Chapter 22of22 the witches

Lara led Zeus to meet the kids in the Royal garden, as always Mariana was snacking on her snacks while Max just watched her in silence," if you continue snacking on those you will gain a lot of weight and you will look unattractive, do you want that to happen?" Lara said approaching them, Mariana looked down on her body and thought for a while before she stared back at her potato chips," here Max, you can have them am full." Mariana gave them to Max Lara winked at Max with a slight smile, Max was so happy taking the potato chips and started snacking on them," and who are you?" Mariana looked up at Zeus, Zeus smiled clutching down on her level," I'm Zeus and you are?" he introduced himself," I'm Mariana and that's Max my little brother."

" Aha we are the same age only seconds late." Max retorted, Zeus chuckled and said," you two look like smart kids, can you keep a secret?" Mariana got excited she loved secrets and was also good at keeping them same goes with Max," we can keep a secret." Max and Mariana said at the same time, Zeus smiled and sat them down on the garden chair," has your mother ever read you books about fairytale books?" he asked," yes a lot of them." Mariana answered excitedly," can you mention some of them to me?" Zeus smiled slightly," well she read me about a mermaid princess, and yes Daddy once read to me about a vampire prince who fell in love with a beautiful human girl, although I didn't see him reading it out of the story book." Mariana said," is that so, was the vampire prince kind?" yes he was so kind and loved his wife so much." she smiled sweetly," do you think vampires exist in real life?" Zeus asked," well it was just a story." Mariana said calmly," what if they truly exist and one was to appear in front of you, would you be frightened?" Zeus asked reading both Max and Mariana's expressions but to his surprise they were so calm in fact there was a hint of excitement in their eyes," I would like to meet one if they truly existed." Mariana said excitedly Zeus didn't expect such a response he liked these kids already and thought it will be easy teaching them understand their true nature," you know vampires are unique creatures, they are very fast, have a sharp earring sense and can smell things from a mile away and when they feel threatened their claws and fangs elongate and their eyes glow red." Zeus explained," wow really, they seem cool." Mariana smiled brightly," would you like to see one?" Zeus asked Mariana nodded, Zeus looked at Lara giving her a assuring nod before standing up, and his eyes turned red allowing his fangs to elongate, he clutched back down again to face them," still not scared?" he smirked Mariana stretched out her finger to touch his pointy fang and little blood appeared on her finger," you - you're real." while Mariana was still astonished the little wound on her finger healed and it was like there was no bruise there," vampires also have the ability to heal deep wounds in a matter of seconds." Zeus explained," is mommy also a vampire?" Max asked causing Lara almost to chock," of course not, only your father and you got that ability from him, cause his vampire blood runs through the veins and since your mom is human it makes the both of you half vampire half human." he explained it to them and told them the family history and how all those people in the castle is related to them," you're already grown up and at this age is the perfect age for you to understand your vampire abilities, and I will be here to teach you how to use and control them, alright."

" Alright." they nodded, Lara breathed a sigh of relief, it went smoothly than she expected, she thought that they might freak out and panic but to her relief they seem okay with it even excited for that matter," Lara!" Lara turned around and saw Madame Grey approaching her," yes mother." she smiled slightly," I would like you to come with me." she said calmly," where to?" Lara asked," My village where my people reside, it's been ages I went back home, I would like to see them again and I would like them to meet you too." Madame Grey smiled Lara nodded turning to Zeus," Zeus I'm leaving with mother, please take good care of Mariana and Max." Lara said," don't worry about them I'll take good care of them, but I can't let you go by yourselves." Zeus said and called for one of his commrads," this is Gavin he will accompany you and protect you two." he said calmly Lara and madam Grey nodded, Lara kissed Mariana and Max goodbye and left. Gavin drove them away from the castle it was a thirty minutes drive, soon the car stopped in front of the dark forest the three got out the car and stood in front of the forest," this is your home?" Lara asked looking at the isolated dark lonely scary forest. madam Grey smiled," not quite, other witches guard this place and protect it from unwanted visitors, come." Madame Grey led the way, the place was so dark and cold so she used murmured a spell and a light appeared on the hand of her palm, Lara could feel the eyes watching them their every step but since Madame Grey was there she could worry no more. they walked for twenty minutes and soon they were out of the dark forest and appeared into a village a very beautiful peaceful village, Lara was left speechless, the sun was bright they were houses and shops, cafes and a play park and beautiful gardens," this - this is so beautiful, this is your home?" Lara asked happily looking around," yes, but this is where the humans stay, my people and I stay a little further away but they do come here and blade in with the others." she said leading the way, they took a car and drove away from the village and soon arrived at a secret territory," Lara! welcome to waterfalls village, my home." Madame Grey smiled slightly Lara's eyes widened with admiration there was waterfalls everywhere and beautiful caves, green grass and different types of beautiful flowers," it's magnificent mother." Lara smiled admiring her surrounding, Lara saw the witches beginning to surround them, they were so many and beautiful too both young and old, Gavin took out his daggers in case they were about to attack them, but instead they bowed to their Queen," Welcome back Queen Bianca." Bianca nodded slightly," take care of our guest, be nice." Bianca said and left with Lara into the Queen's cave, Bianca motioned for Lara to take a seat while she sat on her throne," Lara the reason I brought you here is because I can't do what I'm supposed to do at the castle." she spoke, Lara creased her brows confused," what do you mean?" Lara asked," before Alex died he asked something of me."... something? Lara repeated, Bianca brought out a bottle of green liquid with white smoke in it," this is the gulag potion, many years ago the previous witch Queens created this potion and offered it to the vampire king who mated with a human, he gave this potion to the woman to take so that she could live for a long time and bear more children for the King, I had a few remained and as much Ezekiel, James and Kay care about their partners, I gave it to them and I'm only remaining with one bottle that I know Alex would want you to have." Bianca explained, Lara stared at the small bottle before her gaze shifted back to look at Bianca," Alex is gone, even if I consume this potion he won't come back. I have lost him forever so what's the point." Lara teared up," Mariana and Max have vampire blood, they will live for a long time and they need their mother by their side for a long time, do it for them." Bianca handed Lara the green liquid. Lara hesitated for a long time before consuming the potion, Lara felt a little bit dizzy after consuming the liquid her vision became blur, everything around her was spinning crazily," is it supposed to feel -. before she could finish her sentence Lara fell to the ground," Lara! Bianca rushed over to her a bit worried," Lara! are you okay." she asked feeling her heartbeat, Bianca got extremely worried when she couldn't hear Lara's heartbeat and her breathing also stopped, Bianca called upon two other witches to carry Lara and lay her down on the Cristal bed," what could have gone wrong, I do not understand. Maya and Mira are fine but why Lara." she murmured to herself while looking for her spell book, soon she found an old witches spell book and flipped on a certain page, her eyes widened slightly staring at Lara's body, she summoned a watch and sent it to deliver a message at the Kin castle.


Bethany leaving the hospital building and was about to get into the car when a man spoke behind her in the parking section," give your bag and no one gets hurt baby girl." Bethany turned around and saw a man aiming a gun at her, Bethany lifted her hands in the air staring at the gun, her heart racing at a high rate," plea - please I will give you anything you ask for, but please don't shoot." Bethany stumbled on her words, the man smirked approaching her and scanned her perfect body with a mischievous grin on his ugly face," anything huh, well I wouldn't mind getting a taste of you baby." he traced her chest down to her stomach with his gun while taking in her sweet scent, Bethany shut her eyes tight tears forming in her eyes all those bad things that happened to her years ago came rushing back into her mind," please, don't." she begged, before he could even lay a finger on Bethany's clothes the man was pulled back with a strong force hitting one of the cars Bethany opened her eyes and say Kay grabbing onto the man's neck firmly throwing him across the room," plea - please don't kill me, I - I didn't know she belonged to you." the man pleaded," it's a little bit to apologise don't you think? I'll make sure you never touch her again." Kay said with grit teeth, his claws sank deep into his neck, Bethany clapped her mouth in terror and disbelief, looking into Kay's red eyes she couldn't believe what she was just seeing," Beth -.

" don't, don't come close to me or I will scream." Bethany trembled slightly getting into her car and drove away, soon she arrived at her apartment she quickly got out of her car and rushed upstairs locking the door and windows to her apartment and fell on the ground and wrapped herself like a heap, Kay was standing in a dark corner watching the little woman so frightened and in disbelief," are you that frightened of me? Bethany heard Kay's voice from a far corner, she quickly stood up staring at the dark corner," do you see me and think of me as a monster, Bethany?" he asked approaching her," Stop! don't come any closer, tell me what are you?" she asked. Kay gave a side way smile and tilted his head," are you scared? I can never hurt you Bethany, you mean everything to me, I can take it if you become angry with me but I can never handle you leaving me." Kay explained taking Bethany off guard in a blink of an eye Kay was standing in front of Bethany his face close to her feeling each other's warm breath, they're eyes locking in an intense unexplainable feeling," Bethany! when I never appeared to see you off at the hospital that day is because I was trying to figure out my feelings for you, I was lost, disturbed and freaking out. I was losing my mind, so I decided to get away from you so I could figure out what I was feeling, till I realized I had fallen for you Bethany, I love you." Kay said leaning on her neck, Bethany's eyes widened slightly so many things happening at once she didn't know how to handle or react to all this, when didn't get any response or reaction from Bethany he continued," I'm not human Bethany but my feelings for you are real and true, I really love you." Kay said Bethany lifted her head to meet Kay's gaze," why are you doing this to me?" she teared up, Kay lifted his finger to wipe her tears," Bethany! he whispered his lips brushing on hers," Kay please, don't." Bethany pleaded against his lips, Kay controlled his desire on trying to make her his scaring her is the last thing he didn't want to do, stepping back he looked at her face as if searching for something," are you okay?" he finally asked," yes, I - I just need to a shower excuse me." Bethany went straight to her room and into the bathroom shutting the door closed, Kay sighed falling on the sofa closing his eyes.


it didn't take long when Ezekiel arrived at waterfalls village, he was escorted towards Bianca's cave. seeing Lara lying on the Cristal bed dead he sighed heavily," it looks like history is repeating it's self Ezekiel, what happened to the king's human mistress is happening to Lara, all we need to do now is wait for night to fall then she'll come back." Bianca explained, Zeke didn't say a word he just turned around and left, night came and Lara's body was taken outside under the full moon, the witches surrounded her while Bianca stood in front of her as she began to murmur some words which were spells, Zeke and Garvin stood afar watching quietly, soon black smoke surrounded Lara's entire body her body began to burn slowly till her body was left like it was made of black ashes, Bianca stared at the unmoving body and got really worried that she must have messed up the spell after all it was her first time performing the spell she only saw it in the previous witch Queens Cristal ball, after a long time she could see some movements, Lara lifted her body breathing heavily as if woken up from a deep long nightmare, she was completely naked with ashes stuck to her perfect slender body, Zeke turned to Garvin without getting any word out from Ezekiel he turned around and left the place Zeke also followed behind, Bianca took a white sheet covering Lara up and led her to the stream to clean up, after taking a bath Lara wore a gray clork to keep herself warm," how do you feel?" Bianca asked handing her a cup of warm ginger tea," I feel great." Lara smiled slightly taking a sip," do you feel anything different?" Bianca asked studying Lara's face intensely," Not really, just that I feel like I have been reborn again you know, I feel young again and it's a good feeling." Lara smiled before her smile began to disappear," I just wish Alex would come back to me, I really miss him mother." Lara's eyes began tearing up, Bianca could only pull her in for an embrace stroking her back," I miss him too, but everything will be alright, that I promise you Lara." she comforted her. Zeke, Gavin and Lara spent the night in waterfalls village and went back to the castle the next morning, Lara was walking in the empty corridors when she bumped into a young gentle man, when the young man saw Lara approaching he slightly bowed his head," greetings, sister in-law." he greeted formally Lara recognized the young man immediately he was the one who threw a dagger at her on her first arrival here, Lara took a good look at him, he was slightly tall had dark hair with brown chocolate eyes he had a slightly pale smoothly skin, he wore a white shirt and a pair of black trousers with black leather shoes, he resembled Alex's facial features and charms it was like looking at a young version of Alex," allow me to introduce myself, I'm Reigndo Kin, Alexander's younger brother, I apologise about our last encounter I didn't mean to throw that dagger on your way, I was training and mistakenly threw it towards your direction." he explained casually," it's alright, you can call me Lara." Lara smiled slightly," you look just like him, you resemble Alex." she added," you lost a husband and I lost a big brother, I'm sorry." Reigndo said calmly," I'm sorry too." Lara said, Reigndo didn't say another word he then past by her and walked away, Lara stared at his straight back that showed authority and said nothing could ever bring him down he reminded Lara more of Alex, giving out a faint smile she proceeded.


Bethany woke up and stared at her bedside watch and saw how late she was," Shit 10am." she cursed under her breath getting out of bed and hurried to the bathroom, she took a shower and got dressed into a white shirt with a black skirt that shaped her curvy figure with black high heels, she grabbed her bag and phone living the room, when she reached the living room she saw a bunch of food laying on the kitchen table," Good morning, you're finally awake." Kay smiled pulling out a seat for Bethany," I made breakfast, I didn't know what you would like to eat so I made any breakfast I thought you would like most." he added Bethany approached the table and sat down staring at the food in disbelief," this is a little bit extra for one person don't you think, what time did you even get up to make all of this? and why didn't you wake me up?" Bethany looked at Kay," you were sleeping soundly and I didn't want to disturb you." Kay said calmly Bethany looked at the food not knowing where to start from or what to eat, seeing her struggling with what to choose Kay dished her up with little of every type of breakfast and poured a cup of coffee for her," thank you." she grabbed a folk and took a bite of some toast with honey, then a piece of pancakes, later on ended with some fresh grapes, Bethany leaned back in her seat taking a rest from the heavy sweet tasty breakfast she just ate," that was really yummy thank you, I didn't know you could actually cook Mr Zen." she smiled," just include it in my many talents Miss Bella." Kay smirked," oh shit I forgot how late I am." Bethany stood up in a hurry," I will drop you off." Kay offered grabbing his jacket and car keys, soon they arrived in front the building," I can come in with you if you want?" Kay said calmly," no I'll be alright." Bethany declinedd politely getting out of the car and waved good bye before going inside the building, she was immediately welcomed by a frowned director who didn't seem pleased," you're late Bethany, this isn't the time you're supposed to report for work, to make matters worse this is your second day." Ella complained," I'm so sorry miss Ella, I overslept and -.

" Such an excuse won't be tolerated next time Bethany, keep that in mind." Ella cut her off," yes ma'am, sorry."

" Any problem here?" a deep sexy voice came from behind everyone in the section area turned to look at Kay and they couldn't believe their eyes that non other than Mr Zen was inside their building, Ella was dazed by his magnificent appearance, she has only seen his face on TV, internet, magazines and newspapers but here he was standing inside her building seeing him face to face, it was like a dream come true for her, she didn't know what to say, do or react she could only stand there putting on a smile," Anything wrong here?" Kay repeated looking at Bethany's distressed face," hmm Mr Zen! such a present surprise, I must say it's an honor to have you in our building, Ahm care to join me inside my office for some coffee?" Ella smiled sweetly," thank you but I already had breakfast with Bethany back home." Kay said turning to Bethany," you forgot your phone in the car." Kay handed it over to her," thanks." I'll pick you up this evening." Kay said placing a soft kiss on her forehead and turned to leave, everyone was left speechless and confused including Bethany herself she couldn't believe Kay just did that in front of everyone in her work place, Ella turned to Bethany as if waiting for an explanation," Bethany! you know Mr Zen? how do you know him? what type of relationship do you two share? and do you two stay together? Ella asked questions after another question," His Bethany's boyfriend Miss Ella, they're so cute right?" Emily made her way through the conversation after seeing Bethany stuck," you and Mr Zen are dating?" her eyes widened slightly," well it's not like -.

" you heard me right ma'am so if I were you I mind how I speak to Bethany, just a suggestion no offense." Emily cut Bethany off from saying something stupid before dragging her away from Ella," Emily! what did you just do? why did you say Kay and I are in a relationship when we're not? do you know this could spread like wild fire?" Bethany said," relax I'll make sure that doesn't happen, didn't you see how every girl here including Ella was eying your man, you need to mark your territory girl." Emily said calmly, Bethany could only sigh shaking her head going back to work. at 1pm Bethany and Emily went to have lunch at a near by restaurant and Lucas was the one who drove them and accompanied them by Kay's orders to look after Bethany, the three entered the restaurant and was led to their table," wow this is so fancy, I can get used to this." Emily giggled," right." Bethany rolled her eyes with a smile, Lucas went to get a drink and sat on the black couch near by where he could keep a close eye on the two ladies," excuse me, I will have a strawberry milkshake with white cream and your finest blue berry pie and french fries and a bugger, thank you." Emily ordered," I will have an apple lemon juice, thank you." Bethany ordered Emily frowned slightly," Bethany Bella! you're at a finest expensive restaurant and you order just a juice?" Emily said highly disappointed," you speak for your self, I don't see anything fancy you've ordered apart from junk food." Bethany retorted which somehow managed to get through her and greatly satisfied Bethany, not to far away from where Lucas was seated, there were two young women who seemed to be talking about Bethany and laughing," she is the same girl who was Taylor's Victim, I saw it on the internet before it was taken down completely." the woman said looking at Bethany," she must had someone powerful on her side that they were able to erase such information." the other woman added," of course, her sister is married to Mr Grey and she was recently spotted with Mr Zen, and rummers has it that they've been leaving together, such a slate." the first woman cursed Bethany," so she thinks that such a wealthy charming high standard like Mr Zen, he would actually be interested in her? she's a already used useless empty cane, he would only use her, get what he wants and dump her like trash she really is, besides Mr Zen has never been known for someone to be in a relationship later alone getting married, not even the great famous Nia Fox didn't get that chance with him." the other woman added and they both laughed out, Bethany could hear their every word and could only clutch her fist tightly," how dare they say such dirty things about you like that? I'll go talk to them and give them a piece of my mind." Emily said annoyingly but Bethany grabbed her wrist stopping her," no! I'm not in the mood for any drama, let's just go." Bethany said grabbing her bag," But -. Emily wanted to speak but was dragged away by Bethany, Lucas stood up and stood in front of the young women," You be expecting Mr Zen's lawyers ladies, good day." he said before following after Bethany and Emily, the two ladies stared at each other with worry and concern written all over their faces, outside the restaurant Bethany told Lucas to drive them back to work, soon they arrived in front of the building," You should go back to work Emily, I don't think I will be able to concentrate on my work, if Ella ask about me, tell her I'm not feeling too well." Bethany said calmly," if you want I can come with you and keep you company Beth, you shouldn't be alone." Emily suggested," No! you need to work, I will be alright I just want to be alone right now." Bethany gave a faint smile Emily couldn't see her broken image right through her but respected her decision," alright, take care of yourself alright, I'll see you tomorrow." Emily gave her a tight reassuring hug, before getting out of the car and went inside, Lucas immediately drove away," Lucas! I know Kay is your boss and it's your duty to inform him of everything, but please just this once, don't inform him of what so ever happened today, please." Bethany said even though she knew it was impossible for him to inform Kay about it she still wanted to try her luck and pray inside that this matter won't get to Kay, leaning back in the seat she could only close her eyes till the reached the apartment, Bethany got out of car and went inside, dropping all her stuff on the couch she took off her heels clutching down and broke into tears, sobbing as much as she could, whilst back in the company, Kay's hand was clutching tightly on his phone when he got a call from Lucas, his eyes were flaming with anger and rage, he no longer looked his cheerful calm, soft self anymore, he got up from his seat and rushed out of his office," Mr Zen! the meeting as began and they're waiting for you." his secretary said when she saw him rushing out of his office," cancel it, something important came up." Kay said passing her by, Hope didn't dare say another word she just took a deep breath heading to the conference room. it didn't take long when Kay arrived at the apartment, he opened the door going inside, and saw a little woman curled up into a heap, her face buried into her arms, Kay slowly approached Bethany and got on his knees to gather her in his arms carefully, it seemed she had fallen asleep from all the crying, he took her to the bathroom and laid her down carefully and covered her with a light sheet," I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you Bethany, I wasn't there when you needed me the most." Kay whispered removing some strains of hair from her face, he stared at her sleeping face for a while the more he stared at her innocent face the more he wanted to punish those girls, placing a soft kiss on her forehead he got up to leave when he suddenly paused when he heard her voice," where are you going? you just got here." Bethany spoke in a husky shallow voice, even her voice changed from all the sobbing, Kay turned around and saw her sitting up," you need rest and I have to take care of something." Kay said calmly but Bethany could hear anger behind it," Kay! please stay with me, I don't want you to leave me, ever." Bethany said, Kay approached her bedside and sat next to her holding her cheek, caressing it slightly," I will never leave you Bethany, not ever, you're mine." Bethany touched the back of his hand caressing it before he stretched it reaching for his face and caressing his pink soft lips," then make me yours, make me forget my past and only your body and scent should be printed on my body, and only your sweet scent should linger on me for as long as we are together." Bethany whispered closing her eyes, Kay studied her face for a while before his lips collided with hers, Bethany wrapped her arms around Kay's neck deepening the kiss, Kay groaned pulling back," Bethany! is this what you really want, I can wait." Kay said even though it was hard for him to pull back and control his desire to have her, he was still considering her feelings," does any one ever told you, you talk to much." Bethany said colliding her lips with his again Kay smirked along her lips knowing there is no turning back, Bethany reached for his shirt unbuttoning them one by one, Kay let her took off his shirt unbuttoning her shirt next, his lips traveled to her jawline down to her neck placing soft tender passionate kisses, going further down to her chest sucking and kissing her two white sweet breast before he moved to her flat stomach down to her abdomen, Bethany moaned biting down her lower lip, Kay placed one finger inside her then placed another finger stroking in and out," Ah Kay! Bethany moaned Kay stared at her moaning face before placing a passionate kiss on her lips whilst his two fingers do the magic, Bethany was getting close to seeing the fireworks almost on the top of the mountain," Cum for me Bethany." Kay whispered, Bethany clutched on to his back almost reaching for the stars, finally she exploded and couldn't believe how wonderful that felt, but Kay wasn't done in fact he hasn't gone to the best part yet, he stood up and stood on the bedside of the bed and took off his clothes completely while staring at Bethany who was still trying to catch a breath, he slowly leaned in taking off her skirt leaving the both of them completely naked only their bodies touching, feeling each other's warmth and pleasure, Kay split her legs apart so he was in the middle of her long sexy legs, Bethany's heart skipped a beat because she still remembered it, how painful and uncomfortable it was, seeing her hesitant and worried face Kay cupped her cheek placing a reassuring kiss on her lips," I will be gentle, I won't hurt you Bethany." Kay said staring into her innocent eyes, Bethany nodded, Kay made sure her legs widened a little bit more so he wouldn't struggle, he was careful enough to get it in, Bethany shut her eyes closed feeling a sting of pain," Ahh!" she bit her lip clutching on his shoulders her nails dang into his skin, it wasn't long till that pain was replaced with pleasure and sweetness, Kay didn't move till her inside adjusted to his size before he began to move stroking back and forth," oh damn Bethany." Kay closed his eyes increasing some speed," Ah! Bethany moaned kissing and biting on to Kay's neck," you're so tight baby, f**k." Kay kissed her lips increasing the pressure, their sweaty bodies moved in perfect harmony, the room was filled with their sweet moans and pleasurable sounds till they both reached their limits and touched the sky, Kay pulled out in time falling on his back beside Bethany, they were both breathing heavily trying to catch a breath, no one spoke, finally Kay looked back at Bethany with an amused smirk on his gorgeous face," you were amazing Bethany, thank you." he placed a kiss on her forehead," take a shower with me." Bethany said," I thought you would never ask my dearest." Kay smiled gathering her into his arms heading to the bathroom, Bethany giggled excitedly.