Battle [1]

"Xiao Song, is there any way to affect that SS Ranked zerg that I told you earlier?"

{With our current strength, no. Unless, you still have more than 10 times of the pure energy from before.}

Pure energy meant exp. So more than 180,000?


With my own strength, I jumped to the top of the wall from the ground. It took me a 30m jump and 2 instantaneous movements before I got there.

Some soldiers were startled, but they soon proceeded to do their thing after seeing my armor's design.

That's right. I told her to make my exterior to look like my armor from before.

"12th squad to 18th squad! Ready your [Sword Willows]!"

I heard someone shouting that. After that, the soldiers beside me began to grasp their sword and casted [Sword Willows].

Good. Without sparing a thought, I casted mine too.

[Sword Willows]!

With my B+ Rank Vessel, I can now cast all ten thousand of them, with each being D+ Rank.

My levelled up [Decisiveness] helped alot too, as it increases my thinking speed to 75%.

My Aura blades managed to blend into the wave attacks, killing quite a huge amount of zergs.

[Experience gained. 2,000 exp gained.]

[Experience gained. 10,000 exp gained.]

[Experience gained. 20,000 exp gained.]

[Experience gained. 15,000 exp gained.]

[Experience gained..]

Prompts appeared in my sight. Since the zergs that had reached here are the ones that passed through the close combatants outside the city, the highest out of them being at C+ Rank.

[Exp: 288,000]

⅕ of my Martial Force for almost 300,000 exp? Totally worth it. Still, I have more to gain at the front.

I lept from the top of the city wall, reaching the ground again. Some surprised voices were heard.

"Stop it, soldier! Don't go outside your post!"

"It's in the training, right? Why did he-"

I didn't have time to mind them. I used instantaneous movement to disappear from their sight.

"Wait, is that [Silent Steps] at the Mastery?!"

"It is.. What squad is he from?"

"There's only 2-3 members who had reached that mastery in each squad. Why did he come from here?"


I successfully got away. Without the S Rank Superhuman supervising the battlefield, plus the A Ranks being outside the city walls, I did it .

Though, the close combatants could be seen from here. This place is quite open, but there's still some dried trees left. Anyways, I should still do it here. This place looks secluded enough.

[Repairing the to E+ costs 18,000 exp. Continue?]


The cube that I pulled out from my [Subspace] began to absorb the pure energy that the [Panel] emitted to it.


-A pocket dimension with a volume of 10x10x10. Stored things here will be kept and be carried across the two worlds.

Seconds later, it finished absorbing it. Just like the , it had a verification too.

{System Reboot.. Complete.}

{Will check.. Passed.}

{Personality test.. Passed.}

{Talent check.. Error.}

{Overall Evaluation: Passed.}

{You are now the acknowledged Master of this armament.}

Just like the results from before. The only difference is that this time, it got transmitted to my thoughts; somehow similar to mental telepathy.

The will should be strong enough, the personality should be good so as to not cause any further loses to the alliance, and the talent check that got an error. Is that it?

I would love to think that my talent check got messed up due to the [Panel]. I already surpassed my latent potential, after all.

"Hello? Good morning?"

Since I don't know how to start a conversation, I did this.

'Yawn.. Are you the new master?'

This time, the telepathic voice didn't sound very machine-like; rather, it sounded similar to a little girl instead. A loli if you may.

'That's because I am a little girl!'

Eh? She can hear—she can. Nevermind about that. Xiao Song, is she really like this?

{Yes. In fact, I was created before her. That's why she sounded like a little girl.}

'Older Sister!'

I expected it. Yep. What's your name?

'Xue Xiaodan. You can call me Little Xue, Little Dan, anything you like. Also, you can block out the thoughts that you don't want me to hear.'

That's possible? How?

'You have a Wisdom Stat, right? Just control you own mind and protect it.'

I did as I was told.

"Can you still hear my thoughts?"


Thankfully, she couldn't. Anyways, the cube became a.. stick? It looked like a 2m cylindrical rod.

'Its not a 'rod'! It's my default form!'

She said angrily. This looks like a rod, though?

"Then, what should I do to use you properly?"

'You need to repair me first. At D+ Rank, I should be able to unlock 3 forms, I think?'

Oh, that's it. The transformed into an armor not because I repaired it already, but because its her default form.

"Is that so? By the way, you have any ways to at least affect an SS Rank zerg? Just like what Xiao Song said."

'I don't.. Unless, you still have that pure energy of yours. Maybe then, I could temporarily become S+ Ranked. Take note that I can only do it once, because even I might get destroyed permanently if I do it more than once.'

So that's it. This is why the vision pointed me to them. If 2 SS Ranked are fighting, maybe I can use this to at least distract the zerg, so that it can be defeated.

But permanently destroyed? Even if I just met them now, I wouldn't want that to happen. As a normal student few months ago, I'm not ruthless. I'm not cold-blooded either. I perceive them both as a 'person' with personality and feelings.

"Don't worry. This will be the first and last time you'll do it. If worse comes to worse, I'll just use "that" method."

That, refers to dying.

[Exp: 258,000]

This should be enough for 2 repairs, right?

[Repairing the to D+ costs 124,000 exp. Continue?]

Nope. Fuck. What should I choose?


[Lugh Austere Bayer]

Rank: B-

Latent Potential: C-

Exp: 8,000

Strength: C

Agility: C+

Stamina: C+

Vessel: B+

Wisdom: C


[Dagger Mastery (LV3)]

[Dexterous Hands (LV4)]

[Sword Mastery (LV1)]

[Decisiveness (LV2)]

[Sixth Sense (LV1)]

Yup, after choosing to repair , I upgraded my Strength and Wisdom stat to C. Furthermore..

[Sword Willows(purple)]

-A fusion technique borne from several purple-ranked techniques. It's optimized to better contain the energy generated from the [Military Fundamentals—Cultivation(gold)].

Current Level: Perfection

-Allows the practitioner to unleash 100,000 Aura blades with solidified sword intent. You can still do so without a sword, as the sword intent had been solidified.

I had upgraded my Mastery of [Sword Willows] to , the last stage. It allowed me to unleash 100,000 Aura Blades.

What the heck? Is this something to be given away that easily? Oh wait, Masteries take so much time that some wouldn't achieve what I had just done within 500 years.. Maybe some monsters are exemptions.

Anyways, though it might seem surreal to me, a person who only had a E+ Rank few days ago, I reached B- Rank.

It's not that I'm very talented; rather, it's the [Panel] who's very broken. Still, I lucked out from the consecutive events that I encountered. Without those, my growth would surely be stagnant.

Putting these thoughts aside, I decided to go to the defense line at the front to gain exp needed for the big move first instead of going to the place straight away where the 2 SS Ranks would duke it out. Why? Thanks to this.

[Savior's Armament (D+)(God)]

-The armor once worn by the Heavenly Sovereign, the wielder of Myriad Forms Armament, Yan Weizhe. Before his death, he sent his armaments away in the hopes of it landing onto the last tinder of hope amidst the darkness.

-Due to the damages sustained during the battle and a space turbulence, it had been greatly destroyed before landing on a planet.

-Once worn, the status of the wearer goes up by one major stage temporarily. It wouldn't be pierced against the attacks of below S- Rank.

-A growth-type technological artifact. Due to it being repaired to D+ Rank, the following modules have been unlocked:

[Enhanced Recovery]

[Entity Obfuscation]

[Space Transfer]

Since there's no way that I could reach there with my current self, I asked Xiao Song whether she had something that could help me, and she told me that she has some modules in regards to that.

One such thing is this [Space Transfer].

[Space Transfer]

-The folding of space from one place to another.

-If you have this ability already, the said ability would be enhanced.

This is how the [Panel] explained it. For short, teleportation. Since the unlocking of modules are random, I just hoped that I could get one movement-related module. I didn't expect to get this.

Now that I have this, all I have to do is to gain Exp and head to the boss battle.