Chapter 38

" Called it! " Korrina fist-pumped upon seeing Atsumu enter the room and pointed at him. " The future is definitely going to be chaotic since he is involved. " 

" Hey, I'm not the one causing this. I'm just the guy who ended up being one of the focal points of this entire scenario, not by choice, but by happenstance. " Atsumu sighed with regret, " Unfortunately. "

" Was that necessary? " Gurkin asked, glancing at his granddaughter. 

" Yes. Besides, we both knew it was true. " Korrina said. 

" Just because it's true doesn't mean you couldn't have exercised restraint. " Gurkinn sighed. 

" Don't worry about it. " Atsumu waved it off. 

" I must admit though, I am curious how you play into all this. " Viola chimed in. 

" Yes, that is why I requested for him to join us today. " Olympia said, everyone's focus shifted to her. 

" I'm glad everyone's here, with a few minor changes. " Olympia said, glancing at Gurkinn and Meyer. " It has been a while Gurkinn. Are you okay? "

" Yes, I am. " Gurkinn said. " I apologize for my untimely departure and for closing myself off. I had a lot on my mind. " 

" It's quite alright. We all have had our fair share of off days to process things. " Olympia said. " And Meyer, I believe an introduction is in order. "

" Oh yes. " Meyer said, all eyes on him. Wulfric stared at him and Meyer noticed. " Hello everyone, I am Meyer, Clemont's father. I'll be fulfilling his gym duties while he's off on his journey. So until Clemont returns, I'm the Gym Leader of the Lumiose City Gym. It's a pleasure to meet you all. " 

" He was also the previous Gym Leader before his son took over. " Valerie whispered to Atsumu.

" You've... changed a lot since the last time I saw you. " Wulfic spoke up, walking up to Meyer. 

" It's been a long time since we ever spoke... and I didn't really expect for us to meet again like this. " Meyer responded with a smile, shaking Wulfic's hand as the two gave each other pats on the back. 

" It's good to see you, my friend. " Wulfic smiled. 

" It's good to see you too. " Meyer smiled. 

" You've loosened up. If this were you all those years ago, you'd be as stiff as a tree bark! And with little joy to boot. Always serious, that's who you were. " Wulfric laughed, patting Meyer's back with force. 

" Yes, and you haven't changed a bit. For an Ice-type specialist, you sure are joyful. It's almost like you have a fire lit in you 24/7! " Meyer said in between getting patted on the back by Wulfric. 

" And you finally warmed up. " Wulfric chuckled. 

" I have. " Meyer smiled. 

" Out of curiosity, were they guys rivals? " Atsumu asked Valerie.

" They were. " Valerie said. 

" They were opposites to boot. " Ramos chuckled. " It was always a riot with those two battling. " 

" Hey, I think it's time to start the meeting. " Viola said to Olympia. " Grant's starting to fall asleep. " 

Looking over to Grant, his eyes were closed, arms were crossed, and was snoring softly while standing. Wulfric laughed loudly. 

" How... is he doing that? " Meyer asked, looking around for anyone to explain. 

" It's... a quirk of his. " Viola sighed. " We don't know how he does this either. " 

" How do you wake him up? " Korrina asked. 

" Don't worry. " Olympia smiled. " I can handle it. " 

Grant stood still while Olympia stared at his sleeping form. He then started to twitch, shuffling on his feet before letting out a long yawn. Rubbing his eyes, Grant asked, " We start now? " 

" Yes, we are. " Olympia said. 

" Finally! " Grant said. 

" Now then, I'll be showing you the vision. " Olympia said and the world shifted. 

The solid floor broke apart leaving everyone standing on nothing in the middle of an expansive galaxy. Atsumu stared in awe, his mind working overtime to understand this sensation. He knew he was still standing on a solid surface, yet what he sees does not match what he felt. 

" Woah, this is trippy. " Atsumu smiled. 

" I know right? It's awesome but weird at the same time. " Grant said. 

" Gentlemen, if we could focus. " Olympia reminded. The inhabitants in the room watched the glimpse into the future play out on the galactic platform. From the start, it showed Xerneas awakened from its slumber standing in front of two people, Atsumu and Lysandre. Xerneas eyes Lysandre and starts making its approach. Lysandre stands his ground as Xerneas keeps getting closer till Atsumu cuts in. 

Locking eyes with Atsumu, Xerneas stared intently. This continued for a few seconds before Xerneas disengaged and backed off, deciding to watch from the sidelines. Atsumu sighed and turned his attention towards Lysandre. After that, the vision ended and everyone returned to reality. 

Olympia remained silent, allowing everyone to digest the new information they were presented with. The silence in the room was palpable to the point where you could even hear some of the words being muttered, every now and then. That silence was soon broken by Wulfric. 

" Atsumu Miya, right? " Wulfric asked, turning to face Atsumu his arms crossed. " The one who entered Team Flare's hideout and got the video recording that Valerie shared with us? "

Atsumu took a deep breath and answered, " Yes. That's me. " 

" A few hours after Valerie shared the video with us, we were informed to join an online meeting where we were informed by the league that Lysandre had discovered an ancient weapon, one that was described in one of Kalos's folktales. The higher-ups informed us that Lysandre essentially has full immunity to pursue his research after informing them that one of his subordinates had disobeyed his direct orders and performed the illegal activity of testing the weapon without his consent. " Wulfroc explained. 

" Now, answer me with full honesty. Do you think he is a threat that needs to be taken down? " Wulfric asked coldly. The temperature in the room dropped a few degrees, all eyes stared at Atsumu who thought over what Wulfric said. Atsumu stayed silent till he gave his answer, all the while Ramos mentally thought of a cup of tea and some biscuits. 

" I do. " Atsumu responded. 

Wulfric's grip on his arm tightened as he gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to allow his emotions to take over. 

" Do you mind explaining why? " Olympia asked, eyeing Atsumu while noticing Valerie standing away with her eyes closed and her hands in her pockets. 

" Lysandre is going to fire the weapon. " Atsumu said. 

" How do you know that he will? " Viola asked. 

" Because I essentially did the same at one point. " Atsumu replied. 

" I'm sorry, but I do not understand what you all are talking about. What video are you talking about? What folktale? Does this also have anything to do with the message that states to let anyone wearing a red, red-white uniform and a flame emblem be left alone? " Meyer asked. 

" Okay, okay. " Korrina clapped, bringing the attention to her. " So just to summarize everything that was said so far; First, the bedtime story about the guy who revived his dead Pokemon using a machine powered by Pokemon is real. Second, Lysandre found the machine and has been experimenting with it but it's unclear whether he ordered his men to experiment or one went rogue and did it behind Lysandre's back because of two separate meetings, the one where Valerie showed a video and the other informed by the league. Third, Atsumu was there and took a video of what happened apparently and this is the video Valerie shared. He also says that Lysandre will eventually use the weapon. " 

" So... what the hell does that all mean? " Grant asked. 

" It means that some of us don't have enough information about what the hell is happening, and we would like an explanation starting from the beginning, please, " Korrina said, stuffing her hands in her jacket pockets. Ramos nodded his head in agreement as Olympia's male Meowstic handed Ramos a cup of tea and biscuits, laying them on a portable table in front of him. Ramos gave Meowstic a biscuit as a thanks, which Meowstic happily accepted. 

" ... Yes, that would be better. " Olympia agreed. " Atsumu, could you tell us everything from the start? " 

" Sure. " Atsumu agreed, taking a deep breath before Dusknoir came out from the shadows and handed him the book. Olympia, Meyer, and Wulfric took note of Dusknoir's presence, feeling chills go down their spines, while the others who've experienced Atsumu's strength were less on edge. 

" This book was written by the man in the bedtime story and likely where the story originates from. " Atsumu said, handing the book to Valerie. " Take a look at it and pass it around.

Lysandre has a copy of the same book and we both believed that the contents of the book were real, so we pursued them. If you look closely at the drawings, you'll find some Mega-Evolved Pokemon existing, which is what I wanted to find out and learn about. Lysandre believed that the ultimate weapon existed and searched for it, and found it. " 

" So this is why you weren't phased in Geosenge Town. " Gurkin said, looking at the book once it arrived to him and observing the Mega-evolved Pokemon. " Things were truly different back then. " 

" Yep. I'm glad I'm living now and not then. " Korrina said.

" Could you get to the point? " Wulfric asked, irritation gnawing at him. " All you've explained is some similarities between you and Lysandre, none of which prove that he will use the weapon! "

" Yeah... that's true. " Atsumu said. " Nothing points to him doing so, but nothing proves he is going to use the weapon for what he promised your government. " 

" ... Are you looking for a fight? " Wulfric asked. " Because I would be more than happy to kick your ass! "

" Nope. " Atsumu said. " I'm just realising that my communication skills are terrible and that the point I'm trying to get across is a heavy assumption to make. There's really nothing I have that can prove what I'm trying to say, you just have my absolutely worthless word. "

' Oh... not bad. ' Ramos thought. 

" So, I'm not going to do anything until something happens. " Atsumu said, as Dusknoir came out and retrieved the book. 

" ... Explain. " Olympia said.

" The vision that you had was ambiguous. " Atsumu said. " We all know that. Whatever I'm trying to say can be either accepted or denied, no in-between, considering how outlandish all of it is. So, I'm going to do nothing and let things play out. " 

" So, you're just... " Wulfric started before feeling his entire body freeze over, a cold sweat coming over him. 

" I am a lot of things, but I ain't heartless. " Atsumu said, staring at Wulfric. " So chill out. " 

" ... Does that mean you'll still be helping when something happens? " Wulfric asked. 

" Yes. " Atsumu said. 

" I see. " Wulfric replied, sighing. " That's good. "

' He's grown quite a lot since the last time I saw him. ' Ramos thought, the tea cup hiding his smirk. ' Seems like he's finally using his head for things other than battling. Good. Would've been a waste otherwise. ' 

" Then, what about the vision? " Grant asked. " Can we prevent it or not? " 

" One way or another, it will happen. " Olympia sighed. " Considering everything going on, I don't think we can prevent this future from occurring. When the time comes, everyone should be prepared to face it head-on. " 

" I agree. " Meyer said. " But there's something I want to ask Atsumu first. " 

Meyer looked over at Atsumu and asked, " In the vision, Xerneas backed off and allowed you to confront Lysandre. I don't why or how you managed it but it happened or will happen so, I want to know what you'd probably do. Maybe just an idea... "

" I'd talk to him. That's all. " Atsumu said. " Whatever decision he makes after that is his choice. " 

" ... Talk? " Meyer repeated. 

" Yep. " Atsumu said. 

" Nothing else? " Meyer asked. 

" Like I said, after I say what I want to say it's his choice on how things move forward. " Atsumu said. " I'll just act after he does. " 

" ... I see. " Meyer smiled. " Then I'll leave things to you when the time comes. " 

" Well, at least things ended on a good note. " Ramos muttered to himself. ' And someone grew far faster than expected. '

" Does anyone have any objections to simply waiting things out? " Olympia asked. 

" I don't have an objection but if worst comes to worst, how worse can things really get? " Grant asked. " Because my training will depend on that. " 

" Worse comes to worse, no amount of training would help. " Atsumu said. " Cause the worst thing that could happen is getting vapourised. " 

" ... Oh yeah. " Grant muttered. " Guess I'll just train really, really hard. " 

" You still have Gym Leaders duties to do, don't forget. " Viola said. 

" I won't. " Grant said. 

" Anyone else? " Olympia asked, glancing around the room. No one spoke up. 

" Then it's settled. We will prepare ourselves as much as we possibly can till the day things inevitably go haywire. " Olympia said. " You're all free to talk for a bit more. If you wish to head home, I'll be in my office. "

" Finally, my back's killing me. " Ramos said. 

" Hey, Olympia. " Korrina called out. " We'd like to go home now. " 

" Follow me. " Olympia said walking away, Korrina and Gurkin following after her. 

Atsumu watched as everyone split up into groups, talking amongst each other. A poke to his side caught his attention, making Atsumu look towards Valerie standing next to him. 

" That... ended well. " Valerie said. 

" It did. " Atsumu agreed. " In retrospect, this entire situation isn't very believable in the first place. " 

" But it doesn't mean what you know is not true. " Valerie frowned. " Will you tell me what you wanted to say here? " 

" I will, " Atsumu said. " I really need a second opinion about this. You know any good places for a nice chat around here? " 

" I do. " Valerie smiled. 

" Nice. Lead the way. " Atsumu smiled. 

Exiting the gym, Atsumu followed Valerie down the streets of Anistar City till they reached the place Valerie chose. It was a local Crepe stand. Deciding the flavor they wanted and watching the chefs make the crepes in real-time, Atsumu and Valerie paid for their crepes and walked over to a bench. 

" Hooo... this is so good! " Atsumu said, after taking his first bite. " It's almost better than a Malasada. "

" What's a Malasada? " Valerie asked, in the middle of chewing. 

" Pastry. It's a popular treat in Alola. " Atsumu said, taking another bite. 

" Is it good? " Valerie asked, taking a bite. 

" It is. If you come by someday, try one. " Atsumu said. 

" I will. " Valerie said. " How do you know Lysandre will do that? "

" Like I said, I can relate to him in a way. " Atsumu said. " Whatever Lysandre envisions the world should be as, is not right now. He tried to make it happen, but in the end, it didn't work so now he wants to get rid of everything. When I was little, my family was. my world and that world came crashing down till I couldn't recognize it. I tried fixing it, but nothing worked and I burned it down. Granted, I didn't kill anyone but I don't think that invalidates any of the other points. "

" Things are really complicated right now. " Valerie muses. " Will things be alright in the future? " 

" I intend to make it so. " Atsumu said. " But I'll need a lot of help when the time comes. " 

" And you managed to do it today. " Valerie smiled. " If you hadn't decided to switch strategies mid-way, things would've been messy. " 

" Yeah, I know. " Atsumu chuckled. " But regardless, I don't think I need to worry too much. You guys are stronger than me after all. " 

" Coming from the guy who's defeated our best teams single-handedly? " Valerie sassed. 

" That was just in a regular Pokemon battle. " Atsumu said.

" And now, it's in handling tense situations. " Valerie said. " You're here and I don't doubt that you'll have things under control when everything comes crashing down. " 

" ... What makes you so confident in that? " Atsumu asked. 

" Because I spent a lot of time with a reliable guy and fell in love with him. " Valerie smiled. 

Atsumu looked at Valerie in shock before blushing hard and turning away from her, feeling embarrassed. Valerie chuckled in amusement at how flustered Atsumu was by her honesty. Reaching out, Valerie poked Atsumu's cheek to gain his attention, then held her crepe to his mouth. 

" Want to try mine? " Valerie asked a smug smirk on her face. 

" Yes, but only if try mine. " Atsumu said. 

" Deal. " Valerie replied as the two enjoyed their crepes while snow gently fell. 


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