Bonus Chapter 29of29 Summer

summer came and the students were busy leaving with their drivers going home, Mariana and Rosa finished packing up their bags and went to wait outside for their car, shortly after Max and Iven also came out with their bags," looks like somebody is excited to go back home." Iven smirked," I'm excited to show Rosa around, she'll be stuck with me the entire summer." Mariana smiled, Rosa and Max shared a stare before looking away, two black cars arrived and the driver stepped out to pick up their bags," your highness? her highness? prince Iven and..

" Rosa." Rosa introduced herself," Lady Rosa." they bowed slightly opening the car door, even though Rosa come from a wealthy family and the servants and drivers give her respect, it couldn't match up to the respect she received just now, she felt like a true princess, Max and Iven took the second car while Rosa and Mariana hopped in the first car, the drive was an hour straight, while Mariana closed her eyes to take a rest Rosa didn't even want to blink, she was enjoying the view of the woods to the city and back to the woods again which led to the castle," wake up Mariana, we are here." Rosa nagged her to wake up, Mariana flattered her eyes open and saw the castle was coming near or to be more precisely they were getting near, the cars went through the huge iron gate and stopped in the courtyard, Lara and Mira were happily waiting in the courtyard, Mariana got out of the car running to embrace her mother in a warm tight hug," how are you mother?"

" I'm perfectly alright and more thrilled to have you back dear." Lara smiled," I missed you so much Aunt Mira." Mariana gave Mira a hug," not as much as I missed you." Mira pinched her cheek teasingly, Max and Iven got out of the car approaching them," mother." Iven hugged Mira," Aunt Mira." Max smiled slightly but Mira pulled him in for hug," don't have your father's attitude Max." she told him before releasing him, he turned to Lara and gave her a slight bow but it wasn't enough, not resisting she threw her arms around his waist for a hug," I'm glad you're here, I missed you so much." she smiled, Max didn't hug her back he just stood there like a statue till she finally let go," Mom I would like to introduce you to my friend." Mariana said looking back, Rosa stepped out of the car approaching them," your majesty, her highness." Rosa bowed her head to both Lara and Mira," mom this is Rosa my roommate and my friend." it's a pleasure meeting you in person your majesty." Rosa smiled," please call me Lara." Lara smiled sweetly," Uhm well... sure Lady Lara." Rosa couldn't just manage calling the Queen of vampires by her name," Where is father?" Mariana asked when she couldn't see her Dad around," he is in his study discussing some work with Ezekiel and James." Lara said," and Aunty Maya?" Mariana asked when she also noticed Maya wasn't there," she went to receive pageant at the airport they will be back soon." Mira told her," we all must be tired, let's go inside, freshen up and have breakfast." Lara said," sure, I'm starving." Mariana rubbed her belly," glad you still have your uncontrollable appetite." Mira teased her." it's always craving for tasty food, especially yours." Mariana giggled and they all went inside.

" welcome to my humble weird room." Mariana said calmly, she said it was weird because people always think it was including pageant, Iven and her own brother all because of the colors she chose, her room only had two colors and that was white and gray just like in all Alex's rooms in different countries, she always liked these colors ever since she was little, she is just like her father whatever he was into she was also into that, Rosa looked around the room she couldn't believe how huge and elegant it was, it had a lot of space with only two colors, white and gray curtains, a huge wooden bed in the middle with white sheets and pillows, a white couch and a glass marbled table, two gray wardrobes and a smooth white marbled ceiling, it was really wonderful, and it had a balcony that over looked the dark forest, a beautiful view indeed, Rosa turned to Mariana with lit up eyes," if you think this room is weird think again, it's amazing oh my goodness, I love the colors and the view, Mariana it's huge my room can go in twice." Rosa smiled brightly," my mom was the only one who thought I chose such beautiful colors, and now you're the second one to think the same, I have my Dad's taste." Mariana praised herself," well let's get you settled in." Mariana took both their bags putting them aside," the servants will transfer them in the wardrobes later on, freshen up they must be waiting for us." Rosa nodded going to the bathroom, even the bathroom was just as big and thrilling, she shook her head slightly," enough dazing Rosa, shower." she told herself, taking off her clothes and turned on the shower, the warm water poured down on her sliding till it covered her whole body, she washed her hair with shampoo and washed it off, after finishing up she wrapped herself with a white towel going back to the room, Mariana already used the other bathroom to shower and was getting dressed, she wore white loose pants that held her waist tightly well and a yellow t-shirt with white high heels, her long brown hair was tied up into a bun nicely, Rosa wore a black leather tight skirt that reached her thighs and a white body top with black high heels, her slightly longer hair was left loose," let's go meet the rest." Mariana said and they left the room.

back in Alexah's room a knock echoed from outside, Alexah just finished up dressing, she wore Black jeans and a black T-shirt with black high heels, her long brown hair was tied into a ponytail, she looked like a woman in black, opening the door she saw Lara standing there with a warm smile on her face," Mommy Lara." Alexah gave Lara a warm hug, Lara hugged her back before pulling back," I thought you wouldn't come see me, I thought you -..

" that I do not ever want to see you again? Lara finished her words, Alexah stared down on her hands sadly, Lara lifted her chin up," you're also my daughter Alexah, I adore you like any of my kids, Max' and Mariana's big sister, don't let yourself feel like a stranger in your own family, this is your house." Lara smiled," did father tell you why I am here? Alexah asked her," he said you wanted to spend summer here." Lara answered, Alexah sighed softly nodding her head," everyone must be waiting for us." Lara said and the two of them left to join the others in the dining hall, Mariana and Rosa were walking through the long endless corridors and saw three tall figures walking in front of them, Mariana could never lose that broad straight, proud back, it was her father and her two Uncles," Father!" Mariana called out excitedly, Alex turned around and saw that beautiful face and sweet smile of his daughter, her smile always makes him smile, it was like magic that one couldn't resist no matter what, Alex opened his arms for her and she ran into them like a little girl running for candy, Mariana enveloped her little self into his warm sweet embrace," how are you my little muffin?" Alex smiled patting her head gently," I'm alright father, how are you?" Mariana smiled back sweetly," more than alright." he told her," Uncle Ezekiel? Uncle James." Mariana bowed slightly, James smiled back at her so warmly and sweetly nodding at her while Zeke just kept a straight emotionless face, to be more specific his poker face, Mariana already got used to his poker face expression, she likes James more he always jokes and smiles at her, he is less scary, the gentlemen's eyes all drifted to the young woman standing a few inches away and got a little curious, Rosa felt like melting and flow away like a river just by their stare, not only were they godly breathtaking but dangerously gorgeous and threatening," everyone this is my friend Rosa, and she will be staying with me through out summer." Mariana introduced," your majesty? your highness? his highness?" Rosa bowed greeting them all," Rosa huh? Alex repeated jointing her," I'm glad you were able to make a friend, you're not the type to make friends easily." Alex added," and who's fault is that? I did get it from you after all." Mariana teased him which made him chuckle," I suppose." Alex admitted," I think we should start going otherwise mother will blame me and not you." Mariana said to Alex gesturing Rosa to walk with them, hesitantly she walked along side Mariana silently, soon they arrived in the dining hall where everyone was already settled and waiting for them, Mariana spotted a unfamiliar face but those eyes, those facial features and hair, she could never lose that face, Mariana disliked Alexah ever since she decided to leave her, she swore to herself that she'll never miss her or forgive her, till now she is still keeping that promise she made to herself fifteen years ago, Alex took a seat on his chair while Zeke and James sat on his left side along Mira, Zeviour and Reign and Rosa, while Lara, Mariana, Alexah, Max and Iven sat on his right hand side and ate in silence, the silence went on and it felt suffocating and weird so Alex spoke out," so Rosa! what classes are you in?" Alex asked which shocked Rosa that he was talking to her but collected herself in time," well I'm in history class, were we lean about people that existed before humans and vampires and witches are real examples, it's really amazing getting to know such amazing things, I enjoy history quite a lot." Rosa smiled," do you take history class Mariana?" Alex asked his daughter," no, I am not interested in learning about the past, why bother myself when you can tell me if I want to know something Dad." Mariana said simply, Alex smiled back staring at Alexah who had her face fixed on her plate even though she looked drifted off," ain't you considering going back to school and finish your last year so you can graduate, Alexah?" Alex spoke, Alexah paused for a while but she didn't mind looking up at Alex while she spoke," I already know what I need to know, I'm well educated and I don't think I need graduation to prove that, besides I need to focus on my family business, I think I just lost appetite, excuse me." Alexah put down her fork and knife and left the table, Lara got a little bit worried and was about to go after her but Alex held her hand giving her a slightly reassuring smile.


At England's airport a private airplane landed and a beautiful, gorgeously breathtaking woman stepped out of the plane, she was tall, had a sexy slender body and smooth silky brown long hair that flow freely behind her, she wore a tight leather white dress that reached her sexy knees and white smoothly high heels and a white handbag with black sunglasses and red lipstick with long diamond earrings and necklace and a diamond wristwatch, she looked fancy, wealthy and proud," Hansen! book me the most expensive luxurious hotel in England." the woman told her assistant in french," Yes Miss Ya'n." her assistant went through her tablet and found the hotel she so wishes," Grey hotel in Cooperation with Zen cooperation, it's the biggest hotel in England, expensive, very luxurious and comfortable, owned by Alexander Grey a business tycoon. Miss Ya'n I think this hotel is perfect for you." her assistant said," good, so here is the thing Hansen, you will go with my bags over to the hotel, I have some work to do." the woman took out a black card and handed it to her, Hansen took it putting it in her bag," please be careful Miss Ya'n otherwise your parents will -

" you should relax for a while Hansen, I'll be back, just need to make a quick stop." the woman said and left in another car while Hansen also took the other car, soon the car stopped in front of a baby gift shop and Miss Ya'n got out of the car and went inside, the owner was shocked to see the person who just entered his shop and thought that she hasn't changed a bit, she was still as beautiful and hot," Mrs -..

" shhh, Miss Ya'n, I think you're mistaking me with somebody else." she stopped him from finishing his words," I'm looking a gift for a child, about four to five years old and another one of a one year old." she said," sure is it for a girl or a boy?" the shop keeper asked," five year old girl, one year old boy." she said calmly, the shop keeper brought out a beautiful summer pitch dress with flowers on it and pitch flat shoes for a five year old and then he brought out a set of baby clothes that arrived just this morning from Paris," this is our newest collection that just came in this morning, I think the little ones will be thrilled." he smiled, Miss Ya'n took out a black card, this card was rarely found with people not even the wealthy had such a card, if he remembers correctly only Mr Grey had this type of card," are you sure you're not related to Mr Grey Miss, you look quite familiar?" he asked once more, Miss Ya'n smirked slightly," I'm I supposed to be related to him to know him?" Miss Ya'n raised a brow picking up the bags and card and left the shop, as soon as she stepped out of the shop there was the press taking pictures flashing their cameras at her like mad people," oh my goodness it's really you, how come you disappeared for sixteen years and appear still looking young as ever?" the first reporter asked," are you on drugs? are you on medical treatment so that you don't age?" another reporter popped out a mean question," get these f**king cameras out of my face, do you know I can get my lawyers down here and get your little company shut down?" Miss Ya'n said calmly," we don't mean to be rude, but we are all meant to grow old one day Mrs Grey, it's understandable if you're on medical treatment for your skin care." they said, Miss Ya'n was getting out of patience she took off her glasses losing her cool," I'm not Lara damn it, I am Luna Ya'n, daughter to Kim Ya'n and Leo Ya'n, now if you won't get these pathetic cameras off my face I will call my lawyers right now." the reporters put down their cameras staring at her in utter shock," you look exactly like Lara Bella, are you her twin?" they asked, indeed Luna looked exactly like Lara, same hair, same eyes and eye color, nose, lips and facial features, same hight and body structure, the same voice and tone except Lara was more of a calm nature spirit while Luna was a wild open minded spirit, Luna put her sunglasses on," honestly I don't have time for this, excuse me." she said and went to her car driving off, soon she pulled over at a Villa which was mostly made out of glass and smooth wood, it was huge and beautiful, it had a big back yard and a big garden with a play ground for kids, lots of trees and space, Luna parked her car on the drive way and got out walking towards the front porch and rang the doorbell, the door was made out of glass, when Bethany saw Lara standing on the front porch she was so excited and opened it," Lara you're here, I missed you so much." Bethany smiled brightly, she grew up so much in the past fifteen years but she still looked young and attractive she didn't change much, all because of the potion that Kay gave her to drink, it was working perfectly, Luna didn't say a word she just handed the gift bags over to her," for the kids, hope they'll like them, I spent a lot of money on them." Luna said looking around while she went further in," and your husband? where is he?" she asked looking at the family pictures on the walls," he is upstairs getting Ally and ireys ready, care for something to drink?" Bethany offered," whiskey, no ice." Luna said which made Bethany frown staring at Lara confusingly," since when did you drink?" she asked, Luna gave a slight smile breaking into a soft laugh," was just pulling your leg Little sis, green ice tea." Luna said," oh you got me there, the kitchen is this way." Bethany said leading the way and Luna followed behind silently, just then Kay came downstairs and saw Bethany talking to someone, he got a little closer and saw Lara standing a few steps back, Kay frowned seeing the woman standing there looking exactly like Lara, he could feel a weird energy coming from her it was different from Lara, even though she looked exactly like Lara she wasn't Lara, Bethany brought the cup of green tea and was about to hand it over to Luna when Kay pulled her back, the glass slipped in her hands falling over when Luna caught it in the air before it could hit the floor and shutter into little pieces, Bethany's eyes widened looking at Kay Shockley," K.. Kay! what are you doing? what's the meaning of this?" Bethany asked, but his eyes were fixed on Luna who just stood there anbothered" you're not Lara, who are you? and what are you doing in our house?" Kay asked coldly, Bethany stared at Luna confusingly before turning to look at Kay," what are you saying Kay? of course she's Lara can't you see, stop acting weird." Bethany said being annoyed now," don't be stubborn wife, she might look like Lara but she's not your sister." Kay narrowed his eyes, Luna didn't have time to watch the little sweet argument of who is right and wrong, boredom surrounded her and she put the cap on the stand table," you recognized me easily, of course you would, otherwise what's the use of being a vampire if you can't recognize danger." Luna said calmly which confused and surprised Bethany," of course I am Bethany's big sister but I'm not Lara, I am her twin, Luna Bella, nice to finally meet you little sister, and brother-in-law." Luna smirked deviously, Bethany was in utter shock and confusion, she couldn't understand anything that was going on, it was too much information in one day," you.. you are my sister? I had no idea Lara had a twin, how is possible?" Bethany asked," no one knew I existed not even Lara, only three people were aware of my existence, that was your parents and Queen Bianca, may her soul rest in peace." Luna said," you knew Bianca, how was she related to you and why are you here?" Kay asked, Luna sighed going to the living room and sat on the sofa," to many questions, I won't say a word till Lara gets here, so if you don't mind one of you should phone her otherwise I'm not going anywhere." Luna said calmly, Kay creased his brows turning to Bethany," don't go near her, she might be dangerous, I'll be right back." Kay said going to the front porch and took out his phone, after a few rings it got connected," What now Kay?" Alex complained on the other end," better wipe that boredom expression on your face and get here now Alex, with Lara." Kay added Lara's name on the end knowing perfectly well it will trigger him and do things sharply," what happened? damn it did anything happen to Bethany?" Alex asked," my wife is perfectly fine, but there is a woman here looking for Lara, and she won't leave my house till she sees her, Alex get here now." Kay said before hanging up and went back inside, back in country G, Alex was leaning back in seat in his study wondering who the woman Kay is talking about," why does she want to see Lara? how is she related to Lara?" all these thoughts began rushing into his head, he investigated everything about Lara before getting married to her, her friends, family and background outside school and house, she had no relatives apart from her family she was staying with and Maya was her only friend," so who is this woman suddenly appearing out of nowhere and looking for her?" Alex sighed closing his eyes for a while rubbing his forehead with his fingers before standing up and left the study, Lara was in her room knitting when Alex entered the room and closed the door behind him, Lara tilted her head turning to him," pack your bags we are leaving for England right now." Alex said calmly taking out their bags," now? did anything happen to Bethany or the kids?" Lara stood up anxiously," they're fine, Kay called and he said there is a woman looking for you, and she won't leave his house till she sees you." Alex told her," a woman looking for me?" Lara looked worried and lost, Alex held her shoulders caressing her cheek," I will be there with you, I won't let anything happen to you." Alex assured her, grabbing her bag and packed few of her clothes, then the two of them left the room to the courtyard," mother! father!, are going somewhere?" Mariana asked as soon as she saw them heading towards the car, Lara approached her tapping her head and kissed her forehead," your father and I have some work to take care of, we will be back soon alright, and yes please be nice to your sister and don't make her feel alone." Lara told her," don't you worry mom I will take care of Skaitrae." Mariana assured her," it's a must that you look after Skaitrae but I meant Alexah, she's your elder sister -..

" half sister, I think you should get going now mother or you'll be late for your flight." Mariana said turning around and left, Lara sighed going to the car and sat on the front seat," they'll be alright." Alex told her starting the engine and drove off, after 30minutes they arrived at the airport getting into the plane to England, shortly after they landed and got into a black sports car driving to Kay's Villa in the north, Kay was waiting outside for them to arrive," you took your time." he said as they got out of the car," anything wrong?" Lara asked anxiously, Kay went inside and Lara followed behind, as soon as she stepped into the living room, her eyes widened in Shock.


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