulled Mira in his arms while they scanned the empty halls where the dagger came from. the two women stared at the sharp dagger stuck on the wooden door Lara stared up at Alex her eyes widened and frightened," Alex!" she whispered his name in a shaky voice," keep your head down." Alex said calmly but under that calmness there was coldness and hellfire mixed together. Alex leapt on one of the castle's dragon statues the last thing that Lara saw was a young man thrown to the ground in front of her Lara couldn't see his face because he was staring down, lifting his head slowly to look at the woman standing in front of him Alex stepped in between them," I will deal with you later." Alex said coldly taking Lara's hand and left Zeke sighed looking at the boy disappointedly before turning leading Mira away. Alex and Lara arrived at the highest floor of the castle only one room was there it was isolated and lonely since it a long way up Alex could only carry Lara leaping all the way up, Alex pushed the thick wooden doubled door open Lara carefully went inside it was so huge had a lot of space it was dim light and all the curtains were closed allowing no light from the outside to get in, in the middle was a huge bed with gray and black sheets the curtains were gray and white a black couch and a wooden bookshelf. Lara wondered why Alex liked hallow and dark colours it was like his heart was full of pain loneliness and emptiness, she stared back at Alex," this was my room back when I used to come here time to time, I haven't been here for a long time if I was to come to country G I would stay in my Villa far away from here." Alex said," it's a bit isolated but beautiful." Lara said looking around," if you feel like you want to change some things you're free to do so." Alex said calmly looking around Lara shook her head," no, it's beautiful just the way it is, it identifies who you are Alex and I do not want to change anything, I like it." Lara collided her lips with his just then a knock echoed inside the room Lara pulled away immediately Alex frowned his expression a little frustrated," I will go freshen up." Lara said," I will join you soon." Alex added when Lara entered the bathroom and shut the door Alex went to see who dared disturb a special treatment his little pumpkin was giving him, when he saw who was standing there he got even more annoyed," you, what brings you all the way up here?" Alex raised his brow," I thought my ears were deceiving me so I had to see for myself, just be sure." Kassandra said Alex tilted his head slightly," it will be for your on good if you leave now." Alex said," the Queen organized a welcoming ball party for you, and she thinks it's time for the family to meet your wife. she sent this dress for her." Kassandra handed the dress over to Alex and left Alex closed the door behind him putting the dress on the bed and went to accompany his little wife.


Back in England, Bethany was preparing for work it was her first day and she wanted to make a good impression and on time, she wore a gorgeous tight black dress that reached her ankles will black high heels her long dark hair was tied into a bun with little make-up on, she looked absolutely stunning in those clothes, she quickly prepared breakfast and laid it on the table just then a doorbell rang she went to open the door and saw a familiar face," Henry! you're here, what are you doing here? I mean how did you find out where I'm staying?" Bethany asked surprisingly," is that how you welcome a friend Bethany." the young man said, he was tall and good looking he had short blond hair and brown eyes he wore a black trousers and a blue shirt with black leather shoes, Bethany kindly made way for him to get in. Henry went inside and took a seat on the couch," Nice place you have here." he complimented," thanks, when did you come to England and how did you find my apartment?" Bethany asked handing him a cup of coffee," I arrived yesterday, I was assigned here and lucky me I found out I was going to be working in the same building as you and as for your home address I looked into your application documents, sorry I had to come unannounced." Henry explained," I see, well it's alright tell me how have you been and how is Emily doing?" Emily was assigned in Portland I guess that's her new home now." Henry chuckled softly just then the door to the bedroom opened and a half naked man emerged from the door his perfect upper bare body was dripping wet from the water only a small towel was wrapped around his lower body his gray silver hair was moist making him look even more sexy he looked like those sexy hot Anime cosplay, Henry stared at the charming man standing half naked and his eyes widened slightly finally recognizing him, Bethany face palmed her forehead not knowing what to do with this man anymore," and who is this supposed to be?" Kay asked looking straight at Bethany, Bethany approached Kay standing close to him and said in a low voice," will you please get dressed it's an appropriate coming out half naked especially in front of my guest." Bethany said with grit teeth Kay moved closer to her there bodies almost touching they could feel each other's breaths," like you said his your guest, I own part of this apartment so I'm free to do whatever even if it means to walk completely naked." Kay flashed a mischievous smile Bethany felt like she could just pouch his charming face robbing off that mischievous smile off his face when Kay saw that he has succeeded in making her angry he turned around and left, Bethany breathed in and out controlling her heated temper before turning to Henry," I'm sorry about him he could be such a pain in the ass some times." how do you know that man Bethany? his a wealthy billionaire I mean what is he doing here with you?" Henry was confused and curious about the entire situation and wanted to understand what type of relationship Kay and Bethany shared," Kay and I are friends that's it." Bethany said," Friends! Henry repeated" you stay in the same house in the same room who knows you even share the same bed."

" Enough! Henry you've said enough, my personal business doesn't concern you, I think it's best if you leave.. now." Bethany said annoyed by the matter, Henry stood up heading for the door and paused," I am only trying to look after you Beth, a man like him can never - ..

" can never be with a simple woman like me.. that's right I know those were your words I'll keep that in mind." Bethany gave a bitter smile. Henry opened the door and left," was that your boyfriend Miss Bella?" Bethany turned around and saw Kay leaning on bedroom door with his hands crossed over his perfect well built chest," What did you just say?" Bethany narrowed her eyes at him Kay lifted his hands in the air in a sign of surrender," it's not my fault that I was born handsome a charming angelic being that you guys fought over me." Kay smirked grabbing an apple," you..are..such a dick Kay Zen." Bethany said angrily before grabbing her bag and storming out of the apartment," wait, I will drop you off darling." Kay grabbed his phone and car keys running after Bethany, a few minutes later Kay dropped Bethany off at her work place," I will pick you up this evening, stay safe." Kay winked at her before driving off. Bethany rolled her eyes taking a deep breath before going inside the building," Miss Bella we've been expecting you, Hi I'm Ella Martinez the director of this cooperation I will show you to your office desk and what we expect from you, please come with me." Ella led Bethany to the hall where the other reporters are working from, she showed Bethany her desktop and gave her some documents and papers to work on, Bethany was focused on her work the entire day, she didn't even notice how the time went by so quickly that it was already Dawn," you need to take it easy miss Bella otherwise you will get bored if your job before it even starts." Bethany heard a familiar voice looking up she saw a sweet kind face she missed quite a lot," Emily you - you're here? oh my goodness I missed you so much." Bethany gave her best friend a huge warm hug," of course I am here dummy." Emily smiled," but Henry said you were assigned in Portland to work there how come you're in England?" Bethany asked a little confused," well yes, I was sent to Portland but I insisted they send me to England instead, I reported three days ago I wanted to be close to my best friend." Emily said Bethany cupped Emily's cheek giving her another hug just then Bethany's phone rang seeing the name on the screen she answered," hey I will be right there." she said and hang up," who was that?" Emily asked with a raised brow Bethany didn't know how to explain the matter to her best friend in fact she didn't even know where to start from," Hmm that was my friend who I'm staying with at the moment."

" A friend huh I see you've already replaced me, I'm deeply hurt right here." Emily touched her chest where her heart is placed,' no one can never replace you Emily, it's just temporary." Bethany said," well I would like to meet this same friend of yours and let her know she's only temporary, come." Emily grabbed Bethany's hand leaving the building the two women searched the area but there was no sign of anyone around," That's odd didn't your friend say she was already here?" just then Bethany felt a hand touch her shoulder which made her body jump up," Looking for me?" Kay smiled Bethany frowned slightly Emily also turned around and saw that familiar face the face that she didn't think she will have to see any time soon she was shocked and excited to see Kay again, Kay also remembered her face and was indeed amused," Well well I guess we meet again Miss reporter."

" Mr Zen I - you - how - I mean what a coincidence to bump into you again, Bethany you two know each other?" Emily couldn't get any word out straight when finally she managed to construct a sentence after a few stammering," Emily meet Kay, Kay meet Emily my best friend we were studying and staying together back in Atlanta." Bethany introduce the two," so your name is Emily huh, a pleasure meeting you again Emily." Kay placed a soft kiss on the back of Emily's hand, Emily shivered by the touch of his hand and soft lips she couldn't believe a man like Mr Zen even touched her and kissed her hand it was a dream come true for her," if you're done trying to seduce my friend shall we get going, I'm getting cold." Bethany said calmly with a straight face," of course darling I wouldn't want you to catch a cold, come Miss Emily we shall drop you off." Kay opened the door for Bethany then Emily and drove off, later on the arrived at Emily's apartment which was not far away from Bethany's apartment," thanks for dropping me off, good night. Emily gave Bethany a hug before whispering in her ear," you and I need to have a serious long talk Missy." she then pulled away with a smile and waved goodbye to the two of them, Bethany waved back before the car accelerated away.


Lara took the red dress that Alex laid for her on the bed, she unwrapped the towel around her body moisturized her body and put on the dress it was a mermaid dress with long sleeves it was open on the back reaching her waist line Lara put on her red leather high heels that came with the dress she put on little make-up and red lipstick and a diamond necklace that her brother gave her, she let her long brown curly hair loose behind her looking at her reflection in the mirror she almost didn't recognize herself, when Alex entered the room and saw Lara standing there he almost didn't recognize her as well he was drawn into her goddess beauty," how do I look?" Lara asked still looking in the mirror Alex approached her touching her bare back with his finger," it's quite open, it's a house full of vampires if I'm not mistaken I think the Queen is trying to make you a prey." Alex said calmly Lara took in a deep breath and said," they'll be humans too, I think the Queen just wants me to fit in plus you will never let anything bad happen to me Alex." Lara gave a slight smile," do you trust me that much?" he asked her Lara nodded without thinking about it twice," Lara! if I say run you run, if I say hide you hide what ever I tell you out of the ordinary you obey, it's for your best interest." Alex said Lara turned around to face him," man in Black I see, you look dashing husband." she smiled," what a way to change a topic wife." Alex raised a brow Lara wrapped her arms around Alex' neck," I hear you loud and clear Mr Grey or should I say Mr Kin." she teased with a soft giggle," are you teasing me Lara Bella?" Alex pulled her body closer to him" I'm gonna have to punish you." he added," Ahh Alex we should leave or we will be late." Lara pulled away with a blush Alex chuckled softly nodding, he took her hand in his and left the room.

outside the castle expensive cars where packed in a straight line guests dressed in expensive clothes where arriving half of the city where invited by that only wealthy ones and a few commoners," I can't believe we were invited to this Royal party, I'm so excited I have never seen the oldest prince this is my chance." a human commoner said excitedly," and you know what rummers has it that he married a common human I wonder how she looks like that she managed to get herself a vampire prince." another woman said," are you guys sure she isn't a witch cause there is no way a prince could marry a common human." another woman said then they both laughed softly, the Queen was seated on her throne away from the crowd there was three other small thrones on her left side and right side, the thick double wooden doors opened and three beautiful women proceed inside, the people present bowed their heads for the three princesses the three approached the three empty thrones and sat down, a few minutes later three gorgeous men entered the hall the guests bowed their heads for the three prince they approached the thrones on their right and sat down, when the doors opened again the room went completely quiet for the expectance of the oldest prince when Alex emerged from the entrance all eyes were glued on him women's eyes filled with admiration and unexplainable desires, the Queen nodded at Kassandra standing a few inches away Kassandra came to her side and bowed slightly," you said he came with the human, I do not see her any where near Alexander." she said," she did come with Alexander my Queen." Kassandra assured her stepping back just then Alex stretched out his right hand and a slim beautiful hand was placed on his palm and Lara stood beside Alex with her head held up high everyone present in the room where mesmerized by Lara's beauty no one could take their eyes off her when they reached the throne section Lara bowed her head to the Queen," your majesty it's a pleasure meeting you." the Queen gave a slight nod permitting her to lift her head," you don't seem ordinary to me child I must say your beauty is out of the ordinary, no wonder my son fell for you are you sure you didn't originate from our kind?" the Queen said calmly," if I did your majesty I would have sensed something out of the ordinary but I was raised by two beautiful kind humans which I wish they were still here." Lara gave a slight smile," I'm sorry for your lost." the Queen said, when the music started Alex was about to lead Lara on the dance floor when a strong hand touched his shoulder," if you don't mind brother, may I have a first dance with my sister in-law? I would like to know her better." a tall charming man smiled he had dark short hair dark eyes a slightly pale skin and wore a black suit with leather black shoes, Lara couldn't help but wonder why these people were created or existed to look so godly charming, Alex' hold on Lara's hand tightened Lara could tell he didn't want to give her away," everyone is looking Alexander don't be hard headed, you do not want to create unnecessary attention do you?" the man said calmly Lara looked up at Alex and said," Alex it's okay it's only one dance." Lara assured him Alex didn't remove his cold eyes off his brother after a few minutes that felt like a really long time he finally let go of Lara's hand and went to take a seat, the man led Lara to the dance floor held her right hand while his left hand held her slender waist Lara shivered by his touch on her bare skin," I didn't get your name back there Mrs Kin." the man smiled slightly," didn't the Queen tell her children what my name is? I'm sure she already knows who I am." Lara asked instead," well mother and I don't see eye to eye quite often, maybe she told her other children." he said calmly," what is your name?" Lara asked the man was amused how she answered a question with a question but he was more than glad to tell her his name," I'm Zeviour Kin, may I know your name now?" Zeviour asked," Lara Bella." she said," Lara huh, a beautiful name for a gorgeous woman I think I'm already drawn to you Lara." Zeviour turned Lara around so that her back was hitting his chest while they danced, with this act Alex crouched his fist about to stand and take Lara away when a woman blocked his way and brought her hand forward," A dance your highness?" Alex looked at the woman in front of him and frowned," you, what are you doing here?" Alex asked before staring at the Queen and thought she has something to do with Adriana being here," is that how you welcome me Alexander? just like everyone is invited to attend the party I was also invited, so a dance?" Adriana smiled sweetly, she wore a silver golden dress with gold high heels her long reddish hair was tied into a bun she looked beautiful as always, Alex took her hand and led her to the dance floor his eyes still fixed on Lara," I missed this Alex, remember when we danced under the full moon near the lake? that's the night you made me your girlfriend." Adriana gave a faint smile remembering the good moments she and Alex once shared, her words made Alex' eyes turn to look at her his expression still firm and motionless as if what she said meant nothing to him like it held no importance to him back then," What is your purpose for returning back into my life Adriana? what do you really want?" Alex finally spoke coldly his coldness hurt Adriana deeply she felt like she was standing and talking to another Alexander as if he never showered her with love and care she was the only important person in his life back then, but now it's like she is only a worst of time and energy, Lara was the only woman in his life who held importance to him, the only woman he loved his first priority, Adriana hated that fact. looking straight into Alex' eyes with mixed emotions she said," what I really want is to have my family back, I want it all back my daughter needs her father, Alex you should remember you have three kids and Alexah is one of them."

" I'm aware of that but what you're asking for is impossible Adriana, my family is Lara and our kids Alexah included, but you're not in the picture." Alex said calmly letting go of her hand in the middle of the music, Zeviour was about to spin Lara around when Lara felt a strong hand grab her wrist," we're leaving, come." without a word Lara let Alex drag her out of the hall," Alex! did something happen? why did we leave the party so soon?" Lara asked, Alex didn't say a word he just gathered Lara in his arms and leapt to their room, he put Lara down removing his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt throwing it to the floor exposing his firm sexy chest and abs, he held Lara's waist pulling her closer to him and captured her lips in a hot hungry kiss Lara kissed him back passionately," Alex!" Lara tried to catch a breath Alex released her lips and moved to her neck slowly trailing to her chest then moved and stopped to her ear nob and whispered," where did my little naughty brother touch you huh Lara? was it here? Alex touched her waist reaching for bare back slowly," or was it here? he moved his hands on her behind pulling her close," or did he touch you somewhere else more sensitive?" what he said shocked Lara and made her angry she couldn't believe he just said that to her, she did not understand what was going on with him or why he was saying such disgusting things, with rage and anger building inside Lara's body she pushed Alex away and slapped him across the face," what's wrong with you Alex? can you hear yourself right now, I don't wanna do this with you right now." Lara said going into the dressing room, Alex just stood there looking a mess in a sexy way, he tangled his fingers through his hair before grabbing his shirt and left the room, when Lara finally came out of the dressing room Alex was already gone, Lara rushed out of the room to look for him the castle was so huge where will she even start from? she thought, thankfully she bumped into Ezekiel in the dark halls," Lara! what are you doing out here so late? it's not safe." he told her," Zeke! do you perhaps know where Alex is? he just stormed out of the room and I'm getting worried." Lara said with worry in her voice she regretted slapping him, it wasn't right," Alex is gone? but where? what happened?" Zeke asked calmly," ever since we left the party he was acting a little weird, we got into an argument and he - he just left. please help me find him, I know he can take care of himself but I won't be able to sleep if I know he is not back." Lara said in a soft desperate manner, Zeke nodded having an idea where Alex could be. Lara and Zeke walked in the dark long corridors till the stopped in front of a wooden thick door Lara looked up at Zeke," is - is he inside?" she asked carefully," Alex always used to come here whenever he wanted to be alone, for his peace of mind. he might be inside." Zeke said. Lara stepped forward taking a deep breath before pushing the door open her face immediately turned pale by the scene she just witnessed Alex was completely naked with a woman he was holding in his arms it looked like he was kissing her neck that he couldn't even notice Lara's presence, Zeke's eyes widened slightly before he went back concealing it to his normal serious cold face that said" nothing surprises me anymore." on the other hand Lara felt like breaking down and just soak herself in tears," Alex!" it came out as a shaky whisper but Alex was able to hear it loud and clear, not taking it anymore Lara turned around and ran as fast as she could in tears. Alex pulled away looking at the direction where he heard Lara's voice and saw Zeke standing there looking calm and emotionless as always," Get out." Alex told the woman, she put on her robe and past by Zeke with a wink. Alex put on his clothes and approached Zeke," and what brings you here Zeke? don't tell me you want to talk about business." Alex raised a brow," what do you think you're doing Alex? what's the meaning of this?" Zeke asked calmly," don't you worry, I didn't have sex with her I needed her blood that's it." Alex explained pouring a glass of whiskey," and you had to do it while naked?"

" my little pumpkin must be waiting for me, you need to get some rest yourself." Alex tapped Zeke's shoulder about to leave when Zeke spoke," Lara isn't in her room, she was worried about you Alex, so I brought her here and what she saw wasn't present." Alex turned to Zeke his eyes flaming with anger, he instantly grabbed Zeke's collars in anger," Are you saying she -..

" she saw everything Alex, if I were you I would be long gone in search for her, before she becomes a midnight snack." Zeke said, Alex finally let go in search of his little wife. Zeke sighed looking at his watch, it was 00:30am in the morning sighing one more time he followed after Alex.