Bonus Chapter

Luna went back to the Hotel to rest, she will be leaving for Country G with Lara and Alex tomorrow morning," will you leave Bruno behind Miss Ya'n?." Her Assistant asks," He will be coming with me, I can never leave him behind." Luna said looking at the sleeping Dog on the couch, he was really big and had white fir and gray eyes, it looks like a wolf but it's only a dog, Luna is really attached to Bruno, she adopted him when he was just a puppy, wherever she goes he goes," if you don't mind me asking Madam, May I know your motives behind all of this? I mean why are deciding to go with them?." She asks," she's my sister isn't she, I simply want to know my family." Luna said simply," what about Mr and Mrs Ya'n?."

" I will talk to my parents, you can go back to South Korea tomorrow." Luna tells her," prepare my bath and get Bruno something to eat." She adds," Yes Madam." After her bath she ate her dinner and went to bed. Alex and Lara arrived at their old house in England, the house was still clean and neat, even if no one stayed there, it was still being cleaned by the house keeper everyday," I make you something to eat." Alex said but Lara stopped him," I am starving, but not for food." Lara wraps her arms around his neck," the red room is right upstairs, take me there." She whispers into his ear, Alex gathers her in his arms going upstairs and opened the red room, he put her down while he went to seat down on the red sofa," take them off pumpkin." He tells her, Lara unzipped the back of her dress slowly and let it slide to the floor while her eyes were glued to his eyes, she took off her bra then her black G-string throwing it to him, Alex caught it devouring her scent, Lara swing her hips as she made her way to him, she split her legs sitting on his laps, Alex held her waist sliding down feeling each part of her body, he lifts her up taking her to bed," I don't want you to make love to me, I want you to have sex with me, don't hold back." Lara tells him," I'm gonna be very rough with you." He whispers kissing her ear nub," So be rough with me." Lara bit her lower lip, Alex took one of the sex toy that was shaped like a egg with a purple color, he split her legs wide inserting it between her legs, Lara moaned, he continued to pleasure her with different tools till she pleaded to him to be inside her, Alex took off his clothes getting inside her, she was wet and warm inside, he f**ked her hard in different styles and positions, Lara pushed him down on the bed getting on top of him, she swing her hips on him as if riding a horse, the room was filled with both their pleasurable moans, from there they took it to the bathroom and ended it from there with a bath and went to bed naked entangled in each other's arms.

The next morning Alex already prepared Lara a bath and went to prepare her breakfast, Lara woke up to take her bath, got dressed in blue jeans and a black T-shirt with black leather high heels, tied her hair into a ponytail and went downstairs," Good morning wife?." Alex smiles warmly," morning husband " Lara takes in the sweet aroma," smells tasty." Alex pulls out a chair for her, he served her toast with eggs and orange juice," won't you eat anything?." She asked him," after last night's meal, I don't think food will be right for me." Alex gave a naughty smile," I don't feel like going back, because they kids will only be on my neck, and you will be busy handling Royal stuff." Lara complained, Alex chuckles," we can always have a second honeymoon." He tells her kissing her lips softly," I would love that, but not now, right now I just want to spend time with Luna and get to know her better." Lara says," I want you to be careful around her, I don't really trust her." Alex said seriously," I think you just have to get to know her better." Lara tells him, after breakfast they left to pick up Luna at the Grey Continental Hotel, Lara phones her telling her they are waiting outside, after a short while Luna came out of the hotel with Bruno," this is Bruno my dog, he tugs along wherever I go." Luna smiles," he is so beautiful, hey boy." Lara rubs his head and he seems to enjoy it, the door man carried her bags to the car, she opens the car door for Bruno and got inside, Alex started the engine and drove to the airport, within an hour they arrived in Country G, Will picked them up from the airport to the Kin Castle, Skytrah was anxiously waiting for her mother and father in the courtyard, when she saw a black car enter the gates she ran to the drive way standing to the side, Lara got out of the car and Skytrah threw her little self in Lara's arms," Welcome back mommy , I missed you so much."

" Oh yeah how much?." Lara asks," not as much as I missed Daddy but I missed you." Skytrah said honestly," Ouch that hurts." Lara gave a sad face," Princess." Alex gave a bright smile," Daddy." Skytrah broke hold in Lara's arms running in Alex' arms," how are you?."

" much better now that you're back home." She smiles, the door to the back seat opens and Luna steps out, Skytrah's eyes widens seeing two Lara's," Mommy! How come they are two of you?." She asks confusingly, Lara chuckles holding her cheek," sweetheart, she is your Aunt Luna, Mommy's Twin Sister." Lara tells her," you have a twin sister, just like Max and Mariana? How come I don't have one?." Skytrah frowns," If you want Mommy and I can give you a little brother, would you like that?."

" I would love that." Skytrah smiles excitement written all over her little pretty face," hello, I'm Skytrah Kin, nice to meet you, you're so gorgeous just like my mommy." She introduces herself," Nice to meet you little one, and you are so adorable, this is my big pet Bruno." Luna smiles warmly," He is so beautiful, can I hold him?."

" if you're not afraid of him why not." Skytrah rubs Bruno's head gently," Luna! She is my second last daughter." Lara tells her," second last?." Luna repeats," I have Twins a boy and girl, they are in their 20s."

" I see." Luna could only say," we should go inside, let's go Skytrah." Lara calls out to her," Can I play with Bruno for a while Mommy?."

" well sweetie Bruno goes wherever I go, I don't think he will stay out here if I go, but you can play with him inside what do you say?." Luna tells her," Ok." Skytrah went inside with them," You should go and freshen up and get some rest, see you at lunch time, Mariam will show you to your room." Lara says," let's go boy." Luna calls out to Bruno and they left with Mariam, after freshening up she got dressed in a pair of black leather trouser, a black vest, black short boots and tied her hair into a ponytail, she stared at her reflection in the mirror before leaving the room, she walked through the long corridors and landed in the courtyard, there was a tall well built man dressed in black trousers and a black T-shirt making his chest pop out, there was a young woman standing in front of him, she wore gray sweatpants and a gray top, tied her long brown hair into a ponytail while she stood in a fighting position," Come on Zeus hit me with everything you got, I don't expect you to hold back." Mariana said throwing a punch but Zeus caught her fist," Fine, no holding back." He kicked her side stomach and she stumbled back with a painful groan, Mariana moves to attack again but all her moves were useless to him," you're weak, being Alexander's daughter I expected more from you." He kicked her off her feet and she fell to the ground," Ah." Mariana touched her stomach painfully," I have been training you since you were five, I expect more from you." He threw another kick at her," stop being a little princess and give me something, little girl." He keeps on mocking her, Mariana stood up wiping her mouth," I'm not little, and don't call me princess." She uses her vampire abilities moving in a flash and claws his face, she leaps kicking him off his feet, Zeus fell back with a groan, he actually did not see her moves coming, Mariana claws his arms grabbing his neck tightly, her eyes were red and fangs elongated, Zeus thought it was enough training for one day, he grabs her neck before straining her arms," that's all for today." He tells her letting her go, Mariana went back to her normal self stepping back," you've grown stronger, keep training." He tells her walking away, Mariana sighs looking back and saw Lara standing at a distance," Mother you're back, and what are you wearing?." Mariana asks approaching her," thought I could surprise you, you like my new look." She opens her arms to hug Mariana, Mariana was about to run into her arms when she halts," what's wrong sweetie?."

" you're not my mother, you're not Lara, who are you? Are you a witch disguising to be my mother?." Mariana creases her brows, Luna chuckles holding her waist," you know, I know witches and vampires despise each other, if I was a witch I would have killed you right here and now." Luna gave a sly smile," who are you?."

" don't be so serious sweetie, I'm your mother's twin sister, Luna Bella, please don't ask me how cause honestly I'm tired of telling my sorry, you can ask your mother."

" I see, so you're the bad ass version of her, I like you already." Mariana smirks," so you're the twin huh? Where is your other twin?." Luna asks," probably lazing in his room."Mariana says," I think I will explore a little more, just to know my way around here, excuse me." Luna turns around to leave when Mariana stops her with her next question," you have a tattoo on your back?." Luna turns to her," it's a Dragon tattoo, it's all over my back starting from my back neck to my lower back, I got it when I was twenty." Luna answers her, Mariana nods and walked away, Luna went back inside, she wondered through the corridors and stopped in front of a brown wooden door, she pushed it open and went inside and saw two young people making out and enjoying themselves," oh my goodness your majesty, please forgive me." The young woman covered herself up," I didn't mean to disturb you carry on." Luna smiles about to walk out when she heard Max spoke," Leave." He ordered the young lady, she quickly got up with the sheets covering her body, picked up Her clothes and bowed to Luna before rushing out, Luna closed the door behind her, Max stepped out of bed completely naked, he didn't mind that Luna was standing right there and staring at him, he put on his pants and trousers grabbing his black T-shirt and wore it," what brings you to my room, Aunty?." Max asks, Luna smiles warmly," to see my precious nephew of course, ain't you happy to finally meet your twin Aunt?."

" and it couldn't wait huh?" Max poured a glass of blood into a glass gulping it down," I'm I supposed to be pleased to see you?." Max frowns, Luna once visited Max when

he was just ten years old when he was in school, she introduced herself to him but made him promise not to tell his mother or father or anybody that she visited him, and he kept that promise till this day," why are you here?." He asks," to be with my family of course, didn't you miss me, I want to make up for all the times I wasn't here." Luna said," and I'm supposed to believe that," Max approaches her standing in front of her," I'm not stupid so don't you dare play smart with me or you'll regret it, Aunty." Max warned her before walking out on her," Smart kids you gave birth to Lara." Luna said to herself with a sigh.

At night fall Lara introduced Luna to the family, Iven welcomed her warmly and everybody else, Alexah stayed serious and suspicious, she didn't have a good feeling about Luna, after dinner Alexah went out to the garden to get some air," mind if I join you?." She heard a voice speak from behind her, she didn't mind to look back cause she already knew who it was, Luna stood next to her staring at the dark space," I get a feeling you don't like me Alexah, May I ask why?." Luna asked," it's easy, I don't trust you." Alexah simply said," suspicious like your father I see."

" can you blame him, you came out of no where wanting to build this family and sister bond with Mommy Lara, I will be straight with you Luna, if you try to hurt Mommy Lara or any of my family you will have to answer to me, have a good night." Alexah turns around and leaves," great this will be fun." Luna bites her tongue softly, Alexah went back to her room and found Mariana sitting on her bed," if you want to argue I am not in mood please leave." Alexah said holding the doorhnob," I just wanna talk, sit please." Mariana taps on the bed next to her, Alexah closes the door and went to sit down," I'm sorry what I said and reacted, I know it's not your fault that you left without saying goodbye, I know how much you wanted to stay please forgive me Alexah, I want my sister back my big sister back, you can't stay mad at your little sister for a long time right?." Mariana begged for Alexah's apology," of course not come here." She gave her a sweet hug kissing her hair," I love you." Mariana smiles," I love you more, now you should go get some rest or you'll get dark circles around your eyes and you do not want that." Alexah teases," of course not," Mariana giggles," Good night."

" Good night." Alexah waves at her and fell on her back, she was so exhausted and just wanted to sleep.

The following morning everyone was seated around the table in the dining hall having breakfast when a talkative energetic young lady pushed the doors open and walked in," I'm home!." Pageant smiles widely," Pageant!." Mariana smiles getting up and embraced her," I missed you like crazy you." Pageant giggles, she gave her father a kiss on cheek and her mother," father, mother I missed you so much."

" we missed you more honey, Welcome home." Maya and James were happy to have their daughter back," I didn't forget about you Uncle Zeke, Aunt Mira." She gave them a kiss," Welcome home." Mira smiles," And my favorite Uncle and Aunt in the entire world." She hugs Lara and a kiss on Alex' cheek," always energetic I see." Lara giggles," of course," Max, Iven and my cute Skytrah I missed you."

" what did you bring me Pageant?." Skytrah asks excited

" follow me after breakfast ok." She tells her and Skytrah nods," Alexah." Pageant greets warmly and Alexah smiles with a nod," seat and have breakfast." Lara said, others were missing at the dining table, Reign went to Country E for something very important, Rosa was not feeling quite well so Mariana insisted she stays back in bed and rest and food will be sent to her, Luna wasn't in her room when Lara went there, but Bruno was there in her room sitting on her bed like a good doggy," how is work going? any difficulties?." Zeke asked, he is always serious when it comes to work especially since she was handling her fathers business," everything is under control Uncle Zeke, I still remember what father taught me and I follow Uncle Alexander's rule and business tactics, plus you told me always to be vigilant smart and never let people know what thinking and what my next move will be." She said, Zeke nods thoughtfully," sweetie are you sure you can handle it? Won't that be to much on your plate?." Maya was worried about her daughter, she is only nineteen and handling a big company plus she has school going on," Mother I'll be fine, I'm your daughter remember, ambitious and never give up, trust me." Pageant gave her mother a reassuring smile," if you say you can handle it then I trust you can." After breakfast Mariana and Pageant walked through the corridors," so what am I missing out here?." Pageant asked," Well crazy shit."

" Mariana! You used the S word, Royals much less a princess shouldn't use curse words." Pageant raises her brows," I wasn't born a royal let's face it."

" I guess you're right, so what type of crazy shit is going on?."

" well like mother has a freaking bed ass version of herself, a twin sister she or anyone of us and the family knew about."

" Seriously, a twin sister this is crazy, she must be pretty hot." Pageant smirks," pretty hot, just as my mother." Mariana said," I would really like to meet her where is she?."

" she went out, but there is someone who would really love to meet you right now." Mariana said, she led Pageant to her room," Rosa! guess who's here?." Rosa sat up and saw Pageant standing beside Mariana, her eyes lit up," Pageant Lin, you're such an inspiration, it's so nice to meet you."