The beginning

Ying Yue fell asleep after a long call with her friend, she refused to even take a nap on the ride home. Worry was evident on her face until they got back to the Lui pack mansion and she made the call, only then did she calm down a bit.

She was worried since Yu Yan wasn't home before she left, she had no idea where her friend had gone... She immediately knew something was up, Yu Yan was one who tended to hide emotions but she was always able to see right through her, a feat only few could achieve.

Being a member of high society made it difficult for you to express your real self or emotions as you were under the watch of many and Yu Yan had desperately wanted to fit in for her father, so she did everything to fit in the criteria which she pulled off elegantly. She always tended to overdo things too.

One would say she was a bit too perfect to be real.

Barely anyone knew the real her not even her father, the man tried to be good to her but his business had kept him distant and due to their long time of separation it was almost impossible for them to connect but he made sure to cater to her needs.

Ying Yue had been choked with worry for a while but after the call, her worries faded gradually and she fell asleep, Lui Feng just sat next the her sleeping figure reminiscing about the feel of her lips on his. At that moment he could feel a couple of the walls he put up crumble at her touch.

The amount of emotions he felt today were unreal, it was a bit cold at this time of the year but all he felt was warmth. He ran his hands through her hair gently, her hair was really soft and smooth, and it glowed even as she slept. He could stay like this forever, why wasn't his gift pausing time?

He felt his strength increasing slowly by the second, it was unnoticeable to others but he could feel it, he wouldn't have the grace of another full moon. It was going to happen by the next full moon, the moon wouldn't have a silver glow but a red one...

The dreaded moment was nearing and it felt as if he was losing so many opportunities by the second, if she wasn't asleep they could make better use of their time... His face turned a light shade of red at the thought, his eyes turning golden, this woman was going to be the death of him. She just slept peacefully unaware of the wolf which was fighting to come out.

"Beautiful, how could someone be so beautiful?" He whispered in her ear, he meant every word... No one could hold a candle to her, not the most famous supermodel or even the most beautiful werewolf. She was too pretty... His eyebrows furrowed at this, this was why people swarmed around her like annoying flies, even his brothers.

He wanted to keep her by his side forever, she was his and his only, he pouted looking at her, he wanted her comfort but here she was sleeping so soundly without a care in the world. Did she even care for him, even if it was just a little bit?

He was in a daze for a while then he noticed her face which had become flushed, he put his hand on her forehead nothing her face became redder and warmer. He thought she was getting a fever when he noticed her struggling to keep her eyes closed and smiled.

She had been sleeping soundly, focusing on the light strokes on her hair which brought her warmth. She was floating with joy then she heard him whisper the most brazen thing into her ears making her face turn red. She kept her sleeping facade on though but she could feel his intense gaze on her.

'Please, just go to sleep' she pleaded in her thoughts because of how embarrassed she felt, luckily he got up and made his way towards the door and she sighed in relief but he opened the door and came to a halt.

"Ying Yue try to fall asleep early, you have a lot to do tomorrow", he said and walked out the door~ busted! He had seen right through her. She sat up and sighed Lui Feng's words repeating in her mind. 'Am I really that pretty?' she thought as she made her way towards the mirror.

She stared at her reflection with scrutiny, her hair looked nice and silky, and her skin had a nice glow. She definitely looked at least three times better than she did about a month ago, but to be as beautiful as Lui Feng saw her... She was far from it, she couldn't see it. She believed she couldn't even hold a candle to Qi Meili, she was barely above average.

She just walked back to bed and lay down, Lui Feng was right, there was much to do tomorrow, so she needed to sleep...

She opened her eyes slowly and noticed a different environment but somehow it was familiar, the place was lush with green leaves and the air felt so clean as the breeze blew. She tried to ask where she was but for some reason, the people couldn't see her that was when she came to the realization that she was dreaming.

"Li Jing! Li Jing!" She heard someone call out and she saw a woman who looked exactly like her turn towards where the voice was coming from. The woman tilted her head to look at the figure making its way towards her. To say she was dressed beautifully would be an understatement she was clad in a silk golden qipao dress which had red flowers embroidered on it, the gold earrings on her ears, and the jewelry on her neck further defined her beauty. The woman just looked like her but she was on a whole different level.

Lui Shui walked up to her excitedly with the brightest smile she had probably ever seen on the aloof man's face. They were chattering happily, yet one could see the difference in their stances. The woman seemed to have a soft but friendly gaze towards him while his was beyond endearing.

"Unrequited love...?" She muttered as she kept staring, this seemed like a whole different world for her but what was this supposed to mean?

Suddenly the woman stopped talking and stared in her direction, she immediately held her breath nervous that she could see her and she could. The woman quickly mouthed some words to her but her vision had begun to become blurry and in the next moment she woke up. She was back in the Lui pack mansion.

"Li Jing?" She uttered silently, the name sounded so foreign but she had heard it so many times, now she was hearing it even in her dreams, and her curiosity became piqued. She went back to bed hoping to continue but sadly there were no more dreams for her that night, just simply rest.