Epilogue 2

Location - Viridian City

A few weeks have passed since the war has ended. Zane Ketchum and Samuel Oak had finally arrived at Viridian City.

"Finally we reached!" Samuel shouted.

"And who fault is that? This was supposed to be a journey to grow stronger, not to research Pokemons," Zane complained.

"We did both, and I even caught a Pokemon,"

"Pokemon? what Pokemon?" Zane asks cautiously. There should be no Pokemon on route 1 worth catching excluding that Rattata and one or two talented Spearows.

Pressing the button on the Old Ball, red energy spilled out onto the ground, taking shape as it formed.


"Hahaha, you didn't see one coming that did you? After we had split off for 2 weeks, I rushed into the Deep Wild Zone and requested a Dratini from its Overlord. What idiot claimed that Deep Wild Zone was dangerous? It was strangely peaceful"


Zane was left speechless. This idiot friend of his entered a place even the Champion would have to be cautious in. Most likely he had to spend most lt his time inside that territory before requesting a Dratini he was interested in and left.

Zane went behind Samuel and opened his bag.

"Hey what are you doing,"

Pulling out Samuel's journal he looked through the events that occurred when they had split off.

"Entry 129, Dragonite refuse to let me into his home. I guess I didn't beg hard enough,"

"Entry 134, I had successfully sneaked into his home,"

"Entry 139, I was found,"

"Entry 140, Dragonite had finally allowed me in, though it shows a helpless expression,"

"Entry 147, Dratini repeatedly sheds its skin as it grows longer,"

"Entry 148, Dragonair usually has a gentle aura, but today its roar of anger erupted a storm,"

"Entry 149, Dragonite has shown to spent most of its time in the sea, only occasionally returning for some rest,"

"Entry 157, I had found a special Dratini, I want it,"

Reading through Samuel's journal, the shock on his face widen. How the hell is he still alive? Staring at Samuel as he played with his Dratini, he got surprised once more. It's the Overlord's son, of course, it's special!


I can take no more of this stress, when will his fiancée finally arrive?


Location - Battle Stadium of Indigo Plateau.

The Indigo Plateau is Kanto's Military Headquarters. Thanks to the mountain range being an extremely large unexplored territory, and the fact no known person has crossed it, Kanto and Johto tactically agreed to keep their war grounds elsewhere. Who knows what monster they might anger fighting theirs.

A young boy wore a lab coat that reached up to his knees covering the pants underneath it. His brown hair blows back as he controls the two old balls to float around him, a form of training. He was Orenda Farid the psychic type Elite Four of Kanto. He's constantly throwing out mental commands to his Alakazam that was facing off against Bull the Tauros, the Pokemon he recently caught.

Although Alakazam was 2 levels higher than Bull and had many moves to restrain him, Bull's Anger Point is showing its worth, allowing him to lead the battle to a draw instead of a one-sided sweep.

"I give up!" Orenda shouted both Pokemons stopped fighting.


Orenda was truly surprised that Bull listen, Tauros isn't known to be so reasonable.

'Good,' Bull snorted in the mental chatroom.

'Then what should we do with him?' Alakazam inquired, causing Orenda to scratch his head.

'Ummm. Releasing him I guess?'

'I recommend Bull be sent into a battlefield,'

'I'm too young to be thinking about these things. Let's just do what you said.'

'You're already in your 60s'

'Lalala, I'm not listening,'

'You bastards better as tell me whether or not I can leave!' Bull shouted.

'Hey don't be like that. You can leave, but we may call you in the future,' Orenda said.

'As long as it's Johto, I'll gladly enter the battlefield,'

Proving his eagerness to leave, Bull broke tear through the wall next to the exit to depart.

"Not my problem," Orenda shook his head, "I wonder if Adam has become a good enough Psychic Gym Leader yet? I don't want Saffron City to be weak. He's possibly our family's worst psychic. I could only hope the next generation would be brighter,"

'You're acting a bit too old for a self-proclaimed eternal youth,'

"Hey, I'm just a kid who's worrying about the future generation,"

'Then just look into the future,'

"The future is too overrated,"


Location - 3rd Floor of Indigo Plateau

A long desk with chairs beside it, sadly only have 3 people using it. Being Kanto's electric type Elite Four Jordan Ketchum, ghost type Elite Four Omin Eternal, and Kanto's Dragon Master Michael Oak.

(AN: *cough* the dude only got 1 dragon type)

"Why haven't Orenda arrived yet?" Michael asked.

"He ran away," Jordan chuckled. "However, he did write his report,"


"What did it say?"

"Johto lost 1431 Pokemons and 87 trainers, none of which were Elites excluding a Trainer with an Ursaring before retreating. We on the other hand had 0 casualties and had fully neutralized the threat of Route 1's Overlord. All Fearows with a talent above Yellow were killed or caught, a force was then dispatched to catch the talented Spearows that didn't enter the war. A variant Fearow escaped through unknown methods, it's believed to have happened due to a rupture in space-time, the likelihood of surviving is low and the likelihood of returning back is improbable. Lastly, all the ghost energy released from the deceased was redirected by unknown methods leading to the birth of a powerful Ice Ghost type Pokemon, possibly being Froslass," Jordan said reading through the report.

The report could be described as rushed but because it brought the main points most weren't fault Orenda for it.

"Redirection of ghost type energy? What Pokemon can even do that?"

"Legendaries perhaps," Jordan replies.

"Those things are only myths. There have been no REAL sightings of those Pokemons,"

"What's your opinion on this matter Omin?" Jordan asked, both he and Michael turned their gazed to Omin.

Omin's eyes were unfocused, his breathing stable, and had no signs of movement, leading them to the conclusion that he's...

"Sleeping, of course, he's sleeping. Why can't the Elite Four be normal people?" Samuel complained.

"I hope the next generation would be somewhat better," he silently prayed to Arceus.

Jordan snapped his fingers releasing a thunderous roar that woke up Omin.

"The Storm's Coming," Omin said. "oh, it you guys. Why am I still here?"

"We're moving on to your topic," Michael sighed.

"My topic? Ah, it was Team Rocket, right? I had confirmed that Team Rocket indeed provided us the correct information, Johto's ambushing us from a Diglet cave they created on route 1. I have done talk good day sirs," Omin said hurriedly before going back to sleep.


"I beg thee Arceus for a better Elite Four team," Michael prayed. Omin had reported the topic that occurred last week.

"You know Michael, although I hadn't mentioned it yet, but I'm handsome, too handsome in fact."


Next Chapter - Decisions Decisions(Finale)

Bidoof has been kicked out. Why? Because I can't make an OP Bidoof. With its abilities, it can possibly challenge the final form of a starter and win, but against a pseudo-legendary, it would lose. Since I can't get an OP Bidoof much less a golden one, I kicked him out.

On another note, they're really scary in the wild. It has Simple, Unaware, and Moody as it's abilities and is said to be able to run fast, with its teeth able to breakthrough boulders. Once evolved into Bibarel it's as fast as Feebas, which in fact is slow.

How slow? I don't know. Oak should really stop relying on kids to complete the Pokedex. WTF I'm supposed to do with Magcargo?

In case you hadn't noticed Racial Abilities are based on the Pokedex info.

Sh*tty Oak who doesn't know sh*t about temperature. You have 4 fr*cking introductions on the Pokedex about its temperature, making any claim on error futile.

Think Magcargo would become the Porygon of my novel, unless I figure out some sh*t close enough to logic I'm not adding Magcargo.

Written by FryKnight.