Fearly's Evolution & War is my Domain


The cold embrace of death looming over me is getting on my nerves.

Hitting the tree once more with Sucker Punch, it finally began to fall.



Lying down from exhaustion, I have finished today's exercise.

[Host has leveled up]

Cool, now I'm level 27. It's a shame I won't get my talent to shallow green before the battle begins. War after all is the best place for leveling up, especially when you were formally a mercenary. If I played my cards right we might even win this.


Maybe not.

"Mate!" Turning my head around I saw Fearly flying towards me.

"Are you all ready to leave?"

"Yes, but before that,"

Landing a distance away from me, her body began to shine. Her body siphoned normal and flying energy from the atmosphere, her body became a light purple big egg.

[Answer: Ancient Bloodline Evolution]

The egg shattered into dust and split away revealing Fearly's new form. The first thing that caught my eyes was her golden beak that covered most of her face, followed by the red pointy hair-like coxcomb. Next was her bright brown skin revealed from her long neck and legs that carried some dangerously sharped talons. From her stomach to most of her wings were covered by white feathers, while the rest of her wings were a dark brown that was lighter the further away it was from the body. She's also about a meter taller than the average Fearow.

{Image Here}

System is there anything you're willing to tell about the new and improve Fearly?

[Answer: Becoming the ancient form of the Pokemon Fearow, Fearow's speed, and physical prowess has increased significantly. Being a master hunter that preys on Water type Pokemons, it gained the ability Super Luck to improve its chances of getting prey.]

Keen Eyes, Sniper, and Super Luck... I suppose a hunter is supposed to take down its prey quickly. System how do I awaken an ancient bloodline.

[Answer: A large number of resources before evolution can increase the chances of awakening. Host can also temporarily awaken the bloodline through Mega Evolution]

Then it should be possible to use the mega stone to stimulate an awakening right?


"How do I look?" Fearly said orbiting around me.


"kehehe, thank you," Fearly landed by me, sadly the height difference can be compared to a father and his 4-year-old son.

Hearing the sound of wings flapping, I looked towards the sky and saw a horde of Fearows flying away. Hearing and seeing are 2 different things, that's how I felt saw the horde fly.

"Let's go, mate,"

With Fearly lowering a wing, I climbed onto her back, tapping her back to tell her I was ready, she soared towards the sky. Fearly's speed allowed us to catch up in a matter of seconds, and that was without using Agility, meaning she's now faster than Feara.

"What level are you?" I asked.

I previously thought she was only in her early thirties, but after surviving Feara's kick without any injuries I guessed that she was possibly a Junior Elite. However, how could she be more talented than Risa?

"54," She answered proudly. "If you're curious why Risa is so low level, that is because she was purely focusing on skill mastery. With Risa's talent, she might already be Junior Champion."

"I see," I sighed in relief, my gaze moving to the two young figures riding a Fearow.

The first one who's holding tightly to the Fearow's neck, from fright, however, his eyes stared at the scene full of curiosity. The kid wore a buckled-up lab coat and brown pants that was matching his brown hair. The lab coat alone made me guess that he's Samuel Oak.

{Image Here}

The next kid was in a yellow opened-out jacket, revealing a black shirt underneath it and black pants. He wore a yellow cap sideways, hiding most of his brown hair.

Hie eyes stared at everything with a bored expression, sitting down on Fearow leisurely. He didn't look like someone who was kidnapped, but someone who had just entered his garden. He also looks like the heroic type, just like my brother.

Therefore killing him now is the best choice.

I hate it how those types don't know to mind their own business

As I was about to open my mouth, Fearly started talking with me about her plans for the war and so forth.


An hour later we were eyesight away from our destination, a Diglet Cave. The trainers are long aware of our position thanks to the Jinx I'm seeing. The last few tents were just now put away and trainers have already called out their Pokemons.

100 Gravelers were lined up in an order fashioned and used Rock Slide, the boulders being thrown to us.

"Whirlwind!" Fearly cried out.

A large group of Fearows stopped and used Whirlwind, blowing the Rock Slide back at the Gravelers. Waves of Fearows dived down at the trainers, only to be protected by their Pokemons.

10 minutes into the battle, it became clear that the trainers were conserving their energy.

"Kehehe!" Fearly laughed.

Coming out the forest were our allies, Raticate, Arbok, Vileplume, Beedrill, and Butterfree families encircling them. The Pidgeot families made their appearance from the sky, while these forces were attacking the Johto trainers a small group of Raticates sneaked into Diglet Cave.

"I spotted them," Fearly said, telling me that Kanto's forces has arrived.

"Drop them in the center of the battlefield,"

Seeing the Fearow spin his body forcefully kicking off the two trainers off, I watch as they fell from the sky.

Make a move already.

Seeing the two trainers about to hit the ground, I felt disappointed in Kanto's higher-ups. About to hit the ground, an Alakazam and a trainer appeared using Psychic to stop them from falling. Using Sense Smell, I was shocked to find out I can't figure out his level. Didn't expect Alakazam to be able to do that.

Alakazam attempted to teleport away but failed, quickly a group of trainers blocked their part and what I'm guessing to be Johto's Elite Four member was making his way over.

"Fearly, help me down," I said.


"Don't worry, war is my domain,"


At least 5 more episodes until MC's death.

Sadly I'm no Chinese writer, I can't make a volume last 200 chapters.