I Don't Think I Can Last Long On This Mountain

"Alright, let's do this. I shall show leader my strength. I can do this!" Snow said pumping up her morale. Meanwhile...

I don't want to do this. This fight doesn't seem fair... hold up it isn't! Snow being an Ice type completely restricts me, and I don't got a clue on what her move pool is. Then the environment is numbing me, I don't think my species can last long here.

[It can't]

"I can't, he's too big and scary," she said timidly.

"Big? you're taller than me!"



"Medusa, I'm telling you one day on this mountain you'll smack me into pieces," I could see it happening.

One morning Medusa wakes up and starts her morning smacking. Her tail hits me and breaking me into ice shards, she wasn't aware I died from the status frozen last night.


"She was fine earlier, or does she have an identity problem?"

[Dissociative Identity Disorder]

"No I was just mentally prepared for our conversation," she quickly rebuke, before slithering behind Medusa.

"There's nothing scary about me... unless you're my enemy, hehe, most don't want to be my enemy, you don't want to know why?"


"It's because I'm vengeful! You don't want to get on my bad side Medusa," What? Do you think I'm afraid of your Glare?

[Answer: 'I said it, please don't Glare at me']

I don't got Glare, so why are you saying this?

"I seesss,"

"I glad you und..."


Her tail smacked me deep into the snow.

"Don't get onsss my bad sidesss,"

"See that he's not scary, you won't even need 3 hits to take him down," Fluffs said.

"Can I get some help?" The snow covering me affected me more than I thought, I think I'm not far away from freezing.

"My badsss," Medusa apologizes, her tail brushes off the snow covering me.


"No harm done,"

[Host had lost a portion of his health while under the snow]


"Are you so weak to the cold?"

"Fluffs you think I couldn't see you using Charge earlier," Using charge to recover your temperature, innovation that a grade 1 Pokemon should have.

"That just shows my intelligence,"

"Fire movesss?"

"No master, I haven't learned one yet, I recommend we abandon him,"

'You have disappointed me for the last time. Get out!'

Medusa's tailed pulled me in closer before I could talk, wrapping around my body lightly.

"Don't jokesss, friends always stick togethersss," even if it's not intentional, stop mocking me with those words.

"Really! We're friends?" Snow asked worriedly.

"Yes, all friendsss," Medusa said reassuringly. "And yousss,"

"Me?" I asked, uncertain.

"Yes yousss, how long hasss the cold affectsss yousss?"

"Only now, snow mountain is really too cold," I answered.

[Host combat efficiency was at 90% in Snow Forest. In Snow Mountain it's drop to 30%]

"When was the last time your flower bloomed?" Fluffs asked.

"Why are acting like you care? It doesn't matter if the flower blooms or not,"

[It does]

"It does," he said.


"The flower does bloom when your body is at a comfortable temperature," Is this one of the cases where your enemy knows you better than you do?

[System had told host this when he had evolved]

"It's pretty close to a comfortable temperature, just not enough to bloom,"

"B*tch do you want to be left here? Just say how bad your health is right now!" Fluffs said angrily.

Why are you angry for? We have only known each other for a little over a week.

[Answer: Pokemons can easily form attachments to those that aren't enemies]

That's interesting, he doesn't consider me an enemy. Was that hate their for style?

"I'm okay, I'll battle Snow, recover and then we'll begin our training on the mountain,"

[Host is recommended to leave to a warm environment. Because of the host's body being weakened by the snow environment and ghost energy erosion, the negative energy host releases will soon affect the body, leading to the host's death]

So I got two choices, die or accept my current weakness and move on. I won't be surprised if this is System's attempt at curing my illness.

"So let's go already," I made my decision.

"Berisss, are you illsss?" ill? I don't think Pokemons can get ill.

[They can]

"I don't think I'm,"

[Host is suffering from hypothermia, ghost type erosion, negative energy erosion, and stupidity]

"Snow, go back with your family. We're going to find a warm place for this guy,"

"Warm place? Then take him to father, father knows a fire type move,"

"Ice type knowing fire type moves?" Like if I believe it, you're trying to carry us into the lion's den. "I'm not lying, he knows Hidden Power,"

"Okay, we can go over there for a break,"

"How ill are yousss," You still asking.

"I said I'm not ill," I replied. "Stop acting like you care," I muttered. Damn it, I thought I said that in my head.

"Stubbornsss," Pulling me closer to her face and... licked me.

"What?" Lick from my information has four meanings, the move, familial affection, love and to recognize a nonsentient.

"We're friends rightsss?" Familial affection...

"Didn't we already establish you're one,"

"I'm whatsss?"

"You know that word,"

"Am I your friendsss?"

"You're... not my friend," I said shaking my head.

"Whysss?" That sad face dealt critical damage you know.

"I tried... I really tried... but I can't," I had tried back when she called me her friend but...

A friend wouldn't kill you if it's beneficial enough, they shouldn't even consider that, but I would consider and my current self would still consider it. Even if I try to become her friend, I know well I would be faking it because I...

[Fear being betrayed... The host is afraid of being betrayed a third time]

Shut up with your bullsh*t! Don't think because you're a System I can't get a bullet in you skull.

[The first time with your best friend]

I said shut up!

[The second time with your previous life's father, Daniel]

Don't jump to conclusions he didn't abandon me, he had his own reasons.

[Host is contradicting himself]

Shut up!

[Host is afraid that Medusa too would betray you, but System can guarantee this will not happen. Why won't host try?]

"I can't," I said weakly. I felt light headed for fainting.


Help is an understatement on what he needs.

He won't kill Medusa because she is his master, but if the day comes when he's the master, he'll send her to her death if it's beneficial to him.

The current him won't be able to fully trust a Pokemon excluding Risa.

Life as a Rattata had shown him how easily a decision can be changed, especially when the work 'weak' is involved.

The incident where Mars became the family head by calling him weak and the family quickly decided that Mars is the leader affected him more than had shown.

When Mars took female Raticates who were already in relationships made him fear making a form a relationship with anyone.

Combining these factors with his life as a human he's going to be a tough nut to crack.