Special Chapter 1: Pink Joy part 1

"Pink it's time to wake up!" Shouted a young woman.

She had fair skin and pink hair tied into two rings behind her head and wore a white nurse cap with a blue plus sign adorned to it. Wearing a pink dress and a white apron, she had a Chansey beside her.

Yes, she's the nurse joy of Viridian City.

The teenage girl in the bed, who looks like a younger version of herself, is her daughter Pink Joy in her pink pajamas.

Unlike most members of the Joy family, she chose to become a trainer, and it has now been 5 years since she started.

"Only came back home to sleep all day," Nurse joy pout. "Chansey, use Heal Bell,"

"Chan," Chansey said, lightly tapping her egg, causing it to quiver. As it quivered, one could see the vibrations spreading around the bedroom.

"Noooo!" Pink cried, rising from the bed in despair. "I was about to win,"

She was about to win the battle against Rapidash, then suddenly the world began to shake and she woke up.

"Morning dear," Nurse Joy said with a bright smile.

"Morning, mom," Pink said helplessly.


"We hope to see you again," Nurse Joy said. She and Chansey bowed their heads lightly at the trainer who was leaving.

The Pokecenter, unlike in-game, isn't free, and there are more methods to treat your Pokemons, with the healing pod being the most expensive. The Pokecenter is a hospital for both humans and Pokemons, with around 10 Nurse Joy in each Pokecenter.

Pink, standing on the other side of the counter, had dyed her hair brown, wore a white shirt and a green long skirt.

"So how long do you plan on staying this time?" Nurse Joy asked.

The first floor of the Pokecenter is similar to the games, excluding the absurd PC, that hasn't been built yet. There's the phone booth, resting place, staircase to the second floor, and Nurse Joy's station.

"Not sure how long, maybe a month," She answered uncertainly, resting her shoulder on the counter.

"And how strong's your Pokemons?" Nurse Joy asked changing the topic.

"I'm a Junior Elite trainer, give me a year and I'll be Gym Leader Candidate," She answered proudly.

"Really?" Nurse Joy asked doubtfully.

The world hadn't reached the era of talents, where people like Misty, who took a similar amount of time and became a Gym Leader. Or people like Red who spent a similar amount of time to become a Senior Champion.

In this era, the average time it takes someone to reach Gym leader level is 10 years.

"Watch," Pink said releasing all her Pokemons directly from the pokebelt.

"Fearow," Feara being to be released, showed off her arrogance.

"Chan Sey," Chan Chan the Chansey came out and stood behind Pink.

"Ra," Risa the Rattata came out and jumped onto Pink's shoulder, licking her face.

"..." Daniel the Ambipom came out, seeing Feara staring at him with a hot gaze, he couldn't help but say it out loud, "Ambi pom." Which can be translated as 'thot begone,'

Rataya the Raticate appeared next, slapping Daniel on the head, and apologizing for him, "Raticate,"

"Fear," Feara shook her head, unsure what she ever did for him to be so harsh to her. All she ever wants to do is be with him.

"Toge," Kane the Togekiss, fly towards Pink, and told Daniel frankly, "Togekiss," 'Restore the peace and accept her,'

"Chansey," 'Peace,' Chan Chan agreed.

"Ambipom," 'I hate you all,'

"Rati," 'We love you too,'

"Kangaskhan!" 'I am here!' Kong the Kangaskhan shouted. Seeing how Rataya was consoling Daniel, he laughed after saying, "Kang," 'Simp,'

"Tauros," Bull the Tauros came out, seeing Daniel running towards Kangaskhan angrily and everyone watching them entertained, he questioned if he arrived late.

"Fearow, Chansey, Raticate, Ambipom, Tauros, Togekiss, Kangaskhan, and Rattata?" Nurse Joy said, curious why she caught another Rattata.

"Am. you see. that's. Daniel and Rataya's." Pink stuttered, her cheek flushed from embarrassment.

"Did you see something that you shouldn't have?" Nurse Joy asked curiously, causing Risa's flushed face to get redder. "I guess now that you have a boyfriend I should give you the talk about the birds and bees," She said teasingly.

"Mom!" she yelled out embarrassed.

"I know, I should have given you this talk years ago," ignoring Pink's embarrass faced, she continued, "but how would I know you would learn it by peeking," she said shaking her head in disappointment.

*cough* *cough*

Pink began to cough heavily, almost collapsing to the ground if not for Chansey holding her in time. Her Pokemons rushed over with a worried expression on their face, especially Feara who had been with her since the start of Pink's journey.

"Pink!" If not for the counter blocking her way, Nurse Joy would've been the first to arrive beside her.

Chan Chan and Togekiss began to use Heal Bell, controlling its range so that it targets Pink.

"Don't worry mom, I'm fine," Pink said, standing up and smiling at her mother, as if what happened just now didn't occur.

Nurse Joy clenched her fist together from frustration and helplessness. The Joy family is the number 1 best healer for both humans and Pokemons, but they can't even heal their own.

Pink is suffering from a disease completely unknown to the Joy family. With all their means, the most they could do was delay her inevitable death.

"Stay home," Nurse Joy said quietly.

"Mom," Pink said helplessly.

"You will stay home, after a few years of research we should be able to find a cure," Nurse Joy said angrily.

"Mom!" Pink shouted, getting her mother's attention. "I'll find and capture the legendary Pokemon Ho-Oh, this is my dream," She said, pulling out a rainbow feather from her pocket.

"Because I'm Pink Joy,"