Ugh, Bonding



"Motherf*cking Fluffs don't let me beat the sh*t out of you!" I shouted. I can accept being smacked by Medusa, but being laughed at by mister Fluffs? F*ck that sh*t!


"Let's gosss," Medusa said. Go? oh yeah, Stantler. Getting up, I got back into the air.

"By the way, why haven't you disappeared yet Medusa?"

"Don't trust eithersss, sneak attack the othersss," So you think we might sneak attack the other once given an opportunity huh.

"Fair enough," Even if he has stopped glaring at me, it doesn't mean I won't take the opportunity to kill him if given.

"Alsosss, bondingsss,"

"...sorry but what did you say?" I think I misheard that there's no way she said.


"Ugh," Disgusting, got to wash that out with Amnesia.

"No Amnesiasss,"

"Ugh, can't you just kill me instead? Bonding with him isn't anything I wish to do, another thing would be coexisting,"


"Besides using Senken would take up to much of my energy. If we add in the stress I'll get from talking with mister Fluffs you would lack a combatant," I explained.

"M-Master, Hoppips are extremely disloyal. I recommend we get rid of it as soon as possible,"

"Disloyal? Then what about you killing your own master?"

"I killed my current master's enemy, that Ekans is nothing compared to master. You however had not once called master, master,"

"...that's b-because we were friends first, friendship takes priority here,"

"You don't even believe the words you said!"

"Bullsh*t!" friends? na more like ally. I don't want to ever make friends again.

"All your kind knows what to do is take advantage of others, and you are ten times worst than them, using those close to you for your own advantage!" this bastard doesn't even believe the words he said.

"Don't give me that crap! What advantage can I possibly get from sticking close to Medusa? She may be stronger than me, but I would've grown stronger and faster without her!"

"More like you would've died earlier without her, you looked like the type that would dive into chaotic waters for a Magikrap!"

"Look like? I am the type! and I would've done it like a MaChamp! and besides she would've died without my guidance," though I would've died earlier if not for Medusa taking me in as her servant... and seeing as though she didn't have one before, she most likely wasn't even supposed to be here and would've taken over that Arbok's place in the later future.

"Don't compare her with you! She would've created a new team before adventuring out," Damn it she would've.

"How would you know that? You only had been her servant for like what, half an hour?"

"My previous master was always going on and on about her, claiming she would've been the perfect mate,"

"So he was a pedophile huh? Guess master like servant,"

"I don't know what pedophile is, but I'll just call you one as well," F*ck! This bastard called me a pedophile, I'm at worst a lolicon.

"Go to hell mister Fluffs!"

"hell? you can go there too little Beri,"

"arghhh!" I screamed.

"It's about time the fool broke, I still think we don't need a weakling with us master," Fluffs said. "Am master?

"And thensss...".Medusa mutters, building up the suspension.

"And then what?" You talking is much better than hearing mister Fluffs talk.

"They f*cksss," Medusa said while chuckling.

I take it back. All of you can go to hell!

[Hell doesn't exist in the Pokemon World]

Thank you for the useless information.

"Master, please never say such a disgusting thing again," Fluffs said disgustedly.

"I guess we can agree on that, no homo,"

"Cansss teamwork happensss?" Medusa asked. Teamwork with him? I guess I won't kill him unless he initiates it.

"Possible," my gaze turned to Fluffs, if he disagrees then he will die here.

"Possible," he said and turned his gaze to me. "F*cker, don't let me rip those eyes out for you to eat," That sounds familiar...

"Motherf*cker did you just copy my earlier statement,"

"What's your is mines and what's mines is still mines... no homo,"

*inhale* *exhale*

No pressure, he will die someday. I might be the one to kill him, he might die in battle or he might just die to nature, but one thing is certain. He'll die as every one shall, sooner or later he'll die.

[Was this supposed to be a threat? System is uncertain]

I kinda forgot what I was going to say but decided to continue talking anyway.

"Beri's scoutsss, Lead waysss, find Stantlersss, all-round supportsss,"

"I know,"

"Fluffsss bodyguard Berisss, first to initiates combatsss, close combatant,"

"Yes, master,"

"What about you Medusa?" I asked.

"Medusasss stay in the shadowsss, ambushersss,"

"No, Assassin not ambusher,"


"Assassin sounds better duhhh,"

"Alrightsss, Rescue Team Venomsss,"

"No, that names got to go,"


"How about Flora? or maybe Radiant... yeah Radiant sounds better and Venom is going to scare away customers,"


"Rescue Team Quadragonsss,"

"Where the hell did you get that name from?"


"Okay I won't ask to change it, but what does it mean?" There's dragon but what's the qua part?

"Four Dragonsss, missing a piecesss,"

"4 Dragons? Sorry we only got 1 and I guess you can learn Dragon tail, so two,"


I tried to make a joke and this is what got in return... where's the joke in it? I don't remember, look through it again and you might find it... I think.

"I think master meant 4 dragon-like people, not 4 actual dragons," Couldn't he tell I wasn't serious?

"So who's the last member?" I asked.

"She's busysss," Medusa said.


"No more delaysss, let's gosss,"

"Always smacking me, what about the bastard Fluffs?" I complained quietly and moved forward with our new teammate.

We got a venomous snake, a standing sheep dragon, and whatever type of fruit I am... on a second thought I think I'm cotton. Hopefully, next time we chat, I'll be close to evolving.