Bonus Chapter 28of28 Little Witch

Iris arrived outside the Kin Castle, she carefully sneaked inside without being seen by the guards, walking through the empty corridors she bumped into a guard, she turned around to run but there was another one behind her, the two vampires seized her grabbing her arm," looks like a Little rat just ran into the lion's cage." they said," let go of me, I do not want to hurt you, I mean no harm." Iris struggled, she didn't want to use her powers because it will only bring confusion and more hatred between the witches and vampires," do you know what we do to little witches like you? don't worry I'm sure you can handle a little pain." they said about to drag her away when a deep sexy voice spoke out," and what's going on here?" Iris turned her head and saw that familiar gorgeous face she hasn't seen in years, if she remembers correctly the last time she saw Reigndo was when she came to the Kin Castle to collect her Queen's body, she was very young by then, they both were. the guards turned around and bowed their heads," your highness, we caught her roaming in the castle, we were taking her to the cell." Reigndo tilted his head staring at Iris, he thought she has grown up into a beautiful remarkable woman," She's my guest, she's welcome here, let go." he ordered them, they immediately let go of her arm and left," Thank you." Iris said," what do I owe this pleasurable visit?" he asked," per Alexander's request, he needs me to help out Lara contain her powers." she said calmly," right this way." Reigndo led the way, Iris walked beside him in the long corridors," how have you been?" Reigndo finally asked after a moment of silence," I'm alright." she gave a slight smile," and you? how have you been?" she asked," great." he answered," tell me something? do your kind ever get married?" he added which made Iris to pause in her tracks, ever since she became the witch Queen she has never the of being with someone later alone saw herself getting married, what Reigndo just asked her caught her completely off guard, and lost in thought about the matter, Reigndo also came to a halt looking back at the stilled woman lost in her thoughts," did I say something wrong?" he asked which made Iris jolt coming back to reality," I.. I never thought about it, me getting married." she said in a shallow faint voice, Reigndo held her shoulders squeezing them slight comforting manner," I was just curious, don't think about it too much, if you feel you're not ready then give yourself time." he smiled slightly letting go and proceeded to the castle's garden, Lara was seated in one of the garden chairs besides Alex, she wore a simple yet beautiful light blue long dress, her long brown hair was tied into a ponytail, when she saw Iris and Reigndo approaching them she stood up to give her a warm welcoming hug," thank you for doing this." she said warmly," I'm more than glad to be helping you Lara." Iris smiled turning to Alex and gave a slight bow," I will cast a spell around you so your powers won't get out of control." Iris told Lara preparing the spell, Alex gave Lara a comforting squeeze on the hand," I'm scared Alex." Lara said in a flat voice, Alex lifted her chin giving her a reassuring smile," I am here for you, nothing bad will happen to you pumpkin." Alex took a step back letting Iris perform the spell, Iris began chanting a spell, a black circle surrounded Lara, when Iris gave her a slight nod she took off the bracelet, taking a few breaths in and out, Alex also stepped into the circle, Lara could feel the dark power making it's way up to the surface she could sense it and she knew she won't be able to control it," you can control it Lara, trust yourself." Alex said when he noticed panic and fear in her eyes, Lara's eyes turned a bright green, black smoke like clouds started enveloping her, all sounds around her faded away the only sound being heard was the one inside her head which only said one thing to her," Kill." Lara's eyes shifted to Alex, her eyes showing nothing more but anger, disgust, danger signs and distraction, Alex knew she has lost it and at this point he needed to defend himself otherwise she will surely break his bones in and out he even imagined himself being killed by his own wife, Lara clutched her hand into a fist about to land a punch on Alex's gorgeous face when he held her little hand in his avoiding it, Lara swinged her leg towards his, Alex fell to the ground, he was stunned by that one swift move that he did not see it coming, it was too quick to avoid, Lara tried that punch again but ended up punching the ground which made a huge hole," that was close." Alex said standing a few inches away behind her, Lara turned around with a frown, she wasn't in the mood to play cat and mouse, standing up her stretched out her hand, black smoke like appeared on her palm, she used her free hand to turn the smoke into a cloud ball, Alex knew what that thing could do, it was one of the powerful dark powers he gave her in order for her to be alive, infact he gave half of his dark powers that night she died in the cave, it was supposed to help her come back to life when she died, the cursed magic Lara was creating right now it could destroy half of the castle and not even Iris spell could hold it, Lara gave a sly devious smirk looking at Alex's helplessly face, Alex leapt to her side and held her arms from behind," Lara enough, you can control it, don't let it control you, you're stronger than it, remember that." Alex tried talking to her but non of those words managed to get through her," let..go." Lara roared with grit teeth," damn it wife, if you release that it will destroy half of the castle and everyone in it, think about your kids, your family and friends, nothing will be left." those words, those were the only words that got to her, Lara struggled to stop it, it was like she was fighting with her demon in side, after a lot of struggle the demon inside her finally gave up, it surrendered to her and was ready to listen to her, Lara finally stopped struggling, her eyes went back to their normal shinny gray, the dark smoke that surrounded her was gone including the one which was on her palm, she looked up to meet Alex's gaze staring back at her," I'm sorry." she could only say, Alex gave her a reassuring smile," you controlled it that's what matters, looks like you no longer need the bracelet anymore." he cupped her cheek, Lara leaned back on his chest, she felt weak and tired it's like that whole magic drained all the strength out of her when she tried taking control," you need rest." Alex carried her in his arms, Iris broke the spell letting them out," will she be okay?" she asked Alex when he approached them," Yes." he nodded and left, Iris was about to walk away when Reigndo spoke," have lunch with me, please." he said the last word knowing perfectly well she will say no, Iris paused in her tracks thinking of wether or not to accept," it's a friendly request, after all you do wish for witches and vampires to be at peace with each other, you can lead by example my Queen." he added, Iris blinked a few times, he was using the so called peace to persuade her into having lunch with him," what a idiot." she said to herself, she was about to refuse to his offer when her stomach said something else rubbling, her face turned red with embarrassment touching it as if that will shut it up," you're stomach says otherwise, right this way." Reigndo smiled slightly leading the way, Iris clutched her hands into fist, with a sigh she just followed in silence, shortly after they arrived in the private garden upstairs, Iris couldn't help but admire the place, the sofa green grass, the beautiful flowers with different colors, the view and trees and the white swing, it was indeed breath taking, Reigndo pulled out a chair for her, Iris sat down and Reigndo sat on the opposite, a maid served them different types of dishes, red steak, pastor, chicken, green salads, fruit salad, fried rice, orange juice and red wine and some fruits, Iris was wondering if he was trying to make her gain a lot of weight or kill her with all this food," are you trying to kill me with all this food?" she blurted out the words, Reigndo chuckled softly," I wasn't sure how much you can eat so I ordered them to make a little bit of everything, enjoy." he leaned back in his seat watching her," I don't like it when I'm eating and people stare, won't you join me instead of looking at me?" she said grabbing the folk and knife, Reigndo took a wine glass pouring some wine and taking a sip," this will do." he told her, Iris took a bite out of the red steak closing her eyes in total admiration," mmm this is really good Reigh you should try it." she said cutting a piece and forwarded it to his mouth, Reigndo was astonished and amused by her sudden move, not only that she even called his name for the very first time not his full name but she cut it off, no stranger has ever called him by his short name only his brothers and sisters not even his own mother has ever called him Reigh but she did, and he didn't know why but it made him happy, when Iris realized what she just did and said she took back her hand her face a bright red and pink, she wasn't understanding anything," why was she feeling this way? why was he making her stomach turn into a battle field for butterflies whenever she sees him? he both made her angry and happy at the same time." Iris thought, if this keeps on she's surely go crazy, taking a few breaths in and out she looked up to meet his gorgeously breathtaking gaze," I'm.. I am really sorry, I think I should leave." she said standing up," wait! you're not done eating." Reigh said trying to stop her from leaving, he was enjoying her company so much and he didn't want her to go," I have work to do I must go, thank you for lunch." Iris said and rushed out of the garden, Reign could only watch her back disappear from the entrance, he fell back in his seat with a sigh pressing his temples.


Max and Rosa were taking a afternoon walk in the school park, Rosa felt a little bit uncomfortable on how the other girls were staring at her, she could see jealousy and envy in their eyes, their eyes were a true definition of," if eyes could kill." she would have been dead a long time ago, while on the other hand, Max did not even throw a glance at the other girls, his eyes were glued to Rosa's face the entire time while he walked," are you okay?" his deep sexy voice rang into her ears pulling her attention back to him," Uhm well.. I don't like how the other girls are staring at me, it's like they want to kill me just because I'm around you." Rosa stated which made Max come to a halt," I do not understand humans some times, they get jealous easily and hate a innocent person, that's why I do not pay any attention to them nor do I associate with them." Max said calmly," apart from my Aunts you are the first human I have associated with here and the first human I took interest in." Max added, what he just said surprised Rosa," did he just say he was interested in her? but what type of interest is he referring to? emotionally or physically?" Rosa asked herself inwardly," y.. you -..

" Max! hi?" a girl approached them waving her hand towards Max with a big bright smile, Rosa knew who she was, her name was Klara, she had blonde hair with dark eyes and a smooth skin, Klara comes from a wealthy family in Country G, not to mention she's a spoiled little brat, she always gets her way through money and the status she holds, Max frowned upon seeing the girl, she has been following him around like a lost little puppy and he was getting out of patience, he told her a lot of time to stay away from him but she was like a stubborn bee securing it's honey when she came near she stood in front of Max so close forgetting there was another person there, she acted as though Rosa was invisible to her or a ghost she could not see or care to find out, after all she never liked Rosa from day one in this school and the fact that she was hanging out with Max made her even more furious and hated her even more," I thought I made it clear to stay away from me." Max said calmly," well you're not giving me a chance to get to know me better, let me invite you over for brunch that way we get to talk and know each other, like now what do you say?" she said excitedly, Rosa frowned she couldn't believe what she was just proposing," how dare she try to steal her date from her." Rosa told herself in silence, she looked up at Max waiting to hear his response to Klara's request, Max did not say a word for a long time, Rosa was beginning to worry," was he going to accept and leave her here alone? people will laugh at her and talk about her." while her mind was flooding with questions and in total panic Max spoke," like I said I have no interest in you, stay away from me or I will make you." Max said coldly," let's go Rosa." he said, Rosa was both relived, happy and proud, he turned off on Klara's request like she was nothing, while the two of them left Klara was burning with furry, jealousy and embarrassment, the other students stood there laughing in silence, clutching her hands she ran towards the school not taking the embarrassment anymore, Mariana watched every scene that took place through her bedroom window with a sigh she went to sit back in bed when Iven walked in with a tray of food in his hands," before you say anything, I just want to say I was careful not to be seen going through the girls dormitory." he said laying the tray beside her bedside table," how are you feeling?" he asked tucking some hair behind her ear," I just thought I could manage going for a long time without drinking blood but I couldn't even go for a day." Mariana said disappointedly, Iven took her hand and placed a soft kiss on it," do you hate having to drink blood?" he asked her, Mariana looked met his charmingly gaze, he didn't hate it she just wanted to go for a long time without tasting it like her father, he would go for years without drinking blood but again in his case it was possible, he is a pure blood after all," well I just thought I could be more like father, and do most of the things he does." she told him, Iven cupped her cheek with a slight smile," Max, pageant, you and I are not different, we are all half breeds but that doesn't make us weak, we are special and our fathers are the strongest we know, and we got that in our blood that flows in our veins, you are strong Mariana, I for one knows that." Iven said, what he said seemed to lighten up Mariana's mood and accepted it, she is strong, she is Alexander's daughter the greatest strongest vampire ever existed, his pure blood flows within her veins, Mariana nodded with a smile," now eat or the food will get cold, I'll see you later." Iven placed a kiss on her forehead and left.

the sun was setting behind the clouds and it was getting cold, Rosa went to the library to get some books before the guards start patrolling the halls, she was hoping to see Max before it gets really dark and it was time to sleep but to her disappointment he was no where to be seen, with a sigh she went back to her room and found Mariana speaking to someone on her laptop, it seemed she was on a video call," tell me Marie, are there any cute boys there, you know what don't tell me I will come see for myself when summer ends." the girl said, Rosa could tell the girl Mariana was talking to is very talkative and open a free spirit and social," you are something else, tell me will you be visiting this summer? it's been two years since I last saw you." Mariana asked," as much as I hate to disappoint you Marie, I'm just busy around the office helping father, after all I will have to take over the company soon." Pageant said," I understand, take care Pag, love you."

" Love you too Marie." pageant smiled and hang up the call," who was that?" Rosa asked taking off her coat," my cousin Pageant."

" Pageant! as in Princess pageant? prince James daughter?" Rosa's eyes lit up which made Mariana chuckle seeing how her eyes just lit up like fireworks," yes that pageant." Mariana giggled," I follow her on the internet and she's so amazing and beautiful, I love everything about her, her style, her dress code, her fashion, and she travels a lot which is cool for a person who's the same age as me, I have always wanted to travel the world but my parents thinks I'm too young, they always try to protect me like a kid, I'm eighteen for goodness sake." Rosa complained," I guess that sucks huh?"

" totally sucks." Rosa agreed, getting into her night gown," well I guess nothing can be done, I'm so freaking tired, I'm going to bed, good night." Rosa got into bed as soon as she hit the soft warm bed darkness surrounded her and she fell asleep instantly, Mariana smiled switching off the lights and went to bed as well.


It was nearly summer, the students always get excited when summer comes, they get to go home and be with their families and friends, some just want to go for a vacation and do nothing, Mariana was also excited to go home to her family she could not wait to see her father and mother, on the other hand Rosa was in a grommy mood, she wasn't excited like the other students, infact whenever it was summer she would stay back while she watched the other students and her friends go home to their families who awaits them, Mariana could see how sad she was and couldn't help herself from asking what was wrong with her," Ain't you happy that you'll be going home for the summer?" she asked sitting beside her," No, I'm not going home, I will stay back here till summer ends." Rosa said in a flat tone," why? summer is once in a year, don't you need to be with your family? don't you miss them?" Mariana asked curiously," I said I'm fine right here Mariana! why are you suddenly concerned about my family? I don't want to go okay." Rosa stood up in anger, Mariana frowned, something was definitely wrong, she stood up approaching Rosa and held her shoulder," Rosa, this is not you, I'm your friend right? I'm here for you, you can tell me anything and I know something is bothering you, tell me what's wrong?" Mariana said in a soft concerned tone, Rosa felt like breaking into tears but she held them back taking a breath she turned to Mariana with a sad face," well my parents got a divorce when I was fifteen, my Dad left the house to go live in New York City, my mom never comes home, she keeps traveling the world forgetting she left a daughter behind, being the only child staying in a big house alone gets lonely even though my care takers are around and try so much to be supportive, that's why I always stay back here at least the books keep me company." Rosa gave a bitter Sweet smile, but Mariana could see pain and sorrow behind that smile," I'm sorry about your parents, but you don't have to feel or be alone, you can come with me and spend the entire summer at my house, I will be more than glad to have you there with me." Mariana said, Rosa widened her eyes slightly," r.. really? but what will your parents say?" Rosa asked hesitantly which made Mariana chuckle," they will be glad to meet you, do not worry, so will you come with me?" Yes I will come with." Rosa smiled wiping her tears.


in the empty corridors to Alex's room was filled with sweet moans of Lara's sweet voice and what made Alex more pleased is that his little wife couldn't get enough, this time they took it to the bathroom turning on the shower having sweet pleasurable sex while the warm water poured down on their bodies hitting up their love making, Lara pushed Alex over to the marbled wall her naked body pressed on his naked body, she slowly clutched down on her knees touching his abs down to his abdomen touching his big brother, Alex shivered by her touch, Lara licked her lips before putting it in her mouth back and forth sucking it, Alex moaned in pleasure closing his eyes, it was like he was reaching the biggest heights and didn't want to come down, he held her hair so it wouldn't interrupt her work of art, Alex pulled her back up whispering next to her ear," you're really good at this Miss Bella, now let me show you how I work." he lifted her up putting her legs on each of his shoulder, Lara giggled biting her lower lip, Alex gave a mischievous smirk before diving into paradise," Ahh.. Alex!" Lara moaned loudly entangling her fingers through his soft smooth wet hair," A.. Alexander! Lara begged, Alex raised his head with a raised brow," I warned you wife, whenever you call me that." Alex said," then punish me on, Alexander.. let's have a fifty shades of red." Lara gave a mischievous grin, Alex put her back down turning her on her back so she was facing the marble wall, he seized her hands from the back while he entered her from the back," Ahh.. faster love." Lara moaned her head falling back, Alex seized her neck biting her ear nob teasingly," how about we take our little love making to the balcony." Lara whispered, within a flash Alex was making Lara bend over her hands holding the railing while he smashed her from behind, finally they took it to the bed, where they had a slow passionate love making, Lara fell asleep immediately after their hot love making finished, Alex kissed her forehead and hair covering her with the sheets and went to take a quick shower, got dressed into his fine black suit and left the room to his study, Zeke was seated on the black leather couch with his one leg crossed on thee other, twirling the blood in the wine glass while he took a sip little by little, Alex went to sit on his rolling chair near the huge window that over looked the sea, he poured some whiskey in his glass gaping it all down with a straight face," whatever you called me here for better be important Ezekiel." Alex said," isn't your daughter's life important?" Zeke said calmly which made Alex frown," did something happen to Mariana?" he asked with a hint at worry in his voice, Zeke stopped twirling the blood in his glass and looked up at Alex," your other daughter, Alexah." Zeke said calmly," what happened to her?" Alex asked seriously," she got involved into drag trafficking in Portland, she got caught and is being held the largest court authority in Portland, being the Mafia's niece she should have been more careful don't you think?" Zeke said calmly," they are holding my daughter captive?" Alex said with grit teeth his hand almost crushing the glass into pieces," we are leaving for Portland now." he stood up and left, Zeke gaped down the remaining blood and followed behind, it 10am when Alex and Zeke took the private plane to Portland, the driver was already waiting to pick them up.


a tall slender woman was seated in an interrogation room, she had long brown smooth hair and blue eyes, she wore a white body top and black jeans with black leather high boots, Alexah had a boredom expression on her face as she waited for the officer in charge to return.

while in the office, the major was talking to a man sitting on the opposite side of the room, he sat there proudly and highly, he wore all black and looked damn gorgeous as always," it's understandable my niece wasn't professional major, but you don't have to keep her here over a silly mistake." Norman said calmly," with all do respect Mr Anderson, it's a huge crime here in Portland exporting drugs, besides the media and citizens were present, my hands are tied if I release her right now it will be all over the news and internet, my work and reputation may be ruined." the officer explained, Norman sighed leaning back in his seat," if you respect me as you say major, you will release my niece right now, I won't let her spend a night in here, and if her father finds out you're keeping her here you might lose your job for sure, I export drugs myself and as a professional Mafia I will teach my niece to be more careful next time, you do not have to worry major." Norman said, the major knew how cold and brutal Alex was, he is known to be a person who cares about no one else except his own family, a cold sweat dripped from his forehead as if he has just seen or heard the Devil's cry," do not have worry Mr Anderson, your niece will be released right now." he said hesitantly and rushed out of the office, Norman leaned back checking his phone when the door opened behind him," that was quick." he turned around and saw Alex and Zeke standing on the entrance," I see you heard the news." Norman added, Alex didn't say a word, he just passed him by and sat on the majors chair entangling his fingers together looking back at Norman straight in the eyes with his attractive sexy piercing eyes of his," I see you got my daughter into your dirty business?" Alex said calmly," it's more of a family business Alexander, besides Adriana thought it was good idea to let her in while she's still young, that way it will be easier for her." Norman said, Alex narrowed his eyes sharply," Alexah is coming with me." he finally said standing up straightening his suit and was about to leave when Norman spoke," that depends wether Adriana is fine with it that you take Alexah."

" if I remember correctly I don't need anyone's permission." Alex said," I think you do need permission Alexander." Adriana said entering the room, she was still as beautiful as before, hot, sexy and a badass woman, she wore brown leather pants and a brown leather crop top with leather brown high heels, her long reddish hair was tied up into a ponytail lighting up her brown eyes with red lipstick, she went and stood in front of Alex, their faces closer to each other, they could feel each other's sweet minty fresh breath as they stared into each other's eyes," it's been fifteen years almost sixteen Alex, you never called as usual so why care now? why are you here? today you disappear from her life the next you return, is she a joke to you? do you take her as a joke? Alexah is your daughter to Alex, she also has feelings like any other child, she feels pain, she feels lonely, she gets hurt when her only father gives love and attention to his other children and her being left out, you being here will only add up more pain to the one she has." Adriana said with grit teeth, Alex didn't say a word, he just stood there listening to every word she said with pain and anger, indeed he never pays attention to Alexah, he has been a selfish unconsiderate father, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care or love her, Alex looked at Zeke and said," We are leaving." he then walked pass Adriana without saying a word to her, Adriana gave a bitter smile watching his back as he headed for the exit," so what was the purpose of coming here if you won't see your daughter Alex." Zeke put on his poker face but Alex didn't care to answer him," Father! a young woman's voice called out which made him stop in his trucks, Alex turned his back and saw a young lady standing from a distance, he couldn't believe how much she has grown up in the past fifteen years, Alexah was now twenty five years old she has grown up so much, she couldn't help her tears from rolling down her cheeks and ran towards Alex embracing him in a tight warm hug," I missed you so much father, I thought you forgot about me." Alexah sobbed wetting his shirt, Alex could feel her warm tears on his chest, he was so focused on his other children forgetting his hurting his other child, he wanted to make it all up for Alexah, he lifted his hand tapping her head," please take me with you." she said, Alex looked back at Adriana who had a disapproving expression on her face, Alexah pulled back staring back at her mother with a sad puppy eyes, Adriana did not say a word she just turned around and walked away," I'll arrange for your bags to be sent to you, take care of yourself bunny." Norman smiled and walked away following Adriana behind," we should leave now." Alex said and they left the building getting into the car and headed to the airport, soon they arrived in Country G back to the Kin Castle," you should go freshen up and get some rest, I will see you later." Alex told her, a maid led her towards her room, it was just as she left it when she was still staying here, it was clean and smelt like her, so fresh and wonderful, all the things were just as she left them, Alex took off her clothes and headed to the shower, after freshening up she got dressed into clean clothes and took a nap on her soft comfortable bed. Alex went back to his room and saw that his little wife was still sound asleep, Alex sat on the edge of the bed untying his tie and taking off his jacket," did you go somewhere husband?" Lara asked in a sleepy tone lifting her body up," did I wake you?" Alex asked unbuttoning his sleeves," No." Lara said honestly," I went to Portland to pick up Alexah, she'll be here for summer." Alex said, Lara nodding thoughtfully getting out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower, shortly she came out picked out a pair blue jeans and a brown sweater getting dressed, Alex watched her every move and could tell something was bothering her and wondered if she had a problem with Alexah being here," what's wrong?" he asked her," Nothing." Lara responded," it doesn't look like nothing Lara." Alex said standing up approaching her, Lara sight looking down sadly," it's Max, I had texted him so many times but he never reply to any of them, I tried calling him but he dismiss them, I no longer know what to do or say for him to forgive me Alex." Lara teared up feeling helpless and alone, Alex lifted her chin so she staring at him," I will talk to him, now wipe away these tears of yours, I do not like it when you cry." he told her.

the sun was setting and night came, Alexah didn't want to leave her room, instead dinner was sent to her, after having her dinner she went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.