Chapter 23of23 A proposal

the next morning Lara arrived at the airport of England and was picked up by Will," Good to have you back Miss Bella." Will smiled he no longer called her Mrs Grey because he heard about what happened to his boss," thank you Will, I must say it's good to be back home." Lara smiled, it was hard for to leave her children behind but she needed them to learn more, plus she trusted Zeus. Will took her bags inside the car and opened her door, Lara got into the car and drove off, there was a lot traffic on the way Lara could only seat back and stare through the car window when she saw a familiar back making a turn in an empty alley," Alex! Lara's eyes widened slightly opening the door and went running after the man," Miss Bella! Shit." Will cursed about to go after her but the other cars began to beep their cars telling him to start moving, he turned on the car and found a place to park it and went to find Lara, Lara ran through the dark alley but couldn't see anyone," Alex!" she called out again but there was no answer she called out a few more times searching the place, when she finally realized there was no body there she fell on her knees sobbing," Miss Bella!" Will finally found her and helped her up taking her back to the car and drove her back home, Lara went straight upstairs to her room and clutching down on the floor and broke into tears while holding onto Alex' shirt taking in his scent, soon the bedroom door opened and tall figure walked in seeing a little woman clutched on the ground hugging His shirt tightly made him frown," Who are you? and what are you doing inside my room?" Lara's eyes widened hearing that sweet sexy familiar voice at first she thought she was just imagining it and that her ears were deceiving her," speak woman." Alex repeated even though he hated repeating himself, Lara finally turned around and saw Alex standing there with his hands in his pockets, he wore a black suit as always Lara couldn't believe her eyes she blinked and rubbed her eyes a few times but Alex didn't disappear from her sight he was still standing there, Lara was filled with different emotions," Alex! she could only whisper his name before she stood up from the floor and ran to him embracing him in a tight warm hug and broke into tears of happiness," Alex! it's - it's really you, you're back, you came back for me, I missed you so much." Lara buried her small face into his arms, Alex didn't hug her back instead he put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her away, Lara went stumbling back and fell to the ground painfully," Ah!

" I do not like repeating myself woman, for the last time, who are you? and how did you get into my house?" Alex said with grit teeth, Lara blinked a few times getting up and stared at him confusingly," Alex! it's me Lara, your wife, don't you remember me?" Lara said stepping forward, Alex also took a step back," Wife! he repeated," indeed I do have a wife, but that isn't you." he said, a short minute a woman walked in with a smile and when she saw Lara her smile completely faded, Lara was also shocked to see Tina Yuvi," You! Lara said looking at Tina angrily," what have you done to Alex? what have you done to my husband?" Lara screamed out," Your husband! Tina repeated with a chuckle," you mean my husband Lara, Alex and I got married a week ago, everyone in England knows we are a married couple." Tina smirked," what bullshit, Alex is still married to me, his my husband." Lara said with grit teeth, Tina stepped closer to Lara and leaned in to whisper near Lara's ear," you see Alex lost his memory, he doesn't remember you nor those stupid kids of yours, so just leave us alone." she smiled deviously stepping back," why you bi*tch." Lara grabbed Tina's hair pulling in hard, Alex stepped in separating the two of them and called security to throw Lara out," why you slat I'll get you back for this." Tina said angrily, Lara stared at Alex with tears in her eyes while she was being dragged away," we still respect you Mrs Grey but it is our job to obey, please forgive us." the guards apologized, Lara shook her head slightly," it's okay, you're only doing your job." Lara turned around and left, she didn't know where else to go she didn't want to crash at Bethany's apartment cause she didn't want to disturb the two love birds and she didn't want to go back to New York City, not after she just found Alex, sighing helplessly she could only sit on the bench near the bus stop, she sat there for half an hour when a black sports car stopped in front of her, Lara didn't mind looking at the person inside instead she looked to the other side, the car window rolled down and there was a tall man seated on the driver's seat, he wore all black with black sunglasses, he simply got out of the car and stood in front of Lara," long time no see, Miss Bella." Norman smiled slightly, Lara looked up and saw that handsome beautiful face she hasn't seen in a very long, long time," You! Lara stood up, Norman took off his glasses putting them in his jacket pocket," I have a proposal for you, Lara." he smiled slightly," I'm not interested." Lara said immediately," I see you haven't changed, declining my offer before even getting to hear it, I know what happened in Country G, I know what has happened to Alexander, so if you want my help to get in back, you will have to accept my proposal." Norman said calmly, Lara thought about it carefully indeed she wanted to get her husband back, but could she trust Norman? she thought, after a long time of wondering whether or not to accept," Fine, I'll accept your proposal, only if you tell me what you know." Lara said, Norman opened the door to his car, Lara got in shutting it by herself, Norman raised a brow with a smile opening the other side and hoped in," you see Alexander is cursed and a small fall like that couldn't kill him, yes he died but he came back to life again, he has died so many times in his existence but he always seemed to come back, cause that curse wouldn't let him rest." but Ezekiel and the other vampires took his body away for burial, and does he always loss his memory every time he died?" Lara asked curiously," that's the thing Lara, Alexander never lost his memory, if his pretending not to know you or recognize you, then it's either his Being blackmailed or trying to protect you or this time he just really lost his memory." Norman said calmly," Tina is a very sneaky dangerous psycho human I have came across with, I will help you figure out what is really going on and help you get back Alexander, but for that you must comply with what I'm suggesting."

" Which is?" Lara asked looking straight into his eyes," that you become my wife and live with me, after all you have no where to go." Norman said calmly, seeing her shocked expression Norman chuckled softly," Don't worry, it's a fake marriage a contract marriage, if he really lost his memory it will trigger something in him, and if he is just pretending I'm sure he won't stand it being with you and me calling you my wife." Norman explained, Lara thought about it and it seemed like a good idea, so she accepted Norman's proposal," Fine, I accept." Norman smiled starting the engine and drove to the courthouse, they signed a marriage contract, took pictures and got a marriage certificate and drove back to the mansion," Welcome back Mr Anderson, Mrs Anderson." a maid greeted with a slight bow taking Lara's bags upstairs," Jannie will show you to your room, you should get settled in and freshen up, will be leaving in ten minutes." Norman said," where are we going?" Lara asked Norman turned to look at her from head to toe," if you're going to be my wife, you need to dress like one." he told her, Lara frowned looking at her clothes she didn't see anything wrong with what she dressed like," don't you like my fashion?" she suddenly asked," it's alright, but you're dressing as Mrs Grey not Mrs Anderson and I expect to dress more like the Mafia's Wife, so enough talking and freshen up." Norman said calmly, Lara rolled her eyes going upstairs, Jannie showed her, her room. it was huge had a lot of space and was beautiful, the ceiling was made of smooth wood including the floor, the walls were white matching the sheets and pillows and the dark blue curtains, the huge bed was placed in the middle," will I be sharing this room with Mr Anderson?" Lara asked after hesitation, she only hoped not," Mr Anderson has his own room." Jannie said, Lara took a breath of relief, Jannie left her so she can settle in, she went to take a shower and got dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a black T-shirt with black leather high heels, she tied her hair into a ponytail before leaving the room, Norman looked up and saw Lara descending the stairs, Norman led the way opening the car door for her before they drove off, soon they arrived at a expensive boutique," Mr Anderson, such an honor to have you in our boutique." a man welcomed them with a warm smile," I would like to see your latest collection and expensive clothes, jewelry and shoes you have." Norman said sitting on the comfortable couch, the man called his workers to bring their expensive latest collection, Lara didn't hesitate picking out what she liked she took both dresses, skirts, tops and shirts, and jeans, expensive shoes and bikinis for summer," I think this is all, Mr Anderson." Lara said, the total amount costed about 1million two thousand, Norman paid the bill ordering his men to take the bags into the car," I would like to get my hair done as well." Lara said," say no more, my Lady." Norman smiled, shortly after they arrived at the hair salon," welcome Mrs Grey, Mr Anderson." the hairdresser smiled," Uh Miss Bella is alright." Lara said after seeing Norman's frown face, no one knew about their fake marriage so a lot of people still knew Lara as Alex's wife but soon enough Norman was going to make an announcement so people won't get suspicious and talk badly about Lara and her morals," tell me what you would like me to do with your beautiful hair Miss Bella?" she smiled sweetly," well I want a new look, something different like, giving me a blonde colour with a shade of black in the middle in front of my sculp and cut it shortly reaching my neck." Lara said," would you like it to be curly?" she asked," Just straight."

" beautiful choice." she said getting her tools and hair pray, the hairdresser worked her magic and within twenty minutes she was done, Lara was really tired for the day and just needed rest, going back home she took a warm bath got into her robe and fell on the soft comfortable bed drifting off in a deep slumber.

it was already Dawn when Lara flattered her eyes open, she got dressed in simple black jeans and a blue t-shirt and went downstairs," that was a long nap." Norman said when he saw Lara descending the stairs," I guess I was really exhausted." Lara said simply staring at a white card lying on the marbled table," what's that?" Lara asked," It's the Mayor's birthday, and his hosting a celebration, so I got an invite." Norman said calmly sipping on his wine," Tina's father? are you going?" Lara asked, she thought if they were invited then Tina and Alex are likely to be there and she so badly wanted to see Alex, she missed him so much and the thought of him being with some other woman made her heart ache so much, Norman stood up and approached Lara standing in front of her, she was so little in front of him she was only seen under his shadow," I'm only going if you agree coming with me." he gave a side ways smile, Lara nodded innocently," I'll go get ready, excuse me." Lara said and went back upstairs, she freshened up picking out a silver golden strapless dress with double slit on each side reaching her thighs, with silver high heels, she put on a diamond necklace around her neck that matched her diamond earrings and wristwatch, her blonde hair was perfectly smooth and shinny bringing out her gray moonlight eyes, Norman was already downstairs waiting for her, when his eyes looked up and saw Lara standing there he couldn't take his eyes off her, she looked like a goddess that just took his breath away but still wouldn't let him die, she looked so beautiful and magnificent, no woman could compare herself to Lara, Lara slowly descended the stairs and stood in front of Norman," how do I look?" Lara asked staring deep into his green eyes even her voice was like sweet poison to his ears," you - no words could describe your beauty, Lara, you look absolutely gorgeous." Norman gave a slight smile taking her hand in his, they both got into the car and drove off, soon they arrived at the mayor's mansion, the press were gathered outside waiting to make their headlines tonight, at first when they saw Alex and Tina they got really confused seeing them together and wondered where Lara was and why she wasn't the one with Alex," Mr Grey! why isn't Mrs Grey with you? is she sick that's why you decided to go with Miss Yuvi? the reporter asked," and our sources spotted Mrs Grey and Mr Anderson together this morning, mind telling us what is going on?" another male reporter asked but Alex said nothing so Tina stepped in," well I'll answer all your desperate questions ladies and gentlemen, you should know that Mr Grey and Lara Bella are not together anymore, I am Alexander's new legally wedded wife, so if you may excuse us, come hubby." Tina smiled sweetly," Miss Yuvi one more question." the reporters wanted more in tell but were blocked by security, Norman helped Lara out and proceeded to the entrance when the press saw them they didn't waste time snapping their cameras and recorders towards them," Mr Anderson what type of relationship is there between you and Miss Bella? and why does Miss Yuvi claim she's Mr Grey's legal Wife?" a reporter who was non other but Emily asked the question," well allow me to introduce Mrs Anderson, my new legally wedded wife, you must be confused so let me clear the confusion, Alexander and Lara are no longer together, now if you excuse us." Norman led Lara inside, Emily was totally confused and she could only get the answers she needs from Bethany, whilst inside, the lobby was filled with wealthy known people, Tina gave her father a warm hug," evening father." she smiled," princess, glad you could make it." he said turning to Alex," welcome Alexander." he gave a slight smile," A small gift." Alex handed him a small silk box," how thoughtful of you, son." he took the box," Mr Yuvi! a deep voice came from behind the three turned their heads to the side and saw Norman and Lara approaching," Mr Anderson glad you could make it." the mayor smiled turning to Lara, he knew she is Alexander's wife," you must already know Lara, my new wedded wife." Norman introduced," of course, I have read your book and I must say it's amazing." he smiled," well thank you Mr Yuvi, it's an honor." Lara smiled, Tina raised a surprisingly amused brow while on the other hand Alex didn't show any slight of reaction or emotion to the news," I was right about you after all Lara, it didn't take you long to trap somebody else, you are a slate." Tina said," Tina mind your language, I raised you better than this." her father said," you're saying I'm a slate, if I may remind you, you're the one who married a man who is still married and has two kids with his first wife, who's a bigger slate? all I know is that I'm not, cause Norman was a free man when I married him." Lara said simply, Tina was about to confront Lara when Alex grabbed her wrist and turned to look at Lara his eyes cold and emotionless like before he met her, at the moment he was looking at her the way he looks at everybody else, coldly," Miss Bella! you mind how you speak to Mrs Grey, otherwise I might lose my cool." Alex said calmly but coldly, Lara felt like breaking down hearing him address Tina as Mrs Grey shook her entire world like an earthquake, but she didn't let her face give away a painful hurtful reaction instead she stood up straight, looked deep into Alex's eyes and said," that's Mrs Anderson to you Mr Grey, and your wife started it first, you should keep her in her line or I will be the one to lose my cool." Lara said turning to Norman," come husband, I'm hungry."

" well just in time for dinner, why don't we take a seat over there." Mr Yuvi gave a awkward smile leading the way, Tina took Alex's hand and followed behind with a sigh Lara and Norman also tugged along, they sat on one table enjoying the meal when Lara noticed a piano far ahead and turned to Mr Yuvi,"that's a really nice piano, do you play?" Lara asked," actually no, it used to belong to my wife, she enjoyed playing it while she was still alive, I must say I do miss the sound that used to fill this empty halls, it hasn't been played for twenty years now, even Tina doesn't know how to play so it just sits there, lonely, but I get it cleaned every single day." he gave a faint smile," back in high school I used to take piano lessons, and on my 18th birthday my parents got me a piano as a gift,i enjoyed playing it every single day, do you mind if I play?" Lara asked," why not, please go ahead." Mr Yuvi nodded, Lara stood up approaching the piano, she touched the smooth surface of it and the keys tapping her little fingers on them, everyone kept quiet turning their heads towards her including Alex, Lara sat down taking a deep breath and began the marvelous sounds," this song is dedicated to someone I care about deeply, to my husband." Lara said Norman and Alex shared a quick glance before turning their attention back to Lara, cause non of them knew who Lara meant.


Heart, beats, fast colours and promises how to be brave, how can I love when I'm afraid to fall, but watching you stand alone, all of my doubt suddenly goes away some how, one step closer.


I have died every day waiting for you, darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years, i love you for a thousand more. time stands still beauty and worship is I will be brave I will not let anything take away standing in front of me every breath, every outcome has come to this, one step closer...


I have died every day waiting for you, darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years, I love you for a thousand more, all along I believed I will find you, time has come hard to meet, I have loved you for a thousand years, I love you for a thousand more....


Lara then ended the song with a beautiful smooth sound, everyone put their hands together for her, Lara gave a slight smile getting up and went back to the table," that was amazing Mrs Anderson, you have a great talented voice, is there anything you're not good at?" Mr Yuvi smiled," well thank you Mr Yuvi, actually I haven't sang in a really long time, so I was a little bit worried." Lara admitted," that was beautiful, I must say you surprise me every time." Norman smirked," let's just say it's one of my hidden talents." Lara smiled," if you may excuse me, I need to use the restroom." Sure upstairs to your left." Mr Yuvi said, Lara nodded and went upstairs, shortly after Norman's phone rang," excuse me, it's work." Norman excused himself going to the room, Alex turned to Tina and said," I have to make an important call, I'll be back." he said standing up, when Tina was left with her father alone he leaned in looking at his daughter disappointedly," never in my wildest imagination that you would go this far Tinashe, I'm highly disappointed in you, what is it you're really planning child?" he asked," please don't start father, I'm only getting back what's mine, Alexander was supposed to get married to me, but Lara came along and snatched him away from me, but my plan won't fail now, I managed to separate them and now with time Alex will get to love me." Tina smiled crazily her father couldn't believe what he was hearing he thought his daughter has lost her mind completely," Tina! you do not know Alexander that well do you? you think he would just accept it and leave Lara alone? he might look calm and collected but his planning something and I know it won't end well for you, just stop all of this while there's still time, look what he did to your beautiful face and body, you have scares every where that will never go away."

" enough father, I have heard enough, I know what I'm doing, so better stay out of it." she said angrily, Mr Yuvi could only remain quiet it seemed he could not talk it out to his daughter.

whilst upstairs Lara fixing her make-up when she heard the bathroom door open," hello! anybody there?" she asked going to see who it was when Alex stood in front her," Alex! she whispered his name," you are one stubborn woman Lara." Alex sighed softly leaning by the door with his hands in his pockets," you - you didn't forget me, you - you still remember me." Lara said in a flat tone," yes, and you're ruining my plan, don't you see that, I'm trying to protect you, yet you still keep showing up, making me jealous and making it hard for me to resist you, to resist touching you, kissing you and making you mine." Alex groaned helplessly," but why? why Tina? and what are you trying to protect me from? why did you marry her when you know perfectly you're still married to me Alex?" Lara raised her voice higher and higher," cause she's the one who has the remote to the bomb that's deep buried into your skin, that night you were kidnapped she ordered Julian to inject a small chip bomb into your skin on your back, she threatened that if I don't marry her she won't hesitate to kill you, Lara I would never let anything bad happen to you, besides the marriage is fake." Alex said calmly," you - you mean I have a bomb inside me? that could go off any time soon?" Lara began to panic, Alex held her cheek caressing it slightly," I promise I will find a way to remove that bomb, but for now stay calm, don't give anything away that will make Tina suspicious, alright?" Alex said, Lara nodded," I like your new look, it brings out your wild side." Alex smirked his finger moving to her lips caressing it softly intending to kiss her," I'm a married woman Mr Grey, I would be cheating on my husband if I kiss you." Lara whispered falling deep in his touch," you're not legally married to him, plus you're still legally my wife, I have every right." Alex said pulling her body even closer to his, Lara gasp closing her eyes," we must go back, before anybody gets suspicious that we are both missing." Lara said pulling back," I love you Alex." Lara said before leaving the bathroom and went back stairs, when Norman saw Lara coming back he simply approached her," we're leaving, now." he told her, Lara creased her brows," did anything happen?" Lara asked confusingly to why they have to leave so soon," something just came up and I can't leave you alone, so you're coming with me." Norman said, turning to Mr Yuvi," we had a great time mayor, but we must leave." he said," understood, please take care, Mrs Anderson." Lara nodded leaving with Norman," we should also head back, it's pretty late and I have work to take care of tomorrow morning." Alex said from behind," see you father." Tina hugged her father and left with Alex.