The city|||C10

"Now come here and let the feast begin!"

""""YEAH!"""" The scientists, who are quiet most of the time under normal circumstances, cry out and beer mugs get lifted. The whole town has a lively feel about it and to say Ray didn't enjoy it even a little bit was an immense understatement.

His previous life was plagued by constant warfare and its impact's around the universe. He needed to grow up fast, and the times he could enjoy simply being a kid were short, that's also the reason he remembers everything about the series he watched so easily, they were the only things he could feel nostalgic about.

Anyways, seeing this many people celebrating and having fun, instead of experiencing dread and nihilistic depression, made Ray thank the one who transmigrated him here, even if it wasn't his timeclock that initiated the transmigration he would still thank the being that did this to him.

He watched as Yuji was quickly surrounded by other scientists gratulating him, others trying to get near the new marquis to gain favor or perhaps trying to allure him and then abuse his power. Ray could help his employee but decided against it, if Yuji is unable to see through those with bad intentions then he's simply not fit for his new position.

Ray once again looked down, eying his mug filled with alcohol still left untouched, he seldom drunk alcohol in fear of being attacked by an enemy and then being unable to react fast enough because of it.

"I should slowly begin to live a normal life!" And with that, the whole thing was downed.











"Argh!" A loud and pained groan was heard in Ray's office as the latter stood up barely holding himself up with one arm on his desk, the other touching his stomach.

Ray looks hazily around himself before activating a greater healing spell, curing his hangover. Though the physical effects of a hangover were dispelled, the mental and emotional effects were still there so he prepared a few cups of tea and drank them one by one.

"Why can I get this drunk even though I'm a spiritual lifeform?!"

When Ray felt relatively good once again he activated [magic sense] and [Temporal Awareness] getting his eyesight back to max.

He also changed his clothing with the extra military set he kept in his office at all times and did his mourning routine with some magic spells he learned from his previous human teacher.

He exited his office immediatly after getting ready and said as he got outside "Cynus bring me Yuji... if he's still alive." A wolflike head suddenly emerged from Ray's shadow and answered loyally "Yes master!" The wolf head disappeared as fast as it came and Ray now stood alone in the hallway connecting his office to the other parts of the facility.

A few seconds pass until Cynus manifests before Ray holding the tiny Yuji in his jaw. Cynus drops the scientists to the ground carefully while Ray sighs at the poor display of his best subordinate.

"He didn't let himself get killed at least," Ray said as he used a full heal spell sucking out a large margin of magicules out of his body, but not nearly as many as a single use of [Timeline manipulation] would take.

The tiny demon man shook a bit until his muscles relaxed again and he jolted upwards facing his superior directly.

"Good to see you alive in one piece, after making yourself ready for work compile a report detailing what happened yesterday as good as you're able to, also convey the message to all scientists who are sober that they can get to work once again."

"Y- YESSIR!" Yuji did the typical military salute and ran away following his orders, after all even after becoming a marquis Ray was way more powerful, be it personally or politically, and Ray has the right to demote him to the rank of a peasant at any time.











And like that twenty years passed, yes years the life of an immortal is truly long and boring. Not much happened, but Ray stopped growing when he reached the age of twenty five and he reached a bottleneck concerning his strength, his current theory is that the time clocks help the wearer absorbing magicules, explaining how he could devour the Draco nova from Milim, or how he absorbed the demonic magicules of demons, it also seems to improve the number of time related skills you get from evolving, in short, Ray#2 was completely right, and giving up his Time clock would be an unbelievably stupid idea.

Project Demonoid also progressed into the final stages with five successful test subjects, four at the level of mid greater demon tier and one at low archdemon tier. Two of the greater demon Demonoid's are the results of sealing demons into a human body and them merging over time, both participants were otherwordly children that were saved similary to Shizue's students, only this time with demons instead of spirits.

The other two greater demon level demonoids are former soldiers that agreed to partake in the experiments for money and to cure their terminal illness respectively.

Now to the last successful Demonoid, Yuji, who merged with an arch demon at one point and became an archdemonoid acquiring all the benefits of a demon.

After creating five individuals with strength far above the normal royal guard (remember Guy as an Archdemon could destroy two whole countries and while he was a high tier archdemon, an archdemon is still an archdemon) the project was dismantled, partly due to the enormous death rates and cost of creating demonoids.

But that wasn't the end of this research facility, no, after the Demonoid's got created funding only increased and more and more scientists started working and living here.

In the end, this small town became a big city with sixty percent of the inhabitants being researchers, the rest being their kids or the people holding the city together.

The architectural style consisted of the normal medieval style seen almost everywhere in this world, with the exceptions of some magitech devices plastered onto the sides of houses or the clear and clean roads with additional sewer systems.

Most projects were based around magitech, alchemy, golemancy, or summoning otherwordlers and copying their tech from memory. But there was a small group of scientists that looked up to Ray almost fanatically and asked him for guidance in their research, research he would like to see more of. 'If you really want to be true scientists then ignore magic and focus on the bare minimum around you avoid alchemy and create chemistry, avoid magic and concentrate on physics, avoid dragons and fairies and learn what reak biology is'.

And so they did, they developed crude smithies at first but over time and with more guidance they were steadily advancing towards true science. They currently had the same level of knowledge as ancient Romans from Ray's previous world but Ray gives them about two centuries or so until they reach the same level of technology found in the Renaissance.

Sadly though, that's it, this world is only twenty thousand years old and no fossil fuels could be created in such a short amount of time, at that point they can only go full steampunk, full magical science, or full depression.

That's also the reason why Ray didn't bring any technological masterpieces like star destroyers to this world with his knowledge. The blueprints he could redraw from his memory would all require things like Dyson spheres or star forges, even his timeclock that looks plain at first sight requires one to compress atoms with the force of a few black holes to fabricate crystalline structures that hold infinite mirror dimensions filled with various elements and energies.

And founding a space organization with steam, wind or solar energy is very improbable, and of course he doesn't hold blueprints for every single machine, he barely evwn knows how a basic gun is build, he only worked on time dialating constructs and he could definitely tell hours worth of stuff about them and the physical principles behind them but if you ask him how bulletproff glass is made them you're not with the right man.

Ray's city also began to attract political attention but every greedy noble that dared to touch Ray's city was quickly dealt with in brutal ways. Ray isn't particularly good in political scheming but he knows how to handle an army so he did what he knew best, achieve victory through battle.

Anyways, not much else began to happen these two decades, except for the occasional Walpurgis that happened every few months or the small skirmishes between the human kingdoms. Milim's nation finally realized with their weird dragon praying cult but they're absolutely peaceful so no nation cares about them.

Now to the present, Ray received an invitation to the yearly meeting of the empire's nobles he normally ignores but this time something interesting will be discussed.

"Mhm, the lake shore dyed red incident, that'll be fun."