Sixth Sense [2]

I am now standing in front of the building. Almost 25 minutes have passed since the time I got the premonition.

Countless Aura blades flashed in the sky, and then it drops to somewhere else in the next moment.

Sound of artilleries, such as high tech cannons, Psionic firearms, and so on filled the entire city.

That's what I only knew as of now, since I'm not at the walls yet. I knew it since the vibe of an 'intense battle' can be felt even here. But then, there's no desperation.

The City Commander, an S Ranked Superhuman, didn't made her shot yet, thus they kept their composure.

Those aside, I finally found it. I didn't expect that it'll be found at the poorer area. I only counted this as one of the possible houses due to the fact that it did match the requirements.

Anyways, the building looked quite different from my premonition. If its newly built there, its now at ruins.

Thank goodness that it is so. I don't have to break in anymore. The building doesn't even have a door, thus I went in.

Now, what should I do?

My vision told me that the opportunity to nullify the danger is here, but where is it? It's not a living thing, obviously. So, it should be an item.

As the first floor is empty, I went to the second and the third floor, only to find it empty as well. Not knowing what to do, I went back to the first floor.

What the heck?

There's only 5 minutes left. If I'm not mistaken, those S Ranked zergs will surely appear at that node.

I didn't know what to do, but suddenly, my [Sixth Sense] allowed me to sense something.

I looked below my feet.

Here? It's underground, I see. I stepped onto the item below, thus it activated.

I summoned an Aura Blade and cut the floor in 5m radius of me. With my D- Strength, I simply lifted up the circled concrete.

What I saw below, is soil. That's it. I need to dig deeper. I know what to do.

I summoned two more Aura Blades. As the detection tools on the city might notice a strong Martial Force, I am very careful on using my techniques.

I don't want to be jailed, after all.

I made the shape look like a drill, and made it spin continuously. It now worked like a drill.

1m.. 3m.. 5m..


Suddenly, the drill had hit something. It is a substance that even an D- Rank attack couldn't break?

I looked down the dug hole, and I saw a metal-ish block. I jumped down the hole and personally got it.

It's quite heavy. But I managed to pull it out of the soil. I jumped out of the hole before I examined the item.

A briefcase made with black metal. It has the reddish lines, making it something reminiscent to a Sci-Fi tech.

I tried to find the way to open it, until I accidentally pressed a button on the center of it.

{Systems activated.. Error.. Error..}

It spat out a holographic message. After I saw it, the briefcase opened.

What's inside are.. 2 cubes?

[Savior's Armament (God)(Broken)]

-The armor once worn by the Heavenly Sovereign, the wielder of Myriad Forms Armament, Yan Weizhe. Before his death, he sent his armaments away in the hopes of it landing onto the last tinder of hope amidst the darkness.

-Due to the damages sustained during the battle and a space turbulence, it had been greatly damaged before landing on a planet.

-A growth-type technological artifact. Thanks to its various upgrades and modules, It has the following functions(locked):


[Damage Transfer]

[Heaven's Force Conduit]

[Enhanced Recovery]

[Entity Obfuscation]...

(94 others..)

[Myriad Forms Armament (God)(Broken)]

-The signature weapon of the Heavenly Sovereign, Yan Weizhe. Before his death, he sent his armaments away in the hopes of it landing onto the last tinder of hope amidst the darkness.

-Due to the damages sustained during a battle and a space turbulence, it had been greatly damaged before landing on a planet.

-A growth-type technological artifact. It can devour other artifacts and become their forms. It will retain the most important trait of the artifact devoured.(One trait per form)

-List of the forms interchangable(locked):


[Boundary Breaker]

[Primordial Lotus Sword]

[Staff of Beginnings]

[Dragon Slaying Rifle]

(94 Others..)

Now, what the hell? Thanks to [Decisiveness], I didn't experienced extreme shock. Still, I am speechless nonetheless.

This broken armaments? With my luck, I wouldn't be able to find it. Why the heck did I find it?

[During the first [World Travel], the Panel chooses the worlds with great potential. The armaments caused this world to take the number one spot right away.]

The [Panel] tells me so. So there's a hidden function. Still, I wouldn't be able to find this if not for the disaster today. I should really give my regards to that adult Brain Worm..

Another thing, the [Panel] only reacted to this armaments. I tried using it to appraise the armor and my mechanical sword from before, but it didn't work. It should be dependent on the rank of the artifact.

Now that this is broken, how am I able to use this? To my surprise, the [Panel] gave me an unexpected surprise again.

[Repairing the to E+ costs 18,000 exp. Continue?]

[Repairing the to E+ costs 18,000 exp. Continue?]

It can now repair as well! Stats, traits, techniques, masteries, the lucky hit, and now, artifacts? The [Panel] is as versatile as glasses. All hail Panel!

Two choices. What should I pick?

It didn't take long before I decided. I picked..


In this world, artifacts are ranked just as how the power systems are ranked. If EX Rank Armaments that can be used until EX Rank are very rare already, then what about the God Ranked Armaments?

I don't know how to react right now, but one thing is very evident in my face—joy.

Imagine getting an endgame weapon at a tutorial stage? That's what I'm feeling right now.

A very pure energy came out and enveloped the 3x3x3 cube; Yes, I chose . A good defense is a good offense, or so they say.

Moving on, the cube absorbed the pure energy little by little. Now that I think of it, this should be the reason for its(Panel's) versatility.

I can sense that if I ingested that, I'll be able to understand more about the techniques or improve my stats. I could've levelled up my trait as well. Well, its not like I can steal the energy that's being emitted, though.

After a few more seconds, it's finished. I checked its status first.

[Savior's Armament (E+)(God)]

-The armor once worn by the Heavenly Sovereign, the wielder of Myriad Forms Armament, Yan Weizhe. Before his death, he sent his armaments away in the hopes of it landing onto the last tinder of hope amidst the darkness.

-Due to the damages sustained during the battle and a space turbulence, it had been greatly destroyed before landing on a planet.

-A growth-type technological artifact. Once worn, the status of the wearer goes up by one major stage temporarily. It wouldn't be pierced against the attacks of below A- Rank.

-This armament has the characteristic: Unbreakable

-A growth-type technological artifact. Thanks to its various upgrades and modules, It has the following functions(locked):


[Damage Transfer]

[Heaven's Force Conduit]

[Enhanced Recovery]

[Entity Obfuscation]...

(94 others..)

The status changed! It wouldn't get pierced through by attacks below A- Rank! Though the modules aren't fixed yet, it's all right.

This is simply crazy.

Also, the characteristic.. That's why it's not fully destroyed. It can be pierced through and be broken into pieces, but it'll last forever..

Without further ado, I tapped on the cube. It disassembled into small pieces, similar to nanomachines, before attaching onto me and forming into an armor.

{System Reboot.. Complete.}

{Will check.. Passed.}

{Personality test.. Passed.}

{Talent check.. Error.}

{Overall Evaluation: Passed.}

{You are now the acknowledged Master of this armament.}

Numerous notices came out of my vision. Used to it now due to my armor from before, I read it one by one.

"So there's a test before becoming its owner?"


"Wha- You are sentient?"

{Yes. I am the spirit of this armament, named Xiao Song by former Master Yan Weizhe.}

Another text appeared in front of my vision.

An artifact spirit. I only knew about them in the novels, but I guess I confirmed it now.

"What do I need to do, now that I'm the owner of this armament?"

{My former master didn't specify anything. He wouldn't force you to save this world. He, after all..}

No obligations? I just realized a very important fact. If this guy with a boss-like name died, then what else could I, a guy who's at B+ Vessel, do?

Even the description of the Panel told him that he died. But, it also told me of his true feelings. He had hoped that someone could still attempt to protect this world.

I am foolish. What's with the "I'll inherit your will to protect this world" last time?! Yes, this might be plausible if I have the power. Maybe I can help the protagonist of this world or something.

Anyways, I can see that 'it' is sad at the moment. Thanks to me not knowing how to comfort someone, an awkward silence remained. I then thought of something to break this silence.

"May I ask a question?"


"Can you help real-time during battles?"

{I can. I can help with the detection, automated defense, and so on.}

"I see."

I then started to get used to this armament by doing some stretching.


Suddenly, a very loud explosion resounded from the city walls.

Damn it. The S- Rank should be here. With the items that I got, I can nullify the danger, I think.

First, I needed to head to the battlefield first. I have to repair the as well. Maybe its the only one that could affect that SS Rank Adult Brain Worm as well.

I left the building and headed straight to the battlefield.