Oh Hell No!

Waking up, I saw Medusa in front of me, her body Wrap'd around Flaaffy.

"Kill it. Kill ittt~" I hummed. B*tches are going to die tonight.



"Close combatant acquiredsss,"

"F*ck that sh*t!" I shouted. "There's no way in hell, I'm working with that sh*t,"

"Whysss? he's strongsss,"

"I'm not going to let someone who would gladly kill me in my sleep be my ally," I explained. Medusa's head moved in front of Flaaffy's face.

"Submitsss?" she asked. Flaaffy turned his head towards me and glared at me, looking back at Medusa with a frightened expression, before once more looking back at me and glaring.

"Submit," he answered.

"Goodsss, call me mastersss,"

"Can you release me... master," he said reluctantly. Her body loosened as she slithers off his body, Flaaffy's gaze not once moving from me his eyes burning with passion... sh*t wrong word.

"F*cker, don't let me rip those eyes out for you to eat," Medusa slithered towards me, swinging her tail at my head. Her eyes locked into me prepared to use Glare if I attempted to dodge it.


"If you don't kill him now, the first opportunity I get I'll kill him," I said frankly.


"Violence isn't the..."


"If violence doesn't worksss, it just meansss you aren'tsss using enoughsss,"

"Huh? who told you tha..."



"M-Master, Hoppip and it's kind aren't good Pokemons, it's best we kill him before he stabs us in the back later,"

"Motherf*cker!" about to move forward and beat the sh*t out of him, my body froze in place. "Stupid Glare,"


"Fluffs your namesss,"

"F-fluffs?" he said dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, sh*tty bastard is named Fluffs," I laughed.


"Beri's behavesss, don't forgetsss who's the mastersss,"

"Tsk," You're only winning because you're older than me. With the sun hidden under the clouds, snow, and trees, it would take too long for Leaf Guard to function. Rest it is then, followed by Sleep Talk.

In the dream world, I created the world as I had previously recalled it. Not as good as the real world but acceptable for now.

"Let's usss do introductionsss, namesss, likesss, dislikesss, hobbiesss, goalsss"

"Wow, are we going to be called team 7 while we are at it?"

"Nosss, Rescue Team Venomsss," Sounds like a pokemon criminal organization.

"Medusa you should start first, also that name's got to change,"

"Suresss. Name's Medusasss, like exploringsss and smackingsss," I figure as much. "dislike disobediencesss and brothersss. Hobby is mischiefsss and smackingsss. Goal is to seesss many placesss"

"Alright then, I'll go next. Name's Hoppip D Beri, I got a love, but no likes. I dislike too many things that I don't wish to talk about and I don't got any hobbies. Goal? Reuniting with my family I guess,"



"Dislikes? No hobbies?" Well, I had a few hobbies, watching animes, reading mangas and novels, and enjoying all parts of debauchery.

"I guess I have a like, like of value. All valuable things I want it... Mainly to rub in the faces of those who needed it," I'm a Pokemon though that sadly means only resources and food count as something valuable. "Anyways it's Glaring Bastard Fluffs turn,"

"Name's... F-fluffs, I have nothing I particularly like but I do hate Beri and all its kind. My hobby is training, as for goal..."

"Let me guess, to kill a certain Pokemon, is it Jumpluff? Did he or she wipe out your family or something?" I spoke annoyed. Seeing Fluffs' shocked expression I knew Arceus fr*cking did it, gone and paste out a crappy version of Sasuke.

"Even if he or she did, don't come around me with bullsh*t. Otherwise, you won't live to avenge your family. Lastly, if you wished to kill them that has nothing to do with me. I might even aid you for the experience. Now that you motherf*cker made me rant, you better as get your sh*t together, otherwise the next time I see a glare or any killing intent aimed at me. I'll crucify you motherf*cker in the name of Arceus!"

I hoped this would be the first and last time I'll ever talk to a bastard this long in my life. F*ck Arceus for making me talk this long, Scr*w you mister Fluffs for being a rip-off character. Suck a d*ck brain for making me even know so many words and lastly...

"Medusa, don't make me ever talk this long again," I said canceling Sleep Talk and letting my consciousness fade.


Approximately a year ago.

Location - Rough Terrain biome, Route 32

The Ampharos family was defeated on the Grassland biome and was forced to retreat into the Rough Terrain biome. Sadly, for them, they had arrived a few seconds after the Jumpluff family arrived here through the seasonal winds.

The Ampharos family seeing them now arrived intended on defeating them and taking their territory though they had underestimated Jumpluff's family strength and overestimated themselves. They had completely forgotten they had just now lost their territory meaning, losing their previous leader and a few powerful members. What was left of them were 1 Ampharos, 8 Flaaffys, and 20 Mareeps.

This lead to them losing everyone but one Mareep who managed to escape thanks to his sister's aid, one that seeks nothing more than revenge, ignoring the fact they themselves initiated the fight. Though this is something that often occurs to those that escape, once a family lost there's usually no hope in returning to their former glory.

Note: Fluffs at that time has only been sentient for no more than an hour before two parties fought.