Mike vs Big Papa

"Kawkawkaw," Feara laughed.

Is she angry?

"Even if you refuse Fearly will stay beside you,"

"She can't stay here she's a Spearow," Big papa refused.

"She can stay, I already promised Feara," Big mama said.

"Besides she'll only stay here during the morning and return at night. You could think of her as a messenger," Feara explains.

"It's already night," Big papa states.

The sun only just set, meaning training will start back soon. Life is a drag.

"Of course, there's no need for a message today," Feara countered. "We'll be going now, take care of Fearly for me," Feara said winking at me.

Her wings opened, followed by the Fearows and the Spearow further in the background.

"Goodbye love," saying goodbye to big papa she and the rest flew off into the air.

Reaching above the tree within seconds before flying away. Seeing Fearly staring at the sky would make one think she was abandoned.

Thinking like that, I walked over and patted her head, she looked down shyly. Now I can scratch off head pats from my bucket list.

"Mate," I have already gotten used to Risa's excited voice and can now tell whether or not the excited voice was happiness or anger.

Unfortunately, it was anger.

"Mate I was just trying to cheer her up," I quickly explained, walking towards her and licked her cheek. "You're the only mate for me,"

Risa's angry face quickly faded and was replaced with a satisfied smile.

"Papa, can I train mate please," Risa asked with eyes shining.

I'm unable to tell if she's doing this out of the good of her heart, or just wants revenge.

"Only for this session," Big papa said.

"Since I'm your mate, can you be gentle?" I asked in a hopeful tone.

"My mate cannot be weak,"


It's been a month and a half since I started training.

After the first month ended I got 4 moves to intermediate, that being, Quick Attack, Last Resort, Return, and Focus Energy. Once the month passed, my training time was reduced to 18 hours a day. During that time, I got Counter and Screech to intermediate, and am currently trying to get Hyper Fang and my new move Protect to intermediate.

Here's my status to get a clearer understanding.

[Name: Rattata D Mike

Age: 3 months

Gender: Male

Pokemon Rattata

Type: Normal

Lvl: 25

Ability: Run away, Guts

Racial Ability: Sense Smell, Teeth Growth

Talent Grade: Deep Yellow

Nature: Careful

Move set:

Beginner: Scratch, Tail whip, Fury Swipes, Sand Attack, Bite, Pursuit, Crunch, Sucker Punch, Hyper Fang, Assurance, Protect, Dig, Rest, Sleep Talk

Intermediate: Last Resort, Quick Attack, Return, Focus Energy, Counter, Screech]

I learned Protect and Dig from Risa, as for Sleep Talk I figured it out on my own recently. Once Protect and Hyper Fang reaches intermediate, I plan to train Sleep Talk to Advance, then I could train 24 hours a day.

[You'll need to eat at least triple your diet to maintain such a training schedule]

Just because I said it doesn't mean I'll do it.

Back on topic.

Although, everything on the training side is doing great, my social life is killing me. The shy Fearly who keeps following me, left and right, and the jealous Risa who vents it out on me.

Big papa is also venting his frustration out on me each time Feara visits.


We also got a new sentient Pokemon, sadly it's a red talent Rattata on level 18. Taking a year to reach level 18 what a loser. Like all my other siblings, I do look for opportunities to bully him.

I'm not a bully, just toughening up my little bro.

At the start of this month, Risa left, where? My family refused to tell me, and today I end up learning it from Fearly.

"Deep Wild Zone,"

The minute those words came out of her mouth I rushed over angrily at my father. The Overlord there is a Dragonite at level 88, a Dragonite. That is one Pokemon I don't know sh*t about except that it's fr*cking strong.

Like no sh*t Sherlock, of course, it strong.

Seeing him, I didn't hesitate to rush over, using Quick Attack. Today I must get an explanation.

Sensing my hostility, papa blocked my Quick Attack with Protect. Hitting the barrier, I backflipped and used Sand Attack upon landing.

Using Double Hit, he blocked Sand Attack with the first strike, the second was mixed with Iron Tail. Following my instincts, I dodged and used Screech, papa countering with his own Screech.

"Why?" I asked. Although my rational and even instinct side of me is telling me he has a reason. My emotions deemed him a heretic.

Smirking at me, he jumped away and used Swift, using Dig, I burrowed into the ground, thanks to this Swift hit the ground.

"Skill Mastery is split into 4 stages,"

Do you think I came here for tuition?

"Beginner, Intermediate, Advance, and Expert. Beginner is knowing how to use a move,"

Seeing an opportunity I shoot out the ground from behind papa. As if having eyes behind his back he jumped away, a beam of electricity shoots out his tail-hand hitting me. Although it did no damage, I was paralyzed.

Cursed Thunder Wave.

"Intermediate moves, not only increase the move release speed, but also allow for the user to use it while moving," Proving this he ran away while using Thunderbolt in my direction, but with Guts activated I could safely dodge it.

Why can't Rattatas naturally learn range attacks?

"Advance moves can be used simultaneously, of course, release speed and damage is better," Saying so I could see energy being gathered in his mouth. Solar Beam?

Of course, as I run, I had used Focus Energy, and was slowly getting closer while dodging Thunderbolt. Solar Beam blast off, using Protect, I blocked most of the damage, but the impact still sent me back.

Getting back on my feet, I use Quick Attack to safely dodge an incoming Thunderbolt.

"Advance skills can also fuse together, creating even stronger moves. Your talent will determine how well the moves combine, and whether or not the move can keep its previous special effects,"

He stopped firing Thunderbolt, and stretched out his tail-hands in front of him. 4 stars from the move Swift appeared, but unlike its usual white color, it became yellow and its size double.

"Thunder Shurikens," he said waving his tail-hands in my directions, the Thunder Shurikens came moving towards me at fast speed.


High Damage, Fast Speed, Can't-miss, and a chance at getting paralyzed. The only weakness is that the damage is split amongst the shurikens, making a Pokemon of a similar level have the chance to destroy it, but we aren't on the same level.

I used the most broke move in the world, Protect, although it successfully blocked the attacks, there were cracks all over the barrier.

"Expert skills are skills most Pokemons would never achieve no matter their effort. You could say talent is extremely important here. All moves in the Expert level can be reshaped while maintaining its effect."

He stopped firing attacks as his body was enshrouded in gold color.

Last Resort.

Knowing what was coming, I doubted Protect would save me.

The Gold Aura moved into his tail-hands. A ball of energy came in between his tail-hands.

"Last Resort, Beam Style,"

More like Kamehameha.

Pulling out Protect, I braced myself for the attack. The speed it reached shocked me, dodging wouldn't have been an option, it tear through my Protect as if it was paper.


Even if I sensed it, I'm not afraid, only disappointed.

I won't get to see Risa again.

"Protect Ally,"

A barrier appeared blocking Last Resort.

"Only Pokemons with a purple talent can reach this stage,"


"Who are you?"


Title: The coming of the Fry Knight.

In a certain parallel world Mike didn't become a Rattata, but a Bonsly. Hatching from an egg, he was born into a world predestined to be a girl's starter.

Years later he become a Junior Elite Sudowoodo, and life was great.

Sitting in a certain restaurant of Goldenrod City, he and his master, Flora was eating Kentucky's Fried Farfetch'D.

"Make sure to eat 'all' the fries Suno," Flora said.

Flora was a green-haired girl who wore a green dress with flowers embroid to it.

"Sudo," 'No way,' It was already a miracle that he was able to even hold the fries, and there's no way he's going to touch those soggy fries, much less eat it.

"If you don't the Fry Knight would get you?"

"Sudo?" 'The who now?' He doesn't recall a weird name like that appearing in Pokemon.

"The Fry Knight, guardian of all fries," She explained. Seeing Suno's baffled expression, she continued. "There's a book of ancient being written by Arceus, in it, there's a being called the Fry Knight. A being who deems all those who waste fries as heretics, whom must be slaughtered,"

'What the hell Arceus was smoking when he made that,' Suno thought.

To prove her wrong he flipped the plate causing the fries to fall onto the floor.

"Sudowoodo," 'See, nothing happened,'

"Please forgive him," Flora said, lying prostrate.

Seeing his trainer prostrating, he rushed over to stop her.

"You dared drop fries," Hearing the voice from behind him, Suno turned around. The being behind him was dressed, in a summarized explanation, a Templar Knight, full-body armor. The silver sword in the knight's hand ignited a blue fire.

"Courting Death!" The Fry Knight's cold voice rang in his ears.

[You have died]

The system's voice hit him, shocking him.

[Host has been inflicted with the curse named 'Heretic Scoundrel.' All mortal's opinion of you have been reduced to 'God's Enemy,']