Wild Pokemon are inhumane

Watching as both my mama and papa were being buried, my mood sank.

We have no Elite members left, making our home a treasure with poor security, most families are strong enough to destroy us. There's also the alliance with the Fearow family, Fearly has already sent the news back to them. As for killing her, that would only delay the inevitable if they wanted us dead. Lucky this isn't human society, new isn't spread so easily.

Father sure left behind a headache.


Could only hope whoever takes charge won't kill us too fast. The stronger I'm in this life, the better the results in the next.

"What shall we do now, little boss?" Carl asked. I turned my head to see who he was talking to. Whoever this boss is, he can't be too weak.

Why is everyone staring at me?

"Because you're the little boss," Carl explained.

"Me? Shouldn't it be Sera or someone with a similar level?" I asked.

"You're the one here most favored by papa," Car refute.

"The most talented as well," Sera said.

"The smartest as well," Phil continued.

"But also the youngest," Mars retort.

"So what if I'm the youngest?" I asked with an annoyed.

You might say this good opportunity to refuse to become the boss, but who would like getting insulted after waves of compliments?

"I'm just saying we need someone more, mature to lead the family," He explained. "Don't forget that although he's talented, that doesn't make him strong currently. At the moment he's weak,"

Are you all really Rattatas? If so, why is their politics here?

Everyone nodded their head in agreement? What happened to Sera, Phil, and Carl who was supporting me?

[Answer: Survival of the fittest]

Really? All it took was, 'He's weak,' for them to change sides. Would Risa had made a similar choice?

[Host shouldn't compare a wild Pokemon to a tamed one. The tamed Pokemon has been introduced to the power of friendship and their behavioral patterns become less like their race]

That doesn't change the fact that their parents are tamed.

[Answer: Although their parents are tamed, their parents trained them to survive in the wild, not in human civilization. This doesn't stop the wild Pokemons from sharing similar traits of their parents]


"Now that we all established why I'm the leader, let's move on with our lives," Mars declared.

Wait, he was still talking?

"Sera, Elsa, Rata, you will make up my harem,"

"Yes," They said together.

Hold up, wait a minute, things are moving a bit too fast for me, system care to explain.


Tsk. Clicking my tongue, I looked up at the sky. It took only a day for my life to change to an unrecognizable state.

Now that I think about it, Mars NTR Sera's mate. Poor guy.

"Everyone besides, Mike can leave," Mars demands. Quickly everyone ran off like the Raticates and Rattata they are.

The serious aura around Mars vanished, returning to the carrier pigeon brother I know. I'm a little surprised at my ignorance for noticing his change of attitude, Mars won't be like the other Raticates as he's the second oldest child in the family.

His personality was personally groomed by Risa to be her butler. Risa really liked grooming under into her own making. Risa...

"Little brother, this title will be sticking with me until you become an Elite," Mars explains.

"I never wanted to be the boss," I clarified.

"Your depressed face disagrees," he refutes.

"I was thinking about how inhumane my siblings are, you even snatched another's mate during a funeral," I explained.

"Little brother we aren't humans, we don't follow their rules,"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, Survival of the fittest,"

"We became sentient, not humans," he said. "We are Raticates, Pokemons who prioritize survival over everything else," staring at me, his eyes brightening in realization.

"By the way, Sera has found a recently built cave with humans footprints at the sight."

Would they be searching for the eaten remains of the previous scout, or are these new scouts completing their original goal?

"Brains, once you got a plan let me know okay. I have a harem to enjoy," He said in a hurried tone and ran off.


The feeling of death hasn't left me and based on past life, this feeling should continue until death arrives. However, even if fate and papa sentence me to death, why would I stand there and accept it.

This won't be the first time I escaped death, the last time I did it I survived a suicidal nuke attack, done by yours truly. Meaning as long as the casualties are high enough fate won't have enough time for me.

[System doesn't understand how host reach such an idiotic conclusion]

Of course, you wouldn't understand. No one would understand unless they had been through what I had experienced.

My plan is simple, drag everyone into the war. Kanto, Johto, Route 1, the Deep Wild Zone, as long as such individuals enter the war, chances of survival will increase.

[Host chances of dying would, in fact, decrease]

To f*ck fate's schedule, I'll kill all characters I know who are involved in this battle. That should f*ck up the future.

[Host will receive the anger of legendary and mythical Pokemons if you really endanger the future]

Even if I said it, it's not so easy. I don't even know how time operates so I can't really say I f*cked the future. Fate, however, I can.

[Host should worry about the present]

Hearing the flaps of a bird, I looked into the sky and saw Feara and Fearly.

Can only hope that Feara hasn't gone yandere mode.


Slowly but surely, my writing shall improve.

This volume should be about halfway complete and I still have plenty of world development left.

Auxillary Chapters would need some update.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to eat all your fries.

The Fry Knight is always watching you. (Cringe)