Inside a Pokeball

No time for greetings, I'm crawling stealthily towards the Piloswine trainer. Didn't expect trainers to wear the army uniform, thought they would rock their respective trainer class uniform. Regardless, I needed to look for an opening to kill him off, unlike the previous trainer, this one's paying attention not only to his battle but the surroundings. If not for me lying down in the grass he would've spotted me already.

"Piloswine use Hail," With a war cry, clouds in the area around the battlefield thickened. The temperature dropped and snow, with occasional hail began to fall. "Icy Wind,"

Piloswine blew out a strong wind from his mouth, moving in the direction of the 3 Beedrills. Sadly, they didn't have any effective moves to counter this attack and were pushed back.

"Take Down,"

Taking advantage of Piloswine charging towards the Beedrills, I charged forward with Quick Attack. The trainer as if not hearing my footsteps kept a warily stare at the Beedrills. Instinctively stopped a few meters away from him, dodging the darkness enchanted claws of a Sneasel.

"Quite the good instincts you got," Turning around with a smile on his face, I knew I took his bait. "Sneasel, don't kill him, this Rattata might be worth keeping,"

"Yes, Boss," He responded sharpening his claws.

[Hone Claws]

Using Sense Smell, I sighed in relief, only level 27. Manageable. Turning around I used Quick Attack to retreat, this thing can beat me in what I'm best at close combat. Fighting that is suicidal, especially with a decent trainer.

"Don't let him escape, Icy Wind,"

Hearing his command, I turned around and used Protect, blocking Icy Wind. The trainer's eyes looked at me with greed, throwing out two Pokeballs, revealing a Jynx and a Seel, both at level 30.

"Don't let him escape,"

Jynx's gaze was locked on me, fearing being pulled over, I used Screech. Seel arrived in front of Jynx and counterattack with Aurora Beam. Using Quick Attack to dodge Aurora beam, I was hit with a Low Kick from Sneasel, falling to the ground. Hitting the ground, I was pulled up by a stronger version of Confusion, Psychic, and was being pulled towards Jynx.

"You're quite a talented Rattata, huh," the trainer said holding an Old Ball in hand next to Jynx. On the Beedrills side they're dead, crushed by ice, the Old ball pressed on my forehead and I felt my body being pulled into the ball.


I stood on top of a pillar, red chains tying down my body. The red chains are slowly absorbing into my body, as I struggle I could see cracks appearing in the chain. But, I'm too slow, in about 5 seconds the chains would be fully absorbed into my body.


I roared out my frustration, manipulating the Normal type energy in my body forcefully, in an attempt to boost my strength.


The chains began to break rapidly before setting me free.

[Host has learned Take Down]


Breaking out the Old Ball, I quickly activated my ability, Run Away. Run away increases the user speed by 10 as long as they had intended to run away. Sadly with my current level, I can only use it twice a day.

"Hey, get back here,"

B*tch, f*ck off.

Adding Quick Attack to the ability, I ran for my life, passing out of 4 different battlefields before finally stopping. There are no 100% safe places when you're in the middle of the battlefield, if not for the battlefield being chaotic, resting here wouldn't be so peaceful.

Standing on my hind legs, I let my held item, Sitrus berry come out from my body to eat. Sadly, your body can only store one item at a time. Munching on the Sitrus Berry, my mind return to the red chains that held me down inside the Old Ball.

Can human technology create that?

Those chains were also affecting my mind. Although lightly, it was trying to make me submit, in the short term it's not so effective, but if affected by those chains for let's say a year. Who knows whether or not I would submit.

Moving on, my targets will have to change. I should target trash trainers until I reach a sufficient level before challenging the smart ones.

Making a full spin, I recalled the 6 battlefields I just saw. 2 Butterfrees vs a Quagsire and Ariados. Arbok vs Furret. Skarmory vs 2 Pidgeots. Ariados vs Beedrill. Vileplume vs Bellosom and Granbull. Ursaring vs 4 Raticates.


Alarmed, I sneaked over to see if they are my siblings. Sadly they are, why? Because they're facing a Junior Elite Ursaring with 4 Senior Pokemons. I could even see 2 dead Raticates on the battlefield. Luckily the trainer isn't around, possibly on another battlefield, so the battle isn't impossible.

The 4 Raticates are Jeff, Sera, Mars, and Jack. If I fight Ursaring I would probably get 1 shotted. Therefore, I have a different plan. Rushing towards my siblings, I shouted standing on my hind legs.

"Today I'm your trainer!"

"Command us well little brother," Mars replied, dodging Slash from Ursaring before lining up in front of me with the others.

Let's begin a lovely Pokemon battle.


Ability - Run Away

As long as the user intends to use it to run away it'll activate, increasing the user's speed by 10. The number of uses a day depends on the user's level.