Instincts on Overdrive

The Senior Elite Fearows haven't made a move yet and Johto's Elite Four member is busy with possibly Kanto's own. Does this mean we have a chance? No. fate wants me dead for some gay *ss reason, so it won't be that easy.

"Take care,"

Reaching a survivable height I jumped down, quickly landing on the ground I rushed forward with Quick Attack. My eyes locked onto a trainer who hasn't used most of his Pokemons yet, having a Piloswine fight 3 Beedrills. System, if I destroy a Pokeball would it kill the Pokemon in it?

[Answer: If it's Pokeballs, no, if it's Old Balls then yes]

What's the difference?

[The Pokeballs from your knowledge haven't been created yet]

Then the Pokeballs or I should say Old balls I had previously seen were dyed so or possibly a prototype for the Pokeballs I know.

Getting out of my thoughts, I dodged a strayed Air Slash, and instinctively turned around to use Protect blocking a certain bird's Wing Attack. The night assassin.


Using Sense Smell, I learned it was a similar level to me. Was it a coincidence? Uncertain, I noticed that Noctowl's eyes are glowing blue, quickly I used Screech at it. Getting hit by Screech, the glow in Noctowl's eyes faded, I jumped at him with my speed boosted from Quick Attack and used Hyper Fang on its wing.

[Critical Hit]


As Noctowl falls from the sky, I held on with my hind legs locked on its stomach and used Fury Swipes. About to hit the ground, I jumped off and rushed back. As expected, once Noctowl stood back up it turned around in an attempt to flee, taking that opportunity I used Pursuit. Noctowl tried pushing me back with Wing Attack, but I countered with a Sucker Punch to the neck.

Seeing Noctowl's dimmed eyes, I quickly jumped forward and bite Noctowl's throat. I continued forward using Quick Attack while enjoying the piece of meat in my mouth.

Flying types need a patch update. It's a little too easy to take them down once I get close.

Also system please notify me when I learn a new move.

[System will now notify the host when he learned a move through level up]

Seeing a Vileplume losing against a Houndoom, I quickly checked their level, being 31 and 33. Even if I help I don't think we would win, I won't be able to get close.

However, taking down the trainer isn't difficult, unlike the Piloswine trainer, this one is engaged in 6 different battles. However he didn't place himself in a safe position, he's closer to Houndoom and further away from the others. Meaning as long I choose to attack him only Houndoom could save him.

"Stall Houndoom," Using Quick Attack I rushed towards the trainer.

"Houndoom Dark Pulse quickly," the trainer said hurriedly running off to his Noctowl that was facing a Fearow.

Sensing the attack, I turned around and used Protect blocking Dark Pulse. Turning back to the trainer, I saw his baffled expression. What, is Protect so rare?


The trainer quickly went back to running but how can it compare to a Pokemon who's using Quick Attack.

"Help me!" He shouted.

Jumping forward, I decapitated him with Scratch and turned my head midair instinctively using Screech. Screech landed on 3 Noctowl's that was going to use a psychic attack on me, canceling it. Landing on the ground I turned to face them.

"Did I kill your father or what?"

"Bastard you did,"


The Noctowl in the middle eyes glowed blue, the two others besides him used Air Slash. Planning to run away, I was frozen in place.


Watching the two Air Slashs moving towards me I couldn't help but regret not cursing their ancestors.

A wave of leaves intersected the Air Slashs with some moving towards the Noctowls causing them to retreat. Turning my head to see Vileplume next to a decapitated Houndoom, I was first surprised that Vileplume won, and then disappointed at how quickly Houndoom lost after his trainer died.

Pokemons don't need humans, humans will always treat them as slaves and what can a slave do once his master is dead? Wait for his turn.

"Let's get rid of these Noctowls quickly," Vilepume said arriving next to me.

The 3 Noctowls line up and cried out, creating a sound wave that was moving towards us.

[Echoed Voice]

The grass around us got healthier, flowers and weeds began to grow at a rapid rate, I could also feel my stamina recovering faster.

[Grassy Terrain]

Dancing around in the grassy terrain, petals began to appear besides Vileplume and shot out to counter Echo Voice.

[Petal Dance]

As if that wasn't enough a pink gas sprayed out Vileplume's flower, Sweet Scent. The combined Echoed Voice wasn't able to fully block Vileplume's attack causing them to lose some health. Seeing Vileplume preparing to use Petal Dance again, I used Screech delaying whatever plans they might've had.

If they don't come close like their father had I won't be able to do much.

The Noctowls scattered before using Air Slash once more, which was once more blocked by a Petal Dance.

"Can you carry me with Petal Dance?" I asked uncertainly.

Answering her actions Vileplume used Petal Dance, the petals were more clustered together than usual. As I stand on it, Vileplume began to gather energy for a Solar Beam, while flying me towards the Noctowls.

Their eyes shined blue, preparing to use Confusion on me. Looking at these idiots I countered with Screech, agitating them. Jumping forward with Quick Attack at one of the Noctowls, I could see the Petal Dance moving towards another and Solar Beam hitting the last one.

Landing on Noctowl's stomach, I latched on like a Koala and spammed Hyper Fang, at its neck. Of course, it tried to struggle, but it couldn't use its wings to shake me off, couldn't concentrate to use confusion, nor cry out to use Echoed Voice.

Soon enough Noctowl began falling and one of my bites tear off a chunk of meat. Landing on the ground, I noticed that the other 2 Noctowls' was already dead and Vileplume had entered another battlefield.

Time to continue the previous plan.


Trainer Grade.

Grade 1 Prodigal trainers. Prodigies at training Pokemons and commanding them. High chance of becoming a Champion or Elite Four member.

Grade 2 Talented trainers. Good at training Pokemons and commanding them. High chance of becoming a Gym Leader.

Grade 3 Average Trainer. Decent at training Pokemons and commanding them. High chance of becoming an Expert.

Grade 4 Bad Trainer. Bad at training and commanding them. High chance of becoming a grunt aka cannon fodder.

[Note these are the main enemies mc will start to kill in the war.]

Grade 5 Trash. Please give up and get a life. You're highly likely to die from your Pokemons.

Written by Michael Oak, current Champion of Kanto.