Final Battle

[Name: Rattata D Mike

Age: 3 months

Gender: Male

Pokemon: Rattata

Type: Normal

Lvl: 33

Innate Ability: Instinct

Ability: Run away, Guts

Racial Ability: Sense Smell, Teeth Growth

Talent Grade: Shallow Green

Nature: Careful

Move set:

Beginner: Scratch, Tail whip, Fury Swipes, Sand Attack, Bite, Pursuit, Crunch, Assurance, Rest, Sleep Talk, Take Down, Laser Focus, Super Fang, Double Edge

Intermediate: Last Resort, Return, Focus Energy, Counter, Screech, Dig, Hyper Fang, Sucker Punch, Protect

Advance: Quick Attack]

His Old Ball dropped revealing an Electabuzz, that stood in front of him. Using Sense Smell I learned that Electabuzz was only level 30.

"Don't think that because you're a higher level you'll win," Zane said as if reading my mind. "No, I'm just reading your emotions,"


[Zane is at the Peak of Bronze Stage as an Aura master]

How good is that?

[Capable of fighting Pokemons at the Junior to Senior level]

Does this make him a fighting type? Can I get experience from him? I suppose it won't matter cause I can't beat him. Escaping might be impossible as well.


Glaring at him, I restrain myself from pouncing at him. What an annoying 8-year old that I can't shoot a hole into.

No, I can't shoot a kid... killing his parents, however.

"You want to kill a little boy, merciless,"

F*ck out my head!

"Make me,"

Zane's childish antics completely pissed me off, even if I'm aware rushing in from anger is foolish against a competent opponent, I had concluded that I Don't Care. Using Focus Energy I rush towards Electabuzz with Quick Attack, intending to knock him out the way and killed the sh*tty trainer.

"Low Kick,"

Jumping forward, I threw a Sucker Punch at Electabuzz's chest.

"Darkness Lariat,"

Tanking my Sucker Punch, Electabuzz spread out his hands and spun on the spot. Using Protect, I blocked the arm that was about to hit my face and landed. I opened my mouth to use Screech.

"Leer, Low Kick,"

Canceling Screech, I was momentarily blinded when I jumped backward to evade Low Kick.


Using the momentum provided by Dig, I escaped by burrowing underground and shot upright under Electabuzz.

"Low Kick,"

I got kicked away before my attack could uppercut him.


I used Fury Swipes to tear through the Swift while helplessly watching Electabuzz windmill his arms, electricity gathering around it.

"Quick Attack,"

Using Double Edge I attempted to Electabuzz.

"Double Thunder Punch,"

The two Punches hit me sending me flying once more.


While in midair I was forced to use Protect to block the attack. Landing on the ground, I used Screech before rushing over with Quick Attack.

"Light Screen, Quick Attack,"

Running towards me Quick Attack, Light Screen appeared blocking Screech, arms once more windmilling.

"Leer, Thunder Punch,"

Blinding me momentarily won't change much, I stood up on my hind legs ready to tank the hit.

"Low Kick,"

The 2 Thunder Punch aimed at me stopped, followed by me falling to the ground.

"End this, Thunder,"

Thunderclouds formed above us, my hardened tail sweep at Electabuzz's leg canceling his attack as fell to the ground.

[Host has learned Iron Tail]

Getting off the floor I stood up and pounced onto Electabuzz using Hyper Fang.

"Roll away, Quick Attack,"

Trainer talking speed is outrageous. My Hyper Fang missed as Electabuzz rolled off.

"Swift, Quick Attack,"

I counterattack with multiple moves, destroyed one with Bite the other with Scratch, and another with Assurance the rest with Fury Swipes, by this time Electabuzz had already arrived in front of me, his arms sparkling with electricity from rotating.

"Thunder Punch,"

The two fists dropped down towards my face, Last Resort. My body collided with his fist, if not for the Pokemon World Laws I guarantee that would break his arms when he shot off slamming into a tree. With that, we both have similarly low HP.

"Your instinct is really enviable," Electabuzz said shaking off the injury. Zane put his hand behind his back trying to find something in his bag and Electabuzz came walking towards him.

Wait! Don't tell me.

F*ck it's a Super Potion.

Electabuzz had a mocking grin plastered to his face and I could the trainer Zane staring at me as he used the Super Potion. Bring it on then. Even though I haven't gotten Rest and Sleep Talk to Advance mastery, not even Intermediate, I'll make do with it.

Rest. Sleep Talk to activate Guts and walah. You got a sleep talking, self recovering, beast of a Rattata. The weakness is the overwhelming stress on the body because of the conflict of Rest and Guts, the two were never meant to be used together. The conflict wouldn't occur if had fallen asleep some other way, for example, Spore. Right now, I'm losing almost as much health as I'm gaining from Rest.

"Well isn't that interesting,"

I'm in a state of sleep and not asleep. A state of being conscious and unconscious. You could say it's not the mind that's controlling my body at the moment but the soul. How did this happen? I really don't have the answer, but it's working and that's good enough for me.

"You can't see can you?"

Well yeah, sense of sight and smell are locked, though I can activate Sense Smell to smell for a while.

"Then I just need to attack from the distance. Swift,"

Hearing the sound of Swift I rushed in that direction counterattacking with Fury Swipes. Sense Smell. He had moved a few steps away from where he had used Swift, trying to bait me. Playing along, I ran towards Electabuzz's previous position with Quick Attack, turning to Electabuzz position at the last second, forcefully awakening myself to use Laser Focus, and attacked with Last Resort.


I saw Electabuzz being returned into his Old Ball and instinctively turned my head to see an Electrode behind me.

"Surprise Motherf*cker!"



[Host has died]

[System has found a foreign substance attached to Host's soul]

[Attempting to destroy foreign substance]


[System will now begin Host Evaluation]

[Level 33, reward 330 RP(Reincarnation Points)]

[POE(Period of Existence) 3 months, 1 week, 3 days. The reward was rounded off becoming 6 RP]

[Achievement Unlocked: Being Born - Reward 100RP]

[Achievement Unlocked: Grade Up, Youth & Senior - Reward 100 & 250RP]

[Achievement Unlocked: Learn a Move - Reward 100RP]

[Achievement Unlocked: Move Proficiency, Intermediate, Advance - Reward 100 & 250RP]

[Achievement Unlock: Talent Promotion, Green - Reward 250RP]

[Achievement Unlock: Performing the Impossible, Using Guts and Rest - Reward 5000RP]

[Total - 6486RP]

[System has been updated]

[Host can buy now buy innate abilities. Reminder, this can only be done while in this subspace]

My head feels clearer.

[Answer: To help Host evaluate his past decisions emotions are suppressed while in the subspace]

In front of me were 3 Pokemons floating in the space, are these my choices?

[Answer: Yes]

[Host can spend 300RP to reload your choices or spend RP to filter down the choices]

My eyes locked onto the first Pokemon.

[Bidoof - Location, Route 211, Sinnoh]

That's it.

[Host can spend 100RP for more information]

Show me the information on the other Pokemons.

[Voltorb - Location, Mauville City's Powerplant, Hoenn]

[Hoppip - Location, Route 32, Johto]

Hmm, decisions decisions.


Next Chapter - Epilogue.