Chat with Big Papa

"Who are you?" Based on my understanding of colors and how talents are displayed. Red is the lowest and purple should be the highest. Out parents should at highest should have Yellow talent, as for Risa, she's an anomaly.

Whoever this Ambipom is, it's not big papa.

"I'm your father. I can simply control how talented my children will be," he explained.

"Then why are most of the family low talents?" What's the reason for intentionally keeping your family weak?

"That's not important," he yawned.

It is!

"You came here for Risa, not that,"

"Why did you send Risa there?"

"Because we'll lose," He states.

"Lose? I doubt you're weak enough to lose against them," I refute. They won't send all their forces, at best 200 people to start. If we're unlucky an Elite Four level trainer would come, but I'm guessing that Big papa is at least a champion-level powerhouse.

"Kanto is already aware of their plan," he explained.

Those f*ckers wouldn't.

"They did. Using a borrowed knife to get rid of the threat,"

"What threat are we?" I barked.

"For being someone that has reincarnate, your not that smart,"

My eyes widen in surprise, how did he know?

"It's not as uncommon as you think. Humans and Pokemons both can reincarnate, keeping their memories, on the other hand, are rare."

I guess it's not surprising if you think about it.

"Such people have a better chance at reincarnating with their memories a second time,"

"Risa, although unaware, will remain in the Deep Wild Zone for 100 years. It doesn't matter if you reincarnate as a human or a Pokemon, you WILL remain as her mate." Saying so his tail-hand pressed onto my head.

I could feel my soul strength is now three times its former amount.

"Your soul is now strong enough to withstand 3 Reincarnations without losing your memory. Returning to our previous talk, how strong do you think Feara is?"

Level 59 so.

"Peak of Senior Elite," I said.

"Junior Champion Powerhouse," he explained.

So she's now level 60.

"She has 7 Senior Elite Pokemon with her, so based on the human power scale, her family is an Elite 4 Powerhouse."

"Because her family is equivalent to an elite 4 she's a threat," just because she's a threat.

"Don't forget we are on route 1,"

"In between Viridian City and Fortress City, resources do pass through this route, doesn't it?" I asked.

"Feara is also a blue talent pokemon, given time and resources, she can become a senior champion powerhouse," he explained.

"So Kanto's afraid of senior champion pokemon,"


"Mike just listen,"

Hey, you're making me look like I'm an idiot.

"You're not far from being one," he retorts.

"Like I was saying, the Fearaow's family at the moment is equivalent to an Elite Four member. Because of the war, Kanto doesn't have time to deal with her, and because she's close to the Deep Wild Zone, resources aren't too hard to get. 10 years from now, she'll be a senior champion pokemon, something the current Kanto can't deal with, but that's not enough to deem her as a threat."

"One reason is her location, her location is too close to civilization. A raid from her can destroy an unprepared city. Then it's her position and level, her position would lead her to strengthen her forces. Her level, once high enough can increase a Pokemon's talent from her aura alone. Her level must hit 80 for such a case to happen."

"But being beside a Deep Wild Zone, it won't take long for her talent to become purple. 5 years from now she'll be a purple talent. They deem her as a threat because of her Guardian level possibility, the ability to turn route 1 into a Deep Wild Zone,"

The overlord of route 1, a junior champion powerhouse, with the possibility to become a Guardian level powerhouse and turn route 1 into a Deep Wild Zone, a forbidden territory.

Is this the route 1 I know?

Shouldn't the first route be the safest?

Personally, if I was the leader of Kanto, I would've directly sent an Elite Four at Feara.

"Kanto only has 3 Elite Four members at the moment. If not for the fact that Johto have 4, they would've already slaughtered Feara,"

"Do you really not like Feara?" I asked.

"I'm faithful, if she wants a chance, she'll have to wait until Rataya dies," he said casually.

That's an interesting thought process.

"Now that I said, everything that I wanted to say, you are on your own." after finishing speaking, his body slumped to the ground.



Felt more in line with going out for a box of milk and never returning. He's definitely no Ambipom.

What should I do now? Scream out he's dead in exaggerated voice or act like I can't wake him up? Walking away is also an option.

Hearing countless footsteps rushing over here, I had to make a decision quickly. Seeing big mama, followed by Carl, Sera, and a few others arriving.

Hmm, Sera's back already.

With not much time left, I made my move, running towards big mama in tears.

"Mama! Dad's not waking up!" I said in a worried tone. As for crying, can't fake it.


Seeing Mama's body slumped to the ground I wanted to kick papa's corpse.

'How could I leave without my love? Bwahahaha,' hearing papa's laughter ringing in my ears, I really wanted to kick the dude's body.

Elite Pokemon gone, just like that. If there was any chance of living it's gone now. Risa's gone, mama's being reincarnated and papa ran away, then there's Feara's reaction to look forward to.

Bastard, possibly just wants me dead

All muscles in my body are under tension, the temperature around my heart dropped. Although I'm not sure when, but I'm certain that.

I will die.


Name: Daniel?

Pokemon: ???

Level: ???

Talent: ≥ Shallow Purple

Straits: ???