Variant Pokemon

[Name: Rattata D Mike

Age: 3 months

Gender: Male

Pokemon: Rattata

Type: Normal

Lvl: 32

Innate Ability: Instinct

Ability: Run away, Guts

Racial Ability: Sense Smell, Teeth Growth

Talent Grade: Shallow Green

Nature: Careful

Move set:

Beginner: Scratch, Tail whip, Fury Swipes, Sand Attack, Bite, Pursuit, Crunch, Sucker Punch, Hyper Fang, Assurance, Protect, Dig, Rest, Sleep Talk, Take Down, Laser Focus, Super Fang, Double Edge

Intermediate: Last Resort, Quick Attack, Return, Focus Energy, Counter, Screech

Hint: Protect, Hyper Fang, and Sucker Punch are close to breaking through to intermediate.

Quick Attack is close to breaking through to Advance]

Given a tough battle, most of these moves should promote.

'That makes it easier for Pokemon of a similar level to beat him,'

That might be the case if this was a wild battle or a Pokemon battling alongside his trainer, but a tame Pokemon can barely fight without instructions, just like Ursaring. If Ursaring was beside his trainer winning wouldn't be possible, I would've had to run away like that time against the Piloswine trainer.

"Are you even listening to me?" Shiny Beedrill asked annoyed.

"Oh, why are you all still here?" I can't take the medicine with you all still here. Who knows if you all would try and snatch it.


"Brother we aren't here to fight,"

The female Beedrill flew towards Shiny Beedrill trying to calm him down. Hotheaded much.

"Itsss been a while, Rattata," Arbok hissed.

"When will you all leave?"

"Doodle wanted you to join our group,"

Pfft, nice name. As for joining.

"I refuse,"

The only good I could see from allying with them is looking for an opportunity to turn them into exp.

"In that case give us the loot," Doodle the shiny Beedrill said coldly.


"That trainer should have a couple of healing items, give it to us or die, quickly decide,"


"No! most of us are injured we need to recover now while were safe,"


I need a smoke.

Had he asked nicely I might've consider... No, I would've kept it for emergency use, don't waste life-saving items on strangers, even when at full health. However, since he's threatening me with my for it, I'll teach him a good lesson.

"No need to threaten me. It's in the hole,"

"Get it,"


Rushing down the staircase, I looked at the tunnel I had made previously and smirked. Standing up, I put the bag on my back. This reminds me of school, except with a bag almost double my height.

"Doodle!" Looking above me, I could see Beedrill flying at the top.


"I f*cked your mother," Using Quick Attack I rushed into the tunnel, I laughed as I heard Doodle screaming at me.

"Rattata this isn't over yet!"

You're right, it had only just begun.


It has been 10 minutes now since I had started stalking this group 3 meters underground. I don't if it was because of the constant use, my talent, my Instinct, or all 3 together but my Dig had hit intermediate. I also ate one-third of the energy root, that sh*t's useful.

Using Dig for so long is stamina-consuming, without Energy Root I would've fainted from exhaustion by now. My innate ability Instinct is showing its use beautifully.

I could hardly hear the movements of the 2 Arboks and the others being Beedrills can fly. The times when I lose track of the slithering sound, I rely on my instincts to show me the way.

They are now on a battlefield, I dug up a tiny hole enough for fresh air to enter and after a while used Sense Smell.

Doodle vs Piloswine. Piloswine is level 36 but with the aid of his trainer, he should be able to win. The scent of Piloswine. hehe, lucky me... f*ck it's a Piloswine.

Quickly, I dug in another direction, it's best I know all that ice trainer's Pokemons.

The 3 not-so-important Pokemons at the Senior level(30) are the 2 Beedrill bodyguards and the quiet Arbok vs Jynx and Sneasel, at levels 33 and 30 respectively.

Moving on, Female Beedrill was fighting Delibird, both being level 31. Lastly, Dewgong vs sick Arbok, level 34 and 31 respectively. Why did Doodle fight when he should be able to tell he can't win?

Poking my head out a distance away from the battlefield I found out.

{Image Here}

[Variant Noctowl, type Ice Psychic]

I don't think that's a Noctowl anymore, it's flying and normal typing are gone. Are you willing to tell me its abilities?

[Answer: Possible abilities are Keen Eyes, Insomnia, Levitate, Tinted Lens]

Phew, luckily it didn't notice me.

The entire battlefield is affected by the move Hail while Noctowl was occasionally attacking from the sky. Judging from this the Ice type trainer was the hunter and they were prey. They came looking for a rabbit but a tiger instead.

Now the real question here is how I alone can benefit from this. If I wait too long some of the Beedrills will die, and if I got too early I won't be able to escape as easily as the last time...

System how does Piloswine's racial smell ability work? Is it permanently activated like Keen Eyes or temporarily like Sense Smell?

[Answer: Piloswine's racial ability, Sensitive Nose can pick up smells from miles away, and even frozen mushrooms buried underground, pinpointing the location of the smell with ease. Although the Sensitive Nose is passively active, unless the ability is trained it cannot be used for long-distance scouting]

Meaning as long as I get too close Piloswine will notice me while I'm underground. Once I come out from underground Noctowl will notice me thanks to Keen Eyes.


I need a smoke.


Variant Noctowl Introduction

Escaping from a group of wild Pokemons as a Hoothoot from route 44 and entered into the Ice Path. Miraculously, not only did Hoothoot survive but grew stronger and adapted to the Ice Path, through evolution.

This Hoothoot was extremely talented in psychic type moves, becoming its mainly used move type in the Ice Path, especially when its wings were almost always frozen. It's truly a miracle that Hoothoot survived in the Ice Path. An one of a kind Pokemon that might never be seen again.

Variant Pokemons deserve its title 'Living Miracle'

Written by.

Current Gym Leader of Mahogany City, North.

The Teacher of Winter's Harshness.