Greed has it's Price

After multiple confirmations that Piloswine hadn't noticed me, I began to dig a hole underneath the ice trainer. My goal is simple.

Kill the trainer, return his Pokemons, kill them and finally play whack a mole with remainders. If I'm lucky that should be enough to reach level 37.

After finishing making the hole, I entered the cave made near the surface. All that's left to do is break off the supporting pillar and everything will come down. My paw pressed onto the pillar ready to push it down.


So this is the fight that would either kill me or lead to my death. Retreat? It's not a bad choice but with how long since the war had begun I don't think there are many trainers below Junior Elite, and those that are would likely be talented trainers like this one. I need to get as many levels as I can now before retreating into the Deep Wild Zone. In there I'll spend a year on move mastery before looking for exp.

Since I was warned I will slightly change the plan. Kill the trainer, hide in the tunnel, enter the battlefield, return Pokemons, destroy the balls and play whack a mole with the remainders. Now that the plan is flawless, let's begin.

Pushing down the supporting Pillar, I watch as the ground above collapses followed by the trainer. Jumping forward, I use Scratch, hitting air as I landed on the ground.

How did I miss it?

Looking up I could see the trainer had a blue aura surrounding him, allowing him to levitate. Further above flew the variant Noctowl it's glowing blue eyes stared at me menacingly.

Quick Attack.

I ran into the tunnel, the plan failed.

"Sneasel, chase after him with Dig,"

Oh, come on! What did I do to you?

Suddenly, a large headache struck me. This was more painful than anything I felt before. Enduring the pain I continue to run using Quick Attack.

System what just hit me?

[Answer: Future Sight. A mental attack that hits the user in the future]

I'm guessing it needs the 'Sight' of the target for the 'Future' attack to happen. Looking behind me, I could see the tunnel expanding from Sneasel dig. You would think he wouldn't be able to catch up while digging but Sneasel should know be using Quick Attack as well and possibly even Agility. This should explain why the bastard is slowly catching up.

At the speed we're moving at, we should arrive at my previous battlefield in about 3 minutes. By then Sneasel's stamina should be low enough for me to beat it. I shouldn't have to worry about Noctowl as it can't... shouldn't be able to see underground using a psychic move to follow us.


3 minutes later I exited the tunnel and quickly ran up the staircase. Turning around I use Protect to block Ice Shards.

"You lose buddy, I got the high ground," I said staring down at him and screaming out a Screech.

Sneasel countered with his own Screech and used Hone Claw while running up the staircase. Why didn't Arceus give me any range attacks?

Focus Energy.

It's a good thing I buried the bag of medicine before following them, otherwise, it would slow me down in this upcoming battle.

Sneasel rushed over with Quick Attack, getting close to me I used Sand Attack. Sand Attack should've blocked his vision but my body still used Protect blocking it.

How could he see through the dust?

[Keen Eyes]

Metal Claw came down at me, while he took in a deep breath for Icy Wind. Letting Metal Claw hit me, I used Counter blasting Sneasel back. Taking out my held item Energy Root, I took a mouthful of it before putting it back. By then Sneasel had already stood back up and spat out Ice Shards.

I countered by standing up and using Fury Swipes. Meanwhile, Sneasel came rushing towards me and used Screech. I was unable to block it while countering Ice Shard causing me to get hit by both Screech and a couple of Ice Shards.

Sneasel was already in front of me using Low Kick, because of its secondary effect being, falling, I won't be able to use Counter. I jumped at Sneasel and used Double Edge, Sneasel put used Metal Claw in hopes of blocking it.

[Critical Hit]

I wasn't going to stop there, enhancing myself with Quick Attack I grabbed onto his shoulder with Super Fang to be carried away with him from the impact. Seeing me attached to him, he opened his mouth making me quickly let go of him and used Sucker Punch instead. Hitting his chest, Sneasel slammed into the ground.

Soon after I landed, I rushed towards him once more with Quick Attack. Only 1 more hit should be needed to end this battle. Sneasel aware of this quickly stood up and took out his held item... Energy Root? that's mine!

The bastard shoves the rest of my Energy Root into his mouth before using Leer to blind me. Opening my eyes in time, I use Protect to block Icy Wind but was then kicked to the ground from Low Kick. Metal Claw came towards me and I used Quick Attack to roll away, avoiding it.

Ice Shards were spat out like a machine gun forcing me to run. The bastard was stalling me to recover his health, since when are tamed Pokemons smart? He even has Pickpocket as one of his abilities.

Shaking my tail around, I use Tail Whip and Scratch to slap away the Ice Shards, while tanking the rest as I charge at Sneasel with Take Down. I'll end this in one move, my eyes focus on Sneasel activating Laser Focus and I used Last Resort.

Sneasel who just started blowing out Icy Wind was shocked to see it being pushed away easily. My body slammed into Sneasel, shooting him off.

[Critical Hit]

[Host has leveled up]

Landing on the ground, I quickly used Quick Attack running toward the hole. Turning my head around I saw Variant Noctowl coming in this direction.


Climbing down the staircase I entered into the tunnel to reclaimed my medicine. Then I'll heal up and look for a different battlefield.