Bonus Chapter The Immortal Sword

In a distant Country, in a dark cave, Iris murmured a spell and light surrounded her lightening the cave," this way." she said leading the way, Reign followed behind, it was a long tunnel, the surrounding there was suffocating and dangerous," Stop! Iris paused in her tracks looking back at Reign," did you pick up anything?." she asked," I hear a heartbeat, beating at a slow rate," Reign said," this way." he led the way, they reached the end of the cave, the heartbeat became more clearer to hear," Reign! iris called out to him as her eyes was fixed on the motionless body lying on the ground, Reign followed her sight of line, his eyes widened seeing Adriana lying on the ground, he rushed to her side falling on his knees," Adriana! Adriana! damn it." Reign pulled her in his arms, she had a deep wound on her stomach, she was losing a lot of blood and her wound wasn't healing itself," why isn't she healing?." he grit his teeth," Reign look, the Immortal Sword is gone, looks like someone beat us to it, and whoever took it must be the one who stabbed Adriana, Reign that sword is the only thing that could kill Alexander and other Immortals if there's any, we need to get it back." Iris said, The Immortal Sword is a powerful forbidden sword, created with hot lava and a handle made from dragon scales, it comes from way back, only created to kill Immortals, seeing how powerful it was, it was casted out and hidden in this cave, sealed with a powerful spell by the former five witch Queens, what iris didn't figure out is, how the spell that was put on this for decades was able to be broken? only Queen Bianca knew the spell, and she handed that spell over to her before she died, but she sealed that paper safely in her cave, and no ordinary witch that isn't a Queen can enter the cave, so how? she wondered," Reign! I can only ease her bleeding, but I can't heal her it's impossible." iris said," we just need to get her back home, only Alexander can help her." Reign gathered Adriana in his arms and they left the cave

Rosa was pacing back and forth in the corridors, wondering whether to go inside Max's room or not, when she was sick he came to see her but she shut him out, she felt pretty bad and wanted to apologize, taking in a few breaths, she pushed the door open going inside, she immediately turned around shutting her eyes closed after seeing what she just walked in to," I'm sorry, I didn't know you.. you were busy, I should have knocked." she hesitantly said," I should leave now." she added taking a step to leave when Max spoke," Wait! he said and turned to the woman next to him bed," Leave." the woman sighed getting out of bed, she dressed up and blew a kiss at Rosa before leaving," may I ask why you're here?."

" I will only answer when you get dressed." Rosa said, Max got out of bed, grabbing his trousers and wore them, he silently walked behind her, Rosa took one step back and her back hit Max's bare chest," still, still not dressed?." she said in a flat tone, Max held her hand and said close to her ear," why are you here?."

" I,I came.. came here to apologize, for shutting the door on your face, but clearly I came on the wrong time." she turned around to look into his gray eyes, then her eyes moved from his face trailing down to his lower body, she wondered how 100% a son could get his father's looks and charms, are she has met a lot of vampires when she was growing up, but they're not always that good looking, especially if they are just turned vampires, but they're was something about this family, the KIN Family and their family friends, it's like beauty runs in their blood or something, Rosa wondered, Max gave a side ways smile, he lifted his hand to touch her cheek while his thumb caressed her lower lip," don't just think it, why don't you do it instead?." he whispered, it was like hearing the devil's voice inside your head, no matter how much you try to block the voices out, you can't resist the temptations, Rosa stared into Max's eyes, indeed she wanted to kiss him and do more with him, but she wasn't going to give in easily, after all she barely knows him, Rosa fought the urge to kiss him and took a step back," I'm not that naive to fall for your temptations." she said turning around to leave, Max grabbed her wrist pulling her back, Rosa went falling in his arms with a gasp," you're really stubborn do you know that?."

" let go of me." Rosa struggled to free herself," you know I can't do something you're against with, so stop struggling." Rosa did as he said like a good obedient little girl, his free hand held her waist, Rosa couldn't help but touch his broad shoulders and chest, his arms and abs, she touched his neck about to touch his lips, but Max stopped her holding her wrist," I think you should leave now." he told her, he couldn't understand this little girl some times, first she pushes him away, and now she's acting interested, Rosa didn't understand him either, she was boiling inside, she wanted to burst with anger, frustrated, she turned around walking away, she touched the handle to open the door, but her foot never even touched the outside floor, her back hit the wall, they were inches apart but he got to her in a flash," he must have used his vampire speed," Rosa thought, they both stared at each other's lips, non of them were in control of their emotions, Rosa wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him, she's never kissed a guy before so she was clueless to how it was or must be done, she just slammed her lips on his, Max frowned wondering what in the hell she was doing? was she really clueless on how a kiss is supposed to go? he thought, Rosa pulled back looking at him," am I doing it right?." she asked," you mean to tell me you've never kissed anybody before?." he asked instead, Rosa shyly shook head, Max thought if she never kissed before in her entire life, he concluded to think she must be a virgin as well, she is so innocent and he didn't want to take that away from her, when Max didn't say a word she kissed him again with her mouth still closed," you don't seem impressed, ain't I doing it right?." Rosa asked feeling anxious, Max liked seeing this innocent side of her, she looks so cute when she looks at him with her innocent eyes, he held her chin colliding his lips with hers, he split her lips open with his tongue, kissing her lower lip to her upper lip, Rosa followed his movements, till she got the hang of it, it was a different feeling of warmth, she wanted more of him but she didn't know what exactly, her body was burning and inching, like fire burning between her thighs, Max was also losing control, if he won't pull away now he might do something he would regret later on," your highness." there was a knock on the door ," What!." Max tilted his head," His Majesty requests for your presence." the Royal maid spoke, Max sighed, he stared at Rosa placing a soft kiss on her forehead, he grabbed his shirt putting it on and left the room, Rosa touched her lips, the tingle between her thighs stopped the moment he pulled away from her, but she would get that feeling whenever she thinks about him, face palming her forehead, she walked out of his room

Luna was petting Bruno in the courtyard, she really loved her dog more than anything, Bruno was family, he was like a son to her, she raised him from a puppy to a big dog he was now, not to mention how huge he was, almost a size of a wolf," Luna! Lara called out to her approaching her, Luna stood on her feet looking back," mind if I seat with you?." Lara smiled, Luna sat back down and Lara joined her, there was silence for a few minutes when Lara spoke first," I would like to know more about your life, how you grew up." Lara said," I already told you."

Lara: " yes, but they weren't positive, I want to know more about you, how you grew up and your parents."

Luna: " my parents loved me, they still do, they never considered me to be adopted nor did they make me feel like I was adopted, they gave me everything wether I asked for it or not, kids at my school would bully me saying, I'm not Korean, I'm only adopted, I'm ugly, but I knew I was beautiful more than anyone, that it was only their jealousy that made them do and say whatever they were saying, even if I had everything I still wanted to know my real family, my blood, that's the only thing that made me come back." Luna gave a bitter smile

Lara: " Luna I'm your sister, Bethany, Evan and I are here for you, always, cause we're blood, something that can't be broken." Lara smiled warmly widening her arms, Luna hugged her sister closing her eyes, even if she didn't want to admit it, she really needed this hug, it was like taking shelter in a mother bird wings, so safe and warm

Alex was in his study staring outside the window to the courtyard, seeing his wife reconnecting with her sister, how happy she was right now made him happy, but he still didn't trust Luna, he thinks she is hiding something from them, the real reason why she is here, the door cracked open to the study," you called for father." Max stood behind, Alex turned around to sit down," take a sit." Alex offered, Max took a sit," we haven't talked face to face since you came back from school, is everything alright there?." Alex asked," it's not bad." Max calming said," and your sister?."

" Mariana can take care of herself."

Alex: " I know she can, she's really strong, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't look after her."

Max: " I know," Max could only say," may I leave now?." he added, Alex nodded, it was impossible to keep the conversation going with Max, he felt like he was dealing with the younger version of himself, he now began to know how people felt while trying to understand him, with a sigh he went back to work

" Alexander!" Alex heard his name being called out in the corridors," Alexander!" Alex left the study in a rush, he saw Reign carrying a motionless body in his arms, he recognized her immediately," Adriana! he rushed over to them," what happened to her?." Alex asked," she was stabbed with the Immortal Sword, you need to help her." Reign said," the Immortal Sword? how is it possible?." Alex frowned," we can talk about that later, right now Adriana's life is in danger, she might die Alexander, only you can save her." Iris said," Mother! Alexah appeared in the hallway, Lara also followed behind and witnessed the horror in front of her," mother! Alexah ran to her mother's side," what happened to mother? why is she bleeding so much?," she teared up," look at me sweetheart, nothing will happen to your mother, she will be fine, I won't let anything happen to her ok," Alex assured Alexah, he gathered Adriana in his arms, he took her to one of the spare bedrooms, he laid her down on the bed, and took off her shirt, her wound was very deep, blood everywhere and it wasn't healing itself, Alex took off his shirt covering her wound and putting pressure on it, he wiped the blood off, his fangs elongated, and he bit on the sides of her wound, and covered it up with a bandage, Alexah was pacing back and forth outside the hallway, as soon as she heard the door crack open, she turned her head rushing over," father! how is mother? is she going to be alright?." Alexah asked worriedly," your mother will be alright, she just needs to get some rest, let her wound heal, although it may take a while since it wasn't an ordinary sword, but you don't have to worry," Alex squeezed Alexah's shoulder gently, it was already sun down, the sun hid behind the thick clouds, Alex went back to his room, Lara was patiently waiting for him, Lara stood up when she heard the door open," how is she?." Lara asked approaching him," she will be fine, she just needs rest." Alex said going to the bathroom, he filled the tub with warm water dipping his body in the relaxing water, Lara sat on the edge of the tub, pouring water on his body," Alexah is really devastated, seeing her mother in that state is just, terrifying." Lara said in a flat tone," as much as I know Alexah, she's a strong young woman, she can handle herself, I'm much proud of that," Alex said," now if you don't mind Mrs Grey, I would love my wife to join me in this bath, it's kind of lonely." Alex added, Lara stood up, getting out of her dress, she dipped her toes, she leaned on Alex pressing her lips on his, Alex held her waist pulling her closer to him, he deepened the kiss as he touched every part of her naked body, they made love in the tub, feeling each other's warmth, Alex carried Lara back to their room, she got into her night dress getting into bed," Aren't you coming to bed?." Lara asked seeing Alex getting into his casual clothes," I would love to have more of you, but I have to go to Adriana's room, I have to look after her the entire night," Alex said placing a gentle kiss on her forehead," can't you tell Zues or anybody else to look after her, I want you here with me," Lara said stubbornly, Alex sighed, his hand caressing her cheek, he looked into her eyes and said," I'm only looking after her from a distance, you have nothing to worried about," Alex assured her," of course I have every reason to worry Alex, she's your ex, you two have a long ancient history together, you have a daughter together, I'm just not sure of you two being in the same room," Lara admitted to her insecurities," Wife, I love you with everything I've got inside me, no one, absolutely no one, can take your place, understood," Alex kissed her lips for a short while," good night," he smiled at her tucking her into bed, he switched off the lights and left the room, Adriana was peacefully resting when Alex walked in, he undressed her wound to clean it, it was healing quickly, he dressed it with clean bandages, Adriana shifted in bed with a groan," Alexander! she whispered his name," I'm right here," Alex touched her forehead and noticed she was burning," you're burning up," he stood up and grabbed a small towel and a bowl of water, he pressed it on her forehead, and did it a few times, her temperature finally went down, Alex sat on the sofa keeping an eye on her through the night, at 12:30 am in the morning, Adriana found it hard to sleep, she kept on turning in bed, her body was shivering, Alex attended to her immediately," hey, what's wrong?," he said in a low voice," cold, it's cold in here," Adriana said in a quivering voice, Alex added more sheets and pillows, but she was still shivering, with no other choice, he took off his shirt, got inside the sheets, and held Adriana's body in his arms tightly, in a few minutes, she stopped shivering cause of his warm body that surrounded her, she was able to get back to sleep soundly,

it was 10 am when Lara opened her eyes, she got out of bed, went to the bathroom to shower, got dressed and rushed out of the room going downstairs, she reached the bedroom door where Adriana was resting, she wanted to push it open but held back, last time she did so, she saw her husband naked in bed with another woman, she didn't want to experience such event again, it would hurt deeply, especially the fact that Adriana was no ordinary woman, she once meant something to him, who knows, she still does mean something to him till now, Lara turned around going back upstairs to her room, Adriana opened her eyes slowly, only to find herself in Alex' arms, his face was close to hers, he looked so beautiful, calm, selfless and gentle when he is asleep, it's been ages since they last slept like this, it felt good reliving the past, Alex opened his eyes to find Adriana staring at him, they both stared at one another in silence, Alex let go of her body and sat up in bed, he got his gray T-shirt putting it back home before getting out of bed," how are you feeling?," he asked simply," good, just a sting of pain," Adriana said, Alex helped her up, he gathered Adriana in his arms going to the bathroom, his right hand held her waist while his left hand filled in the tub with warm water, Adriana took off her clothes in front of Alex, she didn't mind that he was standing there, after all, they've seen more of each other millions of times naked, Alex helped her get into the tub so she wouldn't slip and hurt herself, he poured water on her body, and liquid soap, after her bath, he wrapped a towel around her and took her back to the room, he changed the bandages around her stomach, and helped her get dressed into clean clothes," thank you, for saving my life," Adriana thanked Alex," What were you doing in that cave? why did you go there?," Alex was puzzled to why Adriana had to go to that cave, and why she wanted the sword," I wanted to get rid of it, because it's the only thing that can kill you Alexander, I don't want the kids to lose their father, or Lara to lose you, as long as that sword is out there in the wrong hands, I can't be at peace till I destroy it," Adriana said," but that sword can't be destroyed, many tried, Kings, Queens, Witch Queens, all tried but failed, that's why it was sealed away for decades not to get into the wrong hands,"

" what if I found a way on how I can destroy it, would you let me go after it?," Adriana said seriously looking right into Alex' blue eyes," not when it means risking your life, I can't let you go alone, Alexah also needs you, Adriana nodded," you must be hungry, let's go downstairs," Adriana stood up, Alex and Adriana walked towards the dining hall, everyone was gathered around the table," Mom! Alexah got up from her seat to embrace her mom," are you okay?," Alexah asked worriedly," I'm alright, your Dad took care of me through out the night," Adriana smiled slightly, Alexah led her mother to take a seat, Iris also joined the family, they were quietly having a family meal when two women walked in dressed in black clocks which covered their heads and half of their face," Greetings your majesty, her majesty," they bowed towards Alex and Lara, Iris stood up facing them," what brings you?," she asked them," my Queen, we have a problem in the village," one of them said, iris frowned, she wondered what was so urgent that her comrades had to follow her here despite their dislike of Vampires, they never approved of her assisting the vampires but since she was their Witch Queen, they have no choice but accept her decisions, iris excused herself to the family with intentions to leave but Reign also got up standing in front of her," I will come with you," he said," No, it's not safe, my kind still feels threatened by your kind, they might hurt you," iris said and left with her comrades, they past through the dark forest and into the village, Iris' eyes landed on the man seated on the green grass and leaned on the tree trunk, she was both caught by his strange appearance, his looks and body, Iris has never seen a male witch with white silver hair before, not in her entire existence at least, he was tall, slender and damn beautiful, he was the first male witch that caught her eyes, his eyes were closed, looked like he was asleep, he wore a black t-shirt and black trousers, his clothes looked dirty, torn and he has bruise marks that were slowly disappearing, Iris turned to one of the women she was with and said," who is he?,"

" that I do not know, he was roaming in the dark forest with his family, he said his village was attacked, burnt down and destroyed, he seeks for shelter for his people, he hasn't said or talked to anyone and only wishes to speak to the witch Queen only, quite rude if you ask me," she rolled her eyes, the man opened his eyes looking at them with intense eyes, he has light hazel eyes that can look right through your soul which made Iris' heart skip a beat, she has never experienced such a disturbing feeling before, the white haired Witch got up on his feet and approached them, he stood in front of Iris and gave a slight bow in respect for allowing him and his people into her village," Xara, arrange a warm bath for our guest with clean towels and clothes, and Karen, show our other guests their rooms, arrange clean clothes, towels and sheets," iris ordered the two women she was with," yes my Queen,"

" Xara will show you your room, settle in and we will talk after," iris said and went to her cave, thirty minutes had already gone by and she couldn't find anything about a male witch having white hair in the ancient books, and non of the former Witch Queens has ever mentioned anything about a male witch having white hair, she has all their memories but going through them was useless she found nothing, and some of their memories were to powerful for her to see through them so she gave up, after a while, the white haired Witch went inside the cave and saw Iris seated on one of the cristal chairs tired out," if you're trying to investigate me you're wasting your time Witch Queen, the book was long destroyed by the older Witch Queen, who was my mother," he said," Destroyed?," Iris frowned," what really happened to your Village?," added first wanting to know what happened to his village, who and why they destroyed it? she would then get back to the book stuff later, the white haired Witch leaned on one of the cristal walls putting his hands in his pockets," my name is Zayas, leader of the Witches, I don't like being called a King,"

" how is that possible? only females are chosen to be Queens, not males," Iris said," true, but back in the days I was considered to be bad luck, a curse and not a miracle, I was kept out of civilization, hidden from the outside world," Zayas simply said, Iris felt bad even though she was there to see it, how he grew up or went through as a young boy being different from all the rest of the other witches, suddenly a crazy theory popped into her head, she looked at Zayas twisting her mouth to the sides, her reactions caught Zayas' attention," what's on your mind Witch Queen?," he raised an eye brow," can, I, I would like to go through your memories of your childhood,"

" it's not a pretty picture you would like to see Witch Queen," Zayas tilted his head to the side," please Zayas," iris stood up staring right into his bright hazel eyes, Zayas raised a brow hearing her voice call out his name, her gray eyes were shiny like the bright moon in a dark foggy night, Zayas sighed," like I said Witch Queen, it's not a pretty picture, but since you're so persistent, fine," he finally agreed, iris smiled pulling his hand and led him to the cristal bed," lay down here," Zayas did as she said," close your eyes, inhale and exhale, and relax," she told him, and he went into a deep slumber, iris closed her eyes and murmured some words in silence while her hands were holding his head.

Lara was seated in her room, she was humming a beautiful song, Alex came into the room and couldn't help but smile at his little wife, he went and hugged her from behind kissing her cheek," I have been meaning to do this for a while now," he smiled," oh yeah, you didn't even glance at me on the breakfast table, your attention was locked on Adriana alone," Lara said," is that jealousy I hear in my beautiful wife's voice?," Alex smirked caressing her cheek, Lara stood up turning to Alex, she touched his chest slowly pushing him back till he hit the bed, she pushed him letting him fall back on the bed," well, well, I'm loving this already," Alex gave a naughty grin, Lara smiled getting on top of him, she touched his sensitive parts of his body," do you like it?," she whispered close to his ear," tasting your lips would be more pleasing my love," Alex said, Lara gave into his request and kissed him slowly but deeply, she made him feel the heat and sexual desires building up into his body," don't keep me begging love, I want to be inside you," Alex begged, Lara smiled and leaned to whisper into his ear," not today love," she tapped his chest getting off of him, Alex sat up raising one eye brow," are you trying to kill me with desire wife?,"

" consider it a lesson dear husband," Lara kissed his cheek and walked out of the room, Alex sighed, he was so hard and she just left him hanging, with a groan Alex got up and went to the bathroom, he turned on the shower letting the cold icy water pour down on his hot heated body, as time past by his muscles began loosing up and relaxed, he went back to his normal selfless self, turning off the water, he leaned to the marble wall running his long slim fingers through his hair and chuckled to himself, his little wife was really something else, he grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his waist going back to the bathroom, he got dressed in his casual clothes and went to his study.