Nobles should just die|||C11

"Mhm, the lake dyed shore dyed red incident, that'll be fun."

Of course, the letter Ray received didn't dub the incident, the only thing written inside of it was the calling of a meeting of nobility to discuss the rebellion of one of the empire's vassal states.

The nobles didn't have any actual decision-making power, only the emperor is allowed to send out the army, go on possible peace negotiations or do something that matters, the meeting is just a way for the nobles to feel more important and discuss whatever they feel like.

Well it's not completely useless because most meetings are held in the royal palace and nobles could therefore influence the emperor's opinion but that happens only rarely or whenever the emperor doesn't care.

Decided that he has nothing else to do at the moment, Ray teleported into Yuji's room using [Timeline Manipulation] and a big chunk of magicules.


Glass-shattering sounds fill Yuji's dimly lit room and a young adult steps out of thin air. Ray scans the room with [magic sense] and points his gaze at Yuji, the latter sitting crosslegged on his bed, ominous slits like those of a cat inside of his eyes.

Yuji's eyes shoot open and lock onto the uninvited intruder with the confidence to repel them until he realizes who it was that teleported into his room. A shocked expression shows up on the man's face and he promptly stands up and bows.

"Good day Sir. Ray, what brings about your presence here if I may ask."

"I got an invitation for a nobility meeting." Yuji raised an eyebrow as he looked up again "Hmh? I thought you hated the empire's nobles and I quote 'Going to such an event as this would equate to me being on the level of fat and greedy pigs that would help humanity only by rotting in hell." Yuji said, remembering his enthusiasm when he got such an invitation himself, and the following sadness when he learned how useless the event is.

Ray slightly chuckled, he indeed said this during one of the times he got drunk in the last twenty years, part of the reason he got drunk is his plan to slow down life and live like a real immortal, and what better way to waste time than getting drunk.

"Well, this time a small country under the empires 'protection revolted." Yuji raised his eyebrow even higher if that's even possible. "Sir may I remember you that two other tiny nations revolted in the last decade and even then you did not care."

"*sigh* I wanted to surprise you when the time is right but it seems like I need to reveal it now. The military of this nation, in particular, is pathetic even compared to other human nations in the west, and the King knows it. Sooo he decided to use circa eighty high-level mages, including his archmage, to summon a demon"

Yuji lowers his eyebrow and a smile now adorns his face. "I understand, when are we going to depart?". "Two days from now, ensure that everything stays smooth when we are gone"

Ray once again teleports away using [Timeline manipulation], leaving Yuji standing inside of his dark room salivating at the thought of the monster that will appear with so many mages.

Ray exits the Timeline besides a pub located in his city, the pub is mainly visited by mercenaries, adventures, and soldiers, basically, everyone that fights regularly. Before entering the pub, Ray used an illusion spell to make his pupils look like those of a normal human.

A few people look at him with fear, some with respect and some just ignore him. He walks upstairs to the VIP area reserved for only those with riches. A worker in the pub tried to stop Ray as he walked upstairs but he got immediatly stopped by his superior, the former worker must be new to this city if he doesn't recognize Ray's face. Ray didn't show himself often but considering that his face never changed and that he leaves lasting impacts on most people he comes across, most inhabitants of the city know him already.

Upstairs, Ray opened one of the first doors he came across and found a few people playing card games similar to poker inside. The players promptly stop their game and look at Ray, who motions two special people to come outside, both of them wearing expensive monster leather armor with high durability and immense flexibility. One of them carries a heavy black ultra greatsword on his shoulder, while the other one carries two longswords on her hip, if one would guess then they'd think those two are strong adventurers and they'd be damn right.

Ray and the two exit the room and when Ray closed the door behind him he started "I'll be away for a few days, you two will protect the city at all costs, understand?"


Ray looks at the Demonoid's that didn't change one bit during the last decade, both of them were former soldiers, the male lost a large part of his body and decided to participate in project 'Demonoid', the female was in because she was offered enough money to save her dying sister.

The other duo of Demonoid's that were created were summoned otherwordlers and are currently living in the city as adventurers as well, but they're not as strong as former soldiers so Ray entrusted only the duo in front of him to take care of his city and his citizens.

"He'll be helping you," Ray said as a small puppy emerged from his shadow, the puppy had eyes that could hypnotize one with their artificial beauty full of gears turning, but only someone with very keen eyesight could tell they are there.

"Ahh, Cynus come here cutie!!" The female soldier called Ina said as she took Cynus in her arms still in his puppy form, yes puppy form, during the last decade his connection with time got somehow strengthened and he was able to not only switch his position in time but also switch his appearance in time with [Timehop] that evolved into the unique skill [Timeswitch].

The man called Thrall smiled at his companion's actions and began petting the puppy too.

"Well then I'm off see ya"











\\\__two days later__///

Ray and Yuji departed an hour ago and just now both of them are in a Timeline where no time exists, thanks to Ray who wanted to teleport directly inside the Emperors throne room avoiding all of the nasty nobles, sadly though Yuji explained why that would be stupid and they will only teleport in front of the royal palace and enter normally afterward.


Eternal echoes of an ancient clockwork reverberate throughout the timeline as Yuji speaks up. "Sir doesn't it bother you, I mean all the sounds somewhere where no time should be allowed to flow?"

"I'm already accustomed to them, and they remind me of something I lost, someone I lost and will never see again, and what's even up with you, why are you complaining even though I'm practically giving you a free ride?" Ray looked back at Yuji until he noticed his composition

Yuji's ears, nose, and eyes bled profusely and his skin seemed to rot at some places, while other patches of skin seem to get more healthy and purer.

A look of worry fills Ray's face and he creates a portal to the real timeline as soon as he turned around and threw Yuji outside.

Arrived in the real world Ray throws healing spells on Yuji but none of them seem to work.

"It's ok Boss I can still walk and feel no pain whatsoever, it must've been some sort of rejection of that weird timeline we were in." Yuji said examining his body, "See, they already started to heal"

Yuji was right, the demonoid could even see his own wounds closing up at normal human speed with his archdemonoid physiology and sharp eyesight.

'I should analyze [Timeline manipulation] when I'm back. And it seems like we need to walk all the way to the royal capital on our own... in a few minutes.'












The meeting of nobility was going just like all of them before went, the aristocrats and their guards arrived as usual and the feast commenced.

The Emporer naturally, wasn't there to watch all of this happen, he didn't dismiss the nobles only because they still have a minimal fraction of power on paper that he didn't take from them... yet

All of the guards went into their special corners overlooking their employers and gambling with other guards and mercenaries.

As always all of the noble families bonded, arranged marriages, and slandered behind each other's backs, all the while drinking and dining.

That was until the large doors into the hall were opened, revealing a handsome young man with the extremely expensive royal corps uniform, which got really dirty, and another smaller man that was heavily panting besides Ray.

"Is that... Duke Ray."

"Yes and that besides him is the new marquis if I'm not wrong."

"But I thought they never showed up to our meetings thinking they're better than us."

"Yeah they're total assholes"

"Look how dirty they are, their city probably doesn't have any good carriage driver, how pitiful."

"Hahaha look how stupid they look."

Ray gives all the nobles a pure smile filled with happiness after imagining their old rotting bodies, drowning in the endless river of time, while he will live, even if this version of him dies there will always be another Ray, while all those pitiful nobles will die.

He also remembered casting an illusion spell on himself and Yuji before coming here, making his smile even brighter. In a few hundred years when the Empire reforms completely he won't need to cast illusion spells anymore because Majin will be officially accepted as citizens of the empire bit until then he needs to look as human as possible.

Ray slowly travels towards the back of the hall "Can I join your little game" he says as he sits down at one of the tables where the guards played cards, without waiting for their responses.

He also took out a bottle of alcohol chugging it down as fast as possible to make his stay here more comfortable.

Yuji just stands besides him, slowly regenerating his magicule reserves, after using teleportation and wind magic to travel here as fast as possible he almost fell unconscious.

[A/N: Majin are beings that are (partly) spiritual lifeforms that look roughly like humans but most often than not are stronger than them. Most human nations are racist towards them, but in the empire Rudra implemented a law that made them as much citizen as normal humans, most often than not even giving them higher positions than regular humans but that will only be implemented after Rudra dies and reincarnates once.

PS:Thanks for reading]