
Location - Feara's Tomb.

The trees in the surrounded area hard shattered into ice fragments. Only the 3 flowers that teleported here recently remained. That being a Willow, dark crimson Rose, and a Rosemary flower. In flower language, this indicates Sadness, Mourning, and Remembrance.

The corpse of Feara slowly was dragged out from underground and floated into the air. The 3 flowers float beside her. From Feara's eye sockets, you would sometimes notice a red spark. The snow resting on the trees, the ground, and falling from the sky charged towards Feara's corpse, covering it in a ball of snow, not one ever touching the flowers.

The ball of snow became an Egg-shaped Ice, but because the ice was cloudy inside, one couldn't see a thing in it.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Was the sound of the ice cracking, before finally shattering into snow, revealing the figure inside.


The Snow Land Pokemon, Froslass.

"I can smell you," Froslass said sniffing the 3 flowers in her hand. Activating one of the innate abilities she received, Soul Sense.

Allowing her to find anyone she wants with the condition that she must know who she's targeting. Her other Innate Ability is Poison Immunity, an ability that explains itself.

"Dan-nii-ell," She said, disappearing to search for her love.

Soon after departing Froslass departed, a small pink creature teleported, floating on top of Feara's tomb. Seeing that Froslass left, it put his tiny hands to cover its mouth as it laughs.

[Name: Lazuli (Formerly named, Feara)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Pokemon: Froslass

Type: Ice, Ghost

Lvl: 80

Ability: Snow Cloak, Cursed Body

Racial Ability: Soul Devour, Cold Breath(All sound attacks & breathe will also deal ice damage)

Innate Ability: Soul Sense, Poison Immunity

Talent Grade: Deep Purple

Nature: Quirky

Move set:

Beginner: Assurance, Defog, Astonish, Bite, Crunch, Hex, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond. Headbutt, Ice Fang, Powder Snow, Ice Shard, Drain Kiss, Icy Wind, Frost Breath, Confuse Ray, Hail, Will of Wisp, Aurora Veil, Blizzard


Intermediate: Leer, Growl, Tri Attack, Scary Face, Work Up


Advance: Focus Energy, Fly, Sky Attack, Hyper Beam, Protect, Double Team, Whirlwind, Giga Impact


Straits: Two-faced, Manipulative, Masochist, Obsessive Love]


Location - Deep Wild Zone, Beach.

Daniel the Ambipom was training Risa the Rattata. At this point, Risa was at level 57.


"Papa are you all right?" Risa asked.

"No, someone must've sent something ominous my way," Daniel replied. 'Now which bastard is trolling me,'

"By the way papa, when can I go home?"

"Not until your mastery over the psychic type surpass mines, the type I'm worst at. Only then I'll permit you to evolve and finally return home," Daniel declared.

'Good I got 100 years to make up an excuse and before then... Speaking of the brat,'

Daniel concentrated on the soul mark he left on Mike, searching for Mike's wandering soul.

"Who did it!" Daniel shouted before teleporting away, wondering who had the audacity to touch his child's soul even when knowing who his father is.

"Damn it, I arrived too late," The voice of Lazuli the Froslass sounded. In the past when she was a Fearow with would had take her, 2 hours from her territory to here, now it only takes 10minutes.

[Name: Risa

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Pokemon: Rattata

Type: Normal

Level: 57

Ability: Guts, Run Away, Hustle

Racial Ability: Sense Smell, Teeth Growth

Innate Ability: Limitless, Instinctual Movement, Aura

Talent: Silver

Nature: Adamant(Unwilling to change her decisions)

Move set:

Beginner: Electro Ball, Psycho Boost, Psystrike, Shadow Sneak, Fire Blast, Blizzard, Thunder, Spore, Teleport, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Will of Wisp, Attract


Intermediate: Hail, Sunny Day, Sandstorm, Rain Dance, Work Up, Calm Mind, Sword Dance, Toxic, Hex, Sticky Web, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Confuse Ray


Advance: Quick Attack, Fissure, Sheer Cold, Blast Burn, Frenzy Plant, Hydro Cannon, Draco Meteor, Moonblast, Stone Edge, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Aura Sphere, Recover, Flash Cannon, Iron Tail


Expert: Extreme Speed, Protect, Last Resort, Protect, Weather Ball, Tri-Attack, Hidden Power, Double Team, Nature Power, Secret Power, Light Screen, Reflect, Aurora Veil, No Retreat, Ancient Power, Counter, Mirror Coat


Straits: Glutton, Hotheaded, Possessive, will do anything for family, Protagonist Aura(This has made a psychopath, MC, fall in love with her)

Note: Most skills she has had reached this stage while at home, being the main reason why her level was low]


Location - Route 1, Mars' territory

"This little brother of mines," Mars sighed, receiving confirmation that Mike is indeed dead. "The idiot had no sense of survival a Rattata should have,"


"How am I going to explain this to Risa,"


Location - Route 1, Arbok's territory.

"Bastard do you know who my father is!" Doodle the Shiny Beedrill shouted angrily.

He, his sister, and this Arbok had miraculously escaped, because it was getting late Arbok invited them into the Arbok territory. Accepting the invitation of his ally, he didn't expect to be betrayed by him.

"Hiss, quit whining. Were you a young master in your past life?"

"How did you know?" Doodle asked surprised.

"Brothers and Sisters, once they faint wake them up before eating them alive, let them moan in pleasure," Arbok hissed.


Location - A certain house, Mahogany City

Sitting opposite each other with a table in between then was the Ice Trainer and an adult man in a lab coat. That Adult man was North the gym leader of Mahogany City.

"So how was the battlefield, Snow?"

Mike after becoming a Pokemon can barely distinguish human gender. Otherwise, Snow's long snow-white hair, her feminine voice, though it's understandable once one sees her fla...


Padded-I means plumped chest. Snow is currently only 15.

"It was surprisingly interesting,"


"I met a Rattata that new a couple of unique moves, Protect, Counter, Dig and Last Resort,"

If not for knowing that Snow doesn't like to joke around, he would have laughed.


"It escape from me twice too," Snow said clenching her fist, still annoyed that Rattata escaped from her twice. The emotions displayed by her surprised North once more.

Nothing is wrong with her family and nothing bad ever reached her with how pampered she's. This is just how she's born. The only times one sees her display emotions is the Happiness displayed when dressing up, Pride when people mention her talent as a trainer, and Anger whenever someone mentioned her fla...


Padd-I mean bountiful bosom.

"It happens, don't think too much about it," He said. "Also, I have a request for you,"

"What is it?"

"I need you to babysit Pryce for me, he's going to start his journey next week,"

"Alright, I shall do my best,"


Next Chapter - Epilogue 2

Ahh, Epilogue is a neat form of filler with a pinch of plot.